Song Yuanhuanzhi

Chapter 309 Mr. Shi Was Arrested

Song Huan touched Xiao Hei's head, when the corners of Xiao Hei's mouth were raised and he was still indulging in his master's love, the next breath his master ruthlessly popped the bubble, breaking his heart to the ground.

"You are too heavy, get down." Song Huan told the truth.

Xiao Hei: "...! Aww..."

Not heavy!
Be strong!
Song Huan saw that Xiao Hei was reluctant to jump down by herself, a smile flashed across her eyes, and she scratched Xiao Hei's stomach with her hands, Xiao Hei squinted her eyes in comfort, and Song Huan suddenly let go of her hands.

Xiao Hei jumped into the air, it looked at Song Huan in disbelief, and then conditioned reflexively waved its hands and feet in the air, and finally found its balance before it landed in front of Wang Nan without losing its majesty.

Its face was calm, and it raised its head slightly to make a look of contempt.

It is demonstrating against Wang Nan.

Wang Nan who watched the whole process: "..."

Spirituality is spirituality, but somewhat vindictive.

At this time, the sound of the door being split came from the front.

Xiao Hei quickly jumped out and stood in front of Song Huan, with fierce eyes, bared teeth, and a low voice, looking ready to go.

Wang Nan stared at the door.

At this time, the light blue sky was covered with a layer of rosy clouds, which was as bright as a brocade.

Mr. Shi walked in the front, followed by five soldiers.

His face was light, just like Song Huan's appearance when he first met him.

"You are Mr. Shi?" Wang Nan asked, he wanted to confirm whether he was that Mr. Shi.

Mr. Shi turned a deaf ear.

He didn't pay much attention to Wang Nan, turned his eyes to Song Huan, the red on her shoulders had turned black, he smiled, "Mr. Song is very capable, Wang Liu, as a lieutenant general, can only hurt your flesh."

Song Huan didn't speak, and Xiao Hei in front of her yelled fiercely at Mr. Shi.

Mr. Shi glanced at Xiao Hei with lowered eyes, "Is this a wolf?"

Wang Nan has always been impatient with foreigners, so since he can't find out if he can't ask, he can just go back and find another way!
But he still couldn't help but sarcastically said: "A foreigner has already entered a poor alley, what kind of literati is he still pretending to be here?"

When Li Zhu and the people behind him heard this, they were overwhelmed with anger and wanted to rush out to kill Wang Nan.

In the battle just now, Wang Nan's team also injured more than a dozen people. If they really want to break through by force, it is not hopeless.

However, after Li Zhu glanced at Song Huan, he stopped. This man could kill even the lieutenant general, and dealing with them was nothing more than a piece of cake.

Wang Nan snorted coldly.

Things that bully the soft and fear the hard.

Wang Nan waved his hand forward, and the men behind him stepped forward to restrain them.

Li Zhu and the others did not receive Mr. Shi's signal, they just watched the changes quietly and did not resist.

Mr. Shi glanced at Wang Nan, then at Song Huan, and said, "I have a question for you."

Song Huan, who was about to leave after the matter, nodded, "Let's talk."

"Do you know everything?"

Song Huan's eyes were confused and he didn't understand.

Mr. Shi said: "Is it you who sent someone to talk to us about Panmai seeds?"

Song Huan: "...!"

"Later, we found out about the passage, did you want to catch a turtle in a urn?"

Song Huan, who was put on a hat inexplicably: "...I don't understand what you said."

"Benxi Pass is well-defended. With that passage, we will try to break through there, and you can wait here to catch all of our people!" Mr. Shi told his guess plainly.

Song Huan: "...I'm just a businessman."

"You don't have to pretend! You Yanhechao people like to use dirty tricks the most!"

Song Huan: "..."

It was her mistake to discredit the court.

Seeing that Song Huan didn't respond, Mr. Shi thought she had acquiesced, and he laughed mockingly.

Unexpectedly, after thinking about it for so long, he actually stumbled in such an inconspicuous place.

Mr. Shi looked at Li Zhu.

Li Zhu resisted together with others after receiving it.

The disparity in power was so great that Aaron and the others broke free from the shackles without even realizing it.

The foreigners are tall and strong, and they can deal with the ordinary soldiers of the Yanhe Dynasty one by one.

In addition, Mr. Shi brought all the elites this time. If Song Huan hadn't been drugged before, and she had killed Wang Liu, the strongest fighting force here, Wang Nan couldn't have been so relaxed.

Besides, if it wasn't for Song Huan's help just now, Wang Nan's team wouldn't be just a dozen injured, most of them would have died.

Song Huan's drug has been used up, and this time he has to face it with a sword.

As a scout, Wang Nan's force value was not high. When Song Huan punched another person out, he immediately stopped Li Zhu's knife.

Li Zhu didn't expect that he would face Song Huan head-on. Thinking that the other party had killed Vice-General Wang, his combat effectiveness would drop instantly, but this didn't work, so he recalled Ma Qiang's death in his mind, and his whole body rose up instantly.

He wants to avenge his good brother!

This method of self-strengthening is good, at least she didn't show her timidity in front of Song Huan. Song Huan didn't have much difficulty dealing with Li Zhu, but she didn't have enough sleep and was not in a good mood. She wanted to end this war quickly.

Every time the knife in Song Huan's hand went directly to the vital point, every time Li Zhu dodged the will, he had to deal with the next move immediately. In the end, he fell directly to the ground and refused to fight again.

If he fights again, he will die!

Because Li Zhu had seen that kind of cruel death, he had Mr. Shi's "human way" again, and his tense nerves caused his whole mentality to collapse.

Song Huan saw that he had lost the will to fight, so she stopped fighting.

Although the remaining four were not as unlucky as Li Zhu to meet Song Huan, there was not much suspense in the result of one against four. Soon, the flames of this resistance were easily extinguished.

Wang Nan said to Song Huan, "Thank you Mr. Song this time."

Song Huan waved his hand and said, "It's a little effort."

Wang Nan asked: "I don't know where Mr. Song is from. Where is the passage that Mr. Shi just said?"

Song Huan said: "I don't know the passage he mentioned, but I may know the approximate location. You may find out if you search more."

Song Huan gave a rough outline of the route he followed Sun Da that night, Wang Nan clasped his fists and thanked after understanding: "Thank you!"

After saying that, Wang Nan took them away, but Song Huan didn't continue to follow. When she turned around, she saw two figures running out with quite large bags on their backs.

Qiuniang saw Song Huan, but now that Song Huan was covering her face, she didn't recognize them. Seeing that Song Huan saw them, she pushed forward vigorously, urging the old pincer: "Hurry up!"

The couple quickly disappeared into the flames.

Little Green bowed Song Huan with his head, Song Huan looked at Little Green, patted its head, then looked down at Little Hei, and said softly, "Let's go!"

Xiao Hei wailed twice in response, and immediately, Song Huan got on his horse. Seeing that Song Huan had already sat down, Xiao Hei ran away and circled around, then accelerated and rushed over to use his strength to jump directly into the air. Song Huan opened his arms and hugged Xiao Hei, and fell firmly into Song Huan's arms.

Song Huan put Xiao Hei in a good position and smoothed its fur. Just like that, one man, one horse and one wolf walked slowly up the winding path with the rising sun on their backs.

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