Corrupted Nation.

Chapter 102 The Night Chase

Chapter 102 The Night Chase
Shanna drove the Bawang to the high ground, and everyone got out of the car and walked to the edge of the high ground. 300 meters away from them, a Big Mac was chasing a pickup truck.

Maya, who was leaning on the side of the car, raised her gun and fired, one shot in the head, one shot flying, and one shot in the chest.The giant roared and ran, Maya hit the front of the car with her left fist, and Lin Wu accelerated the pickup.The giant ran 20 meters, and hit the ground with both fists, full of momentum, but it was a pity that it hit a lonely one.

Maya took the opportunity to shoot, shooting continuously in groups of 3 rounds, the distance between the two sides was 10 meters, the headshot rate was greatly increased, and the Big Mac was shaken for the first time.The Big Mac pursued again, Lin Wu accelerated, because the speed did not increase, a zombie grabbed the car door, Lin Wu drove with his left hand, and shot the zombie's headshot through the car window with the Silencer in his right hand.

Big Mac run, smash, chase, run, smash, chase...

After a while, the Big Mac was shaken for the fourth time. This time it was a staggering step back, and it was also the best moment to kill the Big Mac.But at this moment, the raider jammed, and Maya immediately repaired the raider manually, quickly disassembled the gun body, and then assembled it back to the gun.Lin Wu always controlled the distance from the Big Mac, driving the pickup truck in circles in the wilderness.Although some zombies gathered, they were quickly thrown off because of their speed. What was more troublesome was that the left and right were chasing after them fiercely.

Maya smashed the front of the car, and Lin Wu immediately changed from turning in a circle to driving in a straight line, and the Big Mac chased him in a straight line.Three sets of nine bullets and six headshots knocked the Big Mac staggering.Maya concentrated on shooting continuously, and the head of the giant that was hit by three 7.62mm bullets burst immediately, and the mighty giant fell down.

Maya slammed the front of the car twice, Lin Wu braked to stop the pickup, got out of the car and met Kuangmeng.The distance was too close, Lin Wufeng pierced Kuangmeng's back, Kuangmeng turned his head, Lin Wu stabbed Kuangmeng's head with a dagger, took advantage of his dizziness, grabbed his neck with one hand, and raised the dagger with the other to stab him.Raising his left hand, the trap patted on the furious head that was rushing towards him, pressed it to the ground and poked again.

Maya did not help Lin Wu deal with Kuangmeng, but ran to the corpse of the giant as fast as possible, quickly chopped down two zombies and began to touch the corpses.

Twenty seconds later, Lin Wu backed up to Maya, and Maya got a skill book and a 20mm bullet stamper.

Hygiene: The anti-infection ability of base members is increased by 50%, and the upper limit of personal life is increased by 20 points.

The two clapped hands to celebrate getting into the car and leaving.

The harvest is good, but the cost is not low. Maya used up 80 bullets.According to Maya's estimation, 30 bullets hit the head, 30 bullets hit, and 20 bullets flew.After all it's a pity that the dies are 5.56 caliber and not 7.62 caliber.

"I now understand why death penalty skills are cleared." Maya said: "I thought it was a serious punishment, but now I know that compared to skills clearing, random resurrection points are the biggest punishment."

Lin Wu asked: "Isn't it scary to clear the skills?"

"Scary." Maya said, "But the skill doesn't have much bonus effect on firearms."

Lin Wu said: "I disagree. I think cold weapons will dominate for a long time. A Big Mac uses up 80 rounds of bullets. This is a 7.62mm bullet, not a .22 bullet."

Maya thought for a while and nodded: "We need a base that can continuously produce ammunition kits." Just like a car repair shop, it can produce gasoline every day.

"Hey, are you addicted to playing?" Lin Wu loves to play, and he can see from Maya's expression that Maya intends to play seriously.There is a big difference between the two. As far as fishing is concerned, Linwu fishing is a hobby and a hobby, and even the Air Force can have fun.Maya's fishing is not just a hobby, she does not accept the air force, and she will try her best to get the most fish.But for Lin Wu, the first thing to do in playing is to follow one's inclinations and pursue the process rather than the result.

Maya said: "I'm just imagining the best option in the future." Bullets are too precious.For a 5.56mm stamper, a unit of ammunition resources can only make 3 rounds of bullets.An ammunition bag can only make 12 rounds, and Su Shi’s double wisdom bonus is not effective for making ammunition. You need to master ammunition skills to make more bullets with the same resources.

This is also the advantage of .22 firearms. Although the lethality of .22 firearms is very low, one ammunition resource can make 10 rounds of bullets. This is also an important reason why Lin Wu can take the silent one out.

"Isn't that Bawang?" Lin Wu saw Bawang coming down the side road and pulled over to stop.

