Song Yuanhuanzhi

Chapter 249 Song Yi

Chapter 249 Song Yi (Special Episode 4)

With a creak, the door was closed without a single gap.

Only then did Qingqing sneak up to Song Yi from behind the two of them, she stretched out her two small hands to grab Song Yi's clothes, and said, "Brother, don't be afraid, my father will be here soon."

Song Yi looked at this little girl who was about the same height as her, and now she realized that she was trying to comfort her by comforting herself, right?

Song Yi pulled Qingqing to a corner where no one was around and sat down.

Qingqing obediently sat next to Song Yi, Song Yi suddenly heard the sound of gurgling, he rubbed his stomach, since he woke up, he hasn't eaten anymore, now he is hungry and thirsty, he rubbed it again Rubbing the place where I was kicked yesterday, although I didn't take off the clothes to see, it should be green and painful.

At this time, another gurgling sound came from next to her ear, and Song Yi looked at Qingqing beside her.

Qingqing grinned, pointed to her stomach, and said, "It's screaming."

Song Yi sighed and said, "They should give food later."

Qingqing nodded: "Yes, they only give food at night, but the quantity is not enough, everyone has to grab it."

Song Yi nodded when she heard the words, and said, "I'll grab some food later, you stay here."

Qingqing smiled and nodded repeatedly, "Listen to brother."

Sure enough, after half an hour, two men came in.

One person held a bucket containing some rice porridge, and the other held a basket containing rice bran cakes.

Song Yi's eyes lit up when he saw the food. His goal was rice bran cakes, which were dry, and the ones in the bucket would make him hungry.

As soon as the two of them put down, except for Qingqing, all the other children rushed forward, even three or four-year-old children followed suit. If they want to avoid starvation, they have to do their own work, and they must be the first to get it as soon as possible.

Song Yi's speed is considered fast among them. He grabbed four cakes at once. While everyone's attention was on the basket and bucket, he secretly stuffed two cakes into his clothes and hid them. He was not greedy. He didn't continue anymore, he exited the crowd and prepared to return to the place just now, but when he arrived, Qingqing was gone.

At this time, Qingqing was struggling on the other side of the bucket. She held a bowl in one hand and scooped a bowl in the other. After scooping, she hugged her chest and walked out protecting the two bowls.

Qingqing went smoothly, but when she just got out of the encirclement, she was stopped by three children who looked eight or nine years old.

One of them, A, said: "Give me the porridge, and we will let you go."

Qingqing shook her head and said, "No, there is still in the bucket, if you want to eat, go get it yourself."

B said: "No, we will eat what you hand."

Song Yi saw that Qingqing was in trouble, so he quickly ate two mouthfuls of rice bran cakes. Only when he had food in his belly could he have strength, and he hid the rest of the rice bran cakes.

Qingqing is still resisting, Jia, B and C are about to make a move, but Song Yi stands in front of Qingqing.

"If you have hands and feet, you can't get it by yourself? Why do you have to bully her?" Song Yi didn't understand, everyone was arrested, and they didn't want to escape, and they were still bullying others here?

A, B and C looked at Song Yi, and A sneered, "I advise you not to meddle in other people's business, we have our own reasons for doing so."

Song Yi frowned, not knowing how Qingqing offended them.

Seeing that Song Yi refused to let go, B said sternly: "If you don't let go, we will fight with you!"

Song Yi resolutely refused to let go. Seeing this, the three of them went forward and held Song Yi down. Song Yi was not at the mercy of others, and immediately started to move, punching and kicking chaotically.

Taking advantage of the gap, Qingqing quickly put the rice porridge in the corner, and then ran up to help, scratching people, scratching hair, pinching people, as long as it can make people strong and useful, she has tried them one by one.

Song Yi was already at a disadvantage, but yesterday he was punched by B again at the place where he was injured, adding to the injury, Song Yi fell backwards, hit the door and passed out.

