Corrupted Nation.

Chapter 129 Abandoned Capital

Chapter 129 Abandoned Capital ([-])

Following an NPC to the deck and boarding the helicopter, the helicopter pilot turned around with a smile on his face and said, "Welcome to hell. My name is Falcon."

Lin Wu replied: "My name is Hunter."

The two looked at Maya together, and Maya said, "Then I will be called Hunter."

The falcon laughed, and the helicopter took off and flew into the blue sky.Falcon said in flight: "Channel 4 is my channel, Channel 3 is your team's channel, and Channel 2 is the commander's channel. If we need it, we will switch to Channel 3 to contact you. Please test the sound. "

Lin Wu and Maya had no problems after debugging. Maya asked, "How many scientists are there?"

Falcon replied: "I don't know the exact number, at least 30 scientists and 60 soldiers."

Maya looked out the window and found that there were two other helicopters near the Falcon helicopter, and asked, "How many teams are there in total?"

Falcon replied: "Ten teams." There are ten teams in each waste capital instance.

Speaking of this, Lin Wu and Maya saw a city appearing on the horizon, a dilapidated and dilapidated city.There are tall buildings everywhere in the city.After flying close, you can intuitively feel the desolation of the city.It was lifeless to the eye, and the air was filled with sand particles that blew the streets.

"Green Zombie." Maya said.

Lin Wu looked down, and saw a dozen green zombies on the street raised their heads together, looked at the helicopter flying over their heads, and howled.

Falcon slowly landed the helicopter at an intersection, Lin Wu and Maya got off the helicopter, Falcon waved his hand and drove the helicopter away.Lin Wu and Maya were on alert with their guns and crossbows, and did not notice any movement until the helicopter left.

Maya opened her own map, looked around for road signs, and clicked on the map: "We are here."

The area of ​​the abandoned city is very large. The map divides the abandoned city into 12 districts. Lin Ma and Lin Ma are currently in the 4th district.Lin Wu released the drone and cooperated with the explanation: "There are zombies 40 meters away from us, and there are a lot of them."

Maya said, "Look for scientists and soldiers."

Lin Wu controlled the drone for a while, and said: "There is a white spot 1500 meters south. The white spot is inside a building, and the identity of the other party cannot be determined. The road to the target is narrow, and there are a lot of green zombies hiding near the roadside. The best way to do that is to walk through the building."

Lin Wu controlled the drone to return and put away the drone.It cannot be recharged unless returned to the fleet, and the drone only lasts four hours.

The row on the left is shops, and above the shops may be residential buildings or office buildings, but it is difficult to distinguish now.Maya waved her hand, and the two sneaked close to a shop similar to a coffee shop. Maya leaned against the wall, pointed to Lin Wu, and then pointed to her eyes.Lin Wu nodded.

There was no glass on the glass door, and Lin Wu entered the store through the empty door, and the light in the room was very poor. One minute later, Lin Wu came out and returned to Maya: "Three zombies, standing still, turning their heads occasionally. The stairs are on the right. Outside the main entrance of the coffee shop is the street, and there are more than a dozen portraits standing outside the main entrance?"


Lin Wu said: "Maybe they are zombies, but they are covered with a layer of yellow sand."


The two entered the coffee shop and arrived near the bar smoothly. Lin Wu leaned against the wall and pointed to the right to indicate that there was a zombie over there.Maya nodded and leaned forward, only to see a staircase going upstairs on the right, and a zombie was standing at the top of the stairs.Maya headshots it with a repeater.

The zombie then fell to the ground and made some noises. Lin Wu and Maya never expected that this sound alarmed the other two zombies in the coffee shop.Hearing the impact sound from the right, Lin Wu stepped forward to pull Maya, and the two hid under the bar.

The low, grunting roar from the zombie's throat approached from far away.Maya didn't dare to shoot, even if she shot and killed two zombies, the sound of the zombies falling to the ground might alarm more than a dozen zombies outside the gate.If it is not handled well, the number of zombies will increase like a snowball.

At this time, a voice slowly walked to the entrance of the bar, less than two meters away from the two of them. Lin Wu raised his finger to signal, and Maya nodded.Lin Wu moved to the entrance of the bar, and Maya pointed her crossbow at the entrance of the bar.After waiting for a while, a three-grape zombie appeared. It found Maya and Lin Wu, and then a crossbow arrow shot through its head.

Lin Wu rolled forward, hugged the fallen zombie, and slowly placed it on the ground.Maya picked up a broken mirror from under the bar and lifted it up, found another zombie, and gestured to Lin Wu: 4 meters, ready.

