Corrupted Nation.

Chapter 106 Sub-base

Chapter 106 Sub-base

Lin Wu's three-person battle combination is very awkward, especially after Maya's Liannu became addicted, he couldn't win the head at all in close combat.Fortunately, Maya still had to pick up arrows, which gave Lin Wu and Xiaodao room to level up.

Lin Wu and Xiaodao didn't cooperate in leveling either.The small knife can hit the zombies head-on. If there are few zombies, they will be pulled down and trampled to death.

Lin Wu was the only one who couldn't confront a large number of ordinary zombies head-on. He was basically fishing for fish along the way.Maya made rapid progress, and began to challenge Kuangmeng after being proficient in using the crossbow.Due to the violent straight-line impact, the first arrow was basically able to hit.Kuangmeng will fall to the side after being headshot. At this time, he is very close to the player. Maya can only run away, relying on the consumption of stamina to gain a little distance, and then turn around and shoot an arrow.

This arrow is very dangerous, because Maya doesn't know the distance between Kuangmeng and herself.If she wants to fire a crossbow arrow while stopping and turning around, she must get a headshot, otherwise she will be injured and infected.The same danger has to be experienced again.All this stems from another weakness of the Liannu.

Ten zombies stand, and when Maya shoots the first one, she estimates the distance to the second one. As long as she moves the crossbow, the zombies can be shot continuously.Kuangmeng was thrown to the side by the headshot, and the position of the head and body shifted greatly.If it is a pistol that can chase and shoot continuously, the dynamic target is very unfriendly to the light crossbow. Compared with the bullet, the flying speed of the crossbow is slower.

Maya tried twice, and although she finally killed Kuangmeng, she was seriously injured each time. Every time she killed a Kuangmeng, she had to wear bandages and take painkillers.No matter how rich the medicines at the base were, they couldn't afford to burn like this, so Maya gave up the idea of ​​single-handedly fighting fiercely.

Xiaodao didn't want others to be sad, and comforted Maya: "When you have to face Kuangmeng in the future, you must be the final winner." After all, other people don't have the ability to kill Kuangmeng alone.

Now that the two elder sisters have rounded up the field, Lin Wu practiced the quick-shooter skills, rested when he ran out of stamina, and used up his stamina when he had it.Perhaps because of playing with guns every day, Lin Wu's quick shooter had unknowingly risen to the second level.

The second-level quick shooter increases the headshot rate from 15% at 15 meters to 20% at 20 meters.If that's the only way, then the quick shooter is still a tasteless skill, which can only be used coolly when the dawn is convulsing.The second-level quick shooter has an additional independent skill, which consumes twice the stamina, which is 30%, and can lock the head within 3 meters.If you use the quick shooter skill on players or zombies within 3 meters, you will definitely get a headshot.


Lin Wu watched the two girls slaughtering zombies separately from left to right, but he didn't yell, and sat by himself to study the skills of the quick shooter.After studying it for a long time, Lin Wu felt that what he needed was a Barrett anti-material sniper rifle. After all, one tube of stamina can only be used three times as a quick shooter.He took a Barrett and ran to within 3 meters of the zombie to shoot. No matter what he thought, something was wrong.

Can you hit a Big Mac?Of course not, the brain will be trapped by the door to run to the Big Mac to die.Besides, if he really ran into the three-meter range, he might not be able to see its head when he looked up.What Lin Wu thought was to hit the player, the wind thorn to move, and the quick shooter to lock his head.

The wind thorn can stab the opponent's head, and give yourself a chance to stab again, with a high probability of taking the opponent away.If it is not successful, it is necessary to cooperate with the pistol lock, and double fast gunners combo at close range.According to the actual situation, it can be combined into a lock fast gunner and an ordinary fast gunner.

Wind Stab is a dagger skill, and Quick Shooter is a gun skill.Players can set one of the left and right hands as the main hand, and the main hand can only use skills when holding a weapon.This is the need for quick switching between daggers and firearms.No wonder it's called a quick shooter.

