Song Yuanhuanzhi

Chapter 402 Wake Up

"Urge." Qi Yuansang's voice was light and firm.

"I believe that the emperor is not willing to leave like this. Rather than staying asleep, it would be more worthwhile to wake up."

Qi Yuansang didn't know whether he was explaining to everyone or himself.

Judging from the current situation, even if she didn't insist, Wu Anhou would not agree. She was just helping Wu Anhou to open his mouth.

Taoist Master Buxu asked someone to bring the elixir he had refined before and give it to the emperor. The elixirs contained strong drugs that could stimulate people to wake up from a coma.

It was not impossible for those imperial doctors to treat him for such a long time. It was just that the other party was the emperor. If he was not careful, he would lose his head. They could only use the safest method to treat him.

As soon as Taoist Master Buxu took the elixir, a quarter of an hour later the people on the bed began to stir.

Zhou Jing moved her fingers first, and then saw his eyelashes trembling. After a while, she could feel that he was waking up.

Suddenly a coughing sound came from Zhou Jing's mouth, and he felt like he was about to suffocate.

The moment he regained consciousness, his sense of taste also returned. His mouth felt bitter, and he felt that there was a thick layer of sticky and greasy stuff on his tongue. He also felt a layer of sticky liquid clinging to his throat like a spider web. Suddenly, when he was about to speak, the liquid hindered his movement. He could only cough desperately until he spit out the liquid, and then he could breathe freely.

Eunuch Li took the spittoon away, and Qi Yuansang walked to the bed and called softly: "Your Majesty?"

Zhou Jing was in coma for several days and his body was limp. He slowly opened his eyes and said feebly: "Queen."

Qi Yuansang cried with joy: "You finally woke up."

Then Zhou Jing slowly got up and leaned on the bed with the help of Eunuch Li.

In fact, he was not completely unconscious. He knew exactly what happened in the entire hall tonight.

Zhou Jing looked at Wu Anhou and Zhou Chen opposite, "Wu Anhou, I haven't seen you for many years, but you still look the same as before."

Compared with when he was in Beijing, Marquis Wu'an's appearance has not changed much. On the contrary, Zhou Jing has become older because of the work he has done day and night reviewing memorials and so on in the past few years.

Marquis Wu An said: "The emperor regrets it?"

Zhou Jing shook his head. There was no regret. He only regretted that his time was too short.

He looked at Zhou Wei: "You..."

Zhou Jing didn't know what to call him.

Call him the Supreme Emperor?

He was not very willing to speak.

Calling him Emperor's Brother doesn't suit the current situation.

Zhou Wei saw Zhou Jing's dilemma and said, "Your Majesty, just call me Ruilin."

Zhou Jing smiled. He didn't have much time, and he didn't care about these rules and etiquette anymore. He said: "This throne was originally yours. That year, something happened to Empress Dowager Xiang, and you disappeared. The country cannot be without a king for a day, so I ascended the throne." . Now that you have grown up, you can come back if you want. This position will be returned to its original owner."

Zhou Wei looked at Wu Anhou, who did not speak, as if Zhou Wei could handle everything on his own.

He had made it clear to Zhou Wei before he came.

It was me who took him out and made him lose the throne, but now I put this supreme position back in front of him again, and it was up to him to choose, which was considered as compensation for him.

If it weren't for this reason, why would he return to the capital again and get involved in this muddy water.

Qi Yuansang's expression did not change much when he heard that Zhou Jing was going to return the throne to Zhou Wei.

She lowered her eyes slightly.

During these years in the palace, she deeply felt the special position of the emperor.

Although he is the most noble person in the world, he is hampered everywhere. Take the ministers for example. They report to the emperor every day to raise problems but do not solve them. When they solve the problems, they do not solve them properly, which leads to a series of things happening later.

And if the solution proposed by the emperor touches their interests, they will try their best to block it.If everything goes wrong in the court, there will be intrigues and intrigues in the harem, and the emperor is nothing more than a tool.If a harem woman wants to survive, the safest and best way is to climb to a suitable position and give birth to a son and a half, so that she can rely on her in the future and the years will not be so long.

In the entire harem, the only one who could give the women in the harem such opportunities was the emperor. In order to obtain these opportunities, the emperor was repeatedly deceived and exploited. There was not a single day of peace and comfort in this period.

Rather than letting Chen'er inherit the throne, he hoped that Chen'er could leave the palace to see the outside world and see the prosperity beyond his knowledge.

Zhou Wei took a step forward and said, "Since the Supreme Emperor disappeared a few years ago, there will be no Supreme Emperor today."

Zhou Wei already knew his decision as soon as he said these words.

Han Cheng from behind looked at the little man, his gestures and the way he spoke gave off a feeling of Xiao Wu Anhou.

I didn’t expect this child to give up when he said he wanted to.

Zhou Jing said: "This position is supreme, you have to think clearly."

Zhou Wei shook his head, "I have lived outside since I was a child. The world is too big. My goal is to travel all over the mountains and rivers to see what kind of things are nurtured in each land. I don't want to be in the palace or the throne. Trapped in this world."

Life in the palace was too dull and boring, making him feel that life was meaningless.

The world outside the palace is different.

Moreover, he wanted to stay with Uncle An. A place with Uncle An made him feel at home.

The palace was brilliant, but too cold.

Zhou Jing didn't expect Zhou Wei to say these words. She was stunned for a moment, and then started to laugh. The low laughter at the beginning gradually expanded.

No one knew what Zhou Jing was laughing about.

It wasn't until he had laughed enough that he looked at Qi Yuansang and said, "Queen, what about you?"

"Chen'er is my eldest son." Zhou Jing looked at Qi Yuansang and said the fact that Qi Yuansang had to admit.

The prince, whether he is the direct descendant or the eldest son, is Chen'er.

Zhou Jing was still about to speak, but Marquis Wu An interrupted: "Since the Emperor has something to say, we will avoid it first."

Zhou Jing said quickly: "Marquis Wu'an, please wait."

"You have witnessed this matter, I can rest assured." Zhou Jing said.

There is no doubt about the character of Marquis Wu'an.

Marquis Wu An looked at Qi Yuansang and said again: "From now on, you will stay with Chen'er until he turns 16, and he will be in charge of everything."

"Chen'er is smart, these things are nothing to him."

It's easy.

At this time, he had to sigh, this position must be destined to sit in it.

He can be regarded as a monk on the way, perhaps because he is not justified, so he cannot stop the erosion of the true dragon's energy.

Zhou Jing held Qi Yuansang's hand and warned him again: "I won't say more about the past, but Chen'er is our child. When he takes this position, you must take good care of him, like You must be cautious about Song Huan, don't be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of the worst."

"I really wasn't joking with you, so Song Huan must die!"

"As for Song Huan's husband and her brother, remember, you must be careful."

Better all...

I’m very tired. If there are typos or things that don’t make sense, I’ll revise them tomorrow morning.You don’t have to read it now. You can refresh it when you have time.Of course, it would be better if there are no irregularities, so I don’t have to change it.Hee hee... Good night, babies~

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