Chapter 307 307. Get used to it
Seeing that the other party was so serious, Shen Ruoxi couldn't help but straighten her face: "Tell me, what can I do for you?"

Li Ding asked: "Do you know that after our exam, if we do well in the exam, we can go to the Imperial College?"

Shen Ruoxi nodded: "I heard Zhou Yi mention it, what's wrong?"

Li Ding: "Actually, it's not enough to do well in the exam. I have to ask my master to write a recommendation letter. I happen to know a master who is quite prestigious. If I can get his recommendation, I will definitely be able to enter the Imperial College."

Shen Ruoxi: "Then what can I do?"

Li Ding looked at Shen Ruoxi with anticipation: "Master is not feeling well, I would like to ask you to heal him, we are all merchants, scholars are noble, and we look down on our backgrounds, so I don't have any good connections, only Another way."

"No problem, I'll help you with this." Shen Ruoxi sighed inwardly, studying in ancient times is also about her background.

After getting ready, Shen Ruoxi and Li Ding went out together.

The master's surname is Jiang, and people call him Master Jiang. Suddenly he got dysentery, blood was seen in the stool, and he suffered from severe abdominal pain.

The weather in this season fluctuates from hot to cold, and many people suffer from dysentery. At first, the family members didn't pay attention to it, but they didn't recover until the third day, so they became a little anxious.

So I immediately went to the doctor for treatment.

I don't know what's going on, the medicine prescribed by the doctors is effective just after taking it, but after taking it twice more, I get sick again.

The illness repeated itself badly, and the person was tortured so badly that his bones were broken. It made people feel distressed, and the family members were very worried.

Two days ago, a wandering doctor was invited, and he said that the medicine could cure the disease, so the family invited him to see the doctor.

After Youfang doctor asked about his condition, he prepared a dose of Shaoyao decoction and two doses of Xianglian pills, and asked Master Jiang to take it.

Unexpectedly, after Master Jiang took the medicine, not only did he have diarrhea and dysentery, but his heart hurt like a knife, and the pain in his abdomen and anus also intensified. Tears bid farewell to the family.

When Shen Ruoxi came to Mrs. Jiang's house, Mrs. Jiang still had diarrhea, the number of times was innumerable, a bucket of blood in the stool every day, fever and sweating, neither eating nor sleeping, the pain was unbearable.

Li Ding told Mrs. Jiang's family about Shen Ruoxi's origin.

Shen Ruoxi is very famous in the capital, Jiang Fuzi's family has heard of it, and originally decided to go to Shen Ruoxi if You Fanglang couldn't be cured by traditional Chinese medicine, but she didn't expect Shen Ruoxi to come here on her own initiative.

The family led Shen Ruoxi into Mrs. Jiang's room: "Mrs. Zhong, Mrs. Jiang is in this room."

Shen Ruoxi entered the room, and immediately checked Mrs. Jiang's pulse: "The six parts are all open-minded, floating, sinking, and sinking are all weak, one breath comes four times."

The family asked anxiously: "Mrs. Zhong, how is my master?"

Shen Ruoxi said slowly: "Although the patient has pain and fever, his pulse is weak. It is a syndrome of deficiency and cold. Those who have lost blood should benefit their qi. I have a prescription. Take it for three days and get better."

The family said urgently: "Then please Mrs. Zhong prescribe the medicine quickly."

Shen Ruoxi fetched a pen and paper, chose Yigong Powder, added three points of cohosh, five points of woody fragrance, and five points of fried dried ginger, and asked Jiang Fuzi's family members to rush to grab the medicine.

After Jiang Fuzi took the medicine, he felt better and the pain was unbearable.

But at five o'clock, the abdominal pain intensified again.

The family members came directly to Zhongfu to find someone.

Shen Ruoxi had no choice but to come to Mrs. Jiang's house again, took the pulse and said to his family: "This is because the medicine has worn off, hurry up and cook another dose!"

