Song Yuanhuanzhi

Chapter 60 Trap

Chapter 60 Trap
The weather in August is very hot, but it is cool and breezy in the bamboo forest.

Song Huan cut the bamboo into about four feet in length.

Break one of them open.

The other end was intact.

Put the bamboo in a good position, lift a few big stones and press it on the unbroken end.

After confirming that the position will not be easily moved after pressing, add a branch to the broken end and set up the trigger mechanism.

There are actually many types of traps.

The most important thing is to adapt measures to local conditions.

Yesterday, she made rockfall traps and traps based on the principle of slings. She didn't catch the prey, probably because she didn't choose the trigger lever well.

The sensitivity of the trigger lever is very important.

A thinner trigger rod can increase the sensitivity of the trap.

The connection point is better to be finer and lighter, so that it will be more sensitive.

The trigger time will be shorter and more efficient when the animal touches it.

After re-improving the trap, insert some branches and leaves around it to enhance the concealment of the trap.

Song Huan walked around the neighborhood again.

On the basis of yesterday, the distance was further widened.

Among them, Song Huan found a few banana trees.

Clusters of small and green plantains have been hung on it, as well as plantain flowers hanging down at the bottom.

Plantain flower spikes terminal, drooping.

The bracts are spathe-shaped, reddish brown and purple, and each bract has many small flowers.

Song Huan had eaten plantain flowers in her previous life, and the taste was similar to that of bamboo shoots.

Picking off the banana flowers is actually good for the growth of the banana fruit. After the buds are removed, the bananas are obviously much plumper, so in the past, picking banana flowers under the passing banana trees in the village would not be said by the villagers. .

Without hesitation, Song Huan cut off a few plantain flowers.

Come back in a few days, if the plantain no longer grows, pick it off and accelerate the ripening.

Raw plantains can mature in two to three days if placed in a rice tank.

Although Fu Yuanzhi on the side didn't know the use of Song Huan picking banana flowers, but based on his understanding of Song Huan, she would definitely not take the initiative to put the banana flowers in the basket.

So Fu Yuanzhi silently put the plantain flowers on the ground into the basket by himself.

Song Huan pretended not to see it.

Anyway, I didn't ask him to do it, he did it himself, and it's none of her business.

All day long, Fu Yuanzhi followed Song Huan silently like a little follower who couldn't speak, occasionally slipped on his feet, and didn't dare to make a sound, got up silently and continued to follow.

She didn't find peaches, chestnuts, or awls. Instead, she found a sour jujube tree.

Ripe jujubes are falling on the ground.

Some have been eaten by small animals.

Song Huan bent down and picked up two undamaged jujubes, which should have just fallen.

Song Huan peeled the skin and took a bite, his forehead twitched.

Slightly sweet in the mouth, followed by sourness.

Song Huan's expression was flat, and he handed one to Fu Yuanzhi as if nothing had happened.

Fu Yuanzhi took it with joy in his eyes, and without thinking about it, he peeled the skin and put it in his mouth.

When he opened his eyes, the corners of his eyes were overflowing with water due to physiological reactions.

Song Huan said directly to Fu Yuanzhi, "Don't vomit!"

Fu Yuanzhi pursed his lips, the sourness in his mouth melted away, the corners of his eyes were wet, he nodded pitifully and hummed lightly.

Song Huan felt relieved, with a complacent expression on his face.

After remembering the location of the sour jujube tree, I moved on.

Fu Yuanzhi looked at Song Huan whose breath had softened in front of him, and heaved a sigh of relief.

The tears in the corners of the eyes have dissipated.

The sourness in the mouth has also faded, leaving only the jujube seed with a little fiber.

Fu Yuanzhi was not willing to spit it out.

Like holding a hard candy, rolling back and forth in the mouth.

His eyes were deep, and if Song Huan turned around at this moment, he would find that the current Fu Yuanzhi was not as pitiful as before, and looked like a bullied little milk dog.

Today's harvest is neither big nor small.

It can only be said that the trip was not in vain.

