It was Yin time, and it was almost Mao time when Fu Yuanzhi and Adi arrived home.

After returning home, brother asked the doubts in his heart: "Brother Fu, what did you tell Fan Shidu? Why did he stop bothering you after hearing it?"

Fu Yuanzhi said: "You and I have no one in the court. If you want to stay safely in the Imperial Academy for three years, you must know a thing or two about the intricate relationship of the court."

Adi felt that what Fu Yuanzhi said was very reasonable, but, "But Brother Fu, where did you learn about it?"

Fu Yuanzhi said: "The next step is business."

Adi suddenly realized, "That time you took that money out just to inquire about this?"

Fu Yuanzhi nodded, "You also need to combine the news that your elder sister got when she was with King Sheng, and the two can be combined."

King Sheng and the Xiang family were at odds. During that time, King Sheng sent someone to investigate Xiang Shengju. Although Song Huan didn't go with him, she was always by King Sheng's side to protect him. Over time, he could hear some hidden news.

Adi felt that he had learned another trick but couldn't help being curious, and asked, "Then what did Fan Shidu do to hold back the attack?"

Only then did Fu Yuanzhi tell the whole story.

At this time Song Huan was shopping for vegetables in the market.

Prices in the capital are slowly stabilizing.

The price of rice has dropped to [-] cents a catty, but the price of meat is still quite expensive. Pork is [-] cents a catty, and a chicken is [-] cents a catty.

However, this has fallen back to the price before the natural disaster, and the prices under the imperial city are not cheap.

Song Huan was still thinking about what kind of cold salad can be eaten besides cold shredded chicken.

Braised pork and braised eggs are actually a good choice, and it should be delicious with steamed buns sandwiched with braised pork slices and a little hot sauce.

Song Huan was walking back after shopping for groceries, and when she passed an unremarkable alley, she heard the two communicating in poor Mandarin, and finally they communicated in "dialect".

Song Huan left after listening to this sentence. She only thought that what the other party said was familiar?But for a while she couldn't remember.

And those two people who communicated in "dialect" didn't notice Song Huan who passed by in a flash, even if they knew it, they didn't care, after all, ordinary people would not notice this aspect.

Moreover, the common people's knowledge is too narrow. Although they don't understand it, they will only think it is the dialect of that place. After all, candidates from all over the country can't speak all the official dialects well. As the economically prosperous capital, this anomaly has not caused any problems. Not at all unusual.

Song Huan finally remembered after stepping into the door of the house, patted his forehead, and murmured: "This is very similar to X language!"

The gathering place of the Korean ethnic group in Tianqi Dynasty, most of the people there are Korean ethnic group, so many people there can also speak X language, so it is not surprising that this word appears in the capital.

Song Huan lamented that the capital is indeed a capital, and there are people from all over the place.

As soon as Brother came out, he heard Song Huan talking to himself, and asked curiously: "Sister, what was the language you just said?"

Song Huan said, "It's just a dialect."

Hearing Song Huan's words, Adi was no longer curious. He secretly stepped forward and said, "Sister, someone bullied Big Brother Fu today."

Song Huan raised his eyebrows and asked, "Did Brother Fu suffer?"

Brother said proudly: "How is it possible!"

Song Huan felt relieved and said, "Then it's all right."

Although she didn't know the twists and turns inside, she always knew that the officialdom was difficult.

This era will only be more difficult than modern times.


"My lord, my subordinates have noticed a change." An Ren reported back to King Jing.

King Jing raised his head from the desk.

Seeing this, An Ren continued, "The Xiang family seems to be in contact with another force."

King Jing put down the brush, got up and walked to the window, looked at the banana leaves after the rain, and then turned around and said, "Do you know who the other party is?"

After hesitating, An Ren said, "Looks like... a foreigner."

King Jing's expression moved slightly.

"The Xiang family came here to tell you that they want to cooperate, but at the same time colluded with other peoples. This is the crime of collaborating with the enemy and treason!" An Ren never thought that the Xiang family would actually cooperate with the enemy and treason.

In the past, the Marquis of Wu'an and the prince fought against the invasion of foreigners in the past two years. Now the Xiang family wants to lure wolves into the house. What a suffocating act!

King Jing went back to the desk and sat down, wrote a letter, and after he stopped writing, he said, "Give this letter to King Sheng."

The Xiang family wanted to control the court by themselves, and now the behavior of the Marquis of Wu'an not only made the Xiang family fearful, but also made all the officials complain. over there.

As for Marquis Wu'an holding a powerful army, only one of them could make him lose the ability to control the military power and popular support in an instant.

If the Xiang family makes a move, that's his chance.

King Jing has seen everything he has done since the regent of Marquis Wu'an. Although he is "perverse", the people behind this "perverse" are actually benefiting.

And those children who were trafficked here...

