Song Yuanhuanzhi

Chapter 195 Departure and news

Guo Yunsheng was amazed by Song Huan's progress.

It's a pity for this girl, if it's a man...

When Guo Yunsheng was distracted, Song Huan seized the opportunity. The dagger originally pierced towards the abdomen, but Song Huan changed the direction when he approached, and just cut a knife.

After seeing the blood, Lao Xu and Lao Liu looked at each other and hurriedly stopped them.

Song Huan said to Guo Yunsheng, "You can get lost."

Guo Yunsheng clutched his stomach, and bright red had already leaked from the gap between his fingers.

Guo Yunsheng nodded, "I will make it up, you have made great progress."

Lao Liu looked at Lao Xu and Song Huan, this was their general leader, and they had to point at him to eat.

Old Xu said, "Old Liu, you accompany Guo Biaotou to the medical center."

Old Liu nodded, sighed, and said, "You persuade Song girl."

Old Xu nodded.

Old Xu glanced at the neighbor's neighbor's head protruding from the wall, and then said to Song Huan, "Let's go in."


Old Xu asked, "What's going on here?"

Adi felt resentful and spoke quickly, telling them what they knew and what they found on the way back.

Old Xu frowned, "I'm not talking for Guo Biaotou. You Uncle Liu and I have run the mark with him not once or twice. We still know a little about his personality. He is not that kind of person, unless he has real difficulties and has no other choice." And for that."

Song Huan and the others also knew that Guo Yunsheng couldn't be such a big master.

Human life is too cheap and worthless in the eyes of those who exercise power!
Song Huan didn't say what he guessed.

If the Qingfengzhai party hadn't been involved by chance by himself and others, Guo Yunsheng might have sacrificed all the people in the standard line in order to get the ledger.

He wholeheartedly wanted to find the ledger, and when he found the ledger, he would not save a group of incapacitated people in order not to startle the snake.

At that time, he was ready for all the people in Biaoxing to sacrifice.

In the end, he would leave quietly with the ledger and Wang Dayu who was locked alone.

The rest of Biaoxing will also pass away in a coma.

Unaware of everything.

On the other side, the news of Guo Yunsheng's injury was spread.

"It's so powerful." Exclaimed.

"My lord, would you like to meet those two students alone? Song Yi has won the prize, and it may be helpful to go to Beijing when the time comes..."


When they go to the capital, it may be over.

Guimao in May
Song Huan and his party left Yangjiang Mansion and headed towards their destination, the capital this time.

And the storm in the capital has already been planning to move.

Song Huan and his party went north.

Because of taxation, people continue to see people selling their sons and daughters.

Brothels, dental shops, and those who claim to be a father-in-law in the palace want to adopt a son.

The poor people with little knowledge heard the other party's saying that after entering the palace, they would be rich and powerful, so they believed it.

They sell their children to get the money in front of them, and they hope that his children can really make a name for themselves in the palace and become rich and prosperous.

Not only ordinary people, but also gossip about officials, children of rich families, students, etc.

There is a saying in the stick, "There are many scams. The only way to become an official is to be an official. There are many people who compete, so there are many people who are deceived. Only a false name can deceive real profits, and only a false name can earn real things. People who make official careers have a strong desire for fame. There is no time to cherish the huge profits."

The three of Song Huan arrived at a tea shed on the side of the road leisurely that day.

While eating, I heard this gossip.

It happened in this year's rural examination.

A rich family in a certain city wants to make a fortune and buy a "name" with money.

He was accompanied by a shrewd and calculating butler.

The rich man took the housekeeper to take the provincial examination, lived in an inn, and asked the owner of the inn to find a way to make connections in order to pass the examination.

After a few days, there was an endless stream of people who came to offer advice and claimed to have connections, and it never stopped.

The housekeeper looked at those people, asked them about their backgrounds in detail, and found that what they said did not correspond to what they said, and their traces were unclear, most of them should be liars who secretly communicated with the shopkeeper.

The housekeeper sighed in his heart, and sent them away, believing that they were all lying.

Until two days before the township examination, a man "pretended" himself to be a servant who only did rough work.

He intentionally looked dumb, he hummed and twitched when he spoke, and he acted like a country bumpkin who had never seen the world.

He claimed to have been following a dismissed township official, and this adult had an old friend with the chief examiner of the township examination, and he could use this relationship to pay tribute to the chief examiner, and then bribe him.

Confused by the servant's disguise, the housekeeper believed him.

The servant took the butler to meet the lord.

Seeing that the other party really looked like a poor and honest official, the housekeeper agreed with the other party to pay 200 taels of silver.

The grown-up also agreed.

However, the other party asked for 200 taels of silver to be sealed with him.

The housekeeper disagreed and said that it would be sealed in the store where he lived.

The adult said, "This matter needs to be careful and careful. The shop you live in will inevitably be crowded with people and fish and dragons. If there is a gap, if it is spread, not only will my reputation be hindered, but your son will also be caught." good."

"You don't have to worry too much. The sealed house I'm talking about is the home of a scholar. He has been vacant for more than a year. You can seal it up with my servants. This is the safest and most reliable way."

The housekeeper thought about it again and again, but still felt that something was wrong. If the other party took the money and did nothing, and finally refused to accept the account, they would end up empty-handed.

The housekeeper made an excuse, "Your Excellency also knows that the villain is just a housekeeper who can't be his master. He still has to go to the store. This matter needs to be done right after my master looks at Feng Yin on the spot."

The adult said again, "Since you insist on the presence of the master, then take your master away, and I will not go, just let my servant follow."

The other party added, "If you are really worried, you can pay as much as you like. How do you feel about Feng Yin?"

The housekeeper saw that the adult had a bad complexion, and was afraid of missing his son's important matter, so he had no choice but to agree.

That night, both parties went to the scholar's house according to the agreement, and the other party really only had the servant present.

The housekeeper originally wanted to give only 100 taels first, but if the other party felt that there was no sincerity, he would have to pay extra if the matter was not successful, but the gain outweighed the loss.

So he discussed with Fu Jiazi, and Fu Jiazi agreed.

The steward gave the rich man all the money.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, a gang of rascals broke into the door.

The butler became vigilant, "Who are you!"

The rascals shouted at the three of them, "You dare to bribe in private and violate the laws of the country. We will arrest you to appear before the officials and make your crimes known to the public!"

The rogue saw that his words did not scare the other party, and the two gangs immediately scuffled.

The result is obvious, how the master and servant of Fu's family and that servant, three powerless people can resist a gang of scoundrels.

After the rogue knocked down the three of them, he snatched the taels of silver with his hands, spat a mouthful, and then walked away.

The servant got up with a bruised nose and a swollen face, and said anxiously, "What should we do! Let's go after him first! Otherwise, we won't be able to get back anything!"

After saying that, the servant stepped forward to go out, but was pulled back by the housekeeper who had just helped his young master up, and said, "No, if you are accidentally discovered by them, how can you deal with them? You don't have to worry about it. Not much money, let's continue."

The servant was in a dilemma, and said on the face, "But..."

The butler said, "Go ahead, you can reply to your lord, so as not to delay my young master."

The servants had no choice but to continue to follow.

Chapter 2 night ha~

Thanks to those who voted yesterday


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