Song Yuanhuanzhi

Chapter 64 Hoarding

Chapter 64 Hoarding
Putting aside the [-] catties of rice already in the family, it is calculated as three people hoarding grain for ten months.

45 catties of rice per month, 450 catties of rice in ten months.

Ten wen per catty of rice costs four thousand five hundred wen, which is four and a half taels of silver.

Song Huan came to the rice shop and directly said that he wanted to order 450 catties of rice.

The waiter in the shop sized up Song Huan suspiciously with a little bit of guard, and asked, "Why do you need so much food?"

Song Huan thumped in his heart, and said with a smile, "Isn't this a small business at home? So I want to prepare in advance."

Although Xiaoer didn't quite believe it, he didn't say anything else, he lowered his head and said, "Every person is limited to [-] catties a day, you can figure it out."

Song Huan only felt that the situation was probably worse than he imagined.

In the past, there was no limit to the purchase of grain.

Now that there is a purchase restriction in rice shop, either the price will fluctuate more and rice shop can obtain greater benefits, or the grain in the granary has not kept up.

Although he really didn't want to think too badly about the situation, Song Huan's intuition told himself that this was the first situation.

Although the purchase was restricted, Song Huan still wanted to buy. After paying the bill, he rushed home immediately to put away the food.

When I come out, I will go to another rice shop to buy, and the same is still limited to [-] catties.

There are only three rice shops in the county, and Song Huan only bought 150 catties of rice after a busy day.

Calculated in this way, she would have to buy two more days in a row to get the 450 catties of rice together.

Song Huan saw three big bags of rice in the kitchen and thought it was still not enough.

In case the price changes tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, and her money can't keep up, she has to use other things instead of rice.

With that in mind, she went to the market.

When she was visiting the market, she saw soybeans, which were picked by the villagers and sold in the county.

At five cents a catty, Song Huan just rounded up his soybeans.

One hundred catties of soybeans cost five hundred wen.

Then Song Huan bought star anise, salt, koji, sauce and so on.

Because of Song Huan's hunting, salt is indispensable to the Song family. Song Huan plans to prepare five catties of salt, thirty Wen per catty, and five catties of salt is 150 Wen.

Then I bought sauce for 120 Wen, a pack of Jiuqu Ten Wen, and two packs of Octagonal Liu Wen.

Distiller's yeast is used to deal with tofu dregs.

She knows a recipe, use distiller's yeast to process the bean curd residue, and use smoke to dry it in winter. The smoked bean curd residue can be stored for a year or even longer, and it can be eaten as long as it is smoked without deterioration.

This can be said to be Song Huan's trump card.

As long as they have food that can last for a long time, they can survive this disaster.

As a result, she has already spent 130 Liuwen today.

When Song Huan came back, he told the bandit leader the news, although it was only his own guess, so he couldn't be sure.

But she said, it's up to the other party to believe it or not.

She just has no shame in her heart.

The bandit leader didn't believe it, on the contrary, because of Song Huan's words, he figured out some things, and on the contrary became more certain about some things.

What Shisunzhai collects is tolls, and whoever passes through that road can know everything as long as they inquire carefully.

Recently, the people below also told him that there was a sudden increase in the number of foreigners traveling to and from Lu County.

Because he is relatively well-informed about the news in this regard, he has been troubled all the time.

Why are there so many foreigners all of a sudden?And after leaving Lu County, a large amount of food will be brought in.

Occasionally one or two batches is normal, but in recent days, every five or six days, there will be a batch of grain shipped outside the county, which is very abnormal.

Now after Song Huan's reminder, he figured it out, this group of people is definitely related to the current rise in food prices.

Song Huan frowned and asked, "When did this thing start?"

The bandit leader recalled the situation at the time, and said, "It's been about two or three months. At first, it was only once or twice every half a month. In the last month, there was basically one trip every five days, and each trip would have four or five trips. The car is left and right, and the time span is getting denser and denser.”

Song Huan secretly thought to herself, it seems that the time is about the same as those who went to Darongshu Village.

"Can the village master find out where they are from? What's going on outside? Is there a natural or man-made disaster?" What Song Huan wanted to clarify most was the reason.

Man-made disasters are controllable, but natural disasters are uncontrollable.

If you know the cause of the matter, you can make a clearer judgment on the matter, and you can make more detailed and careful plans for the future.

The bandit leader was questioned by Song Huan, and he also felt that this matter had to be investigated clearly. He still had a villager to support.

Immediately he said to Song Huan, "Qingqing will stay with you for a few days, and I will get someone to find out about it when I go back. If you need to find me for anything, you can ask Mrs. Wang in my yard to look for me in the village."

Song Huan watched the bandit leader leave quickly, feeling like there was a flame in his heart, anxious like ants on a hot pot.

At this time, the disadvantages of news lag can be revealed.

The reason why people can judge things correctly is because the information he collects is relatively comprehensive and timely.

Now they don't even know why this happened.

She guessed that one aspect is that those people are profitable and are unwilling to tell the story. This is the reason for these people who buy food and go out.

They are racing against time, seize the time to hoard food, and make a lot of money for the country.

Another reason is that the government and the imperial court are unwilling to leak the news, causing panic among the people in other places.

However, can concealing the news stabilize the hearts of the people?
The common people can only be fearful. On the one hand, they have to be mentally prepared to live by tightening their belts in the coming year. On the other hand, they are looking forward to, perhaps only temporarily, that they still have hope.

Faced with this unknown situation, the court is like a blunt knife, sharpening the flesh of the people.

Song Huan let go of the wild thoughts in his head, everything was just his own guess, and he couldn't take it too seriously.

But even though he comforted himself like this, Song Huan's heart was still heavy, and his appetite was halved.

Qingqing is not sad knowing that her father is back in the village, anyway, her father will be back soon, and she is also very happy to sleep with sister.

Adi felt that Qingqing would be as sad as himself because he had also experienced the situation of his elder sister traveling far away.

Knowing that Qingqing left his father for the first time, and has always been by Qingqing's side, accompanying her, I was afraid that she would be like me back then, sad and want to cry.

Although Qingqing doesn't know why her brother clings to her so much, she is happy to be clinged to by him.

Because she is younger than her brother and has no foundation for studying, she is in Class D, which is not the same class as her brother.

They are at school during the day, and they can only see each other during breaks, so although they are both at school, they don't spend as much time together as they do at home.

Now seeing her brother sticking to her side and playing with her, she is the happiest. After all, isn't the purpose of her going to school in the first place to be with her brother?

Song Huan looked at the two carefree children, and only thought that if only he was a child, he didn't need to think too much, and he didn't need to worry too much.

But this thought just passed by in a flash. If he was about the same age as brother at this time, it would be a bigger problem.

It is difficult to have self-preservation ability.

Although Song Huan was worried, it was indeed just his own conjecture. Before the matter really happened, it was all fiction and his own random thinking.

Although man-made disasters and natural disasters continue in this era, as far as Lu County is concerned, the area is safe, and at most it is only implicated. As long as it survives the most difficult period, it should gradually get better.

(End of this chapter)

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