Song Yuanhuanzhi

Chapter 246 Song Yi

"Sister! Sister! Sister, can you wake up... Sister..." A desperate voice came from the room.

Beside the head of the bed, a thin and small man was constantly pushing the person on the bed with his skinny hand. His sallow face was sunken, his hair was withered and yellow, and his face was mixed with tears and snot.

At this time, a cold wind was blowing outside, and it was snowing, and a thick layer of snow had already accumulated on the ground.

Song Yi touched the already cold person on the bed, and said with a hint of grievance and coquettishness in her voice: "Sister, your hands are too cold, brother, go and boil water for you, and I will bring it later, sister You can't stay in bed anymore!"

After Song Yi finished speaking, she pulled the broken shoes and opened the door of the main room, and the cold wind instantly poured into the icy room from the door.

Song Yi clenched her teeth and grunted, trying to close the door.

As soon as the door was closed, another gust of cold wind blew by. A yellow leaf with a layer of snow fell on Song Yi's body. The heat of the snow instantly melted the surface layer, and Song Yi's neck also felt cold instantly. .

Song Yi was shivering from the cold, hissing the cold air, hurriedly brushing away the white snow and fallen leaves with her trembling little hands, and then rubbed them vigorously with her sleeves, her sallow skin instantly turned red.

There is no water in the yard, but luckily there is snow and there is no need to go to the stream outside the yard to fetch water. Song Yi used her dirty little hands to hold Baixue into the pot in the kitchen, because he is small, The jar was too heavy to carry, so we had to go back and forth to the kitchen yard to hold Baixue into the jar in small handfuls, so that all we had to do was light the firewood.

The wet firewood picked up yesterday was still piled up next to the stove.

My younger brother struck the fire with a flint and steel for a long time but it didn't light up.

In the end, Brother had no choice but to go into the room and pull out a handful of straw before lighting the fire.

When the wet firewood was burned, there was a lot of smoke, and brother was so smoked that tears flowed while he went to check the cupboard.

There is no grain of rice left in the rice bag in the cupboard.

Now there are still some wild vegetables that he and his sister went to dig in the snow yesterday.

Song Yi took out the wild vegetables, rubbed them with Baixue, and put them into the pot as if they were washed.

Fortunately, this small stove does not need too much firewood, and a can of wild vegetable soup will be enough soon.

Song Yi tiptoed to take the spoon off the stove.

The bowl was on the upper shelf of the cabinet, and he couldn't take it down at all given his height.

Song Yi moved a stool from the side and stepped on it. With his height and the support of the stool, he was just able to reach the upper shelf of the cabinet. Staying in the cupboard to stabilize his body, he slowly took down the bowl after his dizziness got better.

Song Yi lifted the lid and carefully scooped up the wild vegetable soup with a spoon, not a single drop was wasted.

Song Yi endured the hunger in his stomach, and carefully carried the hot vegetable soup into the house with both hands. He put the wild vegetable soup on the bedside, and was touched by the warm little hand of the already hardened corpse.

Song Yi's little hand didn't shrink back due to the cold, but clenched the cold place tightly, intending to pass on her own warmth.

Song Yi drooped her eyes and pursed her lips, tears welled up in her eyes, her voice became crying again, and she asked in a low voice, "Sister, sister... brother has already cooked the vegetable soup, sister, hurry up Get up and eat, okay? Sister, we won’t be able to go out to dig wild vegetables when it gets dark. Sister, you can’t be lazy! Sister... Sister, brother is afraid... brother is afraid... "

The more Song Yi said, the more she collapsed.

The person on the bed remained motionless.

Song Yi was crying, he felt dizzy even worse, suddenly his eyes went dark, and he fell forward unconsciously.

I don't know how long it took, Song Yi's consciousness slowly gathered, and there was a small human voice next to her ear, intermittently, her mouth would be opened from time to time, and at this time, hot, salty, bitter liquid would pour into her body, and the whole body People are warm. it you...

Song Yi desperately wanted to open his eyes to see who was coming, but his eyelids seemed to be filled with lead, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't open them.

When Song Yi woke up again, she only knew that the snow outside had melted.

"Are you awake?" A woman in coarse linen came in.

Song Yi recognized her, he was Aunt Liang at the foot of the mountain, and she had come to help with Dad's burial before.

Song Yi called out obediently, "Auntie."

Aunt Liang looked at such a well-behaved Song Yi, and couldn't help but sigh in her heart, what a good child, it's a pity that his life is too hard.

Song Yi suddenly realized that he looked behind Aunt Liang and asked, "Auntie, have you seen Sister?"

There was hope in his voice, he hoped that the hours before he passed out were just dreams, and that sister was still there.

When Aunt Liang heard Song Yi's question, she didn't know how to speak for a while.

That day, the head of the house was thinking about the two children and came up to take a look. Who knew that the child Song Yi in the room had already passed out, and Song Huan on the bed had already lost his life.

Song Yi developed a high fever on the way, and cooked some herbs that they dug up on weekdays, but she didn't expect to be able to survive it. This is the only seedling left in the Song family, but luckily it survived.

Song Yi recalled the scene of Song Huan lying motionless on the bed that day, and the tears dripped down like a spring, but he did not behave like that day when he was heart-piercing in front of Sister, he only said in a weak voice: "Did sister go to heaven to accompany parents?"

Aunt Liang couldn't bear it, but people can't come back to life after death, so she can't lie about it, she just said: "Your elder sister is afraid that your parents will be lonely and go first."

Song Yi's voice was choked up: "Sister is bad, brother is also lonely, why doesn't sister go with brother, brother also misses his parents..."

Aunt Liang's eye sockets are shallow, and she wiped away her tears twice just because of her son's efforts. She sniffed and said, "When the time comes, I will naturally meet your parents. Now, eat some rice soup and sleep well." Feel, wait until the body recovers."

Song Yi nodded obediently, took the bowl from Aunt Liang's hand, looked at the countless rice grains in it, and sipped it into her mouth cherishingly.

He no longer remembers the taste of rice soup.

This time I was able to eat it, but my sister was no longer by my side.

After Song Yi finished eating, she obediently lay down again, grasping the corner of the quilt with her two small hands, her body tensed, her eyes closed, her eyelashes trembling like a sieve, and a drop of water dripped from the corner of her eye. Another drop of tear kept slipping between the temples.

Aunt Liang tucked the quilt for Song Yi, sighed silently before going out.

The quilt is so thin, that girl Song might be frozen to death.


If they had been obedient and married the children in the next village early, and there was a man supporting them, the siblings of the Song family would not have fallen into what they are now.

Good luck fooling people!
After Song Yi woke up, Aunt Liang gradually stopped coming up.

In a village, everyone is in trouble. The Liang family has four children who are the age to feed the poor. The Liang family has already helped the Song family too much. Song Yi can only feel grateful to the Liang family.

Song Yi often helps his elder sister dig wild vegetables and chop firewood. He knows wild vegetables and can also gather firewood. Now he can barely survive alone.

He recalled his father's boxing movements in the yard before, and in order to survive, he also learned it well over time.

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