The face trap is suitable for dealing with the impact type of madness, it cannot deal with bears and giants, nor can it deal with players, unless it is a sneak attack.There is a 3-meter wind thorn in the sneak attack, why use a bear trap?

Being idle is also idle, Lin Wu followed behind the two heroines, thinking wildly.In contrast, the rise of Xiaodao and Maya Play.After the arrows of the Mayan crossbow were exhausted, she took out the machete and started chopping vegetables.

Lin Wu thought wildly that Maya wasn't the only one who likes Liannu. It is estimated that everyone in the day shift likes Liannu.How will the Maya distribute the use of repeaters?Although the recovery rate of the arrows is very high, they can't resist 12 hours of tossing. In this way, wouldn't all the rich parts in the base be made into arrows?

At this time, Lin Wu thought of the Silent One. From the moment he got the Silent One, Lin Wu occupied the Silent One.Stone also tells others not to claim the Silent One.The Silent One was found by Lin Wu and Shana, the main credit is Lin Wu, and Lin Wu occupied it, and it was difficult for others to say anything.

But Liannu is hard to say.Alas... I have too much time to worry about Shitou and Maya's heart.


At five o'clock in the morning, Horse Soul applied for the Liannu and 30 bolts, which were all the bolts currently in stock at the base.Two pieces of scrap wood and one piece of scrap iron can be used to synthesize a light crossbow bolt. In principle, there are not many consumables, and the recovery rate is as high as 80%.Perhaps because of the low consumables and the simple conditions of use, everyone wants to play with the Liannu.

Lin Wu was awakened by the knock on the door, got out of bed and opened the screen, and saw the knife with a bitter face, Lin Wu squinted for a while and looked: "Bullying again?"

"I'm in a bad mood." Xiaodao squeezed in regardless of the small space, forcing Lin Wu to go to the bed on the second floor: "Su Shi scolded me, blah blah!"

Lin Wu stretched his head to look, Xiaodao offered a comforting expression.Lin Wu put on his hat, performed an angry crown, and asked, "Tell me, who bullied you?"

It turned out that after Xue Dan got up, she heard that Ma Hun had applied for a crossbow arrow, so she went to find Ma Hun.At around six o'clock, Ma Hun came back, but Xue Dan didn't come back.Shana asked people to gather and went to find Xuedan in person. Xuedan came back, but the checkpoint zombies had already gone to work.The reason is naturally to play Liannu.Xuedan has a good attitude, admits mistakes and apologizes.

Maya thought that the working hours of the day shift were too long, so she decided to go to work at 9 o'clock and asked Lin Wu to add a small shift to distract the zombies at the checkpoint.

Xiaodao was envious of the Liannu last night, and wanted to use two hours to apply for the Liannu, but she no longer had any arrows.She asked Su Shi, and Su Shi told Xiao Dao that Shi Shi asked him to suspend replenishing the crossbow arrows.Xiao Dao looked for Shi Shi, and Shi Shi explained to her that there are some problems in the allocation of continuous shooting crossbows, so don't apply for it for the time being.

Xiaodao sneaked into the production room, and since applying for miscellaneous items did not require the consent of the commander, she quietly made 20 crossbow bolts, but was smashed by Su Shi.Su Shi was very angry, saying that she wasted twice as much material.So the aggrieved Xiaodao went to Lin Wu for comfort.

After listening, Lin Wu said, "If I were you, I wouldn't touch the Liannu. As a fighter, it's better to say hello to blood zombies before the game is updated and the hospital bed has the function of treating virus infection." .”

Xiaodao: "Is that how you comfort me?"

Lin Wu asked: "Buy you a bag?" Lin Wu's bag is a marching bag, which is low in weight and has weapon racks on the left and right sides. It was found from the corpse of the blood plague.Lin Wu didn't put the bag in storage at all, and directly replaced his novice backpack.Thinking about it afterwards, I always feel greedy.

