Song Yuanhuanzhi

Chapter 216 Palace Exam

The version released by King Sheng was really exciting, and the story of Queen Mother Xiang soon became known in the streets and alleys.

The Empress Dowager Xiang and the Xiang family have become the joke of the entire capital, and they are also the object of the common people's swearing.

Natural disasters are never natural to the common people. They will believe that those in power have done something wrong and offended the gods, so the gods are punishing the whole world.

This is also the reason why the emperor issued an edict of guilt whenever a disaster occurred, and at the same time rushed to relieve the disaster.

Now everyone in Xiang's family stays behind closed doors, and even the people who go out to buy vegetables are replaced by servants who don't go out on weekdays, otherwise they won't be able to buy food.

King Sheng also successfully diverted the attention Empress Dowager Xiang put on Marquis Wu An to himself.

This night, it was the third time for Song Huan to deal with the man in black who assassinated King Sheng.

Recently, I have been working overtime like crazy. Of course, the salary is also considerable.

Food, lodging and warm work clothes are included.

Song Huan touched the slightly bulging purse, which contained the reward money he got for going to work recently.

Because Song Huan found a job, Song Huan asked Fu Yuanzhi and Adi to wait for the palace examination.

When the list was released, both Fu Yuanzhi and Adi were at the top of the list, No.3 and No.5 respectively.

They finally became Gongshi!
Those who pass the examination are called "gongshi".

No.1 is called "Huiyuan".

Fu Yuanzhi and Adi are Gongshi at this time, and they can only be called Jinshi after taking part in the palace examination and setting their ranks.

On the seventh day of April, the tribute scholars who won this time will have to take another exam in the palace. Only after passing the re-examination, the tribute scholars can participate in the palace examination hosted by the emperor himself.

Song Huan lamented that the exam was not easy, and at the same time let them focus on reading and revising at home instead of copying books to make money. She has a job, so as long as they don't socialize, she can still afford it.

The date of the palace examination is on April [-]th, a month's time, whether it is long or short.

Now it is the second day of April, and she will be able to receive her salary on April 20th, when she will have a huge sum of [-] taels!

Song Huan was very happy when she thought of this, her subordinates moved quickly and their moves were fierce, and they were bound to repel the opponent and protect her boss!

The bodyguard who was saved by Song Huan, "..."

what's wrong with her?
All of a sudden, it felt like he had been slapped with chicken blood.

Then he turned his head and looked away, unable to bear to see the embarrassment of the enemy.

King Sheng looked at Song Huan with satisfaction, Brother Huang was right, this girl is indeed a good one, she worked so hard!

study room

Marquis Wu An swept all the folders on the table to the ground.

At the same time, he kicked the table over.

"Fake relief, lie!" Marquis Wu An was so angry that his eyes were murderous, it was even more troublesome than managing the army!

When he led the troops to the north to go to war, the supply of food and grass was not enough. It was the procrastination and greed of these civil servants that killed many soldiers!

How many families were ruined!
How many people can only be buried outside forever and never return home!
This group of people who only know how to talk and talk, not only delayed the opportunity of the war, but also took advantage of the fat during the disaster relief, and worked together!
If the investigation is not strictly carried out, what will not be done!
He recalled the original battlefield in his mind, and his acquired extreme personality because of his disability was even more aroused, and he sent an order with killing intent, saying: "Order Gong Siwei to list the results of the investigations in the past few days one by one, one by one. No words left! This Marquis wants Jiang Quandi and other officials to die!"

How dare this group of people take advantage of natural disasters to enrich themselves under his nose!


Let me spit out everything you eat!
Marquis Wu'an is talented in martial arts, but he is incapable of dealing with these brain-intensive things.

Marquis Wu'an lost his patience, and directly let the Hanlin scholars enter the palace. He said what he wanted to express, and directly asked the Hanlin scholars who had listened to him to write those words into elegant sentences, and then issued an edict to those who are good at using their brains. King Jing.

