Song Yuanhuanzhi

Chapter 271 Fan Meide

Fan Meide stood up and said unceremoniously: "Editor Song, it is better to leave the control of planting vegetables to experts. After all, you and Editor Fu are not officials of the Department of Agriculture, and they are not good at these things. After two months of hard work by Mr. Liao and I, we are the only ones who can take over this hot job when you are in prison. What we got is your attitude? Instead of being grateful, you talk about me inside out. It’s not the same as Mr. Liao, did you read this sage book into the dog’s stomach?”

Song Yi listened to Fan Meide's words, even though she was surprised that the other party was brazenly beautifying her behavior, she still remained calm on the face.

At this moment, the air froze.

Seeing this, Liao Chenglin took the initiative to ease the atmosphere. He said to Song Yi, "Master Fan is also doing it for your own good. No one dares to take this job. Fanmai is a new variety after all, and no one has known it before." However, if you accidentally screw it up, you will lose your head!"

After Liao Chenglin finished speaking, he persuaded Fan Meide: "Editor Song is still young, and he just came out of Dali Temple Prison, so it's inevitable that he will be very angry. Now everyone can understand each other when they sit down and have a good talk, right?"

When Liao Chenglin said the last two words, he shifted his gaze to Song Yi and Fu Yuanzhi.

Song Yi smiled, one sang red face and the other sang bad face, it was really great.

At this time, Fu Yuan stepped forward and finally said: "Master Liao is right. Now the crops are growing well and cannot do without the careful care of the two lords. After all, we cannot go to prison without the credit of Mr. Fan, Mr. Fan." To be able to help Fan Xueshi take over this stall is because we, Tongtian, have seen others."

After Fu Yuanzhi finished speaking, he bowed to Fan Meide: "I'm so sorry."

Fan Meide choked, the words were ingenious.

Fan Meide is Fan Shuyi's cousin, and Fan Shuyi put the two into the Dali Prison, and no one saw Mai's stall this time.

Good guy, after being told by Fu Yuanzhi, it's only natural for him to do all this, and he's cleaning up the mess for Fan Shuyi!
Song Yi heard that he was very kind, and suddenly said: "So that's the case. No wonder Mr. Fan suddenly became unruly again. So it was because of Mr. Fan? The two adults have a deep brotherhood, and it's because of the heart of a villain and the heart of a gentleman. , Yi is not here to accompany you! I hope Master Fan will forgive me for being still young."

Liao Chenglin: "..."

Fan Meide and Liao Chenglin looked at each other, but they had nothing to say for a while.

It is true that the two of them coveted Fanmai, but they are also afraid of Song Yi.

One is because of His Majesty, and the other is Li Ying, Guo Linzong and Fengchi Academy.

If it wasn't for the latter, they might really have lost their skin, but it just happened to let these two people get a blessing in disguise.

Fan Meide panicked in his heart, if he had to describe his feeling at this time, it would be: lifting a rock to shoot himself in the foot, this feeling is really uncomfortable.

The news that Fan Shuyi got from Zhou Daocheng was true, but there were twists and turns in the truth, otherwise, how could Song Yi and the two be able to turn around?

Fan Meide snorted inwardly: What kind of shit luck did these two have?

Liao Chenglin didn't go any further. He didn't want to completely offend Fu Yuanzhi. There was another reason, but he couldn't let Fan Meide know.

One was pushed back by Fu Yuanzhi in twos and threes, and the other was not determined to embarrass him.In the end, Fu Yuanzhi and Song Yi managed to take back the materials, and even took away the ones that Fan Meide and Liao Chenglin sorted out, in the name of understanding the growth process of fanmai in the past two months.


Song family
Xiaoqin returned to the Song family again, Song Yi was on duty, she was not a servant of the Fu family, so she should return to the Song family.

Xiaoqin opened the letter paper, and after confirming the content, she breathed a sigh of relief, followed by an undisguised smile.

She kept her word, and her hard work some time ago was not in vain.

In the middle hall, Song Huan turned the side of the sweet potato and said, "There is news from Lan Lan that your father's matter has been taken care of."

The leader of the bandit cannot be pardoned, and according to the law, his head must be beheaded.

It's just that I don't know what price the Lan family paid to make Lu Zhifu transfer Qingqing's father. Now that Qingqing's father is dead on the surface, she can only change her name and surname in the future and live under another name.

Qingqing breathed a sigh of relief, the stone in her heart was finally let go.

After all, she has studied and learned calligraphy and traveled in the rivers and lakes for a few years. If you say that the city is not that deep, but it is possible.So, how could she be so easily dominated by Fu Wanrong.

Although she was indeed threatened at the beginning because of her father, she is not stupid and can't do anything. She is not a fool in the world, and she can also buy the news she wants from the business.

The snake has its way, and the rat has its way.

She didn't want to harm the Song family, but she went to ask directly. The Song family's foundation is shallow and they can't do anything. Lan Lan is different, but Lan Lan has no relatives and no reason with her. Will not necessarily do their best.

But if she started from another aspect, she could get the effect she wanted.

It was also the reason why she followed Fu Wanrong's plan to let the Lan family go all out.

She can be a chess piece, but it must be a chess piece that can control her own destiny and make her own way.

This plan is indeed effective, and it has indeed achieved its purpose. It can make the Lan family willing to pay the price to save people.

Although it was very dishonest to cheat the Lan family, but for the sake of father, she had no choice.

Qingqing clasped the corner of her clothes, her breath stagnated, and her heart ached. It wasn't just the Lan family who paid the price, didn't she too...

Her relationship with her elder sister and elder brother has never been the same as before.

Seeing that Song Huan was still reading the storybook, Qingqing said, "Sister, since the matter has been resolved, I'm going to leave the capital to go back and visit Father."

Song Huan put down the storybook, thought for a moment, looked at Qingqing and said, "How about waiting a few more days? When Xiaoqin's matter is resolved, I will leave with you."

Qingqing was attracted by the last sentence, and said in surprise: "Why did sister leave the capital?"

Song Huan smiled without saying a word.

It's hard for her to be herself again, so she has to enjoy her life alone.

Of course, it's fine for the two men in the family to know about it, and it's fine for them to call her sick.

Qingqing asked again: "Are sisters going back to Yangjiang mansion too?"

After thinking for a while, Song Huan shook his head and said, "Not necessarily, it will depend on the specific situation."

There is no need to make a plan for this kind of thing, just go wherever you go.

Qingqing said: "But, sister, brother Fu and brother are in the capital, don't worry..."

Song Huan waved her hand, she has been a mother for a long time, and then she will just follow the fate, so be it.

When she came to this world, she didn't have much pursuit, but only one purpose, that is, when brother grows up, she can live a happy life of her own.

She doesn't want to be bound in this small world all day long.

Maybe she thought enough was enough and came back.

Of course, spiritual and physical freedom must be built on a certain economic basis, which is why she wants to write a storybook to earn money.

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