The Overlords stopped side by side, and Maya reminded the Overlord's day shift, "There are still 20 minutes for the checkpoint zombies to go to work."

Xiaodao glared at Lin Wu: "Don't play with me."

Lin Wu grinned: "Next time."

Xiaodao asked: "Which time?"

"Wait until there are bullets." Lin Wu said, "Let's go back and change the motorcycle."

"Oh." The angrily Xiaodao replied with one word.

Shanna asked, "Any gains?"

Lin Wu said: "5.56 Bullet Compressor and a hygienic skill book."

Shanna nodded: "Not bad."

"Well, the cost is a bit high, let's go." He waved to everyone and drove away.


Putting on the motorcycle and going to the tunnel, Lin Wu and Maya started the hacking journey again.At eleven o'clock in the morning, Shitou sent a video call, and the two also took the opportunity to take a break and find a seat on the train.

Stone went straight to the topic: "I just contacted Baiban, and the overall morale is not high."

Maya asked, "What's going on?"

Shitou said: "They seem to envy you for letting go of yourself, while they are confined to fixed jobs. In contrast, there has been some psychological gap."

Maya said: "It's our break time now, and I didn't stop anyone from doing anything during the break time. The day shift will also spontaneously practice leveling near the base during the break time."

Shitou said: "Let me be straightforward. They have a feeling of being left behind. Everyone was on the same starting line, but now you have eaten steak, while they are still eating grass. While you are killing the Big Mac, They're still doing basic looting and demolition work."

Lin Wu asked: "Stone, what do you mean?"

Shitou said: "Low key! When I asked where you went to play during the day, you said you were studying the drop rate of the crazy skill book. When asked where you went to play at night, you said you got lost in the park and only brought some garbage home. I'm not saying that the day shift doesn't have room for people, after all, no matter how good people are, they will be jealous or envious of other people's achievements."

Lin Wu felt quite the same: "Only a bad person without self-motivation will not envy a better life."

Shitou sighed: "It's hard for me to grasp the red line between contentment and diligence, so I can't say whether your words are right or wrong. In terms of facts, when Shana was partnering with Lin Wu, you were alone during the day. People shoot guns at the base, and there are not many shows at night. When Maya led the day shift, her daily work was boring demolition and search. Do you understand the feeling of abandonment?"

Lin Wu understood a little, and said: "I'm with Maya, I don't have to worry about Maya's death, and I don't have to worry about how I will explain after Maya's death, so I can play however I want without any scruples. Similarly, Maya doesn't have to worry about it. I don't have to worry about how I will explain to the base if I die."

Su Shi beside Shi Shi interjected: "In my opinion, it's a matter of sense of accomplishment. Everyone in the base is an indispensable person at present, and everyone has made a lot of contributions to the base. But some contributions are visible, For example, Lin Wu and Maya brought back molders and skill books today. Although some contributions are visible, no one cares, such as moving furniture from the apartment building to the pickup truck on the first floor."

Thinking about yesterday's experience, Lin Wu said: "Some people's contributions are invisible, but they are very important. For example, Su Shi, everyone can't feel your contribution, but without you, our base may be the same as Invincible. It’s easy to fall into a situation of material depletion.”

Su Shi waved his hands and laughed: "I can only do some things."

Maya looked at Lin Wu: "Do you need to change?"

Lin Wu nodded and said, "Xiao Dao and I work night shifts." Although playing with Maya in a team is the most enjoyable, the collective needs Maya.

Maya disagreed: "Xiao Dao is the only one other than you who has the ability to single out Kuang Meng."

Lin Wu asked: "I go to the day shift, you and Xiaodao work the night shift?"

Maya still shook her head, two people without agility, why should they take on the work of sneaking in the night shift?It is not as good as the whole day shift, divided into two shifts.

Shitou said: "I suggest that Maya go back to the day shift, Lin Wu, you can do whatever you want at night, as long as you don't die outside."

Lin Wu has no problem: "Agreed." After all, one can also have fun playing alone.

Maya nodded: "Okay." Maya knew that she should follow the day shift, and Shanna couldn't make effective suggestions to the day shift staff in terms of skills and techniques.As Su Shi said, the eight people in the base are all indispensable personnel, and everyone contributes to the base.Maya, who has a sense of the overall situation, naturally wants to abandon the lawless play with Lin Wu, and concentrate on enhancing the overall strength of the base.


Because of Maya's joining, the day shift held a small meeting in the wilderness, and found a two-story farm in the afternoon, which was very fruitful.At around [-] o'clock in the evening, the day shift returned to the base through the checkpoint. At this time, Lin Wu had already driven the pickup truck to go to the night shift.