After taking the second dose, the patient was much better than before, the pain was relieved by seven or eight points, and he slept until noon before waking up.

After waking up, she told her family that there seemed to be something wrong again, and Shen Ruoxi made another dose of medicine for him to take.

After taking the medicine this time, the patient slept until night, the pain stopped, and the feeling of tenesmus also disappeared.

Shen Ruoxi then followed the front and asked the patient to take several doses of medicine until the symptoms completely disappeared.

Unexpectedly, within two days, Mrs. Jiang's family came to look for her again: "Mrs. Zhong, my master is in critical condition and is almost dying."

"How is it possible?" Shen Ruoxi withdrew the medicine after she was sure Mrs. Jiang was fine, "What did your master eat today?"

"Today?" The family thought for a while, "Master ate chicken today."

Shen Ruoxi thought something was wrong, she carried the medicine box on her back and followed Mrs. Jiang's family to Jiang's house.

This time Jiang Fuzi looked more serious than before, the skin on his face was dark, lying on the bed, breathing deeply and shallowly.

Shen Ruoxi hastened to diagnose her pulse: "One breath only has three or more breaths, there is nothing floating and taking, and heavy pressing will make it worse, and the temper is already quite weak."

The family members asked eagerly, "Mrs. Zhong, please prescribe medicine quickly."

Shen Ruoxi took a pen and paper, and wrote down the prescription of Buzhong Yiqi Decoction.

After taking it, it has no effect.

If it doesn't work, it's because the collapse is too severe, so I added another money of Yumi shell to the front.

Unexpectedly, after the patient took it, he still couldn't see any effect. Instead, he had diarrhea like a cave, sweated and became irritable, and the Chi pulse gradually tended to converge, showing the tendency of sweating profusely and dying of Yang.

Still not enough, Shen Ruoxi remained calm, took out a ginseng, and added two cents of ginseng to the Buzhong Yiqi Decoction.

After decoction, the patient became drowsy.

Shen Ruoxi's expression was calm and composed, making it impossible to see her thoughts.

The family members were terrified. Seeing that Mrs. Jiang was getting better, they dared to ask: "Mrs. Zhong, how is the master?"

Shen Ruoxi replied: "Don't worry, Mrs. Jiang, this is a sign that the righteous energy is about to return and the evil energy is about to retreat."

The family breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this.

Sure enough, after a while, the patient's spirit improved, and the diarrhea was slightly slowed down.

In order to avoid another attack, Shen Ruoxi asked him to take another dose, and not long after, some of the previous symptoms were relieved, and the pulse condition also showed signs of improvement.

Shen Ruoxi retreated to the side at this time, carefully thinking about Jiang Fuzi's condition, the ancients said that long-term diarrhea and dysentery, decoction is not as good as pill powder, so she switched to Shenling Baizhu powder.

After taking the medicine, the patient continued to improve, but the fever returned in the afternoon.

Shen Ruoxi diagnosed that his pulse was as hot as fire on the left foot, knowing that it was a sign of fire from yin deficiency, so he asked the patient to take more Modified Bawei Pills up to [-] pills.

After taking the medicine, the patient felt refreshed.

Shen Ruoxi asked him to take another eighty or ninety pills. Jiang Fuzi slept until dawn the next day, and seven percent of his illness was cured.

So far, Shen Ruoxi has figured out another treatment method - taking the Modified Bawei Pills in the morning and evening, combined with Shenling Baizhu Powder, finally cured Mrs. Jiang's illness, and everyone is happy.

There is no end to learning, there is no end to learning!

Mrs. Jiang gave Shen Ruoxi a generous gift, and sent him out of the mansion politely.

On the street, Li Ding came up to him: "Sister-in-law, I have worked hard for you during this time."

Shen Ruoxi said as she walked, "It's what I should do to save people, so you don't have to thank me."

