Song Yuanhuanzhi

Chapter 218 Palace Examination 3

In an inconspicuous corner on the side of the palace gate, Song Huan was sitting on the shaft of the mule cart waiting.

Brother looked around, and when he saw Song Huan, he called Fu Yuanzhi to walk forward quickly, and got into the carriage in no time.

Song Huan had only arrived not long ago, and just as he was about to ask about the exam situation, his younger brother said quickly, "Sister, if you have anything to say, let's go back and talk, hurry back, I'm so uncomfortable."

Song Huan: "..."

Back at Song's house, after eating, Adi and Fu Yuanzhi both went back to their room and silently wrote down what they wrote today.

After Fu Yuanzhi and the others wrote down their strategies, Song Huan came in with snacks.

During these days, Song Huan got along well with the ladies and sisters in the palace kitchen, and occasionally brought back some delicious food.

Song Huan asked: "How is it?"

Fu Yuanzhi and Adi exchanged glances, looked back and forth several times, and both felt that the other's writing was good.

Fu Yuanzhi said, "It shouldn't be too bad."

Song Huan didn't expect the two of them to be champions, it would be great if the knowledge they gained from traveling could make up for their shortcomings in Yangjiang Mansion.

Song Huan said: "Relax after the exam, you have done your best, and the rest will be left to God."

Brother took a bite of snacks and asked, "Sister, will you go to Prince Sheng's Mansion after we pass the exam?"

Song Huan thought for a while and said, "Let's wait until your grades come out."

Things are still pretty bad with natural disasters, so it's always a good idea to save some money.

When Adi and Fu Yuanzhi have jobs, she only needs to earn as much as she wants, and then she will be liberated.

Song Huan became excited just thinking about it.

Song Huan came back to his senses happily, and saw two people on the opposite side looking at him intently.

Song Huan added: "Then it will depend on your work. Now that there are so many refugees outside, we can't just rely on your little salary."

Adi pursed his lips, it seems that the goal of giving Ajie a good life is still some distance away.

Tomorrow, he should go to copy books honestly, if he is idle, he will be idle.

Song Huan looked at the tall brother, and suddenly realized that brother is seventeen now.

Recently my younger brother has had a lot of twitching, and he already looks like a handsome young man.

Song Huan suddenly thought of a question.

You can get married here at this age.

If brother-in-law is off the list to arrest his son-in-law...

In this case, she would not be able to continue working. If her future in-laws knew that she was working as a guard for King Sheng, she would not know if the other party would complain, and she would not be able to embarrass brother.

Song Huan looked at Adi, and then at Fu Yuanzhi, but she didn't say what was in her heart.

In fact, the situation of Fu Yuanzhi and brother is similar.

Fu Yuanzhi is still single and good-looking, so it is not impossible to fall in love with a lady from a high-ranking official's family at first sight while parading in the street.

This is Song Huan giving Fu Yuanzhi a chance to regret.

It can also be said to be Song Huan's temptation.

Get promoted, get rich and kill your wife.

She doesn't want to turn herself into a bitter woman, instead of doing this, it's better to be well with each other, when everything is too late.

Song Huan's sense of security has never been given by others, but by herself.

In the past few years, the two have not had excessive contact, and they are purely in love.

It is a bit too much to say that you can't live without the other party.

Song Huan is actually quite heartless in his bones.

If Fu Yuanzhi really chose someone else, she would bless her.


inside the palace

The examiner had already read all the papers, and there were ten papers in front of Marquis Wu An that they thought could be ranked in the top.

Marquis Wu An read each copy one by one, and frowned. Why wasn't the test that he thought was well written in it?
Marquis Wu An leaned back and looked at these ministers with a straight face. They were all officials selected by the former emperor to select the examination papers. They had quite a lot of experience and qualifications. people.

Who knew, they would be given a chance to play tricks without a substitution.

He looked carefully, and the names of the people on the ten papers, except for that Huiyuan, were all children of several high-ranking officials in the capital.

Marquis Wu An restrained his brows and said with a suppressed temper, "What do you guys think of this Marquis' eyes?"

The paper correction officers looked at each other, wondering why Marquis Wu An suddenly asked about the eyes.

After hesitating for a while, one of the courtiers stood up and said, "Master Hou, you practice martial arts all year round. Your body is strong and burly, and your eyes are naturally clear and bright."

Marquis Wu'an raised his eyebrows, as if he suddenly understood.

Unexpectedly, it took only a breath to turn back and forth, and Wu Anhou laughed, and suddenly slapped the table with his palm, making a loud noise.

Fortunately, he controlled his strength, otherwise the whole table could be split in half by him.

As soon as the loud noise came out, several officials trembled and immediately knelt down.

