Corrupted Nation.

Chapter 110 Fortress Agent

Chapter 110 Fortress Agent
The next target is the blind bat, which is not a creature that Maya can deal with.Lin Wu was another creature that the blind bat couldn't deal with, but after a while the blind bat was brutally tortured to death by Lin Wu.The reason why it is said to be violent is that in order for Maya to see clearly and judge the defense of the blind bat, Maya tried a lot of knives before the blind bat died.Even in order to test the effect of the amputated limbs of the firearm, the blind bat was given three shots to the hands and feet.

These three shots attracted the surrounding zombies and trouble.Either the combination of the two is hovering on the verge of death, Maya is not aware of the terrain, and her movement speed in the water is greatly restricted.Coupled with the night, the lighting was not good, and the screaming could not be resolved quickly, making the fight last for 10 minutes.

After the battle, Lin Wu had a whim: "How about we raise two screamers in the supermarket?"

Maya was stopped by Lin Wu's brain, and she thought for a while before answering: "It seems interesting. What do you mean?"

Lin Wu said: "Scream has no hands, no teeth, and no attack power in itself. We tied her up in the supermarket with a rope and sealed her mouth with tape. When we need to spawn monsters, we tear off the tape and let it Howl."

Maya continued to think for a long time: "It sounds feasible, go back and try."

The two talked about the details of the kidnapping and screaming. When they arrived in front of the waterfall, Lin Wu realized that he had made a mistake last time. There was no cave behind the waterfall.Behind the waterfall, there is a trail built on the mountain, which surrounds Beishang Lake. Lin Wu went to Beishang Lake twice at night, so he didn't find the trail.

Standing on the trail and looking towards Beishang Lake, the waterfall rushes down just a few meters away.Maya looked around and said: "Except for the antenna you said is still a signal tower, there are no artificial traces found here."

Lin Wu said: "But there are blind bats."

This reason was enough to convince Maya, and the two walked along the path until they reached the edge of Beishang Lake. Lin Wu said with sharp eyes, "Look."

It was a zombie, a very ordinary-looking zombie, the only difference was that it was wearing a white coat.There are also zombies in white coats, mostly in pharmacies, clinics and other places.

The zombie's attack ability is very ordinary, and it was cut down by Maya casually. Maya fumbled and took out a special item from him: an ID card. An ID card has a name, a photo, and a barcode.

The two became more interested, and started searching on the mountain side of Beishang Lake, and soon found a trail buried in mud, and there seemed to be something behind the mud.Without tools, the two of them scraped away the dirt with their hands, and took painkillers when their hands hurt.After a while, two humanoid excavators scraped through the soil, revealing a 1.2-meter-high circular iron gate.

A wooden sign was inserted in front of the iron gate, which read: Tunnel for geological survey, dangerous, please do not approach.

The iron door was not locked, and the two opened the iron door, and Maya got in first.If there is danger, Lin Wu can run faster, and if Maya is behind, it will block Lin Wu's escape route.

This is a circular passage, you can't stand up at all, you can only kneel on the ground and crawl forward.Maya stopped, turned around and said, "Look."

Lin Wu looked to the upper left corner, and there was an emergency escape sign posted on the upper left of the passage.Lin Wu said: "This is not a normal entrance, this is an escape exit."

Maya said: "Well, it seems that there is a lot of heaven and earth inside."

After crawling for 20 meters, the two came out of the passage, and in front of them was a three-meter-wide and 5-meter-high aisle.The aisles have marble floors with a red carpet in between, and the walls have been decorated with beautiful wallpaper.If he didn't know that it was inside the mountain, Lin Wu would think it was a hotel.

After a few more steps, there was a gate on the left, and there was an ID card sensor beside the gate. The two were not in a hurry, and continued to walk forward, and then found a restaurant.There are more than 15 tables in the restaurant, and there is also a kitchen inside, which is very spacious.Up to this point, the two hadn't encountered any zombies.

Both of them received a system message at the same time: team up task, explore the secrets of the area, answer questions, and the task time is two hours.

Lin Wu was quite excited: "Finally there is a worthy mission." Either Amandala went to landmines, or he was fighting mobs for NPCs.

Maya also found it very interesting: "Let's get started."

The two continued to walk forward, and after a while they walked out of the passage and out of the mountain.They were on a platform among the cliffs. There were two helipads on the platform. A scrapped helicopter was parked on one of the helipads. Near the helicopter were several zombies wearing bulletproof vests and steel helmets. The fort icon is printed on the back of the garment.

