Caizhizhai is elegantly decorated, and the whole shop is filled with the fragrance of dim sum.

On the four hanging screens on the wall, it is written that snacks and snacks are available in all seasons, and you can ask for them as you please, and you will not miss customers.

The four colors include Ruyi Cake, Steamed Chestnut Flour Cake with Osmanthus Sugar, Pea Yellow, Horse Roller, Yuan Huanxi, Rice Cake and so on.

Song Huan was dazzled by seeing it, she is a face control, so many beautiful pastries she wished she could buy all of them, but she was overwhelmed.

It's just a pity that it can't be eaten as a meal, and it will go bad quickly in hot weather.

In the end, Song Huan still chose three items. The steamed chestnut powder cake with sweet-scented osmanthus is a must, and then Ruyi cake and Yuanhuanxi.

The latter two are auspicious.

Steamed chestnut flour cake with sweet-scented osmanthus sugar and Ruyi cake are both [-] liters and Yuan Huanxi [-] liters.

Go back and show brother a second look, and eat a little bit. If you eat too much, you may spoil your stomach, so it's better to take a small amount.

After the two paid the money, they continued shopping.

Fu Yuanzhi feels that today's harvest is far more than that of the previous few years.

After walking around with Miss Song all afternoon, he understood Miss Song's preferences.

To sum it up in one sentence, she likes anything that looks good, even a distinctive tortoise. She will look at it for a while with shining eyes, and finally leave with a regretful face, making the stall owner happy.

And when it comes to food, Ms. Song also likes good-looking ones, as well as those with good-sounding names.

But if the name sounds long and looks good, it doesn’t necessarily taste good.

Fu Yuanzhi followed behind, covered his mouth with his hands, and burped softly.

He cleaned up all the food that Miss Song thought was unpalatable all afternoon.

It's a good thing to go back to the inn, otherwise, he was afraid that he would die young, and the reason would still be dead.

When we arrived at the inn, the clerk came up to greet him, and said the private room number, and the eldest son will come over later.

After Fu Yuanzhi knew about it, the man withdrew.

Today's Mr. Wang really has a ruddy complexion and a tasteful dress.

The four of them were talking and laughing as before at the Song family.

Since the last time we had the experience of hunting in the mountains together, we have become more and more comfortable and harmonious with each other.

When Mr. Wang talked about the affairs of Fucheng, it was like a torrential river, and he was stunned when he heard it.

Song Huan also ate and listened to the meal.

The bowl and chopsticks in front of Fu Yuanzhi did not move, and he listened to Wang Dayu's words very seriously, but Wang Dayu spoke more and more vigorously.

Fu Yuanzhi silently swallowed the rising hiccup, he really couldn't take it anymore.

The next day, Wang Dayu came to the inn early, and it was agreed last night that everyone will go to the lake today, which is the Mulong Lake in the north of the Sun and Moon Shuangliu Building.

Of course, Brother is not included in this list.

Brother, "..."

One is struggling in the inn, and the other three are swimming in the lake.

In contrast, brother is even more pitiful.

On the eighth day of August, the sun was shining, the clouds were like catkins, and the mountains were green and the willows were green.

The willows and willows on both sides of Mulong Lake are full of shade and flowers are clustered.

The lake water is clear and emerald green, and the water is as bright as a mirror, shining like broken silver under the sunlight.

"Yangjiang Dajia" Wang's painting boat is different.

The hatch of the painting boat is wide and can accommodate 30 people.

Green tiles and vermilion bamboo curtains are rolled up on both sides, and the river room is exquisitely furnished with built-in mahogany furniture, and the window panes are meticulously carved. Incense is also burned, and the light gauze and tassels are fragrant.

It was a fragrance Song Huan had never smelled before, so he couldn't tell the difference, he only knew it was a good fragrance, and it smelled good.

Song Huan obediently lay on the reclining chair with her eyes closed, the background was piercing in, as if the golden sun was shining down.

Looking at a peaceful appearance.

But the parties don't think so.

I actually got seasick.

Song Huan didn't feel it when she first came up, but after the boat drove for a certain distance, she gradually felt it.

I just feel that my mouth is constantly drooling, and I feel dizzy.

A good tour of the lake was interrupted by Song Huansheng.

