Song Yuanhuanzhi

Chapter 229 Li Chang

Ben Weicheng really took the young man to the Yamen.

The case of fake gold has been registered in Dali Temple.

Dali Temple then received another case of claiming false money after a few months. After a trial, the young man was only detained for a few days in the end.

Hou Ya was as usual, once the case was over, everyone would gossip and gossip to pass the time when they had something to talk about.

As we chatted, we talked about the person behind the young liar.

In fact, the people behind him are just gangsters, they just have a better background than them.

The other party's brother happened to be Wu Anhou's confidant general.

This is also the reason why he dared to do this kind of thing boldly, he used it to the fullest.

Everyone also knew that the man was Pianjiang's brother.

Now that Marquis Wu'an is in full swing, with great power in his hands, who would dare to offend Marquis Wu'an's confidants?

I didn't bring such a thing to death.

Therefore, since the regent of Marquis Wu'an, although there are few dirty people under his command, it does not prevent their relatives from going out to hold them back.

Li Chang is one of the many confidantes of Marquis Wu'an.

Li Chang is honest and honest, and he is loyal to Marquis Wu'an.

But he has a problem, that is, he can't control his family well.

Many people know that his brother secretly gave out usury money and cheated people with fake gold and silver.

But no one dared to stab Li Chang in front of him.

They all believed that Li Changzhi had ordered his brother to do this.

Of course, the people in Dali Temple also think so.

Huang Guoyan is the prime minister of Dali Temple. From a sixth-rank official, he is addicted to gambling and owes a lot of debts outside.

He was worrying about money, and when he heard everyone's gossip, he suddenly thought about it.

This Li Chang is from the Marquis of Wu'an, doesn't this just give the Xiang family a handle?

Li Chang secretly delivered a letter to the Xiang family.

And precisely because of Huang Guoyan's actions, the Xiang family also had a breakthrough.


two days later

The young man who was staying in the prison with peace of mind suddenly saw his boss being locked in.

The young man opened his mouth, but no sound came out.Suddenly there is a bad feeling.

An hour later, his superior was brought in for interrogation.

I don't know what to ask, and in the end, I was carried out with blood all over my body.

Seeing this, the young man was terrified and shivered, hiding in the corner and hugging his weak self.

That afternoon, he heard that his boss' brother was also handcuffed.

He knew the boss's backer, and because of this, his father chose to join Li Chang's brother.

According to his father's analysis, if Li Chang's brother didn't have Li Chang's backing, he, a person without official position, would not dare to do such a rebellious thing in the capital, so they always thought that they voted for Li Chang , and Li Chang's brother is just a middleman.

Li Chang passed by the young man's prison door, and the young man saw Li Chang's appearance clearly.

Although they paid so much money, this was the first time they saw the deity.

Compared with other people in the prison, he is very decent, with clean and tidy clothes and combed hair. He is like everyone's imagination of a general, with a height of eight feet, thick eyebrows and big eyes, and majestic, although his feet are handcuffed He was chained, but he still did not hide his righteousness.

If it weren't for the fact that he was chained, looking at other people alone, he would not look like a prisoner at all, but the jailer beside him would look more like a wretched prisoner.

Li Chang never thought that he would come to this place one day, and it was because of his cousin.

At first, he thought it was because of fake silver and fake gold.

However, after he was brought into the prison where prisoners were specially tortured, his face turned cold.

As a fifth rank partial general, how could he be treated like this?

But before he could say anything, the minister of Dali Temple who came to interrogate tortured him involuntarily.

Li Chang roared and scolded, but Dali Siqing's expression remained unchanged, and he turned a deaf ear to it.

It wasn't until Li Chang was beaten that he had no strength to speak anymore, then the minister of Dali Temple asked: "Li Chang, did Li Fu follow your order to release usury and make fake silver? You, a fifth-rank official, have Such a bold amassing money, say! Who instigated you! What is the purpose of wantonly collecting money?"

Li Chang spat out blood, and sneered, his lips, teeth, and between the teeth were all crimson, "Lu Wenhuan, you make random conclusions without asking why, and you make something out of nothing, you Dali Temple Minister is nothing more than that!"

It was people like him that Li Chang hated the most in his life.

It is said that their military officers are ruthless and have countless lives in their hands, but how bad are these civil servants?
They are even worse than military officers, they confuse right and wrong, create something out of nothing, sue and cheat, and use endless means, how clean their hands are!

Li Chang relied on his innocence and kept silent about Lu Wenhuan's words.

He is a close confidant of Marquis Wu An, and Lu Wenhuan has nothing to do with him.

Now he can only show off his prestige on this.

The pain in his body made him gasp.