Maya stood ten meters away from the zombie and asked, "What did you think of?"

Lin Wu said: "If the helicopter is brought back, will Su Shi cry, or cry? Haha." Su Shi looked at such a big guy and burst into tears in his mind: This will take until the year of the monkey.

This answer was completely beyond Maya's expectations, and she couldn't help but look at Lin Wu, wondering how Lin Wu's brain grew.Feeling Maya's gaze, Lin Wu blinked and thought for a while: "Yes, we need a helicopter to get rid of this helicopter."

Thoughts were out of sync, Maya didn't want to say too much, it was too tiring to explain, and said, "Touch the corpse." She stepped forward and started slashing.

This slashing Maya found that when she met her opponent, slashing with a knife on a zombie was like scratching an itch, with almost no harm.Under the combo of blows, the light of the knife was waving, which looked good, but it was useless.Maya looked back at Lin Wu, and Lin Wu said to himself: "Should I go or not? Go, I'm just a person in charge of groping the corpse. Don't go, there's not much time."

Maya didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "I'll touch the corpse." Obviously, she was dissatisfied with the task of groping the corpse arranged by herself: childish ghost.

So Lin Wu went up.Maya attracted attention, and with the blessing of a sharp dagger, Lin Wu easily executed by stabbing around the back, and quickly eliminated the four zombies.What made Lin Wu very dissatisfied was that these zombies were wearing bulletproof vests and high-end steel helmets, but what about the guns... where are your guns?Have you exchanged wine for drinks?
The things he found from the zombies were all bits and pieces. Lin Wu liked one of the lighters very much and put it in his pocket.The two searched for the helicopter again and found a list of the ingredients transported by the helicopter.After browsing through it, Maya put the list away, and the two reached the gate and opened it with their ID cards.


There is Qiankun inside the gate, which is obviously a laboratory.White is the main tone, the walls are white, and even the zombies wear white coats.

The laboratory covers an area of ​​about [-] square meters. There are two floors in total, brightly lit, and the stairs are in four directions.The main body of the second floor is the observation deck, standing on it, you can have a panoramic view of the situation on the first floor.

The number of zombies is not too many, including six special zombies. In order not to miss the information, every time a zombie is killed, one has to touch the corpse. Except for the daily odds and ends, Lin Wu got a key.The key name is Safe Key.

In addition to the experimental single room separated by glass, there are supporting facilities such as power distribution room, generator, toilet, and four-person dormitory.There is only one large room on the second floor.

There is a projection cloth on the first floor in a place similar to a small auditorium. Maya turns on the projector, and the images are projected on the projection cloth. It is not a movie, but a lot of data.Maya searches and finds that the projector is connected to an ancient computer.

Maya sat in front of the computer and tossed for a while to enter the computer, and clicked on the screen for a long time without any response. It took a long time to figure out how to use the mouse and keyboard.

There was still an hour and a half left, when Maya checked the computer information on the first floor, Lin Wu had already broken open the door of the large room on the second floor.There are two rooms in the large room on the second floor, one room is an office, and the other room is not an office. There is an icon warning of biochemical threats on the door.Lin Wu looked in through the glass on the door, and there were dozens of professional-grade freezers for temperature control and preservation of refrigerated products.

Lin Wu used the key to open the safe, took a diary and a stack of documents and went downstairs, and handed the things to Maya.See for yourself?I don't watch it myself. After watching it for more than ten years, I finally survived until I graduated from college. Only ghosts like to watch these boring things again.

Besides, Maya must have a higher IQ than me. If I read a word by myself, Maya can read at least 1.00000001 words. For the sake of team efficiency, of course Maya should read the information.

It's not laziness, it's teamwork.

Lin Wu didn't bother Maya either. After searching around to make sure there were no zombies, he went to the office and turned on the TV, and a snowflake picture came out.Lin Wu sat on the office chair, pretending to be very busy, and took out a few magazines from the drawer to look through them.After reading it for a while, I felt ashamed, and sneaked outside the door to look down. Maya was diligently reading the materials, and didn't notice herself at all.

Lin Wu walked around the office, looked at the decoration, looked at the murals, went shopping on the first floor for a while, looked at the laboratory, and looked at the ancient instruments.

With an hour left, Maya and Lin Wu pried open another room in the office and entered the sample preservation library.Maya's expression was very serious, and she didn't talk to Lin Wu. She held the documents in her hand and compared them to find the items in the freezer.After finding it, I also copied the description of the item in a small notebook.

