Chapter 317
"This doctor Huang is really powerful! It seems that there is a prophet.

Fortunately, she woke up and reported the matter to Yunfu City to prepare for the arrival of locusts.

It not only minimizes the loss of Yunfu City, but also diverts the east water, and let the Mongolian country suffer for us. It's wonderful! "Hearing the words, Zhang Jungong had a look of joy on his face, and he became more and more appreciative of Huang Zisu in his heart.

At such a young age and as a woman, she is not only highly skilled in medicine, but also cautious, resourceful and resourceful. She is truly a talent.

It's a pity that she is a woman. If she were a man, with her talent, she would be able to serve the country in the future, and it would be no problem to be named a marquis or general.

"Hearing what Master Yun said, the greatest credit for this matter is Doctor Huang.

Doctor Huang must be rewarded for this matter. "Hearing this, Emperor Xuanyun didn't expect Doctor Huang to leave the capital and give him such a big surprise. It was really an accident.

"If Doctor Huang didn't intend to stay in the capital, I would have wanted my grandson to marry Doctor Huang and go home." Prime Minister Xu on the side had a look of pity on his face.

After Emperor Xuanyun heard Prime Minister Xu's words, his face became thoughtful.


July goes, August comes, September comes, and in the blink of an eye, autumn comes again.

Ever since her elder sister became pregnant, Huang Zisu never asked her elder sister to give lessons to the apprentices.

Pregnant women are prone to fatigue and drowsiness, and teaching apprentices also requires a lot of effort. Huang Zisu didn't want her eldest sister to work hard, so she taught the group of apprentices herself.

I don't know if this group of apprentices has been in contact with too many patients with the doctor, or Huang Zisu taught them better. In the past six months, this group of apprentices' learning and acceptance skills have risen sharply, and their learning speed is very fast.

Originally only learned acupoint recognition and acupuncture for one year, this group of apprentices has been able to recognize all acupoints and practice acupuncture under their own careful teaching, and as they work with doctors.

Those who learn faster can get eighty-nine out of ten acupuncture points, and become more and more familiar with the techniques and postures.

Apprentices are also placed in the pharmacy and follow the doctor to learn the pulse and prescribe prescriptions for half a year. Now this group of apprentices learn faster and can also take five or six pulses.

After Huang Zisu saw that the apprentices were gradually learning how to tell the pulse, she combined the teaching and learning of "Diagnostics of Traditional Chinese Medicine" and "Science of Prescriptions", and taught the contents of the two medical books side by side.

Let them recite the prescriptions in "Formula Science" first.

From time to time, Huang Zisu would give some questions about pulse conditions and human symptoms, what diseases the apprentices had, how to treat them, prescribe prescriptions, and talk about some cases.

This day, after Huang Zisu finished her dinner, she came to the girls' dormitory while Zhaodi was washing up.

"Third Senior Sister, why are you here?" Guo Rong asked a little strangely after seeing her Third Senior Sister coming to their dormitory at this time.

"I took advantage of Zhaodi's absence to wash up, so I came to ask you, what happened to Zhaodi recently? Was she absent-minded in class?" Huang Zisu asked the apprentices in the room.

"I know this. I heard something from Zhaodi. I heard that her stepmother wanted to marry her. She said that Zhaodi would be 15 years old next year. Not only did she not make money for the family, she had to spend money to take care of her younger siblings. I want to marry Zhaodi." After Zhu Zhizhi knew what was going on, she hurriedly said to Huang Zisu.

"That's it! Okay, I know about this.

Before you know it, some of you will be dying next year.

In the future, if you have any worries or personal matters, you can talk to Third Senior Sister, and Third Senior Sister will help if she can.

In addition, today I came to your dormitory to inquire about Zhaodi, so don't tell her. "After Huang Zisu knew what was going on, she didn't stay in the girls' dormitory too long.

"Susu, you just came back from the apprentice's side!" Mrs. Huang Zhang teased and brought her great-grandson back. When she met Susu coming back from the apprentice's side at the door, she asked.

"When teaching apprentices these days, I noticed that Zhaodi was a little absent-minded. While Zhaodi was washing up, I went to the girls' dormitory to find out what was going on.

Zhaodi will be 15 years old next year, and her stepmother wants her to marry. After knowing this situation, Zhaodi has no intention of going to class. " Huang Zisu sighed.

"Susu, what do you think?" Huang Zhang asked.

"A teacher for one day and a father for the rest of his life. If Zhaodi gets married, my uncle and the others have room to intervene and make suggestions. I'll talk to Uncle Wang first tomorrow.

Zhaodi also really wants to study medicine, and she is one of the best among this group of apprentices, so I don't want to give up on them.

In fact, there is another way, which is to let them digest it internally.

This group of apprentices basically eat and live together every day. After getting along for a long time, they will naturally see each other and show affection.

Presumably, the parents of these apprentices also want their sons or daughters to marry people who study medicine and medicine. When the time comes, husbands and wives will be able to help. "Huang Zisu also has some ideas and plans.

"This is really possible." Huang Zhangshi didn't understand what it meant when she heard the internal digestion, but when she heard her family Su Suyi's explanation, she instantly understood, and Huang Zhangshi's eyes lit up immediately.

"Grandma, I have one more thing to tell you.

This group of apprentices have also come to our family to study medicine and medicine for almost three years. Now that they have learned some basic things, they can help our family with a lot of work and help a lot every day.

Therefore, I plan to reduce some apprenticeship fees from next month. I think that in the future, I will only charge this group of apprentices a monthly apprenticeship fee of two hundred coins.

Food, lodging, clothing and daily life remain the same. "The reduction of the apprenticeship fees paid by apprentices every month was also decided by Huang Zisu on the spur of the moment.

"Okay, that's it." Huang Zhang nodded in agreement.

Now the work these apprentices do for their family is more than half of the labor force. They can do all kinds of work that are familiar with concocting medicinal materials, which is much more useful than spending money to invite villagers to help their family.

Therefore, Huang Zhang didn't care about reducing the apprenticeship fees.

Even Huang Zhang thought it was worth it even if she didn't charge apprenticeship fees.

After all, this group of apprentices generated more income for their family than paying the apprenticeship fees.


In the morning of the second day, after Mrs. Huang Zhang finished her breakfast, she went to the dealer's house to ask her eldest sister for her pulse.

Ever since her elder sister became pregnant, Huang Zisu would give her elder sister her pulse and check her body every once in a while.

"Sister, why are you standing at the door, and you don't wear an extra dress. It's autumn now, and it's not good if you get cold." When she came to the dealer's house, Huang Zisu saw her elder sister standing at the door waiting for her, she hurriedly He stepped forward to hold her elder sister's hand.

(End of this chapter)

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