Song Yuanhuanzhi

Chapter 292 Hurry up

Chapter 292 Hurry up (Second update, added)
Song Huan didn't stay in this coastal city for long. He ate the seafood he hadn't seen for a long time, bought some dry goods, and sent the dry goods back when he sent the letter.In addition to reporting safety and some market information that I have learned, the letter also has a few pages dedicated to introducing the methods of those ingredients.

Song Huan tied up the burden on Xiaolu's back, and stuffed Xiaohe into the cloth bag. Xiaohei's dissatisfied voice made the passers-by jump, and he muttered softly: This little dog Why does it sound like a wolf howling?
Song Huan smiled awkwardly, turned around and gave Xiao Hei a fierce look, Xiao Hei froze for a moment, and in the end there was only a small moan and moan as its resistance to Song Huan's dissatisfaction.

Song Huan was speechless to this little black who was becoming more and more horsey.

She really wants to remind it that you are a wolf!
Before she entered the city, she wanted to release Xiao Hei, but the brat thought she was playing hide-and-seek with it. Under Song Huan's sight, it obediently entered the forest, and within half a day, it came back with a pheasant in its mouth. By Song Huan's side, he was still asking for credit for Song Huan.

In the end, Song Huan had no choice. This kid has a good nose, so he can find him no matter what.

At present, it can only live like this for the time being, maybe it will no longer be willing to follow him when it meets a small partner one day.

Song Huan led the leash slowly out of the city gate, but the situation of checking cars at the gate attracted Song Huan.

She is very familiar with the things in the car, isn't that corn?

Song Huan lowered his eyes and thought.

She has only been out for a few months, and it is impossible to promote it so fast according to the speed of the court. Could it be that some merchant has taken a fancy to the potential of corn, so he went to buy it?
Song Huan thought about the situation in Beijing when she left Beijing.

Judging from the situation she summed up from Fu Yuanzhi's sporadic words, only Changliu Village, Lu County and Jingzhong are currently planting in Yanhe Dynasty.

No, there are also people like Shi Youping from Jian'an County.

Calculated in this way, it would be four places, and if these people were as she imagined, it would be five places.

Then if she knows where it is, she can also relieve Fu Yuanzhi and brother's pressure. Of course, if it is not what she imagined, and it is only used for eating, then she also knows where it has spread.

Song Huan thought that she had nowhere to go, so she followed the corn carts without any hesitation. Anyway, no matter what the situation was, she would not lose money.

"Puppy..." A childish voice sounded, and Han Cheng, who had been taking care of him, looked for the voice.

It turned out to be Song Huan.

Seeing the situation, Han Cheng hugged the Supreme Emperor, got out of the car and reported to Wu Chu'an.

Wu Chuan lifted the curtain of the car, looked at Song Huan who was walking unhurriedly ahead, and said, "Follow slowly and see what's going on."

Han Cheng and Luo Gao, who acted as the driver, respectfully listened to the order, then slowly turned the car and headed towards Song Huan.

Of course, Song Huan also noticed the two carriages behind him, and also saw Luo Gao in the front. Song Huan didn't think deeply about it. The other party's status was not simple, and he left the city before him. Maybe it's just the same road.

Thus, this scene appeared on the official road. In front was an ox cart transporting grain, in the middle was Song Huan riding a horse, and at the end were two low-key and luxurious carriages.

What Song Huan didn't know was that because of Wu Chuan and his party, she didn't let the other party suspect her.

Who would follow so blatantly, and there was a rich-looking person behind, so the five people in front had the same idea as Song Huan, and everyone's destination might be the same place.

One more thing is worse than one less thing, and the three parties walked together strangely.

Song Huan followed further and further north, until there were still two or three days to reach Liaodong, Song Huan had other ideas.

How come the more you think about this situation, the more you feel something is wrong?

Song Huan is still hesitating whether to follow so obviously like now?Or take a side road and follow behind secretly?

Liaodong is now at war, and if the amount of south-to-north grain transfer is too small, not only will it not be able to return the principal, but it will be poured into it, and it will not be able to relieve the "long thirst".

It seems to have some other purpose.

Song Huan noticed something was wrong, and so did Wu Chuan.

He was indeed just following Song Huan at first, but when he found out that Song Huan was following the two cars, he asked someone to find a chance to investigate those people, including the things they transported.

After this investigation, he also knew that it was actually a barley seed.

Wu Chu'an's understanding of the imperial court was deeper and more comprehensive than Song Huan's, and his thoughts would go deeper and farther. The seeds of wild wheat are no less than sweet potatoes and other grains.

And it also has a far superiority over them in the war. The dried wheat is stored properly, and its time can reach two years.

And the five people in front were already wary of Song Huan and Wu Chuan. The reason why they didn't do anything was because of Wu Chuan. Take your life.

It's best for everyone to just go the same way.

The three parties entered Liaodong in such a strange and tacit manner.

"Boss, they are leaving." One of the subordinates said to the leader.

Sun Da, the leader, let out a sigh of relief.

Fortunately not.

Thinking about it now, they took this order as a simple delivery, and it would not involve any sensitive political and military matters.

Everyone was as expected, it was just a coincidence, I was nervous.

Song Huan didn't want to be ashamed, but if he continued to follow so blatantly, he would inevitably have conflicts. After thinking about it, Song Huan directly entrusted Xiaolu and Xiaohe to Luo Gao.

Before Luo Gao could recover, Song Huan had disappeared.

Luo Gao: "..."

We are not familiar with each other.

Wu Chu'an in the carriage said: "Help her watch, let Qin San follow to see the situation."

Luo Gao quickly responded.

Song Huan here continued to follow them, and saw that they had entered an inn, Song Huan looked at the sign, and it was a branch under the business.

After Song Huan memorized the place, he was about to turn around and go back.

Song Huan originally thought that he was looking for someone everywhere, but Luo Gao was actually waiting there.

Song Huan punched him with a righteous face, and said, "Brother, that's interesting! What happened last time is worth it!"

The corner of Luo Gao's mouth forced an arc, and he handed over the leash in his hand, not forgetting to comment viciously: "Here you are. Your horse and wolf are really, really noisy!"

After finishing speaking, Luo Gao walked in the direction where Wu Chuan and the others left.

Song Huan held the leash, looked at the back that had disappeared in the crowd, patted Xiaolu's horse's face comfortingly, and said softly: "Ignore him, he is a person who doesn't know how to appreciate it!"

Xiaolu and Xiaohe agreed excitedly at the same time.

Song Huan saw the vacuum around him that was formed with lightning speed, and those ordinary people with vigilant eyes: "..."

Song Huan gritted his teeth: Xiao Hei, can you silence your voice?

(End of this chapter)

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