Corrupted Nation.

Chapter 126 Green Zombie

Chapter 126 Green Zombie

After crossing the county mark and arriving at the bridge, Lin Wu flipped out of the car and said to Maya who got off the car: "You couldn't choose Liannu at that time, you should change to the map of the left county system."

Maya confronted the zombies following the car: "Map? The city hall doesn't have a map, so where can there be a map?" The system map of Beishang Town can be found in the town hall, and players who resurrected to Beishang Town can also get a map. system map.

Lin Wu leaned against the car and said, "Nightmare."

"Where is she?"

Lin Wu knew about the safe house of Nightmare, but the safe house should not be the base.Dawn said that Nightmare's basic needs as a bastion agent are the same as those of players, so she needs at least a place to sleep.According to the trajectory of the nightmare's activities, it should be in the area from Zuo County to the church on the top of the mountain.

Ask Shanna?It's also possible, but Shana only reveals her identity to herself and Shishi.Since Shana is unwilling to explain to others, Lin Wu will not tell others her secret.

"I have a way to see nightmares, but can you accept it?"

"any solution?"

Lin Wu said: "Stupid way."

Maya pondered: "Apart from serum needles, we only have a few spears that can be exchanged with others. Okay, let's talk first and see what she wants."


So an hour later, a large cloth banner was hung on the roadside billboard, which read: Maya wants to see nightmares.

Maya looked up at the cloth. This is a good way. This road is the only main road in the surrounding area.But you can't write: Nightmare, please go to the supermarket base.Or: Lin Wu wants to see a nightmare.

Lin Wu, who slid down the billboard ladder, raised his eyebrows at Maya: "For the benefit of everyone, you can first consider how much you want to sacrifice."

Maya couldn't laugh or cry: "There is no such thing between me and her, don't talk nonsense."

Lin Wu said: "I just want to remind you that you can consider this possibility. The library has been built."

The construction time of the library took 15 minutes, and the library after completion had only two empty bookcases.In addition, there are two tables, four chairs, and a nuclear kerosene lamp on each table.The most powerful thing is that the library distributes an electric coffee machine.

Yes, power?Then don't move.

Near the library door is a small table with a tablet built into it.Maya clicked for a while and quickly mastered the operation. With the input of the title of the book, there was an additional book on the shelf.Lin Wu picked up the book and read: "The Count of Monte Cristo."

"Mine." Maya took the book and sat down.

Lin Wu reminded: "Cement factory, serum, screaming, sleeping, bounty mission..."

Hearing what Lin Wu said, Maya was like a little girl. She closed the book in displeasure, and sighed unwillingly: "Ah..." This emotion just passed by, and Maya said: "The cement factory is doing tasks by the way, come back early in the morning Deal with the screaming and then sleep."

"You read the book first, I will clean up the zombies in the supermarket, so as not to see the zombies at first sight when you wake up and open the door." Lin Wu put the silencer on the left weapon rack, took out the M16 from the right rack and left the library.Follow the passage to the supermarket. There are more than 30 zombies scattered in the supermarket, half of them are inside the safe zone, and half are outside the safe zone.

Lin Wu walked within 3 meters with the gun, and used the quick gunner lock to kill the zombies in the safe area.Go to the edge of the safe area and use the quick gunner to attack other zombies. The quick gunner can shoot his head, and if he can't, he can lock his head in front of him and then shoot his head.I have to say that it is cool to use skills in the base, and there is almost no need to consider the issue of endurance.

The new library just opened, in order to take care of Maya's interest, Lin Wu wandered around the safe area for an hour, and then found a place to sit for half an hour before returning to the library.


The cement factory is still the same cement factory, and the zombies are much sparser.But at the same time, a different kind of ordinary zombie also appeared.

Ordinary zombies are dry and tattered, while blood plague zombies are bloody all over.A new kind of zombie appeared today. The skin of the zombie is green. There is a grape-shaped green thing growing on its neck, which glows and flashes like pustules. It looks very visually. uncomfortable. (Refer to UFO 2)

Green zombies have strong perception and a wider range of sight.When Maya saw the new zombies, she immediately carried out a data test. Ordinary zombies would walk fast, run 25 meters at a speed of 10 kilometers per hour, and swoop when they found the player.The green zombie didn't walk fast, and its speed was about 25 kilometers per hour, but there was no limit to the distance it could run at this speed.

After killing the green zombie, Maya said: "The real zombie has appeared." Although the attack power is no different from other zombies, except for running continuously, its ferocity is higher than that of ordinary zombies.Ordinary zombies are like machines, while green zombies are like mad dogs. The former executes programs regularly, while the latter attacks instinctively.

Lin Wudao: "According to historical records, the reason why human beings have been unable to determine the source of infection of the zombie virus is because the United Nations investigation of Fortress Company believes that Fortress Company does not have the ability to manufacture zombie viruses. Therefore, although the world suspects that Fortress The company developed the virus, but there was never proof."

