Song Huan was coming out of the opposite shop when he heard a strange sound coming from the second floor.

Song Huan directly broke into the door.

The shopkeeper not far away heard the sound, stretched out his hand, and said nervously, "Hey! My door!"

Song Huan kicked the locked door from the inside and fell to the ground. When she rushed up the stairs, she saw the scissors flying out of Zou Yueqin's hand.

Without even thinking about it, Song Huan pulled out the dagger and directly missed the scissors.

Song Huan looked at Mei Qingqing who fell to the ground, and the two servant girls who were trying to stop the crazy Zou Yueqin.

Without even thinking about it, Song Huan went directly to pick up Mei Qingqing, and said to the two servant girls, "Follow me!"

The two servant girls hurriedly followed, seeing them leave, Zou Yueqin turned around and started attacking Hua Fu, she didn't forget that there was Hua Fu, Song Huan heard the screams from behind, grabbed the beads on the bead curtain and shot towards them.

Zou Yueqin knelt on the ground with numbness in her legs. Seeing this, Hua Fu's maid hurriedly left a person to stop Zou Yueqin, who had no attack power, and another maid helped Hua Fu go downstairs.

At the door of the shop, Hua Fu looked at the four figures with a pale face and was lost in thought.

The maid at the back followed her and interrupted her thoughts. The maid hurriedly said, "Miss, let's go to the doctor!"

Hua Fu nodded, "I'll go to the doctor with the green belt, Nishang, follow them, that Song Huan, investigate clearly."

Nishang wanted to say something but didn't dare to say it, she just suppressed the worry in her heart and said, "Yes."

Nishang told Lu Yao, "You take good care of Miss."

Green waist nodded.

Shi Youping and his party hurried over.

Shi Youping worriedly looked at Mei Qingqing who was pale but had already fallen asleep.

The servant girl at the side said, "Master, madam is fine, but she needs to rest well in the future."

Here, Fu Yuanzhi looked at Song Huan and asked worriedly, "Are you all right?"

Song Huan shook his head, "It's okay, the doctor said that he was frightened and his fetus moved, and he should pay attention to rest and take care of the fetus in the next time."

Fu Yuanzhi nodded, "Let's leave tomorrow."

Song Huan nodded.

This scene in the medical hall was captured by a pair of eyes outside the door.

Hua Fu was drinking medicine, and put down the bowl after hearing Nishang's words.

Song Huan is related to Shi Youping's classmate.

It's a pity that the time is too short to know too much.

Song Huan's hand on the second floor flashed in Hua Fu's mind.

She knows martial arts.

A look of enlightenment appeared on Hua Fu's face.

Suddenly she laughed.

It is so, it is so.

Hua Fu wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, and suddenly asked, "Where's Zou Yueqin?"

Lu Yao said, "It has already been taken back."

Hua Fu said, "Let Li Bing take good care of her."

She will not let Zou Yueqin live too happily.

She wants her to slowly lose everything she wants.

Zou Xiaochu pushed the door open, walked quickly to Hua Fu's side and touched her bulging belly, looked at Hua Fu nervously, "Is the child alright?"

Hua Fu's face was calm, with a usual smile, and her voice was soft, "It's fine, it's fine."

Zou Xiaochu breathed a sigh of relief, he had already dropped out of Ziyang Academy, and now he is helping his family with the family business, he has matured visibly with the naked eye.

A lot has happened up and down the family, and now he regards this child as a lifeline.

Hua Fu suddenly asked inadvertently, "Before you left Ziyang Academy, did you know that there was a person named Song Huan beside your academy students?"

Zou Xiaochu frowned, "Why did you suddenly ask him? Do you know him?"

Hua Fu talked about today's situation.

Zou Xiaochu sneered, "It turned out to be a woman, no wonder Liu Wenruo and the others helped her so much."

Seeing that Zou Xiaochu was unwilling to mention her too much, Hua Fu didn't ask any more questions.

She asked him, just to confirm her conjecture.