Li Ding bowed solemnly to Shen Ruoxi: "To Madam Sister-in-law, it is just a patient, but to me it is a major issue concerning my future, so I really thank Madam Sister-in-law."

Shen Ruoxi is still polite: "You have a good relationship with Zhou Yi, so helping him is also helping him."

Li Ding said with a smile: "In the academy, as long as I can help Zhou Yi, I will definitely help."

Shen Ruoxi thanked: "Thank you very much."



When Shen Ruoxi walked into the medical hall, she didn't expect to see an unexpected person: "Zhou Yi, you're not in the academy, why did you come to the medical hall?"

Zhong Zhouyi pointed to the sky: "Have you seen where the sun is?"

Shen Ruoxi was startled: "It's noon."

Zhong Zhouyi took Shen Ruoxi's medicine box into his hand: "Let's go eat."

Shen Ruoxi nodded: "Okay."

The two came to their own restaurant for dinner, and took a look at the business by the way.

There is a chef like Huang Xing in the restaurant, and the business is not good even if he thinks about it. Every day, many people come here attracted by the name, and the business is quite good. Now the daily profit is fluctuating around 100 taels, which is different from when he could only earn a few taels a day Bi, it's a world of difference, every time the shopkeeper sees Shen Ruoxi, his smile is extraordinarily bright.

"Young Master, Young Madam." The shopkeeper stepped forward to greet him personally.

Shen Ruoxi said directly: "Bring us a few dishes as usual."

The shopkeeper replied: "Yes, Young Madam."

What Shen Ruoxi meant was to have a dish made by Qing Dai and a dish made by Chef Huang, and then take turns serving one dish from other chefs, so as to see the cooking level of the chefs in the restaurant.

After tasting a few dishes, Huang Xing's dishes didn't have any problems, Qing Dai's cooking was a bit lacklustre, and the dishes made by other chefs were considered good, but... how should I put it, it's delicious, but it can't keep customers.

Shen Ruoxi thought about it: "Zhou Yi, do you think there is any way to improve the overall chef level of the restaurant?"

Zhong Zhouyi didn't know much about business: "Ruoxi, what do you think?"

"Let me think about it." Shen Ruoxi thought while eating, "Zhou Yi, if I ask Chef Huang to teach the chefs in the restaurant some experience, do you think Chef Huang will be willing?"

Zhong Zhouyi hesitated: "Unless the master is teaching the apprentice, in that case, Huang Xing probably won't agree."

Shen Ruoxi said with luck: "I'll ask him later, what if he agrees?"

Zhong Zhouyi agreed: "Let's ask him after dinner, if he agrees, we can teach him, and if he disagrees, forget it."

Shen Ruoxi: "Okay."

After the meal, Zhong Zhouyi went back to the academy to attend class, while Shen Ruoxi stayed to inspect the restaurant and waited for Huang Xing to finish his work.

There are a lot of people ordering Huang Xing's dishes every day, and he is the busiest one among the chefs. He is still busy when everyone takes a break.

Shen Ruoxi waited for him for a long time, but it doesn't matter, just take it as a rest.

Huang Xing heard that Shen Ruoxi was waiting for him, and as soon as he finished his work, he only had time to wash his hands before coming to the backyard to see Shen Ruoxi.

"Boss." Huang Xing did not take pride in being favored, and was still polite.

Shen Ruoxi asked with concern: "Chef Huang, are you still used to it?"

Huang Xing replied conservatively: "It's okay, it was the same way before, I'm used to it."

Shen Ruoxi asked Huang Xing to sit down together: "Do you know why I'm looking for you?"

Huang Xing definitely didn't know, he hesitated for a moment and said: "Boss, please speak up if you have something to say, as long as I can do it, I will do it."

Shen Ruoxi said tactfully: "Actually, it's not a big deal. Let me tell you, you can do it if you want it, and forget it if you don't want it."

(End of this chapter)

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