Wu Anhou said with a chill in his voice, "Since it's not my fault, it's your eyes that have a problem!"

Several courtiers bowed their heads immediately.

One of them boldly said: "Master Hou, these ten papers are the best in terms of answers, content, writing, etc. I don't know what I did wrong, please show me."

Marquis Wu An sneered, and said indifferently: "What I want is someone with real talent and practical work, not someone who can only write good calligraphy, write a good poem, and say those high-sounding and unrealistic words."

"What the people need are officials who do practical things, not those officials who only know how to flatter and flatter their subordinates every day without doing anything! Since the establishment of the dynasty, the most indispensable thing in the imperial court is officials who eat vegetarian meals!"

"Look at what you gave me?!"

"Did this Marquis read the words on it? Can his good words and poems bring food to the people! Or can they bring clothes to the people!?"

"Look at what this is saying! Empty talk is all empty talk! I, as a warfighter, know that these words are unrealistic! And you people who have read poetry and books can still write this unrealistic paper. Put it here? You actually think he can be ranked in the top ten!?"

"This Marquis sees that your level is nothing more than this, you don't have to go to court in the future!"

Marquis Wu'an said a lot on it, and several officials just blushed, but when Marquis Wu'an said that they don't need to go to court, their attitudes changed sharply.

"Master Hou! Master Hou! You can't do this! We are all veterans! We have been selected like this all the time! It was the same when the first emperor was in power! You..."

Marquis Wu An directly kicked the stool next to him away.

The whole room fell silent instantly.

Everyone who was preparing to resist was instantly as quiet as a chicken.

Marquis Wu An was satisfied.

"The first emperor has passed away. If you miss him, you should go and accompany him. Come and drag it on."

The other officials just watched the official being dragged down like this.

The official's mouth was covered, and he couldn't even utter the words of begging for mercy.

Those who pulled out were Wu Anhou's subordinates, and they were familiar with this matter.

The other officials are like chickens locked in a chicken coop to be slaughtered, trying to shrink their own existence, shaking violently like a sieve.

Marquis Wu An looked at the people on the ground coldly, and said: "Who else wants to accompany the late emperor? This Marquis will be a good person to send you there today, so that the late emperor will not be too lonely alone."

The others didn't dare to say a word.

What can they say when they encounter such a hard stubble, if they can return home safely, it is already good enough to retire safely.

It is impossible for Marquis Wu An to read all the more than 200 papers by himself. Seeing that these people should be obedient because of their fright, he said, "I'll give you one more chance to read it again, and hand it in again." Come up, if you don't like it, you know the result!"

"By the way, those few can go home directly."

Marquis Wu'an ordered a few old courtiers who were over 50.

"Everyone is so old, their eyes can't see clearly, it's useless to stay, get out."

The old courtiers who were pointed out did not dare to do anything wrong. Those who would normally pretend to be ten years younger now stood up quickly and bowed and retreated.

The people who stayed behind didn't dare to vent their anger, and just stayed where they were.

Marquis Wu An looked at each one of them looking like quails, he couldn't get angry, and said, "What are you still doing in a daze? You're watching a play! Go!"

Those courtiers got the order and immediately returned to the desk, and took out the papers that had been put away before and read them carefully.

Their current goal is one, to take out all the well-written ones that have the nature of doing practical things.

They don't understand what kind of people Marquis Wu'an thinks they are doing practical things, so they can only take out all the articles of this nature, and then check them one by one, and exclude the ones that have been determined to be useless.

Marquis Wu An looked at the resubmitted papers, compared with the previous one, everything except Hui Yuan had been changed.

Seeing this, Marquis Wu An finally felt more comfortable. He picked up the first paper, read it through, and said, "This Lin Yongsheng answered well, it's a pity."

As for why it's a pity, Marquis Wu An didn't say it.

The chief examiner who marked the papers below had the scene just now, following Wu Anhou's words, their hearts fluctuated up and down, which was more nervous than their own palace exams at the beginning!

Could it be that the Marquis of Wu'an still thinks that they are doing favoritism?
It is okay to lose morals, but not to lose one's life.

Now the children of those high-ranking officials have been left behind by them, maybe there are really one or two of them with real talents.However, they didn't dare to take the risk for a second time, so they could only let those few articles be submerged in the second-grade papers.

Now no one dares to cheat.

Then Marquis Wu An looked at a few more photos, and stopped when he saw Fu Chuanlin and Song Yi.

"These two papers are very similar!"

Marquis Wu An immediately saw the profiles of the two people, "They came from the same place."