The pickup truck does not have an anti-theft function. Lin Wu hid the car in the factory near the bridge not long after he drove it.For nothing else, he suddenly missed Amanda from Olive Manor.Although Amanda ignores him, he can get the key if he kills Amanda. If Amanda can refresh infinitely, he can bring his brothers to eat a few waves.

Walking to the Olive Manor, Lin Wu searched along the small ditch, was scared three times during the process, and confirmed that Amanda hadn't refreshed.Thinking about it, the rewards of Amanda's mission are quite good, and her mission is to defraud players who are doing the mission for the first time. Repeatedly refreshing and delivering food is not in line with Suguang's character.

Where are you going tonight?
Lin Wu sat on the side of the road and looked at the church on the top of the mountain hundreds of meters away. He was really not used to having one person beside him.In order to dispel such negative thoughts, Lin Wu rolled around on the road a few times. After all, he would never do such two hundred and five things when there are people around him.

In the end, Lin Wu decided to go to the forest park near the outpost. The investigation of Beishang Lake was interrupted last time because of Shana's death.get lost?Impossible, Saint Seiya will not be hit by the same move, at worst, copy the navigation map first.

Lin Wu is not interested in the little zombies now, so he sneaks and walks fast all the way, avoiding the zombies on the road as much as possible, and soon arrives at the parking place.The car was parked on the left side of the factory gate. In order to make it safer to reverse the car and start the car without the zombies disturbing him, Lin Wu turned half a circle and killed all the zombies within ten meters of the car.

Just when Lin Wu was about to get in the car, he heard a rustling sound from the road next to the wall, which was the sound of people walking.Is it a passing player, or a player at the base?Only one person heard the footsteps.Lin Wu turned off the flashlight, climbed up to the wall through the stacked wooden boxes, and with the help of the moonlight, saw Shana who was going out for a walk alone walking four meters in front of her.

Lin Wu wanted to jump down to scare Shana, but Shana's pace was too fast, which made Lin Wu miss the opportunity, and also aroused Lin Wu's curiosity, did Shana drop something?
Curious baby Lin Wu moved along the wall, killed zombies when he encountered them, and followed them to the end of the factory wall.Stretching her head to look, Shana walked across the small bridge ten meters away, heading towards the wilderness farm.

At this time, the tree on the right side of the bridge was lit up twice, and Shana stepped up to the tree.Lin Wu used the Silencer's six-fold mirror to look under the tree, and saw that Shana was talking with a person standing behind the tree, and the distance between the two was about one meter.Lin Wu could only see someone behind the tree, but not his identity.The most damning thing is that the display mirror is in the hands of Bai Ban, and the identity of the other party cannot be determined through the system.

Sneaky, Shanna is a traitor?What is the meaning of rape in this game?Although Shana was promoted to deputy commander, she could directly apply for supplies, but Stone knew everything that Shana applied for.A wave of fat?Take everything of value?The Silent, the Raider... It seems that the Shadow Base is worth a little more than the Raiders.Yes, there are still a bunch of skill books that no one has learned.

Steal a car?Bawang is very valuable, if you want to steal cars and things, you should start early.

Killing your partner secretly?The difficulty is not low, even if Shana can kill Soul Egg brothers and Xiaodao, it is very difficult to kill herself and Maya, let alone Su Shi and Shitou who basically don't go out.What's the point of killing the three people in the day shift?
Lin Wu believed that this meeting would definitely be dark, otherwise the distance to the base would be only 300 meters. Couldn't the person with the flashlight go directly to the base to find Shana?
The only possibility Lin Wu could think of was to raise bandits.After thinking about it, the shadow has no enemies.Based on the time when he killed Shana for the first time, Shana did not live alone for a few days, and spent most of her time with the people in the base.In other words, Shanna spent far more time with the base than she did with other people.

While Lin Wu was thinking, Shana ended the conversation and walked towards the base.The flashlight man turned on the flashlight and headed towards the wilderness.After Lin Wu waited for Shana to pass by, he climbed over the back wall, crossed the small bridge, and started chasing the flashlight man.When Lin Wu approached, the flashlight man picked up a motorcycle from the side of the road and drove on the motorcycle on the wilderness path.

Lin Wu was familiar with this area and knew the possible route of the motorcycle, so he left the trail and ran in a straight line in the night, taking the silent man and installing the muffler.The scarcity of zombies in the wilderness gave Lin Wu great convenience. Lin Wu first arrived near the intersection on his motorcycle, lurked on the side of the road, and aimed his gun.

When the motorcycle passed the intersection, it jumped, and Lin Wu was shot into the air.Seeing the direction the motorcycle was going, Lin Wu judged its approximate route, so he continued to walk in a straight line, and reached the second intersection with the motorcycle again.

(End of this chapter)

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