Corrupted Nation.

Chapter 108 Healing

Chapter 108 Healing
The motorcycle rushed out of the bus stop, but there was a 10cm high speed bump at the door of the nasty bus stop, and the motorcycle took off directly. Fortunately, Maya grabbed the handlebar tightly and landed smoothly.The bad thing was that Lin Wu took the silent man with both hands and took off directly from the back seat.I thought it was like in a movie that he landed on the back seat of the motorcycle, and Shuguang was so handsome.In fact, when the person fell down, the motorcycle had already passed, and he fell into the mud again.

Lin Wu endured the pain and took a painkiller first, followed by increasing blood, and pain relief was the fundamental.When Maya turned her head, Lin Wu had already stood up.Maya didn't go to pick up Lin Wu, but turned around and took the S route, trying to pull away the nearby zombies as much as possible.Lin Wufeng stabbed through the siege of zombies and ran away.At this time, Kuang Meng appeared, and when he saw Lin Wu, who was full of the blood of his descendants, he chased him like crazy.

Facing the ferocity of life and death, Lin Wu smiled proudly and slowed down his pace, never thinking that the four on the left and right streets were rushing towards him, and there were countless army of zombies behind them.

Lin Wu screamed and ran away.

The motorcycle was driving in front, pulling away the zombies in Lin Wu's advancing route, and Lin Wu was chasing the motorcycle behind, and the five fiercely chased after Lin Wu ten meters away.

Lin Wu smashed down a bear trap, but unexpectedly jumped over it violently, so Lin Wu threw a bear trap behind him without turning his head.With a snap, it caught a fierce foot, threw another, and held another.All three traps were shot, seeing that their stamina had bottomed out, the remaining three be damned were still following closely, vowing to kill the enemy by their teeth.

In the front, Maya saw that she had reached the bridgehead, and the number of zombies here had dropped dramatically.Maya stopped the car, took out a Molotov cocktail from her backpack and ignited it, then backed up to the bridge.With a tacit understanding, Lin Wu stepped over the motorcycle directly, and Maya then smashed the Molotov cocktail on the motorcycle.The deflagration of the Molotov cocktail blocked the furious straight line pursuit.

When Kuangmeng was about to avoid the flames, the motorcycle exploded, and the flames ignited one of Kuangmeng. Kuangmeng rolled on the ground twice and put out the fire. He couldn't find his enemy anymore. The two brothers who chased across the bridge can be trusted.

After getting rid of the burning madman, Maya stood up and output.Rapid fire from the small pistol knocked one back, but was knocked to the ground by the other.Lin Wu, who had regained some stamina, arrived later, pressed his head violently on the concrete floor to the left of Maya's head and stabbed her to death.

Maya, who fell to the ground, raised her gun and hit the violent head that was rushing behind Lin Wu, buying Lin Wu precious time.After dealing with the madmen in his hands, Lin Wu used his last bit of stamina to kill the last madmeng.

"Life is at the bottom." Maya said, "The upper limit of life is only 18 points." Infection is a trivial matter in comparison.

Lin Wu handed Maya a bandage to stop the bleeding, and put on a fracture bandage himself: "What about the motorcycle?" They no longer have a repair kit.

Maya said helplessly, "Let the day shift send us a set of car repair tools tomorrow."

Lin Wu said: "You can only walk with two legs today?"

Maya: "It's fine if you don't mind adding hands."

Lin Wu was shocked, Maya predicted what Lin Wu was going to say, covered her left face with her left hand and left.A hearty battle made Maya feel extremely excited, and she couldn't help making a joke.This may be the first joke she made after joining the Shadow.Although the joke wasn't funny, it was enough to shock Lin Wu on the spot.


After adding 8 building materials, it is enough to upgrade a bed and build an infirmary.During the upgrade, Lin Wu saw more than a dozen zombie red dots on the electronic map of the base, which was not seen in the church on the top of the mountain.The distance is far away, and there are many obstacles between them. Lin Wu ignored it and stayed by Maya's side. The name is called caring for partners, but in fact it means: hurry up, I want to lie down too.

Maya's life limit was 18 points, and Lin Wu's life limit was only 50 points after being bandaged.Four broken bones and two burns.

"Call Maya." Stone's voice came from the radio.

Lin Wu went over and picked up the intercom: "Maya is healing her wounds." Xiaoye also has a small convenience, and it takes two steps to reach the radio station.

"Huh? How did she get hurt?"

"In order to find two packages of building materials, I went in and out seven times in the corpse tide." Seeing Maya gesturing to him, Lin Wu understood, and said, "Stone."


Lin Wu said: "Let the day shift bring a car repair kit tomorrow, the motorcycle exploded."

"Fuck, why did you go?"

