Song Yuanhuanzhi

Chapter 296 Reaching the Capital

Wu Chu'an laughed when he heard Qin San's reply, "This Song Huan is really interesting."

"This matter was disrupted by her mistake. Then you sent people to ambush at the place where they handed over and arrested him."

Song Huan solved the five people and Fanmai, which was considered a temporary solution to the trouble.

However, Gao Guangshu's army is not vegetarian, and this matter is not completely over yet.

Song Huan didn't know that someone would clean up the mess for her, so when she returned to Xiangping, she threw those people to Biaohang.

The border is chaotic, and the people in Biaohang are very tolerant of such weird things. The visitor only glanced at these unconscious people, looked at Song Huan randomly, and said, "Young master, this business is interesting. City, I don’t know how to call it?”

Song Huan pursed his lips, and directly put more than 20 taels of silver for selling cattle and panmai on the table, plus the 100 taels of deposit that the other party gave Sun Da that night, and said, "Miangui's surname is Song, and his single name is Youzi. Brother Zhao ran away today." mark?"

Seeing Song Huan's question, Zhao Cheng said, "Border customs is different from other places. We usually come for business and leave directly."

Song Huan raised his eyebrows and said bluntly: "Brother Zhao has a big business."

No one is in hand, where can one order come and one go.

Zhao Cheng said modestly: "Small business."

"Where do I need to send it?" Zhao Cheng asked.

Song Huan pointed to the money on the table, "Where is this money enough for you to send?"

Zhao Cheng's expression remained unchanged, he went directly to the counter and took out the map. He motioned for Song Huan to come over, then spread the map in front of Song Huan's eyes, and circled a place in the air with his fingers.

"Brother Song is here for the first time, right? I'll give you a discount, we'll send him to Suzhou."

Suzhou is within the territory of Yuzhou, and it can be regarded as half of the distance between Yanhe Dynasty and Chaozhou. When they come back, the villagers will also digest what they have to digest.

Song Huan looked at the approximate distance and nodded: "Yes."

Zhao Cheng nodded at the five people with his chin and said, "Just take them away like this?"

Song Huan said indifferently: "As long as people come to Suzhou, I don't care about the process."

Zhao Cheng heard the implication, and he readily agreed.

Seeing that it was settled, Song Huan said goodbye to Zhao Chengdao and ran towards the inn.

Zhao Cheng looked at the figure in the distance and smiled.

When did such a number one person come to Xiangping City?

When Fu Yuanzhi got home, he saw Song Huan's letter on the table and the local specialties she sent back.

Fu Yuanzhi didn't read the letter immediately, but went next door to read Tang Bao.

Tang Bao has already grown up, pink and tender, and he is not afraid of life when he sees Fu Yuanzhi, waving his hands in the air, his two dark eyes bent into crescent shapes, and he grinned happily.

Fu Yuanzhi handed the gift he had prepared to Song Yi.

Song Yi saw the gift, and smiled the moment she opened the box, "Brother-in-law, you and sister really have a tacit understanding, and the gifts are the same."

Song Yi turned out the longevity lock worn on Tang Bao's body.

Holding the silver lock, Fu Yuanzhi rubbed his thumb on the Longevity Lock, and his eyes overflowed with thoughts. At this moment, he did not speak, and his eyes kept falling on the Longevity Lock.

Just as Song Yi was about to say something, there was a hot and humid feeling in his hand.

Sugar Baby is drawing a map again.

Song Yi said something to Fu Yuanzhi and then went into the house to change clothes for Tang Bao.

Fu Yuanzhi sat down, drinking tea and distracted.

Not long after, Song Yi came out, and he said, "Brother-in-law, have you discovered anything in the past few months in Changliu Village? You were ambiguous in your last letter, and I'm not sure." Song Yi asked.

Fu Yuanzhi nodded and said, "Yes, I have already brought it back."

Song Yi said pleasantly, "Then I'll go and have a look."

Fu Yuanzhi said: "Go to Dasinongsi, or they will run away."

Song Yi wondered, did they run away?What ran away?Who are they?As he thought so, he also asked.

Fu Yuanzhi didn't explain, and said directly: "You will know after reading it, let's go first."

Seeing this, Song Yi could only follow back with patience and curiosity.

Fan Meide and Liao Chenglin were checking the situation in the wheat fields.

The assistants are pouring autumn peony water into the guava leaves with bamboo tubes, trying to fill as evenly as possible, so as to effectively control the heartworm,
With Song Yi's right attack, the heartworms in the ground were contained.

This containment, it can only be said that it has not continued to increase, but it is difficult to cure it.

Moreover, it must be soaked once a day, which is time-consuming and labor-intensive.

Liao Chenglin looked away from his deputy, and said to Fan Meide: "I think it will be difficult to increase production this year."

Seeing that Fan Meide didn't answer, Liao Chenglin continued: "If we can't reach it, His Majesty will let us take over this matter."

Fan Meide turned around when he heard this, and said meaningfully: "It would be great if this is the case."

Liao Chenglin saw that there was something in Fan Meide's words, he got up and approached Fan Meide, and said in a low voice: "You mean there is still a turning point for this matter? They found a solution?"

Van Meade sighed.

This Fu Yuanzhi really is a lucky star.

It's really another village!

God treats him too favorably!
Van Meade did not reveal the news he had received, but only said, "Just wait, you will know soon."

Just as Fan Meide turned to go back, he heard a commotion.

But after a while, a few people were seen bringing a big box over, and Song Yi and Fu Yuanzhi, whom he hadn't seen for several months, were following behind the team.

Fan Meide was not surprised when Fu Yuanzhi walked up to the stunned Liao Chenglin.

Fu Yuanzhi saluted and said, "Master Fan, Master Liao."

Fan Meide reluctantly raised the corners of his mouth and said, "Did Editor Fu find a solution when he came back this time?"

Fu Yuanzhi didn't answer directly, and said: "The lower official only found one possibility, whether it is really useful or useless, the lower official has no way of determining."

Van Mead Oh?He let out a sigh and said, "Editor Fu is being modest. If you haven't found a cure, why would you return to Beijing?"

There was a slight ripple in Fu Yuanzhi's eyes.

Fan Meide insisted that he had found a cure, and he did not give Fu Yuan any way out.

Song Yi on the side stepped forward and said to Fan Meide: "Every change related to farming will take a year or several years to see the effect. If Mr. Fan wants to know whether it can be cured, he must stay in this position all the time. I see."

Fan Meide's expression changed.

Damn, Song Yi is here to restrain herself!
This is a curse that I can't be promoted, and I will stay in this crappy place for the rest of my life!

Only then did Fu Yuanzhi open his mouth and said: "Master Fan cut his senses to understand out of curiosity. Of course, the lower officials are not sure whether this is a cure. The proof may be more real than the words of the officials."

Because Trichogrammas do not come out of the heartworm at the same time, there is a sequence.

Because of this phenomenon, the Trichogramma drilled out of the heartworm and the subsequent stage can now be displayed in the box.

As for the bees that have become bees, as soon as the box is opened later, they will fly into the wheat field to find the heartworms by themselves.

Thank you to those who voted~

Thanks to Comrade Thunder from Heaven for the monthly ticket~

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