The proposed content is:
The Marquis donated millions of dollars in relief to support the poor.If the thing of benefiting the people is turned into an act of benefiting the people, it will only make unscrupulous officials use it as an excuse to make fat, and it will be of great concern.

What's more, if this matter doesn't come out, it's over. Now that it has been discovered, it should be investigated to the bottom to make it clear.

There has been a long history of malpractice in this matter, and officials of all sizes in the province are all involved in the crime.

But it is also absolutely impossible to say that there are too many people not to do it because the punishment is not as good as the crowd.That is to say, there are not many people who have been promoted at this time, and there are not many people who have been promoted at this time, and there is no difficult crime.

Moreover, there is no shortage of talented people both at home and abroad, and there is absolutely no reason why things cannot be done without such a few people.

It is said that King Jing discussed how this matter was cheated and distributed, and how he pretended to sell and buy all kinds of disadvantages.

King Jing received the imperial edict and immediately sent someone to check it out.

"An Ren, you send someone to search for clues, and you must do it well!"

King Jing had been worrying about food and grass in Liaodong before. If it weren't for the support of some officials, he might not be able to come back safely, and there are all those heroic souls who can't come back.

After King Jing went through that incident, he hated this kind of thing of taking advantage of the people to enrich himself.

In this matter, it is rare for King Jing to stand on the united front with Marquis Wu An.


Since Marquis Wu'an decided to chop off the heads of a group of officials, he had to find out the ones that suit him and try to do practical things in the palace examination.

The palace examination only examines policy topics.

There is only one day, and the paper will be handed in in the next noon.

In order to prevent irregularities, Song Huan didn't dare to let them drink more water in the morning. It would be too embarrassing for the invigilator to watch the test frequently running to the toilet.

Moreover, in that kind of majestic hall, it is estimated that there will be no preparations, and it all depends on one word, hold back.

There is one more important thing.

Can not eat food with strong taste.

If the "crazy" Marquis Wu'an went to inspect on a whim, and was very lucky to say a word to you and smell your mouth, wouldn't it be a loss of impression points?
This kind of detail still has to be considered!

Although she can't help with answering the questions, she can still help with such small details in other aspects.

Of course, the officials also taught face-to-face etiquette on the day of the re-examination. Although he is young now, but for the sake of the palace examination, the little emperor will still appear on the stage, and there must be procedures that should be followed.

After Song Huan heard Fu Yuanzhi's report, he also put together his thoughts and tried his best not to lose points in front of the emperor and Marquis Wu'an.

After Song Huan watched Fu Yuanzhi and Adi enter the palace, he rushed to work without stopping.

Outside the palace gate, Fu Yuanzhi and Adi, along with the other admitted tributes, began to enter the palace under the guidance of the eunuch.

After going through a series of etiquettes such as roll call and salutation, everyone finally arrived at their desks to prepare for the exam.

The tributes could not look up. If they could, they would be able to see that their little emperor was sucking his thumb in such a tense and dignified atmosphere.

The eyes are shining, as if saying: (⊙o⊙) Wow!so many people!
Although he was constantly interrupted by the little father-in-law next to him and tried to correct his movements, the little emperor was not discouraged and had a good temper. He didn't cry because of the eunuch's actions, but thought that the eunuch was playing with him.

Marquis Wu An looked away.

He hates children the most!

Marquis Wu An looked at the quizzes who were already answering the questions below, and the seats were seated according to their rankings. Of course, Marquis Wu An's attention was attracted by the good-looking quizzes.

It would be good if all the people in court were young people, it would be much better than those old ministers who always contradicted him.

Not only is it a naysayer, but it also hurts your eyes.

The entire palace was very quiet, except for the occasional childish breathing and laughter.

Thanks to the comrades who voted for recommendation yesterday~

Thanks to Comrade Crescent V Fence for the monthly ticket~
Heart-to-heart o((*^▽^*))o

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