Song Yuanhuanzhi

Chapter 287 Preparing for Zhang Jing

"Master Fu, my wheat should be collected. The Trichogramma is going to go, but should we keep the wheat? Or..." Xiao Zheng said with a headache.

Fu Yuanzhi said: "Just harvest normally."

"Then if I catch Trichogrammas and bring them back to the ground, will there be Trichogrammas in the second half of the year?" Xiao Zheng struggled.

Fu Yuan was stunned, but he didn't expect the other party to be worried about this. He said: "The Trichogramma parasitizes the heart digger, and the harvest of wild wheat does not affect its survival."

Only then did Xiao Zheng feel relieved, and said in a relaxed tone: "Then I'll pick the harvest quickly, and when I'm done, I'll catch the Trichogramma."

Seeing Xiao Zheng impatiently, Li Zheng waved his hands, "Since you already know, you should go back first, and come back when you are done with your work to thank Mr. Fu!"

Xiao Zheng repeatedly responded in agreement.

After Xiao Zheng left, Li Zheng sighed: "Fortunately, there are adults, otherwise, even if Xiao Zheng is reluctant to give up that piece of land, he will have to open up another wasteland, and that life will be even more difficult!"

Fu Yuanzhi withdrew his gaze from the door, and said to Lizheng, "Let's take a good look at the situation in Xiaozheng's field, and I have to go back to Beijing soon."

Lizheng's face relaxed and then tightened again, his brows were frowned, and he said: "Are you in a hurry, sir?"

Fu Yuanzhi shook his head: "The purpose of my trip is to find a solution to the heart-digger. Now that I have found it, there is no need to delay."

Although Fu Yuanzhi sent a letter to the post station, he still had to deliver the "medicine" for the cure, and the time and situation could not allow him to delay it.

Fu Yuanzhi continued: "I'm going to bring a batch of heart diggers to Beijing. In the past few days, I'm going to trouble you to tell the big guy that I'll buy them at the price of five heart diggers for one penny."

Still worrying in his heart, after hearing Fu Yuan's words changed from the previous one, he cheered up and said, "Then when are you going to leave? I can talk to the big guys?"

"Three days later."

"I have two prerequisites for collecting heartworms. One is that the heartworms must be alive and not damaged." Fu Yuanzhi emphasized.

Li was looking at the heart diggers who were conducting experiments at the two tables next to him, and nodded in affirmation: "Everyone has caught them before, and they know it well. What about the second condition?"

After Fu Yuanzhi saw it in his heart, he said again: "The second condition is that the heart diggers sent must be prepared with a bamboo basket of fresh guava leaves."

In fact, heart diggers also eat other vegetables, but Fu Yuanzhi didn't dare to take the risk, and decided to use guava leaves or use guava leaves as much as possible.

To carry the heart digger, he must not travel too fast, for fear of bumping the heart digger to death.In this way, the speed can only be suppressed, and it is enough to reach Beijing during the time when the Trichogramma hatches.

And in this process, if there are conditions now, of course, try to give the heart digger to eat guava leaves as much as possible. If there is no guava leaves to supplement in the future, he will buy some other vegetables to ensure that it will not starve to death.

Li Zheng clapped his hands in fear, "It's easy, I'll call everyone to go."

Seeing that Li was in a hurry to get out, Fu Yuanzhi said hastily, "Wait a minute, I have one more request."

Lizheng had already stood up and was about to take a step, but then retracted, he said: "Master Fu, this is serious, if you have any orders, just say, our whole village is thanks to you, don't say such polite words again. "

Fu Yuanzhi smiled slightly, and the alienation in the smile decreased a bit.

This Lizheng, as long as he doesn't feel that his status has been shaken, is still a good Lizheng, who is similar to the whole village and considers everyone.

Fu Yuanzhi said: "I left too hastily this time. Although I am [-]% sure that the heartworms are not rampant because of the Trichogramma. However, there are no absolutes in the world, so the situation in Xiao Zheng's family land will still be troublesome in the future." Please take care of me, please write to me and tell me more about the situation, although I am not here, but with you, it is as if I am here."

Li Zheng originally thought it was a big deal, but after hearing Fu Yuanzhi's words, he was not willing, he was too willing, he concealed his excitement, and said: "This is a simple matter, I will write it down for you every day!"

This is a great thing!
It is not difficult for Lizheng to go to the field to observe the situation every day.

Villagers, why don't they go to work in the fields every day?

Although he is Li Zheng, he still has to work in the fields at other times except after he has dealt with the matters passed down by the Shangguan.

Now, with such a simple thing, I can get myself a chance to exchange letters with the former Tanhua and now the seventh-rank officials!
what is this?
This is your chance to meet grown-ups!
This is an opportunity for my son to have a bright future!

This is the opportunity Master Fu gave him to "take refuge"!

God is looking after him, this is a great thing that fell from the sky!
Li Zheng only thought that today was an auspicious day, and later he had to ask his mother-in-law to kill a chicken so that his ancestors could have a good meal!
Fu Yuanzhi waved his hand with a smile and said, "It doesn't need to be every day, you can record your observations for a period of time and then send them to me. If there is any problem with Xiao Zheng, you can also write to me immediately to tell me about the situation. "

Li Zheng nodded again and again, and he felt that his feet were light. He was sorry that his son was not at home and had less chance to perform in front of Mr. Fu, but now he doesn't have to worry!

As a father, he can't hold back, he has to maintain this relationship!

After another incense stick, Li Zheng hurried out to gather the villagers.

After Fu Yuanzhi put away the heart digger for the experiment, he went to Gao's house.

With this incident, Lizheng will no longer be careful to think that the Gao family will surpass his family, and Fu Yuanzhi doesn't have to be afraid of attracting attention to the Gao family when he goes to the Gao family this time.

Uncle Gao, who was hunched over and busy in the field, heard that Fu Yuanzhi had come to the house. He grabbed the weeds next to him and rubbed his hands with his muddy hands. Then he carried the hoe directly on his shoulder and walked home briskly. .

Uncle Gao nodded in agreement after hearing Fu Yuanzhi's plan: "This matter cannot be delayed! If you delay for one more day, you will lose a lot of food. Don't worry, we will definitely catch this heart-bug for you. I will let your aunt return it tomorrow. Some of the younger ones went to the field to help."

Fu Yuanzhi smiled.

If Li Zheng is here, he can find that there is still a big difference between Fu Yuanzhi and Uncle Gao. Fu Yuanzhi's smile now does not show much alienation. Just a point or two.

Fu Yuanzhi took out a purse from his pocket, and said, "Because I have to take the heart-digger with me, I can't ride a horse this way. I have to trouble Uncle Gao to walk and help me find a valuable carriage."

Uncle Gao laughed, and said heartily, "This matter is on your Uncle Gao's shoulders!"

Fu Yuanzhi also said that he would ask Lizheng to send letters to Beijing on a regular basis, and only said that they would go to Lizheng if they needed help.

Changliu Village is the main place for planting Panmai. Fu Yuanzhi and Song Yi will deal with Panmai for many years to come. For the future, Fu Yuanzhi intends to befriend the people in Changliu Village.

Li Zheng, Uncle Gao, and Xiao Zheng are the keys to his move.

Like Uncle Gao, let others know that he is not the official they imagined, and change their inherent concept of officials.

With Xiao Zheng, let everyone know that he is an official who can solve difficulties such as growing food for everyone.

Tong Lizheng is to let everyone have a measure in their hearts. He is Lizheng's superior who they fear and respect.

Pay equal attention to kindness and power, so that he can act unimpeded in the future.

Thanks for the comrades who voted~

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