A person who is dedicated to the people also has a gully that cannot be crossed.

There is no perfect saint in this world.

While saving the people, he is also harming some people. He is said to be bad, and he is doing disaster relief and emergency refugees. He is said to be good, but he is still doing that thing.

He didn't know how to judge this person.

King Jing sighed, but in the end, the surname Ji must still be in this world!

At this time, a palace official came outside to report: "My lord, the concubine has called Miss Qi into the palace."

King Jing nodded.

The Qi family was his best choice.

He is not young now, and his mother and concubine have urged him to get married more than once. What should have been settled a long time ago had to be delayed because of the Liaodong War. Now it is time to go further.

The Qi family is a scholarly family with a clean family, but the Qi prefect is a maverick.

Fortunately, he acted in a proper manner. Although he looked out of tune and every choice was unexpected, but after careful observation, it happened to be the right path for him. The people under him live and work in peace and contentment, and they are organized and reasonable people.

What he needs is such a Yue family who has a sense of propriety and a sense of advancement and retreat.

It is impossible for him to talk about the Xiang family again.

King Jing thought of the people he had always remembered deep in his mind, and asked An Ren, "How are those people from Fu Yuanzhi?"

In fact, An Ren has never understood why King Jing pays so much attention to an ordinary scholar.

In fact, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is mediocre.

There are many people with higher literary talent and better appearance than Fu Yuanzhi, and there are even many.

But the prince just took a fancy to this person in the vast crowd.

After Fu Yuanzhi went well in the imperial examination, he finally convinced himself that the prince is quite accurate in judging people, at least he is now a good candidate.

An Ren told what happened that day, and King Jing stopped talking after hearing this.

King Jing silently recited these three words Fu Yuanzhi.


(Fu Yuanzhi extra)

Apocalypse three years
The capital is crowded with people and prosperous like brocade.

Fu Yuanzhi took a rest in Qixia Ridge in the northwest.

He came across a Taoist by chance.

The Taoist stared at Fu Yuanzhi for a long while, then said slowly: "If officials can love and respect themselves, their fame will not be inferior to that of Duke Han and Wei in the future."

Han Weigong was a famous official during Gaozong's time. He was also a general and admired by the world. There are few people in the past and present.

Hearing this, Fu Yuanzhi's face remained calm and his eyes were numb, but there was still a hint of unyielding in the depths of his eyes. However, at this moment, he only thought that the Taoist was making fun of him, and he didn't believe it at all.

Seeing this, the Taoist didn't say anything more, shook his head and left.

A few days later, Fu Yuanzhi got drunk and quarreled with others but was pushed down on the stone steps and broke his forehead. Although he was fine, he left an indelible scar.

Not long after, in a tavern, Fu Yuanzhi met the Taoist again.

The Taoist still had an impression of Fu Yuanzhi. When he saw the scar on his forehead, he sighed and said, "What a pity, what a pity! The heaven is damaged. Although the fame is great, it cannot end well."

Fu Yuanzhi was down and out, and a sense of depression lingered all over his body, but there was still hope in his eyes. He grabbed the hem of the Taoist priest who was about to leave, and asked in a trembling voice: "Do I really have fame? If I can one day If I am happy, I will die without regrets! But now I am homeless, where does my fame come from?"

The Taoist looked at his complexion and said: "The stagnation has opened, and within three days, there will be an adventure, and you will reach the sky." After saying that, he left without looking back.

Fu Yuanzhi turned over as the Taoist said.

Fu Yuan's dynasty was rich and powerful, and the court favored him more and more, and everyone was flattering and flattering.

Literati such as Liao Yinglong, Weng Yinglong, Zhao Fengru, etc., and military officials such as Xia Gui and Sun Husheng, all entered and exited Fu Yuan's gate.

At that time, the Tianqi Dynasty made the people of the Tianqi Dynasty fall into a more difficult situation because King Jing did not guard Liaodong.

Although the frontier generals resisted, the government and the public could not help but be shocked by the counterattack of the foreign race.

Fu Yuanzhi knew that this was a further opportunity, and he needed to be promoted to a noble, so he recommended himself, willing to recruit soldiers to defeat the thieves, and protect Liaodong for the Tianqi Dynasty.

Marquis Wu'an granted it at that time.

Fu Yuanzhi thanked him and resigned from the court, and went to take up his post.

Fu Yuanzhi took advantage of this to send someone to Yangjiang Mansion to find Song Yi.

Fu Yuanzhi survived only with the help of Father Song in Darongshu Village. It can be said that he owed his life to the Song family.

Now that he has obtained the Dao and has someone in his hand, he naturally sent someone to find the benefactor's child immediately.

Song Yi came to Fu Yuanzhi's side and followed Fu Yuanzhi silently. Song Yi would not speak unless necessary.