Lin Wu said: "It's a long story."

Stone: "Long story short."

Lin Wu: "That's over."

Stone: "What?"

Lin Wu: "The tide of corpses enters seven times and exits seven times."

Shitou was surprised: "Are you really fighting the tide of corpses to find two packs of building materials? Are you all injured?"

Lin Wu sighed: "Many times I'm not joking, but you don't want to believe it."

Shitou said frantically, "You've only been out for a few hours, wouldn't you be happy if you didn't play yourself to death?"

When Maya heard this, she got out of bed and came over to take the intercom: "It's my fault, I underestimated the power of the corpses."

Shi Shi's tone immediately became gentle: "Be careful."

Maya said, "Yes. Ask Su Shi to make two machetes for me."

Shitou: "Didn't you bring three?"

Maya: "Cut off two."

Shi Shi was speechless, and asked after a long time, "How is Lin Wu?"

Maya turned her head and saw Lin Wu taking the opportunity to get on the hospital bed, and said, "He didn't say anything, but I think he also narrowly escaped death."

"Nonsense." Lin Wu said, "I have nine lives and one death."

Shitou: "What am I looking for you for? Yes, go to You County at eight o'clock in the evening to catch the nightmare. Are the two of you enough? The knife beside me is eager to try."

Maya was very smart and replied: "A knife is indispensable to go through the tunnel. If you are interested, you can go together. Last time we sneaked through the tunnel, today we can kill the tunnel."

Shitou said: "Have you noticed that after you hang out with Lin Wu for a few days, you are very murderous?"

Lin Wu: I didn't hear that.

Maya avoided talking: "It's 3 pm now, see you at the tunnel entrance around 7 pm. It will be easier to pass the checkpoint after 7 pm..."

Lin Wu interrupted: "We don't have a car, so we have to run."

Maya said, "Six o'clock."

Stone: "Okay, got it."

After finishing the call, Lin Wu asked, "We won't be able to recover from our injuries before 6 o'clock."

Maya took out a serum and injected herself, saying: "If you only heal the wound, there is still enough time."

Lin Wu regretted: "I really want to experience the feeling of being poked by a needle."

When Maya heard this, she had the urge to kick Lin Wu's ass, but fortunately she was a serious person.Among so many people in the Shadow Base, Maya would chat with Lin Wu occasionally.

Lin Wu was healing, and Maya had nowhere to go. She took a book from her backpack and sat down on the other side's radio station in the aisle of the ward.If it is in the shadow base, Maya will go back to her bed to read a book, which is a private space.At the branch base, Maya couldn't bear to leave Lin Wu here alone.In addition, getting along with Lin Wu is still very relaxed. Her definition of relaxation is that others will not feel cramped because of her presence.

For example, when the team is building, the employees have dinner and karaoke, it is best for the boss not to show up, and just be responsible for paying the bill.

Lin Wu doesn't know how to make nasty jokes, and he pays great attention to the words used in this regard.For example, after Lin Wu was cured, he would never say words like 'Maya, it's time for you to go to bed'.This is not only the case in the game, but also in reality. Lin Wu is very polite to his friend's girlfriend, the kind of politeness that makes people obviously feel born.

When Maya went to the hospital bed, Lin Wu took a look at Maya's book, A Dream of Red Mansions.After flipping through it for a while, it tells the story of a man and a group of women.I didn't expect Maya's taste to be so low, can't she read some serious novels from Gongdouwai?
Lin Wu put the book aside and looked at the red dot on the electronic map. He didn't walk away, and picked up the microphone in idleness: "Call the stone."

Shitou came over and picked it up: "Here is the stone."

Lin Wu: "Sing a song and listen."

Stone: "Go away."

It's impolite, hum!Lin Wu: "Then I'll sing for you."

Stone hangs up and ignores this person.

When getting along with Shitou, Lin Wu would make jokes, and would ask Shitou if he had any questions or confusions, and Shitou would be happy to answer Lin Wu.Getting along with Xiao Dao is just playing, just like coaxing a sister, he will bully her and protect her.Getting along with Su Shi is a bit like a gentleman's friend. Although we don't spend much time together, we will go up to join in the fun when we see each other.

Only when getting along with the soul egg brothers, Lin Wu would be more polite.

Feeling bored, Lin Wu went to the supermarket for a stroll.Walking around the corner, he saw scattered zombies wandering in the safe area of ​​his base.Lin Wu didn't kill the zombies, anyway, there would be more if he killed them.After swaying left and right for a while, Lin Wu entered into a stealth state with his brain pumping, and followed a zombie to start an unfair game.If the zombies cannot see Lin Wu, they will be humiliated by Lin Wu, and if the zombies see Lin Wu, they will be killed by Lin Wu.