"Yes, yes, although their contents are somewhat similar, they have different emphases." The chief examiner wiped off the sweat dripping from the corner of his forehead. He wanted to withdraw one, but in the end he didn't dare, and handed it in for Marquis Wu'an to judge by himself. , so that they will not have too much risk.

Marquis Wu An read the two papers carefully, and happened to have impressions of these two people, both of whom looked good, but Fu Chuanlin looked a little old.

Song Yi is not bad, she has such insights at a young age, and she has something to say, unlike those articles that are just empty talk.

That's what he wants.

"Song Yike is the No. [-] Scholar, Li Yuchang is the No. [-]. As for the candidate...Fu Chuanlin." Marquis Wu An scanned the several test papers on the table one by one, and finally settled on Fu Yuanzhi.

In his opinion, although these two articles are somewhat similar, they form a complete closed loop. Except for Li Yuchang, who has some skills, the others are much inferior.

Moreover, he always felt that this Fu Chuanlin still had a lot of things that he didn't write down. He showed a little sharpness that would not be covered up but cleverly avoided the taboos of these old things. This kind of person knows that he is not dull at first glance. Just wait for these silverfish!
An official at the bottom said tentatively: "Master Hou, is this number one scholar too young? I'm afraid it's unfair to other tributes."

Marquis Wu An said: "He's not the first one. Didn't there be Mo Xuanqing in the previous dynasty? As for fairness? Why don't you want fairness if you don't have the ability? Why didn't you say fairness just now?"

Would you like a face?
The official was silently shut up by Wu'an Hou.

The other officials also disapproved a little, and they didn't dare to say anything when they heard Marquis Wu An being so angry.

Of course, there are a few who are hostile to this person and secretly gloat.

Marquis Wu'an was not the first emperor.

A warrior, even if he speaks, he plays the piano to the cow.

If you make the other party unhappy, you may lose your head.

Keeping quiet is the best way.

The second day is April 21, which is the day when the results are announced.

A group of Gongshi arrived at the gate of the palace early.

Under the arrangement of the eunuch, everyone lined up in two rows according to Chunwei's ranking.

At this time, inside the Palace of Preserving Harmony.

According to the rules of the first emperor, today the emperor and ministers should discuss the ranking of new scholars in the palace.

However, Marquis Wu An is not the emperor, so this process was decided in advance by Marquis Wu An last night.

And the final ranking was read out by the eunuch next to him, and then it disappeared.

King Jing saw the appearance of a group of ministers who hesitated to speak but could do nothing.

This is not a discussion here in Marquis Wu'an, but a notification.

Because of the lack of this negotiation link, the tributes did not wait long.

Marquis Wu An ignored the officials below who were dissatisfied with him. They were upset, but he was happy. He was in a good mood, and said directly to the people below: "If you don't have any opinions, let the top ten come in."

The ministers who were forced to close the wheat: "..."

If the process didn't require their presence, Marquis Wu'an could arrange these Jinshi clearly by himself.

At this time, Fu Yuanzhi and his younger brothers who were waiting outside suddenly heard loud voices coming from the inside, as if echoing throughout the palace: "Xuan Li Yuchang, Song Yi, Fu Yuanzhi... Lin Yongsheng, enter the palace !!"

One after another, one overwhelmed the other, and slowly reached the position where they were waiting.

Although it was far away, everyone could hear clearly.

Although the person whose name was called didn't know why, they all knew it was not a bad thing.

Not all the top ten Gongshi were on the called list.

Although the others were sad that they didn't have their own names, they forced a smile on their faces and watched the ten people leave with the guidance of the eunuch.

Fu Yuanzhi and Adi followed the team into the resplendent palace.

This is the second time they have come, and the environment is very different between the two times.

Standing on both sides are ministers of rank four or above in official uniforms, including generals.

The ten people could feel a pressure that cannot be ignored from the moment they stepped into the palace gate.

Fu Yuanzhi and Adi managed to maintain their composure.

They have seen the approachable and approachable Master Li Ying, the respected county school offering wine, and the officials at the tea party and literary meeting.

This is not the first time they have come into contact with officials, and they are still psychologically prepared.

The demeanor of each official is controlled by the other party, depending on how they want to show it.

At this time, the officials were deliberately letting go of their aura, and coupled with the solemn and dignified environment, Fu Yuanzhi and others felt more substantive about the pressure.

Fu Yuanzhi and Adi were at the back, and Adi could see a few people in front who were so nervous that they were sweating.

Hundreds of eyes focused on ten people. How could ordinary people encounter such a situation, let alone the ministers of the fourth rank or above.

That was a person they couldn't get in touch with even if they wanted to, and they could only know it from other people's mouths.

Thanks to the comrades who voted for recommendation yesterday~

Comparing heart~O(≧≦)O

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