In Fu Yuanzhi's back basket were the wild vegetables picked today.

Song Huan continued to carry a load of firewood, and the two rushed back to the city at the end of Shen Shimo.

I took my brother back.

In the evening, I ate cold Zhe Ergen, soup boiled with plantain, and plantain flowers.

The plantain flower was fried by Song Huan.

Remove the old part of the outer layer of the banana flower, and choose the petals with whitish petals to be tender.

The red-purple petals are astringent, so when choosing plantain flowers, you should also be particular.

After taking out the flowers of each layer, remove the long stamens inside the petals and put them in a bowl for later use.

Banana flowers need to be processed, otherwise they will be green and taste bad.

First of all, put the picked plantain petals into boiling hot water and blanch them. After taking them out, use salt to gently force out the astringent water, and then rinse them with clean water.

Put oil in the pot, because the banana flowers are tender, the oil temperature should not be too high.

When the oil temperature is moderate, add shallots and dried peppers and stir-fry for a few times, then pour in banana flowers, stir-fry and add salt until cooked. You can also sprinkle wild onion leaves before serving on the plate.

Put it in your mouth and taste it carefully, a unique fragrance fills the whole mouth, the banana flower looks bright yellow but is very tenacious.

In addition to vegetarian stir-fry, plantain flowers can also be served with shredded pork or tempeh, or pork rib stew.

At the dinner table, my younger brother carefully observed the situation of my elder sister and elder brother. Seeing that there was nothing different from before, I secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

He thought that his elder brother would be kicked out of the house by sister today, and he would never see his elder brother again.

Fortunately, such a thing did not happen.

At night, Adi waited for Fu Yuanzhi to lie down.

Only then did Adi ask, "Big brother, did you go to Fucheng and never come back again?"

Fu Yuanzhi didn't answer right away, but instead asked, "Brother, do you hope that big brother won't come back?"

Adi Yaotou, "I asked my elder sister, and my elder sister said that my elder brother is no longer on the same road as us.

Life is very long, there will always be old people leaving, and new people coming again, there is always a banquet in the world. "

Fu Yuanzhi didn't continue to speak, and a sense of loss came to his heart.

So... did she think so?

After a long time, Fu Yuanzhi asked, "Your sister... did you say anything else?"

Brother replied, "Sister said, although you have surpassed us by a lot, I can catch up."

"Big brother, if I catch up, we can continue to live like we are now and before?
Brother, can you wait for me?I'll try to catch up.Let us live our own life happily as before. "

Although he told himself that they would be together again if they caught up, he was still worried, and he had to tell his elder brother himself.

Fu Yuanzhi covered the quilt for Adi, "Big brother has been on the same path with you.

It looks far away, but it is actually very close.

Brother's worry will not happen, the big brother is always there. "

Adi said in surprise, "Really?!"

Fu Yuanzhi replied seriously.

Three years ago, when he came to the Song family, he did not leave.

Three years later, he never thought about leaving.

Sooner or later the eaglet will fly.

When the time comes, he hopes that there will be someone beside Song Huan who can accompany her, and watch the young eagle turn into an eagle, soaring between the sky and the earth, despising all dangers and obstacles.

And that person can only be myself.

"Big brother is only going to Fucheng to study temporarily, just like younger brother going to Xixi school to study, but you are close to home, and I am far away from home, understand?" Fu Yuanzhi said.

Brother thought about it, and it was indeed as big brother said.

Adi said happily, "Then I don't have to catch up with big brother, big brother is by our side."

"But brother has to study hard, only in this way can brother live up to your elder sister's painstaking efforts."

Song Huan's hard work over the years clearly appeared in his mind.

It was precisely because I knew that I was powerless that I had that scene last night.

Maybe the way he proved it was wrong, that's why she was angry...

 Banana flowers also have certain medicinal value, and there are taboos when eating banana flowers.

  Eat plantain anthers and avoid goat eggs and garlic. These foods are not suitable for people with qi deficiency and yang deficiency.

(End of this chapter)

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