Song Yuanhuanzhi

Chapter 212 Good News

Queen Mother Xiang overturned the food on the table to the ground.

The palace people at the side all knelt down on the ground.

The Queen Mother glared at the door.

Marquis of Wu'an!
I will definitely make you eunuch, die!

I swear to the death that I will not let you take that position!
Xu Yuan, King Sheng!
Well done!

Just wait and see!

Concubine Xu brought King Sheng to salute Marquis Wu An, Concubine Xu said gratefully, "Thank you Marquis Wu An for your assistance this time."

Marquis Wu An left with only one sentence, "Even."

King Sheng looked at Marquis Wu An who was going away and asked, "Mother, why did Marquis Wu An say that?"

Grand Concubine Xu sighed, "Mother and Concubine did him a favor back then to avoid the late Emperor's punishment for him."

King Sheng nodded.

I really can't see that he is still a grateful person.

However, when I think of the high-spirited young general I saw when I was young, I feel that there is nothing outrageous about it.

Concubine Xu held King Sheng's hand tightly, and said worriedly: "Now that you have broken the Empress Dowager Xiang's matter, she will not let it go. You must pay attention to everything recently, don't go out to wander around anymore, and hire more powerful people to protect you. Concubine Mu still has some money, you and Concubine Mu will get it."

King Sheng sighed: "Concubine Mother, the Xiang family is almost out of the sky, a queen mother's nephew is more imposing than a prince like me!"

If he hadn't provoked him anxiously, he would not be willing to enter the palace to mess with him.

That's 5 taels of silver for nothing!
Xiang Shengju should be called like a pig!
After hearing this, Grand Concubine Xu said: "The Marquis of Wu'an asked Xiang's family to pay 100 million taels. I'm afraid they are not looking for compensation."

King Cheng snorted and found him on the head, the Xiang family is really fearless.

Alas, whoever let himself only have the title of prince has no strength at all.

Unlike King Jing.

That is the person Wu Anhou also has to fear.

He might be able to get more from Brother Four.


The day will come soon.

Song Huan watched Fu Yuanzhi and Adi enter the Gongyuan.

As soon as she arrived at the door of the house, she saw Xue Jue.

Song Huan shouted in surprise: "Master Xue!"

Xue Jue followed the sound source and looked over, "Miss Song."

Song Huan walked up and said, "It's cold, let's go inside and have a cup of hot tea."

Xue Jue shook her head. Men and women are different. Miss Song is used to being carefree outside, and she even forgot the basic etiquette.

Xue Jue said, "I'm here to tell you that King Sheng is currently recruiting guards. You're good at it. You can try it."

Xue Jue said again, "You'd better not let King Sheng misunderstand your gender."

Song Huan said: "What is the reason?"

Xue Jue said: "King Sheng is impulsive, but he is also a casual person. As long as your martial arts are high enough, he doesn't mind if you are a woman."

Xue Jue finally explained, "King Sheng doesn't like being cheated."

Song Huan understood, clasped his fists, and said, "Okay, I'll remember, more Master Xue!"

Seeing Song Huan's gesture of gratitude, Xue Jue's mouth twitched unconsciously.

Now that the words have been brought, Xue Jue didn't stay any longer, and said: "Then make preparations, and you can go to Shengwang's mansion tomorrow to try. However, you have to be careful, the person who wants to kill Shengwang is very special, so don't neglect it." .”

It is impossible for Xue Jue to tell the truth, reminding him that he has exhausted his benevolence to this point.

Song Huan thanked again, "Thank you!"

Xue Jue was about to leave, but Song Huan suddenly shouted, "Wait a minute!"

Xue Jue: "???"

Song Huan hurriedly opened the door and said, "Master Xue, please wait for a while."

Xue Jue didn't understand what Song Huan was going to do, so he had to wait in the snow again.

Indeed, it didn't take long, Song Huan just ran back and forth from the door to the kitchen.

Xue Jue looked at the jar Song Huan handed over, and asked, "This is it?"