Since you are next to such a top student, why do you have to work hard on yourself, a scumbag?Lin Wu touched left, looked right, went into every laboratory on the first floor and searched, and found nothing.Maya was busy, and she couldn't be very idle, so she sneaked out of the laboratory out of sight, sat in the restaurant for a while, and went to the helicopter for a while.


Two hours later, a little white rabbit appeared in front of the two of them.Don't be confused, this is Shuguang's real body, the real body voted by the Blue Star people.Dawn's first real body was a handsome man in a suit and leather shoes. Some people questioned why Dawn couldn't be a woman.The second real body is a beautiful young woman. Some people question Shuguang's objectification of women.The third avatar is a blue ribbon that floats up and down. Many people prefer green, while others want red.

Until the 100th real body, Blue Star passed the law to confirm that the real body of Shuguang was a little white rabbit, and explained that it was a little white rabbit mixed with black, yellow and white, with a black tail, white fur, and yellow eye circles. Is androgynous, age unknown.

The little white rabbit made a magnetic mixed electronic voice: "Hello Lin Wu, hello Maya, nice to meet you."

Lin Wu: "Shit, we've met many times."

Maya looked at Lin Wu sideways: "Do you want to quarrel with an AI?"

Lin Wu sighed: "Forget it, you can't win the quarrel."

The little white rabbit got to the point: "First of all, congratulations on discovering the secret place in your homeland. Can we start?"

Maya took a step ahead of Lin Wu: "Yes." The ghost knows what Lin Wu will say.

The little white rabbit said: "Please explain exactly what this place is, the more detailed the better."

Maya said: "This is the Fortress Biological Laboratory under the Fortress Corporation, number A6."

In 2040, a team of scientists contacted the WHO, saying that two years ago, a mysterious person funded them to cultivate and edit hybrid viruses.After the first stage of work was over, the mysterious person sent two samples of synthetic viruses. After research by a team of scientists, it was found that one sample was a synthetic virus with super transmission ability and a low lethality rate.One is a virus with poor transmission ability and a high lethality rate.The mysterious person is willing to invest a lot of money to allow scientists to complete the composition of the two viruses and create a super virus.

After cultivating and studying two samples, the WHO believes that things are not that simple.According to the investigation of the United Nations, the mysterious man is an unknown rich man who has been advocating on the Internet to protect the earth by exterminating human beings.The WHO believes that the mysterious person has many samples in his hands.

In order to deal with possible man-made disasters in the future, it is necessary to clarify the information of the two synthetic viruses.The WHO entered into a secret commercial contract with Fortress, entrusting the research and analysis to Fortress.Fortress then set up five secret laboratories, and they planned to find the virus information contained in the two samples through the analysis of viruses known to humans.

Due to work needs, the five secret laboratories need the viruses sealed up by the WHO as a comparison group, including the notorious smallpox and its variant viruses, so the security level is very high. The five secret laboratories were all set up in Jedi locations, and Fortress not only sent Fortress agents to supervise technicians to the laboratories.If necessary, the fortress can burn down the laboratory in the first place.

Maya continued: "There are a total of 40 secret laboratories in the Homeland game. Whenever a laboratory is opened, it will disappear at [-]:[-] am the next morning and appear randomly in a certain place in the Homeworld game."

Little White Rabbit: "The answer is very complete and correct."

System prompt: discover the secret 1/10, get points reward, because discover A6 for the first time, reward points X5.Every time one more secret is discovered, the point reward will increase exponentially.

Lin Wu said: "Shuguang, don't think we are easy to deceive, zero multiplied by 5 is 0. How many points?" Of course he knew that Suguang would not lie to himself.This is the aggressive method.

The little white rabbit replied calmly: "I can't tell you. What I can tell you is that when the player's points reach a certain value, the Homeland points ranking query system will be updated."

Lin Wu was too lazy to have a common understanding with it: "Reward." Whether you kneel and lick it or scold it, its attitude towards you will not change.Of course don't swear, don't insult others, or it will snitch.

The little white rabbit said: "Before that, you still need to answer me a question. The A6 laboratory is discovered by players for the first time. Are you fortress agents?"

Lin Wu stared at Maya, but Maya didn't understand: "No, it's not."

The little white rabbit watched Lin Wu waiting for an answer, and Lin Wu asked back, "What do you mean by Fortress Agent?"

(End of this chapter)

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