Fu Wanrong watched the figure gradually disappearing from the window lattice, she waved to the maid next to her, and ordered: "It's fine."

The servant girl retreated silently.

Fu Wanrong felt relaxed at the moment, she sat down slowly and looked at the tea in the teacup with leisurely eyes, since you can't make up your mind, I will help you.

On the street, Qingqing was walking towards the inn where she was staying.

She walked distractedly, recalling the scene in the elegant room just now in her mind, Fu Wanrong was right, she really had no choice.

Qingqing stopped, covered her eyebrows and eyes with her hands and raised her head, the scorching sun at noon seemed to burn her, making her feel raw pain.

Qingqing smiled miserably, lifted her heavy steps and continued walking. When she reached a dark alley, two men appeared on both sides of the alley, both of them were dressed as people from the Jianghu.

Qingqing's senses tensed instantly, and she quietly touched the dagger.

At this moment, the whole alley was extremely quiet, except for the sound of the wind and the hawking outside the street.

The last word of the cry fell, and it seemed to be a signal, and the two men in front and behind moved at the same time.

Qingqing drew out her dagger to resist, and the opponent was obviously prepared. Qingqing used one-on-two, not only did not seriously injure the opponent, but she continued to be injured.

These two people's kung fu is superior to hers, one person can barely resist, two people will only speed up the speed of her defeat.

The two did not kill Qingqing, one of the men broke Qingqing's hand, Qingqing was so painful that she sweated instantly, she stabbed the dagger towards the man's neck with her backhand, but was snatched away by the other man.

The man who snatched the dagger wanted to break Qingqing's foot, but was hurt by a stone and had to dodge.

Seeing the approaching figure at the entrance of the alley, the two looked at each other, and the man directly thrust the dagger into Qingqing's shoulder neatly. After completing these actions, the two quickly fled away.

Song Huan didn't continue chasing people, she saw Qingqing's injuries, her brows were full of worry, she immediately hugged Qingqing, the bright red on Qingqing's shoulders burst out, dyed her chest red, and also dyed Song Huan red. joyous.

Qingqing looked at Song Huan, and shouted in a vain manner: "Sister..."

Song Huan quickened his pace, and his voice was full of worry: "Don't be afraid, this is not far from the medical center, and a doctor will treat you soon, just persevere."

Qingqing closed her eyes with a pale face.

How could Sister happen to appear at this point in time.

Thinking of those two people who had no intention of killing at all, they stabbed themselves again when sister came.

Where does she still not understand?

It's Fu Wanrong.

She is making choices for herself.

She was injured, and she was injured in front of Sister. With her relationship with the Song family, she would definitely be able to live in the Song family.

Song Huan sent Qing Qing to the hospital, two hours later, Qing Qing's injury was healed.

Song Huan sat beside Qingqing, who was still unconscious at this time.

Song Huan looked at the time, now Fu Yuanzhi and Adi are also on duty, Song Huan sent some travel expenses to someone to go to the house to say something, and by the way let them bring over the medical expenses, Qingqing's wound cost two at once Two silvers, she didn't have that much silver with her.

An hour later, Fu Yuanzhi didn't come alone, he was accompanied by his younger brother.

Brother went to pay, Fu Yuanzhi held Song Huan's hand and asked, "Are you okay? Are you injured?"

Song Huan shook his head: "I'm fine, it's Qingqing."

Fu Yuanzhi looked at the person lying on the bed and frowned.

Song Huan said: "I didn't see those two people clearly, can I still report to the police?"

Fu Yuanzhi pondered for a moment and said: "When Qingqing wakes up, ask her if she saw the person coming."

Song Huan nodded.

At this time, Brother also came in. He first looked at Sister, seeing that Sister's face was normal, and her brother-in-law looked calm, so he knew that Sister was fine.

Only then did he look at Qingqing, he had heard the doctor talk about Qingqing's situation just now, seeing Qingqing comatose, his eyes showed worry.

After a while, Song Huan said: "You go back to eat first, Qingqing won't be able to go back for a while, I'll stay here with her."

Fu Yuanzhi said: "Then I'll go back and make you something to eat, and I'll bring it over later."

Song Huan nodded: "By the way, let's cook some porridge, prepare it at night, Qingqing can eat some when she wakes up."

Fu Yuanzhi nodded.

Qingqing stayed in the hospital for four days before moving into Song Huan's home. She had a fever for three days halfway through. After the temperature dropped, the doctor said that she could go home to recuperate, and they took Qingqing home in a mule cart.

In the past few days in the hospital, when Qingqing was sober, Song Huan asked her room number, went to get her luggage and checked out the room.

When Qingqing moved into Song Huan's courtyard, Fu Wanrong also received the news.

Fu Wanrong breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, Zhang Jinyu came in and said, "Sister-in-law, where did you go this morning?"

Fu Wanrong's expression remained unchanged, and she said, "There are some incorrect accounts in the store, I'll go and have a look."

Fu Wanrong watched Zhang Jinyu sit down directly, fanning the wind with a fan, she took a sip of sour plum juice, and suddenly said: "Hey, sister-in-law, why did you suddenly drink this?"

Seeing Fu Wanrong touch her stomach, Zhang Jinyu said pleasantly, "Sister-in-law, you won't..."

Fu Wanrong pursed her lips and said with a smile: "I don't know, it may also be because of the hot weather, bitter summer, no appetite."

Zhang Jinyu put down his fan and said, "In that case, why don't you ask the doctor to take a look?"

Parents have been looking forward to their grandson for a long time, and she has listened to her mother's nagging.

If there is, it will be a happy event for the Zhang family.

Fu Wanrong raised her lips and said, "It's getting late today, let's do it tomorrow."

"You don't want to talk about this, I'm afraid... it will be nothing but joy again." Fu Wanrong warned.

Zhang Jinyu nodded, "Okay, sister-in-law, you should rest first."

Fu Wanrong nodded with a smile. After watching Zhang Jinyu's back disappear, she withdrew her smile. She rubbed her stomach and prayed in her heart: I hope this time it's true.


Song Huan's family had no servants, so she directly took out the things in the west wing and made room for Qingqing to live in.

Qingqing lay on the bed and watched Song Huan busy up and down, feeling very guilty, and said: "Sister, there is no need to clean up, I will just lie here and be fine."

Song Huan said: "I'll just take this wooden box. You can take a good rest these days. I don't know if the government can catch someone, but you can't get too hopeful."

As far as that notice was concerned, six out of ten people could match up, Song Huan really didn't dare to have any hope.

Qingqing actually sees people clearly, but she can't involve Fu Wanrong, she can only mix truth and falsehood.

After Song Huan packed his things, he clapped his hands and said, "You, the task right now is to take care of your body. Your body is more important than anything else. I'll go out first to see if the porridge is ready. If you need anything, call I'm fine."

Qingqing watched Song Huan turn around, and quickly shouted: "Sister..."

Song Huan turned around and looked at Qingqing.

Under Song Huan's clear gaze, Qingqing always felt as if she was about to be stripped naked in the next moment, she lowered her eyes and whispered guiltyly: "Thank you, sister."

In Song Huan's eyes, Qingqing was that shy little girl who was too embarrassed to bother others. She laughed, and said something to let her take a good rest, and went out directly.

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