Lin Wu said: "The biggest problem is that it appears in green zombies. The DNA arrangement of ordinary and blood plague zombies is close to that of humans. The DNA arrangement of green zombies is very different from that of humans."

Lin Wu touched the corpse while talking, and took out a note from Three Putao's green zombie: "Green zombie appears, please notify Fortress Company as soon as possible, codenamed Shenma."

Maya took the note: "This doesn't seem to be ours." If it was Maya's task, the system would display a task prompt and find an explanation from Shenma.

The two continued to chop zombies while discussing. About an hour later, Nightmare drove into the cement factory.Nightmare parked the car aside and walked towards the two people who were looking at her: "What a coincidence." Only Maya was in her eyes.

Lin Air ignored the nightmare and continued to be chased by 4 zombies.Although there were only 4 of them, Lin Wu really couldn't beat them head-on.After using kites, traps and other tactics to eliminate 4 zombies, Maya called Lin Wu to come over.

Lin Wu walked to Maya, and Maya said to Lin Wu: "Nightmare asked if we saw the green zombie?"

"No." Lin Wu replied.

"Oh." Maya looked at the nightmare: "He said no."

Nightmare didn't seem to care: "Are you looking for me?"

Maya nodded: "I want to ask you about the map of the Zuo County system."

Nightmare replied: "That's the task reward."

Maya asked, "Sell it?"

The nightmare froze: "This..."

Maya asked: "It's okay, you make an offer."

Nightmare nodded and said, "Liannu."

Now that Maya was in trouble, the Liannu was not something she could decide on. Lin Wu listened carefully and asked, "Or a piece of paper?" As he spoke, he took out a piece of paper with the fortress logo printed on the back.

Nightmare was startled and furious, you villain, but remained unmoved on the surface: "What note?"

Lin Wunian said: "Green zombies appear, please notify Fortress Company as soon as possible, code name 250."

Nightmare chuckled: "250? I see, thank you."

Lin Wu asked in astonishment, "What do you mean?" Looking at Nightmare's backpack, the weapon rack contained very ordinary things, such as submachine guns, pistols, seemed to have a lot of bullets.

"It's boring." Nightmare said to Maya: "You can discuss it with Shitou. If you want to gain a foothold in Zuo County, you cannot do without a system map."

Lin Wu knew it well, Nightmare was hungry for Liannu.Such a single-minded attitude is incompatible with him.Although I have always loved The Silencer deeply, but after the appearance of M16, I already have a plan to love the new and dislike the old.If it weren't for the fact that the M16 couldn't be taken out because of the bullet, the Silent One would have been hidden deep in the boudoir.

Seeing Nightmare walking towards the car, Lin Wu said anxiously: "Nightmare, don't you want to change the note? This is a mission item."

Nightmare turned around and said, "No need."

Lin Wu threatened: "This time the map can be replaced with a note. Next time you want to change not only the map, but at least 100 ammunition packs."

"Cut!" Nightmare got into the car after leaving an idiotic look in his eyes, waved goodbye to Maya and left.

Maya put down her hand, glanced at Lin Wu, and said, "Bad guy."

"Yes." Lin Wu handed over the note: "It's up to you to talk to her next. She has offended me, and you must give me face for the unity of the shadows, so you must insist on favorable conditions."

Maya said: "I don't think Nightmare will have too many ammo packs, but if she dares to go out with a submachine gun, she will definitely have a lot of bullets."

Lin Wu said: "We need 5.56 bullets and .22 bullets."

If it had been changed just now, Lin Ma would not only have to give the note, she might even have to buy a good gun, and she might even take back the Liannu.

Lin Wu's mistake was to hang a banner, expressing too strong a desire for a map.You should endure the nightmare and come to Lin Ma for something.The last Liannu deal was also a failure for Lin Wu.It's fun for me, and it's fun for the other party to lose miserably, but in terms of my own interests, Liannu is not comparable to the map.

Lin Wu asked: "Is the green zombie a mission zombie? Or will it become an ordinary zombie?"

Maya replied: "It will definitely appear in the game. After the outbreak of the zombie virus, there are still many people left in the epidemic area, and they have always maintained a certain relationship with the refuge area, and there are even relatively powerful armed forces. I remember it is called Sunset Town, They have more than 1000 people, and they used the terrain to form a tribe in the affected area."

Sunset Town is only allowed to go out, not to enter.At their peak, they had 10 armed personnel and nearly [-] people engaged in production.During the phone call on the last day, the mayor of Sunset Town told the chief of the sanctuary that the miners in his town had discovered a device buried deep in the ground. The device was about [-] square meters in size and exuded a faint green atmosphere.

