When the war in Liaodong ceased, the people were the happiest.

Prices will gradually return to pre-war levels, and people's lives will gradually turn around.

Nearly two years.

There are countless people who can't stand it.

Song Huan and the others went north all the way, and the traffic was relatively developed in the places they passed on the road. They set up tea sheds and sold some tea and hot water to the caravans on the road, and they could earn some income, and even so, they had already reached the point of eating bark Occasionally, they are harassed by robbers and bandits, and the situation is very bad.

Not to mention other remote places, starvation and death are everywhere, which is horrible.

The village where the three of Song Huan stayed was called Zhujia Village. Ninety percent of the people in the village were surnamed Zhu, and there were a few families with foreign surnames.

Song Huan and others did not rely on other people's homes this time, because the villagers died, and there were many empty houses in this village.

Song Huan went directly to Lizheng and rented a relatively intact house at the end of the village.

The environment is relatively quiet, suitable for two scholars to study.

It is more than a hundred feet away from the nearest neighbor, and I am not afraid of being heard by the neighbors when I speak.

The people in Zhujia Village are honest and responsible, knowing that the two scholars who came here are masters, they tacitly stopped the children in the family from disturbing them at the end of the village.

The snow is flying heavily, and there is a crunching sound when stepping on the snow.

Song Huan let out a sigh of relief, and rubbed his hands vigorously to make them warm.

Although she was mentally prepared, she really didn't expect the weather to be so cold near the end of the year. She put on Fu Yuanzhi's jacket, but she was still shivering.

But there is no way, I can't stay out of the cold because of the cold.

The snow was very thick, Song Huan tried to find those thick tree trunks to bring back, which were more resistant to burning than thin firewood.

It’s just that the distance is a bit far, and the ones that are close to the village have long been taken home by the villagers, and only the ones that are too far and too heavy for them to hold are kept.

In fact, it can be chopped into small pieces and taken home, but it is not so resistant to burning. You have to add firewood all the time at night, which is a test of the courage to get out of bed.

Fortunately, Song Huan was not lacking in strength. After moving for several days, he finally prevented the two scholars at home from shaking too much.

Song Huan really wanted to feed everyone, but food prices hadn't picked up yet, and because he still had to stay in the capital for a few months, even though he still had some money in his pocket, he still wanted to save as much as he could.

No matter whether next year's exam can come as scheduled or not, you have to be mentally prepared.

The first step is to start saving money.

Song Huan was lucky today, and caught a hare, which weighed four to five catties.

They hadn't eaten meat for several days, and Song Huan felt his mouth was bitter and his complexion turned yellow.

Song Huan licked her lips that were itchy from the cold, and subconsciously touched the water bag. The tentacles were cold, but Song Huan quickly retracted her hand. It was so cold that it could freeze her teeth.

She should continue to be thirsty.

She shook her hand, which was so cold that she couldn't feel it. She was so cold that she was so cold that she couldn't continue hunting. Bring some firewood back.

Song Huan braved the wind and snow to return to the house.

In fact, this house is not very good, and people can starve to death, which shows how poor the other party's family is.

The wind leaks from all sides, and the house is empty.

Fortunately, the weather was fine when we rented it, so Song Huan took care of it roughly, but now seeing the heavy snow pressing down on the house, Song Huan was afraid that it would be crushed.

Song Huan pushed open the door, and the strong wind carried the wind and snow, immediately blowing away the temperature in the room.

Fu Yuanzhi and brother hurriedly put down their work and came to help.

The moment the door closed, Song Huan felt his body warm up instantly.

Song Huan took off the wet outermost coat and put it next to the fire to dry.

He quickly took over the hot water brought by brother, blew a few mouthfuls and then couldn't stop swallowing.

After drinking the water, Song Huan felt comfortable, looking at the dried tofu residues in the basket smoked by the fire.

This is when they were on their way before, they met a peddler on the road. He carried the burden and sold the tofu dregs.

In fact, in Taiping, you can get a few big bowls for three renminbi, but now you need ten renminbi for a bowl.

At that time, Song Huan saw that the child on his back had a very high fever, so he wrapped up all the bean curd residue in his frame.

Anyway, they have to buy food, and they can eat almost anything, and she still has the secret recipe of bean curd dregs in her hand, which will allow them to obtain a certain amount of protein for a period of time in the future.

Song Huan took out a tofu dregs that was bigger than a fist.

Tonight they will eat fried bean curd residue and rabbit meat.

When Brother saw the rabbit meat, he quickly added firewood to the fire, and boiled more hot water to process the rabbit's internal organs.

Fu Yuanzhi frowned, and dragged Song Huan to the brighter window of the room.

"When did you get hurt?" Fu Yuanzhi frowned.

After hearing this, Adi quickly put down the work in his hand and ran over.

At first glance, it was indeed a big wound.

For such a long time, I have never seen such a big wound on my elder sister.

Two pairs of eyes, one big and one small, looked at Song Huan, waiting for her answer.

Song Huan was baffled at first, but after hearing Fu Yuanzhi's words, he looked down at his hand. There was a three-knuckle long wound. The wound was a bit big, but it had solidified and clotted, and there was a purple-black bruise beside it. Pretty bluffing.

Song Huan shook his head, "It's too cold, I can't feel my hands."

Fu Yuanzhi sighed, and said to Brother, "Go and find out the golden sore medicine, Brother."

After Fu Yuanzhi finished speaking, he scooped up another basin of hot water, "Sit here, and I'll clean your wound."

Song Huan sat down obediently, and handed Fu Yuanzhi his hand.

While wiping carefully, Fu Yuanzhi said, "If you come across a small wound, just let me know."

Song Huan nodded and said with a guilty conscience, "It's actually okay, it doesn't hurt. The scabs have already formed, and it will be healed in a few days."

Before she went out in the snow, she had promised the two men in the family that she would not be hurt.

Now that he came back with an injury, he didn't know when he would be able to go out again.

Although there are tofu dregs they bought, some rice, noodles, and dried vegetables in the carriage, they can't just sit and eat.

If this continues, Song Huan always feels insecure.

Even if it's temporary.

Fu Yuanzhi remained silent and did not speak, with a serious expression on his face.

In fact, he has been tormented in his heart.

Although he has long been used to Song Huan being at home, he still feels uncomfortable.

In this situation, it was supposed to be a man supporting a woman, but he was too incompetent. He didn't want Song Huan to have a hard life, but now it's backfired. It's not as good as when he was in Darongshu Village.

It was useless for Fu Yuanzhi to spurn himself in his heart, but he became more and more cautious in his hands.

Seeing Fu Yuanzhi like this, Song Huan thought he was angry, so he silently shut his mouth, not daring to speak again.

I'm afraid that if I talk too much, I won't agree with myself to go out again.

Today she specially marked the place where the hare was found. Since there are hares infesting there, there must be more than one. She also wants to catch a few more tomorrow, so that she can spell out an extra fur coat by then.

Song Huan turned his gaze to the side, and it happened that Adi had already brought the medicine over.

Song Huan moved his gaze down again, and it happened to be on the fire.

There seems to be a lot of firewood today.

It was so smoked that she couldn't keep her eyes open.

Adi looked at Ajie's appearance, "..."

Fortunately, there is someone in the family who can calm down sister, otherwise...

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