Song Huan said, "Spicy rabbit meat can be eaten with wine, it's not a very expensive thing."

Xue Jue was not polite, took it over, and said, "Thank you."

Song Huan stood under the eaves of the door and watched Xue Jue leave.

Song Huan was in a very good mood at this moment.

She didn't turn around and enter the room humming a little tune until Xue Jue was nowhere to be seen.

It can be regarded as another village.

Song Huan wanted to put his hips on his hips and laugh out loud.

But you have to be restrained, low-key and low-key.

the next day.

Song Huan came to Prince Sheng's Mansion.

Song Huan didn't wear men's clothes this time. Since King Sheng didn't like being cheated, he didn't wear men's clothes to make the other party misunderstand.

Song Huan lined up to go in, and sure enough, as Xue Jue said, Song Huan, who was wearing women's clothes, didn't even show any strangeness to the servants of the palace, and only asked about his name, place of residence, etc.

After the other party finished asking, Song Huan took the serial number plate he gave, and followed the people in front to a place that should be a martial arts training ground.

The people above are fighting each other.

This is because they are afraid that someone will fish in troubled waters, and they want to screen out the most powerful ones.

Song Huan followed those who had not yet been called and stood in an open space not far away to wait.

She watched those people fighting on the stage, a dozen times in a row, and summed up her chances of being admitted were relatively high.

She felt that she might, could, and should be better than them, even though she thought she was weak.

Song Huan didn't pay attention at this time, and there were two people watching her from the other side of the curtain.

King Sheng said to the people around him: "I didn't expect that there were women among the people who came."

King Jing, who was dressed in a black brocade robe, said: "People in Jianghu don't care about men and women, maybe she is your biggest gain this time."

King Sheng took some time off and said, "Brother Huang said so, then I'm looking forward to it."

King Jing smiled.

The staff shouted: "160 three!"

Song Huan looked at the wooden sign in his hand and immediately stepped out.

The staff checked the number on the wooden sign, and when they saw it was correct, they said directly to Song Huan, "The winner will be determined within a stick of incense, as long as no one dies."

Song Huan thanked: "Thank you."

When the man on the stage saw Song Huan, he didn't underestimate Song Huan just because he was a woman. On the contrary, he was more cautious.

"Please enlighten me." Song Huan saluted, which was a standard Jianghu gesture.

I know the expression on the other person's face, it really shouldn't be underestimated!
The opponent starts first.

He clenched his fist and came directly to Song Huan.

Song Huan dodged sideways, and the goose-yellow skirt bloomed and then retracted instantly with her movements, like an epiphyllum.

While dodging sideways, Song Huan tapped his fingers on the right elbow of the man who hadn't stopped.

The man felt a numbness in his right hand, and Song Huan threw him over his shoulder and fell to the ground.

Before the time for a stick of incense comes, the man still has a chance to turn defeat into victory.

The man didn't wait for the numbness to subside, and quickly got up and made a move with his left hand.

Song Huan put his hands on the opponent's left hand without any effort.

The man didn't want to admit defeat just like that, he dragged his right hand to recover, he was caught by surprise and wanted to wring Song Huan's hand off.

Song Huan quickly grasped the opponent's intention, directly blocked the attack with his left hand, and directly removed the opponent's right hand with his right hand.

Then he took off his left hand with lightning speed.

Both elbows were dislocated, there was no chance for the man to turn defeat into victory, the strength of the two was too disparate.

The man had to admit defeat to the referee.

After Song Huan knew that he had won, he walked up to the man. The man looked at Song Huan, stepped back quickly, and said, "I have already surrendered."

It's not like you haven't hit yourself enough yet, right?

Song Huan pointed to his two hands and said, "I'll help you set your bones."

The man looked at Song Huan suspiciously, "You will?"

Song Huan nodded, "I do this often."


I always feel that this is not a good thing.

Thanks to the comrades who voted for recommendation yesterday~

Thanks to the comrades who rewarded yesterday~
Thank you book friend 13600815236 for the monthly ticket~

this heart

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