The eighth day of the eighth day passed quickly while Song Huan was recovering from the sequelae of seasickness.

On the ninth day of the lunar new year, Song Huan and Fu Yuanzhi also got up early.

Different from the last time, this time everyone sent brother into the examination room.

Times have changed~
When I came to the entrance of the examination room, there was also a huge crowd of people.

Ah Di was the first person to discover Yu Yi.

Yu Yi is thinner than before, probably because hope is in front of him, he seems to be in good spirits.

Yu Yan also saw the three elder brothers, and he smiled at the three without impurities, just like the scene when he went to Song's house before.

It was as if he was still the same, nothing had changed, yet everything had changed.

Yu Yan walked up to Fu Yuanzhi, lowered his eyes, and said apologetically, "Brother Fu, I'm sorry."

Fu Yuanzhi's expression didn't change, he didn't mention anything else, he just said, "Take a good exam."

Now that you have seized the opportunity, don't let it go, and do your best to the end.

He wanted to see where Yu Yan would go.

Brother is still a child at heart, he turned his head and didn't want to talk to him.

Song Huan smiled, seeing that the front had already started to enter the arena, she said, "Go in line, don't fall behind."

Yu Ying nodded.

When some things happen, there will always be traces. It is basically impossible to return to the past as if nothing happened.

As soon as brother entered the arena, Song Huan begged Fu Yuanzhi to go out of the city to offer incense.

It may be because of staying here for a long time, or because Song Huan wanted to reassure himself, he still felt that he had to go to the temple to pay his respects.

Walking on the same road, the people around have changed, but the scenery has not changed.

The two squeezed out from the crowd, and Fu Yuanzhi asked what was on his mind, "Did you also come to offer incense that year?"

Song Huan took a breath, and admitted generously, "That's right, I even donated ten cents of sesame oil money to you, which is quite interesting~"

A low smile leaked from Fu Yuanzhi's chest, and the pampering in his eyes seemed to overflow, "Yes, it's interesting enough."

Song Huan blushed.

MD, she can't stand Fu Yuanzhi laughing like this, his voice is deep and magnetic, matched with that face, my God, absolutely.

Hurry up, who will help her?
My feet are weak.

Song Huan obviously forgot, thinking back when she first met Fu Yuanzhi, it was a pity that he was not her type.

I despise other women's sissies.

The sound of slapping the face is also quite loud at the moment.

So is everyone like this?

Obviously I have an ideal type, but the final object is the opposite of the ideal type?

For example, obviously want to find a 1.8 meters big, but the object is 1.7 meters?

Song Huan immediately looked away, calmed down, cleared his throat, and pointed to the back mountain, "You haven't been to the pavilion up there yet, have you?
Let's go and have a look together.

From there, you can overlook the entire Yangjiang Mansion, and you can also see the trend of mountains and rivers, which is very magnificent. "

After Song Huan finished speaking, before Fu Yuanzhi could respond, he immediately accelerated his pace and fled.

No slipping!
She was afraid that she would turn into a wolf the next moment!
The smile on Fu Yuanzhi's face behind him remained unchanged, and the love in his eyes remained the same.

He stared fixedly at Song Huan's back, and Song Huan in front of him saw that he hadn't followed, so he immediately stopped and turned to wave to him.

Fu Yuanzhi responded to her, walking steadily and quickly following her.

Approaching Ms. Song, she heard what she said about the last time she and brother went up to see the scene. I don't know if there is any change.

Fu Yuanzhi listened carefully and replied word by word.

As the two of them got along longer, he became more and more aware of Miss Song's weaknesses and preferences.

He seemed to understand how to make Miss Song get closer to him...

Words of thanks:

感谢SJS、yjen、花捲雲、日吉、流火纷飞、零零_、天堂的雷霆、书友854***576、ChaoQiong、一条小李鱼、幽暗星夜、glxhyh、若若**、小若漓、why _db、与花共眠、有点纠结、墨林漂雨、思穆、君之兰、快乐天使、风骨、借糖的小子、小同、yawen、书友20170816210917887、蓝芯5、书友080829222020107、人心各位同志的推荐票支持(*^▽^*)。

Special thanks to book friends 20230212225517970 and Anitaqing for their monthly support ヽ(*⌒⌒*)

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