Song Yuanhuanzhi

Chapter 283 Xiao Zheng's Land

Lizheng said Xiao Zheng was the youngest son of old man Zheng in the village.

Last year, old man Zheng was laid to rest, and his mother is now at Mr. Zheng's house.

Because of the old man Zheng's death, the brothers of the Zheng family separated. Xiao Zheng was young and got a piece of land that wasn't very good.

When Fu Yuanzhi arrived, Xiao Zheng was busy working in the fields with his daughter-in-law who was pregnant with Liujia and his eldest son.

The weather in August is so hot that people can hardly breathe.

Li was looking at Xiao Zheng's daughter-in-law who was blushing, and scolded Xiao Zheng: "Xiao Zheng! Your daughter-in-law is like this, and you still have the heart to let her out in such a bright sun!"

Li Zheng turned his head to Xiao Zheng's daughter-in-law and said angrily: "This job is too busy for a while, don't be in a hurry, go and rest quickly! Be careful of the protest in your stomach!"

Before Xiaozheng's daughter-in-law could speak, Xiaozheng came forward to complain and said, "Lizheng! It's not that I'm cruel! It's my daughter-in-law who sees the situation in our field and is worried!"

"In the past two years, everyone in the village has saved enough money for their children to go to school! I don't have a single jingle bell! You said before that when the village will set up a school, other children in the village will be able to go to school , my Da Lang can only watch helplessly because I am a worthless father, and I feel uncomfortable when I think about it, can I not be in a hurry!"

"Look at the growth of my wheat. It's getting worse and worse. The damn red spider and the heart digger are all trying to eat my wheat. It's not that I'm selling it badly, it's true. It's so hard!" Xiao Zheng peeled off the wheat near his hand, and inside were the traces of being eaten by insects.

Xiao Zheng was busy complaining to Li Zheng, while Fu Yuanzhi was observing the situation in Xiao Zheng's field.

Xiao Zheng's situation is even worse than that of Dasinongsi.

When he set off, the rye was only bulging, and most of the damage was at the tip of the ears.

But Xiao Zheng's is different, the barley has already started to swell, and the damage to the barley can be seen more clearly, and there is some powder under the whiskers, and the appearance of red spiders can be seen occasionally.

Lizheng saw that Fu Yuanzhi was already checking the situation and didn't have time to pay attention to their side. He pulled Xiao Zheng aside and whispered, "Did you see the person who came with me just now?"

Xiao Zheng nodded, "Who?"

Li Zheng said: "It's Fu Xiaolian who came to the village a few years ago and helped everyone promote Fanmai!"

Xiao Zheng looked back, saw that the other party was indeed very handsome, and said, "What do you mean, he is here to help the village to promote again? Li Zheng, I didn't say that, the most important thing for me now is to get rid of the red spider and the heartworm. Can you always give me a good time for my question! With this skill in guessing riddles, I can catch a few heartworms!"

Li Zheng hated iron but said: "You are careless! It's no wonder you got this piece of land! You deserve it!"

The child!A dog who bites Lu Dongbin does not recognize a good heart!He also hates himself for delaying his efforts!

Xiao Zheng: "..."

Li Zheng said: "Fu Xiaolian is now a Beijing official! He came here this time to solve the problem of heartworms. Others may not be able to, but with him, your piece of land might really turn waste into treasure!"

Li Zheng said that turning waste into treasure is not a joke.

This land is really fat.

Don't look at the abundance of insects, but how shiny are the stalks and leaves of the barley, and how well they grow?
Until now, he suspected that it was because they were born so well that the heart diggers were attracted.

The reason why the other brothers of the Zheng family didn't want this land when they separated was because there were so many heart-poachers.

Not only is the wheat planted here, but beans and vegetables are also very good, but there are so many insects, who wants to work hard for more than a month, just to feed the insects?
However, as long as the heart digger is solved now, it will be really good!
This piece of land was originally cleared out a long time ago, but now the surrounding area is deserted. Everyone knows that there are many insects in Xiao Zheng’s family land, and no one is willing to be next to him. They would rather grow grass and be desolate than come back again. , as time passed, only Xiao Zheng was left here.

Others in the village also persuaded him to open up wasteland again, but the land was really fat, Xiao Zheng was not willing to let it go, and now the price is huge.

If the heartworm is not solved, not only has he spent energy, time and cost, but he may even find it difficult to solve the food in the second half of the year!

Now, even if he wants to open up wasteland, it's too late to plant the second way. Instead of wasting time on opening up wasteland, it's better to solve the current problem and catch less bugs. Maybe there's salvation.

Now, this is the scene where the whole family is dispatched.

After hearing Li Zheng's words, Xiao Zheng said pleasantly, "Really?!"

Li Zheng said: "Then there can be fakes!? Everyone is here! Later, if Mr. Fu has anything to ask, you can say more, and tell him everything you noticed or didn't notice! Do you understand!"

Xiao Zheng nodded vigorously: "I will tell you everything, and I will not hide anything, as long as you can help me solve the heartworm! I will accompany you all day and cooperate fully! Let me go east and never go west!"

Li Zheng was too lazy to talk to Xiao Zheng, who was starting to play tricks, and said, "Then hurry up!"

Suddenly, Xiao Zheng hurried over to follow behind Fu Yuanzhi.

Seeing someone approaching, Fu Yuanzhi asked, "When did you start having heart diggers?"

Xiao Zheng shook his head: "I don't know, it seems to have been there since my father, but my father didn't believe in evil, he kept planting when he was still around, it was good in the past, and he could earn a few hundred catties, I don’t know what kind of bad luck happened this year, none of them are good!”

Fu Yuanzhi said again: "Is there any way your father can deal with it?"

Xiao Zheng smiled wryly, "My father left suddenly, even if there was such a thing, we wouldn't know about it..."

Fu Yuanzhi said: "Have you noticed any difference between your land and other people's land in the village?"

Xiao Zheng thought for a while and said, "Now that I think about it, if we really talk about the difference, it means that the fertility of my land is better than that of others. Does that count?"

Fu Yuanzhi nodded: "Forget it."

It's just not very useful.

"Why don't you go to other places to plant wild wheat? The imperial court encourages the people to open up wasteland." Fu Yuanzhi asked the question in his heart by the way.

Xiao Zheng said: "My lord, the villain really has no choice. Although land reclamation can be exempted from taxes for three years, I can't afford it! There is no way! The family is either young or pregnant, so they point me to eat alone. , Although the matter of opening up wasteland is intentional, it is powerless."

Fu Yuanzhi sighed secretly, and then asked Xiao Zheng about the heart digger.

It was already too late after Fu Yuanzhi finished asking, and it was late when Fu Yuanzhi entered the village, so he could only go to see Xiao Zheng's land, and the other people's land only looked at it from a distance. The situation is much better.

Fu Yuanzhi lived in Li Zheng's house, and wrote down what he discovered during the day at night.

At that time, they are all listed together, and some of the situations that need to be understood can be excavated from them.

Thank you to those who voted~

Thanks to Comrade Everest for the monthly pass~

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