Regarding this matter, Lin Wu and Shitou explained that Shitou expressed contempt for Lin Wu's behavior of cutting first and then playing, and then told Lin Wu that you knew it yourself.Backpack binding system, if you apologize to everyone, it will not improve your moral standard in the eyes of others, but will cause negative effects.

"You didn't try to coax me."

"Hey, we are brothers, not lovers. Brothers are not responsible for coaxing people." Either copy the guy, or get drunk.

Xiaodao corrected: "We are girlfriends."

"Ghost and your best friend." Lin Wu said: "The big deal is that I won't go to the forest park at night, and go to the tunnel with you to brush blood zombies."

Xiaodao just smiled: "Yeah, this is fine."

Day by day, the mystery of Shuilian Cave in Beishang Lake has not yet been solved.

The two deputy commanders stood outside the wheat field and held a leadership meeting with the stone sitting in the wheat field. The core of the meeting was Liannu.The five people in the day shift all wanted to play the crossbow. Maya and Shana took the crossbow route from the beginning. One person lightly crossbowed and the other made compound crossbows to open up the Silk Road.Lin Wu, who is on the night shift, is not interested in Lianshe. He still likes his Silent One.

After coaxing the knife to leave, Lin Wu went out and saw the three leaders having a meeting, and shouted from a distance: "Look at the shit of the president, the eye of the needle."

One sentence annoyed the three of them, and Shitou shouted, "You, come here."

Just come here, you can't beat me again.Lin Wu passed by.

Shitou asked: "You are the only bystander at the base now, tell me your opinion." Su Shi wanted to make crossbows, Shitou made decisions, and the deputy commander also wanted to make crossbows.The only one who didn't care about Liannu was Lin Wu, although he was responsible for blackmailing Liannu.

"What's your opinion?"

"Liannu, how to distribute?"

Lin Wu said: "Whoever turns the dial, he can hold a shift or a day, and the number of crossbow bolts is limited."

Shi Shi thought for a while, then looked at the two deputy commanders: "This method seems to be the most reliable method."

Shana nodded: "Break through ten meetings with one effort, and the simplest and crudest methods can often solve the most complicated problems."

Lin Wu thought: These words don't seem to be boasting about himself.

Maya said: "Lin Wu, we plan to set up a sub-base in the hydropower station and put all the surplus materials into the hydropower station. Prepare for entering Zuo County after winter." The hydropower station is only a bridge away from Zuoxian County.Materials looted at checkpoints can be traded to sub-bases and stored in the base warehouse.

Lin Wu said: "Last time you said you were short of manpower."

Maya said: "We are now considering two options. The first option is for you and Shanna to build a sub-base."

Lin Wu answered quickly: "I agree with the second option."

Shana kicked Lin Wu's calf angrily: "It's too much."

Lin Wu bowed his hands to apologize, and explained: "We are going to build a branch base, lonely men and widows, what do you make others think? It doesn't matter if I am misunderstood."

Stone asked: "Are you worried that Shana will be misunderstood?"

Lin Wu shook his head: "No, I'm worried it's just a misunderstanding. It's justifiable to be scolded for eating pork, but to be scolded for eating pork without eating pork, that's so unjust. The worst thing is that I only want to eat beef... "

Shitou exclaimed: "Lin Wu, you have learned to point fingers at Sang Huai now."

"It's all Shitou's commander who teaches well." Lin Wu looked at Shana and smiled: "Don't be angry, I'm just afraid that everyone will be jealous. You know your position in the base, including Shitou, who wouldn't want to establish a branch with you alone? Base. Right, Rock?"

"I'll just say that you made a point and blame me, and you're going to rely on me." Shitou said, "The second option is to build a sub-base by yourself. You need to match the time of the day shift and pick up the packages on time. When you go out alone, you can't exceed 10 hours." Minutes away, because you are tasked with protecting the base."

Maya explained: "I don't always leave you alone, I can go to level up with you when I have time."

