Song Yuanhuanzhi

Chapter 294 Acting as a pyramid scheme

Chapter 294 Acting as a pyramid scheme for a while
Now that Song Huan knew their purpose, he didn't need to continue listening. Now he just couldn't let the corn seeds flow out to foreigners.

Doesn’t the flow of corn seeds to foreigners increase their war capital?

There are still three days, enough for her to transfer the four carts of corn seeds.

Song Huan went back to the village and fell asleep straight away. Only by recovering his energy can he bring these people down.

The next day, before dawn, Song Huan poured all the drugs he had prepared into the well.

Even if the well water is abundant and diluted, two packs of special-effect drugs are enough to make them unconscious for a while.

After Song Huan finished this series, he returned to the back mountain and climbed up a big tree on the back mountain. Through the branches, he could see the situation in the yard more clearly.

After half an hour, Song Huan saw one of them collapsed.

Song Huan's eyes lit up.

She quickly threw away the dogtail grass in her mouth and hurried down the mountain.

When Song Huan climbed over the wall and entered, he saw the five of them fell to the ground in unison, snoring loudly.

Song Huan smiled triumphantly.

Just in case, she tied several people in the room, and poured a pot of undiluted drug into their mouths, so that they could sleep for a day and a night.

Song Huan clapped his hands, looked at his achievements, and closed the door with satisfaction.

There was a horse and four ox carts in the yard. After thinking for a while, Song Huan took out a bag of corn from the ox cart, found a family in the village, and gave them two pennies to grind the corn. Grind into flour like wheat.

With these two coins, the farmer said happily, "Young master, I have a mill at home. Come with me, and I'll grind it for you right away."

Song Huan was not surprised when he heard this. The village is next to the pass of Benxi. If it wasn't for the fact that his family couldn't let go, he wouldn't want to leave at all. Like those who left, their homes were empty, and it can be seen from the layout that they didn't move out. It's also the kind that the family can't open the pot.

It didn't take long to grind them into flour, Song Huan borrowed the kitchen again, kneaded the corn flour and spread them out into corn cakes.

The smell of corn wafts in the wind.

The peasants and the women and children beside them couldn't stop swallowing.

The child swallowed his saliva, raised his head and asked the farmer, "Father, what delicious food did that big brother cook? It smells so good! I never asked about it."

The farmer licked his lips and said, "Father doesn't know either. We'll find out after the big brother comes out later."

Adan nodded vigorously.

Song Huan used a dustpan to pack the fist-sized cakes, and she came out with the dustpan in both hands, looked at A Dan and his parents and said kindly: "You are hungry, come here, everyone eat one."

Just as Ah Dan wanted to go out, he was stopped by his mother. His mother apologized and said, "I'm really sorry, children are not sensible. Young master, we have already charged you two pennies just now."

Song Huan laughed and said, "Actually, I'm here for business."

Farmer Dacheng and his mother-in-law looked at each other, and Dacheng said, "Master, have you done something wrong with your business? No one in our village has any money, so you should go to the city to do business!"

Song Huan shook his head and said, "My business is different from what you understand."

Song Huan saw that they didn't dare to eat without explaining clearly, and said, "I'm here to recommend you to grow wild wheat."

Dacheng asked suspiciously, "Fanmai? I haven't heard of it."

Song Huan sat down and asked the three of them to sit down as well, before Song Huan said: "A few years ago, Danyang County imported a batch of seeds from overseas. It can also be dried and stored, ground into powder, or used as a seed. Now, Jian'an County, Yangjiang Prefecture, and Beijing are all planting it. Now, Xinhuang is going to promote this variety. It won't be long before this seed will be used by the whole People in the Yanhe Dynasty planted it just like rice and wheat."

Song Huan picked up the pancake and stuffed it directly into Ah Dan's hand, and said softly, "Taste a bite and see if it tastes good."

Seeing that his parents didn't stop him, Ah Dan took a bite. The moment he bit and chewed, his eyes lit up, and he exclaimed in surprise, "Dad, mother, it's so delicious! Ah Dan has never eaten such delicious food!"

Song Huan laughed. In fact, there is no such thing as delicious food. It's just that I'm so hungry that I feel delicious about everything I eat.

Song Huan looked at Dacheng and his wife who were a little moved, and said, "Eat, take it yourself, you're welcome."

When Dacheng and his wife saw what Song Huan said, they directly took it and stuffed it into their mouths.

Although Dacheng and his daughter-in-law didn't make such a fuss like Ah Dan, they still ate with gusto.

The pancakes are not big, so Dacheng can finish it in two or three mouthfuls, and finally smash it in his mouth for an aftertaste.

His daughter-in-law only ate one bite, broke off a small half of the rest for her son, and left the rest for her husband to eat.

After Dacheng ate it, his hungry and silly minds became clearer, and he struggled and said, "But we don't know how to plant it! Besides, we don't know where the Danyang County you mentioned is. Benxi City is still at war. How can we get it?" Go so far and get the seeds."

Song Huan said: "Don't worry about that, I'm here to do business, of course I won't just bring this sack. As for the planting method, it's even simpler. For those of you who grow grain in the ground all year round, just talk about the points to pay attention to." !"

When it comes to the success of farming, I don't think there is anything wrong with what Song Huan said. They have dealt with the fields all their lives. If anyone knows the things in the fields best, they must be the little people who are farming!

Seeing this, Song Huan said again: "It seems that the people in your village haven't all moved away, why don't you go and call everyone else, and let's have a look together?"

After hearing this, Dacheng thought it was the same reason, he said: "Okay! Then, please wait a moment, young master."

Song Huan nodded.

But half an hour later, all the men in the village came, including Lizheng and Lizheng's son. According to their introduction, he was a scholar, with a gentle appearance, with a tinge of yellow on his face, and looked a little malnourished.

Seeing Song Huan, Luo Chengjun saluted, and Song Huan also turned back in the same gesture.

Seeing Song Huan's demeanor, Luo Chengjun knew that Song Huan had an extraordinary background, and he was very polite. He said in a gentle voice, "Xiaosheng Luo Chengjun, I don't know how to address you, young master?"

Song Huan directly reported two words: "Song You."

Luo Chengjun said: "Young Master Song, is the Fanmai you mentioned just now really so magical?"

Song Huan nodded, "If you don't believe me, you can inquire about it. The imperial court has been planting it for two years. I believe that within three years, officials from all over the country will be able to promote fanmai. By then, you will have missed the opportunity."

Luo Chengjun asked suspiciously: "Xiaosheng doesn't understand, why do you say you missed it?"

Song Huan looked like a pyramid scheme at this time, "I also have a general understanding of your situation. If you want to make your life more comfortable, Fanmai is your opportunity."

"Changliu Village in Danyang County was the first to plant fanmai, so now not only the nearby Jian'an County and Yangjiang Prefecture go to him to buy seeds, but even the imperial court. Think about it, if you also copy Changliu Village The mode of operation, not to mention other places, just in this area of ​​Liaodong, will everyone have to come to get seeds from you? Even if the price is five cents a catty, if there are more people who take them, your life will naturally gradually improve. "

"Wait a few years for the imperial court to promote it. If the imperial court distributes seeds, then you can take advantage of the window to earn a fortune. If the imperial court does not distribute seeds, but still buys from you, it will be a long-term business. "

(End of this chapter)

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