The last call of the day was at eleven o'clock in the evening. The mayor told the sanctuary chief that Sunset Town had fallen.It was the endless green zombies that led to the fall of Sunset Town.

A few days later, Ruin City reported to the Sanctuary headquarters that a device emitting green mist suddenly appeared in the city center. They tried to attack with various weapons to no avail.At this time, the sanctuary headquarters began to implement the immigration plan, and did not pay attention to the information of Ruin City.

As a result, the immigrants did not know what happened to the earth after they left, nor did they have specific information about the green zombies, nor did they know what the so-called green device was.


After the discussion, they continued to chop zombies, pull blood plague, and chop blood plague. It was not until the early morning that Lin Ma and Lin Ma returned to the supermarket base.By the way, I stabbed the screaming. Due to time constraints, there was no competition. I took two assault rifles to shoot the zombies, and went to bed after earning some shooting experience.

At nine o'clock in the morning, the two walked out of the supermarket base.The weather today is good.Just when the two were about to continue to wash the cement factory, an NPC wearing a yellow suit and a helmet rushed over on an electric car.Wherever he went, the zombies turned a blind eye to him.

"Express delivery?" Lin Wu asked.

Maya shook her head, Blue Star's couriers are all delivered by aircraft.

The suspected courier brother used a beautiful drift brake to stop the electric car outside the safe area. Without looking at the two of them, he turned around and took out two boxes from the courier box at the back and threw them out.It was so powerful that the two couriers were thrown into the open back door of the base. The courier brother shouted to the two, "Darling, five-star praise."

Lin Ma returned to the base, and there were two packages lying on the ground. There was a bounty hunter's logo on the outside of the package, which stated that the package was an exclusive item and could only be opened by a specific person.Inside is the reward for the two of them completing the task last night.

Lin Wu unpacked his package, and pulled out 3 book-sized green loot boxes from a book-sized box.Maya's quest reward is a pill.

"Daliwan, permanently increase strength by one star." Maya was a little surprised: "The prize for the three-star mission is good."

Lin Wu pushed it casually, and the Dali Pill was pushed to Maya's mouth. Maya glared at Lin Wu, swallowed the Dali Pill, and waited for a while: "No increase?"

Lin Wu was puzzled, picked up a piece of paper from the ground and read: "Dali Pill is a medicine for external application."

"Ah?" Maya looked at the piece of paper in shock, only to see that it said: Maya's exclusive items were delivered at [-]:[-].Knowing that she was being tricked, Maya kicked Lin Wu's calf angrily, and Lin Wu cooperated with him.At this time, Maya said happily: "Yes, I have added a star." The mediocre medicine can only be excited by the contrast between surprise and known, lost and regained.

Maya asked, "What's yours?"

It was just a green treasure box, Lin Wu opened it casually, without any ceremony, just reached out and picked up the card: "Professional muffler."

The simple muffler has a durability of 6 and cannot be repaired.The professional muffler has a durability of 60 and can be repaired.Two pieces of steel are required to fully restore the muffler.

That's right, at least don't bother Su Shi to make a muffler, it's better than nothing.

With Daliwan as a reward, Maya's interest in the bounty mission increased a hundredfold. The two changed their plan of blood-washing the cement factory, and instead spent three hours drilling into the sewer to receive the mission from the bounty headquarters. At this time, Lin Wusheng Got to level 4 bounty hunter.

The difficulty of level 4 bounty tasks began to increase. Lin Wu's task was to kill 15 madmen. The rewards were unknown, and the rewards were not known until the express delivery was opened.

Maya is only one quest away from reaching 4 stars. The 3-star mission is to bully ordinary zombies, or random zombies. Maya needs to find 30 mission items from zombies.

It took three hours to go back and forth, and it was already past twelve noon when the two returned to the county mark.The two people who got out of the sewer suddenly felt cold. Looking up, the sun had disappeared, and fluffy snow was falling from the sky.When I returned to the base and looked at the thermometer, I found that the temperature had dropped to minus three degrees.

Maya said: "It is estimated that the lowest temperature tonight will reach minus ten degrees."

Lin Wu said: "It's no problem for us." They can withstand the temperature of minus 20 degrees.Staying in the safe zone of the base, they can withstand the temperature of 25 degrees, and if they stay in the bed of the base, they can survive the temperature of minus 30 degrees.If it is colder, it must be warmed by a fire, otherwise it will be frostbitten.Frostbite status continues to reduce life and gain vulnerability buff.

Considering that they were going to have a big fight today, the two stabbed the four screamers first, and Lin Wu used the fast gunner lock to clear the zombies in the supermarket.

 Today, I was very angry after seeing an advertisement of a battery car insulting a legendary scientist. The technological convenience that modern humans can enjoy is basically directly or indirectly related to him.

  From my humble point of view, whether bad or stupid, such behavior is inexcusable.

(End of this chapter)

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