Fu Yuanzhi stayed in Liaodong for six years, and Song Yi did the same.

During these six years, Fu Yuanzhi forced Song Yi to read and practice calligraphy, but Song Yi preferred to practice martial arts than to study and practice calligraphy.

Fortunately, Liaodong has been safe and sound in recent years.

Seeing this, Marquis Wu'an summoned Fu Yuanzhi to return to the court, and took up an important post in the Privy Council, in charge of military and political affairs.

At that time, the original Ren Ding Dazheng had been dismissed, and Fu Yuanzhi took his place.

When Fu Yuanzhi returned to the imperial court, he seemed to be a hero of Zhongxing. Because his status was rising steadily, he took this opportunity to arrange all his retainers into prominent official positions or important members of the court.

But half a year later, the Xiang family pulled Wu Anhou down for the crime of collaborating with the enemy and traitorous country, and Wu Anhou was sentenced to beheaded.

But when the Xiang family brought down Marquis Wu'an, they didn't expect that it wasn't them who reaped the fruits, but Fu Yuanzhi.

Fu Yuanzhi monopolizes the power at one time, he is really under one person and above ten thousand people.

At this time, Fu Xuelin, who was already the magistrate, was deposed by Fu Yuanzhi and imprisoned in the name of Marquis Wu'an's party. Fu's family was copied, and Pan's and Fan's were used as military prostitutes.

The in-laws Zhang's family also had the same result. All the female family members in the mansion were filled as military prostitutes, and the men were exiled for three thousand miles.

After getting his revenge, Fu Yuanzhi didn't feel happy in his heart. His experience in the first half of his life made him disgusted with this world.

He had seen enough of those ugly corners of the mouth, and was tired of it.

In order to enrich his life, he began to send traffickers to buy private salt for profit.

He also changed the land system under the pretext of making the country rich and the army strong, causing the people to go bankrupt and complain a lot.

At that time, anyone who wrote a letter to persuade him was dismissed from office and exiled.

Dissatisfied with Fu Yuanzhi's deeds, some students wrote poems to ridicule him.

Fu Yuanzhi scoffed at this, and ordered his subordinates to investigate everywhere. Anyone who was good at poetry was listed as a suspect. During the assessment, he deliberately found a fault and dismissed them all.

Some scholars wrote poems to ridicule him. Fu Yuanzhi took advantage of the fact that the current emperor was still young, and directly canceled the imperial examination for this year.

This behavior made scholars all over the world hate Fu Yuanzhi.

Of course, there are also some shameless people who take refuge in Fu Yuanzhi's sect and sing praises.

Fu Yuanzhi knew his own virtue, and when he looked at those people who took refuge in him, he felt extremely disgusted in his heart, but he had also become the person he hated and hated the most.

Fu Yuanzhi's lawlessness made the whole court dark, and the public opinion was not upheld, and there was no distinction between right and wrong.

As the little emperor grew up, Fu Yuanzhi was conferred the title of the little emperor again, and his status went up to a higher level.

Every time he meets in court, the little emperor must pay his respects, and he is allowed to meet with him once every ten days, and the rest of the time is at his own discretion.

At this time, Fu Yuanzhi was truly at the height of the sun, unmatched by anyone.

Not long after that, the foreign tribes invaded Tianqi and the country became stronger and stronger, and they sent troops to attack Tianqi again. After three years of fighting, the whole court knew that only the little emperor was kept in the dark.

Fu Yuanzhi knew that the country was in danger, so instead of thinking about saving the country, he seized the opportunity and had fun in time.

Such a dilapidated country, subjugation is not bad.

Song Yi beside Fu Yuanzhi didn't say much when he saw this.

He was alone, if Fu Yuanzhi hadn't found him, he might not know where he died.

King Jing, who was lying on the bed, looked at such a dilapidated Tianqi, and suddenly vomited blood and died.

In the fifth month after King Jing's death, Daocheng and Fancheng fell one after another. The guard Lu Wenguan defended for five years. Finally, because of the failure of solidarity and the lack of food in the city, he had to surrender in Kaesong.

When soldiers and horses broke through the capital, Fu Yuanzhi committed suicide in the study, with Song Yi by his side.

When King Jing opened his eyes again, he had returned to the year when he was 15 years old.

At this time, everything is still in time.

King Jing has the memories of his previous life. When he came back this time, the first thing he did was to send someone to investigate Fu Yuanzhi and establish influence in Yangjiang Mansion.

At first he wanted to kill him directly, but after reading the news that came over again and again, he still wanted to read it again after all.

Perhaps, one day he will use this person.

Although he didn't know what changed Fu Yuanzhi, he would not ignore this person.

In memory, he is the chief culprit of the subjugation of the country.

Thanks to the comrades who voted for recommendation yesterday~

Thank you for the monthly ticket voted by Jin Ziaishu~
Than heart

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