This movement attracted the attention of Pai Hanako outside, who were also the two people who delivered the food just now. As soon as they came in, the room fell silent instantly.

The two saw Song Yi lying on the ground and Qingqing who was crying next to him, one of the men said, "Calm down, I will break his leg and make him go begging on the street!"

A, B, and C were huddled together in a pile, not daring to make a sound.

Seeing that the two men had been shocked, they locked the door again and went out.

A, B and C looked to the corner, where there were two bowls of porridge that Qingqing put down.

At this moment, Qingqing couldn't care less about the two bowls of porridge, watching the unconscious Song Yi with tears and snot running down her nose.

Qingqing was wrong.

Qingqing shouldn't make her own claim to get the porridge.

A, B, and C, Qingqing's two bowls of porridge were naturally not enough for them to share, so they got up and went to grab the porridge from other people's hands. The other children naturally didn't dare to risk their own lives when they saw the scene just now, so they had to obediently hand them over to them with a look on their faces. The expression of grievance about to cry.

The ones that haven't been snatched quickly swallowed it whole, and once it's in their stomachs, they won't be able to snatch it.

A, B and C are full of food and drink, and smile triumphantly. Sure enough, it is best to find Liwei who is the best to bully.

Song Yi didn't know how long he had fainted, but it was already dark when he woke up.

Song Yi took advantage of the moonlight coming in from the window to see clearly the people around her, Qingqing curled up beside her, with tears still on her face.

Song Yi clutched his chest, sat up slowly with a suffocating energy, leaned against the wall, and saw that everyone else in the room was asleep, then he slowly grabbed the shattered rice bran cake residue from his bosom , Eat slowly and mechanically, mouthful by mouthful.

Song Yi ate and ate, tears flowed down his nose, and his nose was blocked by snot. He breathed through his mouth while eating the rice bran cake, and he didn't dare to make a sound.

He raised his other hand and wiped away his tears and snot with his sleeve.But the tears kept gushing like a mountain spring that had been squeezed out of the soil, and my younger brother could only wipe his tears while eating rice bran cakes.

He needs to be strong, if he doesn't have the strength he won't be able to grab the food, if he can't grab the food, all that's waiting for him is death and Qingqing.

Song Yi felt that he had regained a third of his strength, he licked off the debris in his hand, and slowly shook Qingqing, when Qingqing was woken up, Song Yi quickly covered her mouth with her eyes and hands.

Song Yi leaned close to Qingqing's ear and said softly: "It's me, Song Yi, don't make a sound."

Qingqing's eyes widened due to fright returned to normal when she heard Song Yi's voice, and she nodded slowly understandingly.

Only then did Song Yi let go of her hand, Qingqing got up lightly, sat beside Song Yi, leaned into Song Yi's ear and said, "Brother, are you alright?"

Song Yi shook her head, without saying anything, she grabbed a handful of debris from her bosom and stuffed them into Qingqing's hands.

Qingqing held it in both hands, doubts flashed in her eyes, although Song Yi didn't see clearly, but she also knew what she didn't understand, he said softly: "This is rice bran cake, eat quickly."

Qingqing's eyes lit up when she heard what it was, she didn't eat it right away, but leaned in front of Song Yi and said, "Qingqing can still persist, brother eat."

Song Yi pushed her hand away and said, "I've already eaten it, otherwise I wouldn't have the strength to call you, you eat it quickly, we both can survive after eating it, and you can wait until your father comes to save you."

Qingqing's eyes were moist instantly when she heard the word daddy. Seeing Song Yi's insistence, she could only withdraw her hand and began to eat slowly. Like Song Yi, she didn't dare to make a sound, as if she was the mouse that came out to steal food in the middle of the night.

Song Yi saw that Qingqing started to eat, so he let out a sigh of relief.

The action just now made him sweat in pain, and now he is alone, he can only swallow the pain silently.

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  Thanks to book friends 20180122084945643 and Jiu Jing for their monthly tickets~

(End of this chapter)

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