Because of Zou Yueqin's matter, the Shi family approached the Zou family. Zou Yueqin could no longer bring value to the Zou family, but Zou's father still cared about the relationship between father and daughter, so the compensation was regarded as cleaning up the mess for Zou Yueqin. And for the last time.

The next day, after Mei Qingqing woke up, Song Huan came to say goodbye.

Mei Qingqing looked much better than yesterday, she said guiltily, "Twice, thanks to you."

Song Huan patted her hand and comforted her, "Don't worry about it, as long as you're fine, taking care of your body and protecting your child is the most important thing."

Mei Qingqing shook Song Huan back, "Okay, I will. I don't know when we will meet next time, I just hope that Miss Song will go as she wishes."

Song Huan laughed, "You too."

Going back this time, there are only Song Huan, Fu Yuanzhi and brother.

Yan Liu wants to stay in Jian'an County.

The reason was because of his master, who was sick and had no one to take care of him.

He was by his master's side, and he got the father's love that he never got from him. Now he wants to stay and take care of his master.

When his master recovered from his illness, if Liu Wenruo went to Beijing for the exam next year, he would go to Beijing with Liu Wenruo.

With one less person driving the car, it became Adi and Fu Yuanzhi who took turns. Song Huan occasionally sat on the shaft of the car and occasionally walked.

After staying in Nancheng, Song Huan and the others returned the same way, going to find Sanwazi and the others.

When they arrived at the entrance of the village, they felt that the village was even more desolate.

Song Huan and the others frowned.

At the foot of the mountain, outside the house of Sanwazi and Grandpa Zeng, weeds were growing all over the yard.

Adi didn't realize that there was a tremor in his voice, he said, "Sister, Sanwazi and the others have moved."

Ah Di knew in his heart that a family that had been reduced to eating wild vegetables for a living could easily leave their home.

Song Huan didn't answer directly, and everyone already had guesses in their hearts.

They were hunted down, how could Zeng's family escape?
"Go inside and have a look." Song Huan said with a heavy heart.

The furnishings in the room were still the same, only covered with a thick layer of dust and some spider webs, and the bowls on the table were also broken to the ground.

Obviously they didn't leave voluntarily.

Brother's voice was choked up, and he felt his head went blank for a moment, unable to say anything, so he could only shout helplessly, "Sister..."

Song Huan patted Brother on the shoulder, suppressing the sadness in his heart, "It's okay, maybe they escaped, there is still hope."

Although there is little hope.

Brother hummed with a nasal sound.

And they can only comfort themselves in this way.

In the deep forest not far from Nancheng, a skeleton curled up.

There is a slingshot next to Bone's foot.

If you look closely, the bones of his hand are in a grasping state, indicating that he was still grasping something vigorously before his death.

Most likely it was the slingshot on the ground.

And this skeleton may not see the light of day for a long, long time until he dies.


They reached the city.

Because of the imperial court's south-to-north grain transfer, Mancheng made their life even more miserable.

It's no joke that the road has frozen bones.

The three of Song Huan witnessed it with their own eyes.

But the Gan family in Mancheng is no longer there, and I heard that Gan Yunyuan has moved.

It is not clear where the neighbors moved to, only that they moved away overnight.

The weather is getting colder.

The speed of the journey is getting slower and slower.

The three of Song Huan also spent the Chinese New Year outside.

in a ruined temple.

They were still two days away from Yangjiang Mansion, but it was snowing heavily, and the snow on the road was almost up to their knees, so they couldn't make it on their way.

They braved the wind and snow to find this place to stay.

Song Huan came back from outside with a bundle of firewood in a coir raincoat, and immediately stretched out his cold red hands to the fire.

Fu Yuanzhi quickly took his hand over, "It's easy to get chilblains, so I'll cover it for you."

My younger brother focused on the bundle of firewood that my sister brought back, untied the vines on the firewood, and scattered them aside to smoke, so as to avoid too much firewood smoke.

Thanks to the comrades who voted for recommendation yesterday~

Chapter 213 points ha~

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