Lin Wu had a flash of inspiration: "It's better for Maya and me to establish a sub-base. Maya leads the day shift during the day, and can complete material transactions by the way when off work. With Maya at night, the safety of the sub-base is also guaranteed."

There is a black thread on the stone, nothing happens to you, right?

Maya said: "If I were to go, I would like to take the supermarket base. Although it is a small supermarket, it should have a special storage space."

Lin Wu vetoed: "The hydropower station must have hydropower."

Maya nodded: "Okay, then decide on the supermarket. What do you guys think of the third plan?"

Lin Wu sighed, don't underestimate Maya's stupid decision, it has resolved many differences between Lin Wu and Maya.If Lin Wu was firmly opposed, he would raise doubts again.Based on Maya's understanding of Lin Wu, Lin Wu didn't care about the hydropower station or the supermarket, he just rebelled and raised an argument by the way.

Stone sighed: "Maya, what do you think will happen when you mix with Lin Wu?"

Lin Wu and Maya shook their heads together, with questioning expressions.

Shi Shi said, "I don't know either, this is the problem."

Lin Wu disagreed with the first plan. He didn't want to mix with Mana. Mana lacked the ability to protect herself. It was impossible for Lin Wu to be with her 24 hours a day.On the contrary, the danger level of the day shift is low, and Shanna can be effectively protected in the day shift.

Lin Wu agreed with the second plan, and proposed a third plan on the premise of the second plan.If the commanders agree, then implement the third plan.If the commanders have no objections, then implement the second plan.Therefore, as long as Maya is willing to go to the sub-base to take care of those annoying tasks, not to mention the supermarket, the toilet can be built as a base.

Let you come to solve the problem, not let you add to the problem.Stone has already seen the eagerness in Maya's eyes. After two days of messing around with Lin Wu, Maya and Lin Wu both had a good time, but this kind of happiness was on the verge of danger.Shitou was worried about letting Lin Wu divide the bases by himself. He probably couldn't do either of the two requirements.

Stone looked at the two deputy commanders: "The third plan?"

Maya nodded: "I'm fine."

Shana: "I only have one question. Lin Wu, answer me honestly, why didn't you choose the first option?"

Lin Wu thought for a long time, waved Shana to come over, and said something in Shana's ear.

Shana watched Lin Wu for a long time after listening: "This answer is beyond my expectation. Yes, I respect you."

Stone asked curiously, "What did you say?"

"you guess."

Shi Shi didn't bother to talk to him, and said, "Then hold a meeting on this matter... Wait for another 10 minutes, I still have 10 minutes to finish. Maya, you ask Su Shi to make a batch. 22 Let Lin Wu take it. And Maya, I'm afraid the repeated crossbow can't be allocated to you."

Maya nodded: "I take a heavy crossbow, a compound crossbow."

Shana asked curiously: "Haven't you been playing light crossbow?"

Maya replied: "With props like Liannu, light crossbows have no future."

Shitou said: "Okay, let Su Shi also make a batch of heavy crossbow arrows. Lin Wu, you pack a food package, a medical package and four building material packages and put them on the pickup truck."

Lin Wu said: "I bring a medical bag, Maya brings a food bag, and a building material bag on the motorcycle. If we don't have enough building materials, we will find them nearby."

Maya said: "Bring two medical kits. There are food kits and building material kits in the supermarket."

Shana passed by the supermarket and said, "The zombies in the supermarket are relatively dense, do you need help?"

Lin Wu smiled and said: "That little zombie is not enough for Maya to cut."

Shana reminded: "Daggers, bring more sharp blades, try to change weapons with Bai Squad, and ask Bai Squad to bring the weapons back to the main base for repair."

Lin Wu made a gesture to indicate that there was no problem, and he and Maya went to prepare separately.

Seeing Maya and Lin Wu leave, Shitou asked Shana, "Are you a little bit reluctant?"

Shanna didn't deny it: "Yes."

Shitou asked, "Why didn't Lin Wu choose you?"

Shana smiled lightly and said, "I won't tell you."

(End of this chapter)

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