Xue Jue didn't expect Song Huan to be so dependent on him.

"Master Xue, since we captured Paihuazi together, why don't you help me, a desperate person?" Song Huan followed Xue Jue, chattering non-stop.

Xue Jue had a severe headache for a while.

"Don't you have brothers? It's not your turn to worry about such things." Xue Jue had never seen such a woman.

Song Huan smiled embarrassedly, "I'm going to try it soon, it's so cold, they'll die of cold if we don't make more preparations!"

Xue Jue took a deep look at Song Huan.

He really didn't understand this woman.

He always felt that the relationship between the few of them was very strange.

If it wasn't because of Song Huan's young age, he really thought this girl was the mother of those two brothers!
Xue Jue couldn't get used to it. He could understand that his younger brother was younger. The elder brother actually asked his younger sister to come out to show his face to earn money for him. What is that like? ?
He can't stand such a person the most!

Xue Jue said, "I'll think about it, where do you live now? I'll see you off."

Song Huan smiled, "No need, I still have to earn money!"

Song Huan raised the things in his hands, "Master Xue, if you are busy, you go first, and I will not disturb you."

Seeing this, Xue Jue couldn't say anything more, so he just said, "Okay, you, don't wander around outside alone. The capital has been chaotic recently, so be careful."

When Song Huan heard it, his heart felt bitter, and he forced a smile, "Okay. I will."

Xue Jue also couldn't bear it, and at least he was someone he knew, "I will consider what you said."

Song Huan nodded, and quickly reported his rented location.

After Song Huan delivered the things, she was in no mood and went home early.

Song Huan walked to the door and knocked, but the inside didn't come out as quickly as before to open the door.

Song Huan knocked again, but there was still no movement inside.

At this moment, Song Huan was tossing and turning all kinds of conspiracy ideas in his mind.

No one will climb over the wall and go in to rob, right?

Song Huan immediately climbed over the wall and entered from the side.

The room was as it had always been, as it had been when she had left it.

Song Huan looked at both rooms, no one was there, and it didn't look like they were robbed, Song Huan said, "???"

What about those two?

Where did it go?

Song Huan stirred the brazier, and the sparks covered by the ashes were no longer big.

The time these two go out goes on and on!
Song Huan suddenly remembered what the two said about copying books.

Song Huan frowned.

I'll try it in a few days, so don't make trouble between these two.

Song Huan was visiting the capital recently, and he also paid attention to the book shop, and he still has some understanding of the location of the book shop.

Song Huan went straight to the academy closest to home.

no one.

Until Song Huan ran to the fourth house, he saw two people sitting by the window writing hard.

Song Huan hid behind the bookshelf and watched them.

Adi got up and stomped his feet, felt a little warmer, then sat down and continued.

One book for two.

In fact, the books of this era look thick, but in fact there are not many words, only tens of thousands of words.

The two copies copied by Fu Yuanzhi and Adi can be finished today. The one in Fu Yuanzhi’s hand is 180 essays, while Adi’s is cheaper at [-] essays.

Song Huan didn't know how long he looked at it, but he didn't call Song Huan back to his senses until Ah Di exclaimed after finishing writing.

Song Huan's eyes were sore.

Song Huan didn't dare to run out, saying they shouldn't do this?

What if you get sick?

Song Huan went out silently, wandering directly in the street outside, only felt that her whole mood had calmed down, and when it was time for her to go home on weekdays, she slowly walked back home.

Song Huan originally planned to pretend that he didn't know, but he didn't go out for the next few days, and planned to stay at home and watch these two disobedient people.

Unexpectedly, when they got home, the two gave 280 Wen to Song Huan without losing a single penny.

Song Huan held the copper coin in his hand and didn't know what to say for a while.

Adi scratched his head, pointed to the one-hundred-wen purse, and said very shyly, "Sister, I earned this. Although it's not much, it's enough to delay for two days. Sister, wait until I finish the exam. After that, I will earn money for you!"

Song Huan's eyes filled with tears instantly.

Hemp egg!

She is really the worst time traveler!

Others travel through time and do business well, leading their families to the pinnacle of life.

She's fine, it's useless.

In this case, even her proudest force is useless!

Song Huan forced back the tears, his throat was constricted and he dared not speak for a while, afraid that he couldn't help it.

Song Huan only dared to nod.

My brother smiled, "Then, sister, I'll go to see the porridge first! Drink hot water and warm yourself by the fire!"

Song Huan nodded.

After Adi left, Fu Yuanzhi sat beside her, "Cry if you want to cry, Adi has gone out, so I won't hear you."

After Song Huan heard these words, the tears she held back instantly burst, and her whole face was pressed against Fu Yuanzhi's chest. Although the tears came out, she didn't dare to make a sound.

Brother's sensible appearance made her feel distressed.

Obviously this age should be carefree.

The appearance of brother copying books appeared in her mind.

While bouncing around, he breathed out to warm his hands.

Why is she so uncomfortable?
The younger brother outside the door listened to the movement inside, and tears also came out.

He wiped it with his sleeve, sister, brother promised to let you live a good life, sister, wait a little longer brother!
Brother quietly left and went to the kitchen.

Fu Yuanzhi patted Song Huan on the back, giving her comfort, "It's not sad, people will grow up, it will be fine after these days."

Song Huan didn't speak, just nodded in his arms.

Song Huan only felt that he was back to the same appearance as when he was in Jian'an County last time, and he couldn't stop his tears.

Suddenly fragile.

She held it in for too long.

The sudden venting made her unable to block it even if she wanted to.

Brother is very sensible, so sensible that it makes her feel bad.

Brother didn't go in to disturb sister, and waited for a long time. After Fu Yuanzhi came out to find him, he knew that sister had calmed down, so he brought the porridge.

There is a lot of water in it.

There are also three small sweet potatoes.

There was actually a piece of cured rabbit meat in the kitchen, Song Huan didn't move it, and planned to fry it and divide it into two cans after Brother and the others went to have a test, and bring them in to eat.

It's so cold, this stuff is durable.

Song Huan told about meeting Xue Jue today.

Fu Yuanzhi and Adi naturally knew Xue Jue too.

"He said that the capital city is not very stable recently, so let's just wait at home and try it out." Song Huan said.

Fu Yuanzhi said, "The recent rumors that today's position is not right may be released by someone with a heart."

Song Huan nodded, "Obviously there is still a competent King Jing, there must be something tricky in the middle."

Song Huan used his years of experience in watching TV novels to draw conclusions.

Brother took a sip of the rice soup, "Then we will try to proceed as usual?"

Brother is more worried about this.

It's not too late to worry about whoever becomes the emperor after he passes the Jinshi exam.

It has become his obsession to live a good life for Song Huan.

Fu Yuanzhi said, "It should be. Now that the students are gathered in the capital, if they don't take the exam, how can we give an explanation to the students."

Song Huan patted Adi, "At this time, if there is no news of the suspension of the test, it should be able to continue. Don't worry, eat quickly, and rest after eating, you are tired all day."

Brother quickly responded, drinking rice soup in his mouth.

Song Huan scooped up the sunken rice grains for Fu Yuanzhi and Adi, "Eat more."

Brother Song Huan stared back just as he was about to speak.

Fu Yuanzhi gave Song Huan half of the rice in the bowl, "We each have half."

Song Huan pursed her lips and did not refuse.

The next chapter will be later~

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