Song Yuanhuanzhi

Chapter 277 (Unsubscribe)

Song Huan said: "We have noticed the wheat itself, but besides the seeds and agricultural tools, we still have another place to pay attention to."

Fu Yuanzhi said, "What?"

Song Huan pointed out the window, and under Fu Yuanzhi's doubts, he said, "Soil."

Fu Yuanzhi asked: "Fertility?"

Song Huan nodded: "It's almost the same meaning."

"Do you have to dig the soil before planting grain?"

"Turning the soil can also affect the growth of seeds to a certain extent."

"Like in the village, the general method of plowing the land is very simple, that is, using a seven-inch plow to plow the land with livestock."

"In addition to this method, there are actually other methods."

Fu Yuanzhi asked, "Is there any other way?"

Song Huan drew a cross-sectional diagram and said, "First, tidy up the land, send the prepared fertilizer to the field, and get the tools ready, divide the land from the north to the south, start from the north, and turn from west to east. Turn three Turn the first edge of the soil to the outside, and turn half of the second edge of the soil to the wall of the ditch to make a ridge. Then clean the bottom of the second edge of the soil, apply fertilizer, and then use a three-foot nail rake Pound it once, and then pour the other half of the second edge of soil on top of the soil that has been cleaned and fertilized, and make the second edge and pour it again. The first ditch is about to be made, with a depth of two feet five. Then Turn the second hook, fill the first edge with good soil on the second edge of the first ditch turned first, and turn backwards in this way."

Song Huan also made a note next to the picture: (Generally, the soil is dug before the year.)
Just as Fu Yuanzhi was about to speak, Song Huan made a pause and said, "There are still a few methods, you should listen to them first."

Fu Yuanzhi shut his mouth.

Song Huan went on to say: "The third method is to mix raw and cooked soil. This method of plowing the ground is to dig deep with an iron fork manure rake, apply fertilizer, and mix raw and cooked soil with fertilizer to reach a depth of one-half. One and a half feet. It is to disturb the soil layer and achieve the principle of digging the ground.”

"The fourth method is to prepare a piece of land, completely turn the good soil on the first edge (eight to ten inches) to both sides, dig the next layer, let it weather over the winter, and put it on the ground before planting next year. The good soil can be sown when it is turned back to its original place.”

"The fifth method is to turn the ditch. Firstly, the ground is prepared, and the dung is sent, and the north and south are divided, starting from the north and turning from west to east. The row spacing is seven inches wide, and the first edge of the good soil is turned to the right. Turn the plate soil on the second edge to the ditch wall as a ridge. Fertilize the bottom of the ditch with manure, pound it with a manure rake, start digging the second ditch, and fill the first edge of the soil into the first ditch that has been fertilized. Just make a ditch. Turn the slab soil on the second edge to the ditch wall as a stalk, pound it once below, apply fertilizer, and turn it backwards one by one."

"The sixth method is to plow first and then cover. This method is very simple, that is, plow once with a seven-inch plow in the front, and then plow with a special cover plow in the back. The depth needs to be about one foot three."

Fu Yuanzhi looked at Song Huan who had stopped to drink water, and asked, "It's over?"

Song Huan put down the water glass, nodded, "It's over."

Fu Yuanzhi asked: "Here, how is cooked soil?"

Song Huan explained: "The dead soil becomes mature soil when it is weathered on the ditch wall."

Fu Yuanzhi understood.

Song Huan said: "Weather the dead soil into mature soil, and apply fertilizer in a concentrated manner, so as to achieve the purpose of deep plowing."


early May

"Master Fu, half of the pits need to be mended." The deputy frowned, and reported the results of the investigation with concern in his eyes.

Song Yi on the side said: "Sister (husband), cough, editor Fu, we have already screened the seeds before, why is the germination rate still so low..."

Fu Yuanzhi opened a book, which contained the notes he had copied from Song Huan's paper.

Fu Yuanzhi said: "Perhaps it has something to do with the reason why the temperature dropped a few days ago."

Song Yi was surprised and said: "It will happen like this in one day?"

Fu Yuanzhi said: "This possibility cannot be ruled out."

Fu Yuanzhi didn't say this question too absolutely, his tone was too sure, and now there are outsiders.

Song Huan wrote that when seeds are suddenly affected by low temperature, germination will be reduced and quality will be lost.

Fu Yuanzhi said to his assistant, "Let's make up for the seedlings."

The deputy should step down and step back.

Song Yi stood up and approached Fu Yuanzhi in a low voice, "Brother-in-law, do you think we can continue this experiment? Your Majesty asked us to increase production, and I'm afraid we won't be able to explain to His Majesty when the time comes."

Although Song Yi acted confident in front of Fan Meide and Liao Chenglin, she was actually a little apprehensive.

Fu Yuanzhi said: "As long as there are no natural disasters and man-made disasters, it will be better than last year. We screened the seeds this year. The result may not be as good as Changliu Village, but it will be better than last year."

Song Yi clasped her fists together and said, "Yes, and I specially fertilized it. I can also experiment with it. Compared with the manure fertilized by Dasinong Si, is it better for me or theirs?"

Fu Yuanzhi patted Song Yi's shoulder, then sat down and continued the work in hand.

Song Yi thought about it, then went out to look at the fertilizer.

Fu Yuanzhi rubbed the paper in his hand, not knowing how his wife was doing now.

At this time, in a certain county, Song Huan had just come out of prison.

She watched the cold and majestic door slowly close behind her, and sighed silently.

She was obviously the one who caught the thief, but she was the one who was imprisoned in the end.

Fortunately, I have the ability to make money, and it will come out in a few days.

Song Huan patted the ashes on her body, and ran directly to the market. The food in the prison was not good, so she had to pay homage to her five internal organs temple.

After eating and drinking, Song Huan found an inn to take a good rest.

It was already the next morning when she woke up.

Song Huan didn't rush down, she took out the pen and notebook from the bag.

The notebook was an empty notebook that Fu Yuanzhi bought at the book store before Song Huan went out. It was used for copying books in the book store, and it was generally not for sale.

Song Huan recorded what happened in the past few days on it.

Song Huan planned to copy them on letter paper and send them back to Beijing after accumulating to a certain level.

Fortunately, she didn't use a brush, so she could write quite fast.

Now that he is away from home, Song Huan still pays attention to writing.

If you can write the characters here, you can use the characters here, and if you can't, she will use simple characters.

After Song Huan finished writing, he went to Xiao Er to bring food.

Two quarters of an hour later, Xiao Er knocked on the door.

When Song Huan opened the door, she saw the person behind him. Although she was a little familiar, she didn't recognize him.

Xiao Er handed the food to Song Huan, and then said: "Guest officer, this little brother said he came to see you."

Song Huan asked suspiciously, "We know each other?"

The person on the opposite side saluted first, and then explained: "Little brother, you threw your horse to me that day..."

Song Huan was stunned, she just remembered that she was in a hurry to chase the thief, but she didn't see who it was.

Song Huan was pleasantly surprised: "It's you?"

It's good to take the initiative to find someone, she's afraid she won't be able to find anyone!

The person on the opposite side bowed and said: "Yes. Little brother, I will take good care of your horse, but I have to trouble you to settle the expenses for these few days."

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