The last time I was injured was when I was on the battlefield a few years ago.

Naturally, Lu Wenhuan also saw Li Chang's confidence, and didn't care about what he said, just doing his own thing, so he induced, "Li Chang, it's Marquis Wu'an who envoys you, right?"

"We found letters from Marquis Wu'an with foreigners in your mansion."

"Does the Marquis of Wu'an have the heart to disobey him?"

"In order to complete his great cause, let you people under his command collect money for him, in order to allow him to quickly accumulate capital in a short period of time! Yes or no!"

Li Chang listened to Lu Wenhuan's questioning, no matter how slow he was, he was able to react.

Where is there any letters between Marquis Wu'an and foreigners in his mansion, these people want to frame the Marquis!
Li Fu deceived him to come here by making fake silver to cheat money, came to Dali Temple, closed the door, and testified that they could get whatever they wanted.

Isn't the most common thing in this Dali Temple is torture?
Lu Wenhuan wanted to force himself to falsely admit that he had ordered Li Fu to collect money, and then he could refer to Marquis Wu An, saying that Marquis Wu An ordered him to do all these actions.

In this way, Marquis Wu'an will be charged with collaborating with the enemy, treason, and seeking power to usurp the throne.

It is to let Marquis Wu'an die without a place to bury him, so that his reputation will be spread far and wide.

As for the entire imperial court, it is the Xiang family who most hope that Marquis Wu'an will lose power.

Heh, he really didn't expect that the Xiang family's hand had already reached Dali Temple.

What's more, they didn't expect that they actually started to do it, but I don't know if Lord Hou noticed it!
Li Chang is absolutely loyal to the Marquis of Wu'an. Now that he has seen clearly the twists and turns, how can he make the other party fulfill his wish.

As a result of denying it to death, he was flogged and looted to pieces.

The young man has been locked up in prison, as if everyone else has forgotten him.

The only thing he could do in the prison was to squat on the outside leaning against the pole, and keep looking in the direction of the interrogation room to see if there was any movement.

Ever since Li Chang was imprisoned in the interrogation room, he hadn't been seen coming out.

The prisoner in the next cell rubbed over and asked, "Is that person who went in that day related to you?"

The young man stared at each other vigilantly, and said, "What do you want to do?"

The prisoner in the next cell snorted when he saw the young man looking hopeless, and said, "I don't want to do anything, I'm just too boring, just talking."

Seeing this, although the young man was not as nervous as before, he felt a little better.

"Don't worry about it, people who have been in for two days and haven't come out basically won't come out." The prisoner next door said.

"How do you know?" asked the young man.

The prisoner next door said, "I've been in here for three years, so I'll know after seeing a lot."

The young man just felt that he couldn't breathe, and he couldn't help sweating from his forehead. If Mr. Li couldn't come out, then he was going to die!

The young man couldn't help but hugged himself tightly again, it was just a small case, is it so serious now?

The young man shed tears of terror.

He hasn't married a wife yet!

Come and save your son!

King Jing's Mansion

"My lord, the Xiang family has started to attack." An Ren said.

King Jing hummed.

There was a trace of heaviness in his eyes.

I don't know if it was because he won the battle that he changed the original trajectory. This happened seven years earlier!
"Wait and see what happens." King Jing said.

"Keep watching."


An Ren stepped back.

The Xiang family contacted the foreign race in advance, will they still use the same tricks as in the previous life?
If so, he has a head start.

At this time, the butler came up.

"My lord, Miss Qi sent a post saying that a flower viewing feast will be held in three days."

King Jing took the post, with beautiful handwriting and flowing water.

King Jing held the post in his hand and said, "I won't go, you go to the warehouse and send the tiara left by the concubine to Miss Qi."

After receiving the reply, the butler withdrew.

Qi Yuansang and him have already decided on a marriage, and they only wait for two months to get married.

It's not because he doesn't want to give face to his future princess, but now is the critical time, and it's better for him to avoid attracting attention.


Xia Gui, another confidant of Marquis Wu'an, reported: "My lord, Li Chang was taken away by Dali Temple."

Upon hearing the action of the Marquis of Wu'an approving the scriptures, he immediately put down the brush and asked, "What's going on?"

Xia Gui told about Li Fu's use of Li Changhu to pretend to be a tiger.

Marquis Wu'an's face was expressionless, but there was a trace of hatred for iron but not steel in his eyes.

Xia Gui said again: "Li Chang is a rough man. He is only good at fighting on the battlefield. It is normal that he is not good at restraining his family. Don't be too worried, Lord Hou. I'm afraid it will take a few days for Dali Temple to find out. Chang will naturally be released."

Marquis Wu An didn't continue this topic, he said: "What is the Xiang family doing recently?"