Maya leaned against the aisle wall, and finally understood why Shanna learned to hold her forehead.She didn't say a word, just watched Lin Wu follow the zombie forward, back and turn around, which made her unexpected that Lin Wu would have more childish actions.

Suddenly, Lin Wu came out from the left of the zombies and opened his teeth and claws, trying to scare the zombies, and then the zombies that were not frightened were killed by Lin Wu.

After watching the whole process, Maya couldn't bear to look directly at it.

Lin Wu found Maya only after killing the zombies. Immediately, his blood boiled, his face was flushed, and he walked over and explained, "I'm recording the response data of the zombies."

Maya opened her mouth not knowing what to say, and said after a long time: "It's about time, we're leaving." There are two kinds of people who are likely to be good-hearted, one is a naive man, and the other is a talkative woman.


Running tests endurance. Both Lin Wu and Maya have secondary attributes. Without any bonuses or debuffs, the same distance and the same speed consume the same amount of stamina.The difference is that the speed limit of agility is higher, and there is no difference between the two at a speed of 20 yards. Once it exceeds 35 kilometers per hour, Lin Wu is still consuming stamina normally, and Maya will be punished for depleting stamina.When exceeding 38 kilometers per hour, that is, exceeding the world record for sprinting, Lin Wu will also be punished for depletion of stamina.

Maya spoke, nine out of ten are work and data: "How many stars do you have in terms of physical strength?"

Lin Wu replied: "Three and a half stars." There is transportation when you go out, you don't run wildly when you walk, and you don't rely on physical strength to fight.


Lin Wu's quick shooter is obtained when the agility is upgraded to five stars, and the agility 10 star increases the stealth and lockpicking gains.In addition, Lin Wu did not acquire any skills when his stamina was 3 stars and his agility was 3 stars.

"Crazy." Lin Wu left the team, and Maya stopped to rest for a while. Lin Wu came back: "Unlucky, it's only poor and fierce. Maya!"


Lin Wu asked: "Do you think Suguang will gradually improve the game's fidelity as the player's strength increases? For example, cancel the daily consumption of food settings. There are 8 people in the shadow base, and the system consumes 8 units of food for the player. 8 ingredients, let the player eat 8 ingredients, cooking or raw can be eaten."

"It shouldn't be so excessive." Maya said: "I think there are a few settings currently for novice protection. Unlimited bullets are the key for players to defend their home. I think it is unlikely to be cancelled, otherwise no one can defend more than 5 stars. A level siege, even if it is defended, it is tantamount to bankruptcy."

Maya said: "The small candles attached to the base should be canceled to encourage players to obtain power resources. The magical hospital beds will be further weakened, and the doctor profession will be given corresponding attention. I think the death penalty may be weakened in the future. With further shortage of supplies, everyone Some players will take the road of living, and the intensity of the game will increase further. Going up to the town may be the right way to live."

90% of the buildings in the center of Beishang Town are occupied by players, forming a safe zone.Food is obtained by fishing or hunter skills, and having a bed to sleep on satisfies the survival needs of players.The people who survived will start to seek further needs after they live without worry, and socializing is the cheapest and low-risk way of communication.

When a small base in Beishang Town enters the system to attack the city, he is likely to get the help of four or five base allies, and the neighbors around him can carry guns in their homes to help clear the zombies.There will also be problems. The security area of ​​the small base is too small, so that outsiders can attack the personnel in the base outside the security area of ​​the base.

After all, the function of the safe zone is that it will not spawn zombies and can control the armed forces of non-base personnel. It is not an invincible safe zone.

This is the advantage of the game, the two of them chatted while running against the wind, and they didn't feel sore throats or any other discomfort.When they arrived at the checkpoint, Lin Wu pulled away the zombies, and the two passed through the checkpoint together.Not long after entering the upper farm, I met two NPCs.Coincidentally, it was the NPC that Lin Wu and Maya met last time, and the NPC issued the same task to them.

Many people have received this task, the purpose is to activate the honor value of the base, and get the opportunity to receive the fortress task through the radio.Lin Wu knew that he couldn't kill these two guys, maybe he could kill one with a sneak attack, but the other NPC's counterattack would be terrible.The method of attracting monsters has also been used, but it is not enough for others to play.The best way is to get a group of fierce and giants, but unfortunately there are two NPC thieves, there are no such creatures near their mission location.

(When playing rotten games, you can lure monsters to besiege NPCs. Some NPCs can bring down two Big Macs. Some NPCs will be torn in half by the Big Macs and thrown away. Equipped on half of them, bad luck or bad eyesight , couldn’t find half of the body at all.)
It took 10 minutes to take the NPC to a place, guarded it for a few minutes, killed a few zombies, and gained honor points.

(End of this chapter)

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