Song Yuanhuanzhi

Chapter 232 Follow-up

Fu Wanrong failed to achieve her goal, so she had to return without success.

Song Huan watched Fu Wanrong leave, turned around, locked the door and secretly followed Fu Wanrong's carriage.

It wasn't until the carriage drove into the side door that Song Huan detoured to the main door and saw the plaque on the door.


After Song Huan got the result he wanted, he returned home.

For so long, she almost forgot about the rest of the Fu family.

She didn't expect Fu Wanrong to come to her suddenly.

I'm afraid they will make some kind of moth come out again.

Fortunately, now that Fu Yuanzhong has become an official, he has no scruples about Fu Xuelin who is of the same rank.

The change of Song Huan's identity made her no longer able to look for a job as before. If someone found out, it would have some adverse effects on brother.

Song Huan is now just playing boxing at home, reading story books, or studying food. Of course, because the economic situation does not allow it, even if it is not delicious, he has to eat it all. Sometimes Song Huan can't finish it. Brother and Fu Yuanzhi are back I have to help to solve it. Fortunately, the food is clean, and there will be no situation where diarrhea is not worth it.

Song Huan leisurely waited until the time when brothers and the others were about to be off duty, and then took brother mule to pick them up at a fixed place.

Fu Yuanzhi and Adi came out from the door, Adi quickly collected his mood, and rushed towards Song Huan as usual.

Song Huan sighed and shook his head.

You're still wearing an official uniform, restrain yourself.

Fu Yuanzhi relaxed when he saw Song Huan.

Marquis Wu'an's imprisonment had a little impact on Fu Yuanzhi and Adi.

It is true that Fu Yuanzhi and Adi can occupy a place in the Three Tripod Armor because of their own strength, but they also met Wu Anhou by chance.

The reason why other people didn't act too much towards Fu Yuanzhi and Adi was also because of Marquis Wu An.

As for King Sheng who appeared during the parade, those who are interested have also found out that it was a complete coincidence that day, the person who was with King Sheng at that time was Song Huan, and the relationship between Song Huan and King Sheng was unspeakable.

Therefore, the group of people in the Hanlin Academy have not restrained Fu Yuanzhi and brother since Wu Anhou was imprisoned. It is just the matter of Fan Shuyi and the preparations made by Fu Yuanzhi before. It's a good time, but there are always a few "clear scholars" who think highly of themselves and have no weaknesses. They think that Fu Yuanzhi and Adi are blind cats who have encountered dead mice. For such people, Fu Yuanzhi and Adi can only change. law to deal with.

In comparison, there are weaknesses, and people like Fan Shuyi are easier to deal with.

Fu Yuanzhi and Adi tacitly did not tell Song Huan about the work, even if they did, Song Huan could only worry for nothing.

Moreover, they had to worry that with Song Huan's temperament, if they couldn't figure it out, they would probably run to someone's house and beat someone up in the middle of the night.

The capital is different from other places, even if Song Huan's martial arts are good, it's better to restrain himself.

After Fu Yuan got on the mule cart, Song Huan moved to the shaft of the cart and gave him the driver's seat. Fu Yuanzhi slowly drove the mule brother away.

Not far away, Zhang Jinzhai, who had just got off duty and was about to get into the car, moved his eyes with the mule cart. At this moment, Huang Chujie, who had fallen behind Fu Yuan, also came out. Seeing Zhang Jinzhai who hadn't left yet, he walked away come over.

"Cousin!" Huang Chujie walked up to him and shouted.

Zhang Jinzhai was immersed in his own thoughts, but did not notice Huang Chujie, Zhang Jinzhai was startled by the sudden sound in his ear.

Huang Chujie, who came over to follow Zhang Jinzhai but found nothing, asked in confusion, "Cousin, what are you looking at?"

Zhang Jinzhai didn't have anything to say to this cousin, so he got in the car and said: "Get on, get on, or get out if you don't get on!"

Huang Chujie scratched his head innocently, his eyes full of doubts: "What's wrong with cousin? Who messed with him?"

Huang Chujie didn't know anything about his actions, the groom at the side held back his smile and reminded him, "Master Biao?"

Only then did Huang Chujie come back to his senses, and quickly said: "Up, up, up!"

When Zhang Jinzhai returned to the mansion, he heard the butler's reply.

Zhang Jinzhai looked at his daughter-in-law, who was as busy as ever, and said directly, "Did you go shopping today?"

Fu Wanrong paused, then resumed her busy work and said, "I feel a little bored today, so I went out for a stroll."

Zhang Jinzhai nodded in agreement and said, "You should go out for a walk more to relieve your mood."

There was a trace of guilt behind Fu Wanrong's smile, but she still nodded seriously, and said softly, "Listen to Mr.

Zhang Jinzhai seemed to mention it unintentionally: "When I was on duty today, I saw this year's champion Lang and Tan Hualang at the door. Maybe he is really your cousin."

When Fu Wanrong heard the words, she put on an expression of disbelief and surprise: "If it's true what Xianggong said, maybe he's really a cousin."

Zhang Jinzhai nodded and said, "Why don't I find a chance to invite him out, so you can meet him and confirm whether he is your cousin or not."

Fu Wanrong saw that Zhang Jinzhai was talking about this point, so she could only nod her head and agree: "Okay, Yi Xianggong."

Zhang Jinzhai smiled slightly. Seeing that Fu Wanrong was still busy, he just pulled her over to the table and sat down. He said helplessly, "This matter will be handled by my servants. You should rest well."

At this moment, Fu Wanrong was distracted by Zhang Jinzhai's words, and only followed Zhang Jinzhai's movements, her eyes were a little erratic.

The smile in Zhang Jinzhai's eyes froze for a moment, and then scattered, as if nothing had happened.

Fu Wanrong didn't notice Zhang Jinzhai's strangeness, but even if she did, she wouldn't know what he was thinking.

When Zhang Jinzhai came home, he never told her about things outside of the family, except for a brief reminder of the occasional necessary entertainment that needed attention, he basically didn't talk about anything else.

Fu Wanrong thinks that she is not bad at learning, but Zhang Jinzhai can't talk about her without Zhang Jinzhai. In the past, she tried to start a conversation, but it ended in vain. I don't talk about it any more, I just focus on taking care of this family, taking care of the house and the property outside.

In the past few years of her marriage, it seems that she has to make up for the hard work she has lost in the previous ten years.

As a peasant girl, even though her elder brother is promising, she still lacks the skills to survive in the back house, including managing property.

Fortunately, she can read, coupled with her own hard work, she got started fairly quickly.

However, she also met some scumbags who thought that she was not from a high family background, and because she didn't know much about some things, she thought she was easy to bully and always made trouble behind her back.

At the beginning, she suffered a lot in the hands of those people, but as time went by, until now, she was able to hold everything in this family in her hands.

Because of this, she was unwilling to lose all of this.

If Fu Chuanlin really did something to make her lose everything she has now, she can only make Fu Chuanlin have no chance to say it.

The reason why Fu Chuanlin was able to enter Beijing for the test so smoothly was thanks to the silly Song Huan beside him.

As long as Song Huan leaves Fu Chuanlin, the chance of success in dealing with Fu Chuanlin will increase.

However, Song Huan is just like what her mother said, she is not simple.

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