A little too quiet.

Xia Gui bowed her head, and said in a natural tone: "As usual, I'm still buying those good people."

Marquis Wu An put his eyes on Xia Gui, Xia Gui felt the invisible pressure, his heartbeat gradually accelerated, and he could only feel the sound of heartbeat accelerating in his ears.

Xia Gui felt that Marquis Wu'an had been looking at him for a long time, but in fact it only lasted three breaths.

Marquis Wu An looked calm, and waved his hands: "Continue to send people to watch, if there is nothing to do, then step back."

Xia Gui said "Here" and immediately retreated.

After Xia Gui left the Hou's mansion, a gust of wind blew in, and he came back to his senses. He could feel the sweat dripping down his back and chest.

But before Xia Gui left, a person appeared next to Marquis Wu An on his back.

"How?" Marquis Wu'an said indifferently.

The man lowered his head and said respectfully, "The Xiang family has already contacted foreigners."

Marquis Wu An sneered, "I'm looking for my own death."

"Go and find out about Li Chang." Marquis Wu An ordered.

The man backed away immediately.

Marquis Wu'an tapped his finger on the table one by one, his eyes like deep wells were devoid of any emotion at this moment.

He hadn't tasted betrayal for a long time.

At this time, Li Chang in the prison was like a bloody man, with chains on his feet, bloodstains all over his body, his brows were furrowed, sweat dripped from his forehead, and the salty sweat slid down the bloody wound. Compared with other pains, this pain It's like being bitten by an ant.

He was in so much pain that his consciousness was a little blurred. He didn't know how long it had been since the day he came in, and he didn't know whether it was dark or day outside. Dali Temple deserves to be called Dali Temple, and the methods were extreme. This period of time not only tortured his body Still tormenting his spirit.

It was already a bit hot in June, and even if you got close, you could still smell the stench of rotting flesh coming from Li Chang's body.

At this time, Li Chang was tried again, and it was still presided over by Lu Wenhuan. He put the so-called "evidence" on the table and scolded Li Chang: "Why did the court owe you, but you want to conspire with Marquis Wu'an?!"

Li Chang was filled with indignation at Lu Wenhuan's questioning. He stared at Lu Wenhuan and shouted: "I, Li Chang, swear to the Tianmeng that I will never fail the court and the people. You preside over the law of the country, but frame Zhongliang! Who is plotting rebellion! Who is it?" And I want to make a way that is not good for the court, the country, or the people!"

"If I, Li Chang, are wronged to death today, I will confront you endlessly in the underworld!" Li Chang shouted angrily in a hoarse voice, his eyes revealing the cruelty like a wild beast.

Lu Wenhuan continued to ask: "Since Mr. Li said that he has no intention of rebelling, do you still remember what Marquis Wu An did in Liaodong when he was in Liaodong? Now that he said such a thing, wouldn't it show that he had unreasonable intentions? If it wasn't for the broad-mindedness of the first emperor, he would not fight with him." Regardless, the Marquis of Wu An can still be as comfortable as he is now!"

Li Chang could not help laughing resentfully when he saw such a deep and thoughtful expression.

In his heart, Marquis Wu'an's loyalty to the country will give up everything, but now all his achievements are criminals in the mouths of these civil servants!

He really felt worthless for Marquis Wu An!
He had nothing to say, and then closed his eyes.

Seeing that Li Chang was not cooperating, Lu Wenhuan winked at the guard next to him. Seeing this, even if the guard couldn't bear it, he had no choice but to step forward. First, he poured a basin of salt water on his head, and then pulled out his whip to continue to torture.

After half a month of interrogation, Lu Wenhuan still couldn't get any charges from Li Chang that could prove that Marquis Wu'an colluded with foreigners to murder the dynasty.

The Xiang family didn't want to wait any longer.

In the end, Lu Wenhuan could only give a testimony of Li Chang, which stated the connection between Li Fu's fake money and Li Chang, Wu Anhou and the three parties.

This testimony was forcibly watermarked by Li Chang's finger mixed with blood.

Li Chang finally got a moment of tranquility, but he was already at the end of his strength, and even after half a month of persistence, he failed to change any results.

At the last moment, he stared blankly at the direction of the door, his mouth opened and closed, he didn't know what to say, he was choked by the blood gushing from his chest, and he kept coughing, because he couldn't feel the pain of the wound caused by coughing, When he was unwilling to close his eyes, he seemed to see a pair of familiar shoes staying not far from him. The familiar fragrance made him feel peaceful, and the unwillingness in his eyes was also half eliminated by this fragrance.

Thanks to the comrades who voted yesterday~ Bixinxin

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