Lin Wu nodded and crouched against the bar.Maya stood up suddenly, and shot an arrow through the zombie's head without waiting for the zombie's reaction. Lin Wufeng rushed over, hugged the zombie's body with both hands and put it down.At this time, Lin Wu was less than 5 meters away from the gate, and there were more than a dozen zombie-like things covered by sand outside the gate.

The two quietly went up to the second floor, which was still a coffee shop, and there were no zombies here.Lin Ma went to the window and looked down, and saw more than a dozen zombie-like things.Maya raised her crossbow to shoot, and it turned out to be a zombie, and the zombie fell to the ground.The surrounding zombies immediately started to move. They shook off the sand from their bodies, revealing their green zombie faces.

But they didn't find Maya, and after looking around for a while, they returned to a still state.

There is a hole in the wall on the second floor of the coffee shop, which can reach the next room.The two were about to go through the hole when they heard gunshots not far away.

50 meters away from them is a street intersection, and three players run out of a store, followed by green zombies chasing after them.The green zombies rolled over the window, immediately stood up again, howling and chasing the three of them.A dozen motionless green zombies on the side of the road immediately moved when they heard the sound, outflanking the player.

"There are zombies ahead." A man's voice came.They are surrounded on the road 15 meters from the cafe: "Get on the roof."

The man asked two girls to stand on the roof of the van, and he shot at the zombies running towards him.These zombies ran very fast, and the nervous man fired seven or eight consecutive shots without hitting a single zombie's head.Seeing this, the man panicked to the roof of the van.

A zombie jumped on the hood and climbed up the roof of the car, and the female player shot and killed it.At this time, a few zombies lay on the side of the van and reached out to grab the player's leg, which was still tens of centimeters away.A zombie who came after that climbed onto the back of his companion without hesitation and climbed to the top, grabbed a female player's foot with both hands and gnawed down.

Maya and Lin Wu had a panoramic view of this scene, and Maya said, "It's hopeless." Zombies came out of shops in all directions and ran towards the van, in an endless stream.I don't know if they were attracted by the gunshots, or they were hiding in the store.

In such a short time, the number of zombies on the street has exceeded [-].Even with the advantage of being crushed, the zombies still came in a steady stream. They entered the house through the door and ran towards the van.

The corpse ladder of the zombies had reached the van, and the zombies stepped on their companions to attack the three players on the roof. The three players shot while jumping.There was only one automatic rifle among the three, and they couldn't deal with such agile zombies at all. They were swallowed up by the zombies in an instant, leaving only the sound of crying and screaming.

Counting from the moment the three players escape to the roof of the car, the whole process takes only 15 seconds.

Maya whispered: "The firepower is insufficient, and I chose a place that is open on all sides and has no geographical advantage to defend. It is impossible to justify death."

Lin Wu exclaimed: "Look."

Maya took a quick look, and after the zombies dispersed, one zombie climbed up the ladder next to the street shop.The zombies that players have seen before can't climb straight ladders, and even fall down when walking on stairs.

Maya said: "Put the drone and see how many zombies were attracted by the gunshots just now."

After Lin Wu flew the drone to investigate, he said: "There are quite a few, there are always one or two hundred." After collecting the drone and looking at the street, there were basically no traces of zombies.

Maya watched the empty streets soon recover, and felt that the zombies were like residents.They live in buildings every day, and it is difficult for people to find their existence.And when there is food, the surrounding zombies move in full force.Perhaps this is the real zombie world.

"I'm a little hungry." Lin Wu was puzzled, this feeling hadn't appeared for a long time.

Maya said: "Let's go first." This task cannot be regarded as a game task, so you cannot eat immediately when you feel hungry.

Lin Wu sensed Maya's solemn expression. She didn't know what she was thinking, and didn't refute, so she went through the broken wall.The two walked step by step, slowly advancing towards the goal.After spending a little time, the two reached the end of the street, with the road below.At this time, Lin Wu looked at the road as if he was looking at a bottomless sea. The surface was extremely calm. Once he stepped into it, the next second, the stormy sea would follow.

Maya stood without a glass window and said, "Over there."

Lin Wu moved closer to Maya, picked up the Silencer and looked through the scope.To the west is a square in front of a library or museum, and there is a statue on the small square.There is a device with green light in the ground ten meters away from the statue.

The device appears to be sunk deep into the ground, with only a meter or so exposed.The exposed part is made of a transparent cylinder with green light swimming inside, which looks very beautiful.Ten meters away from the device, more than a dozen zombies stood or walked motionless.Whenever the wind blows, they kick up a cloud of dust.

Maya said: "This may be the real image seen by the Headquarters on Earth." After a hundred years of human immigration from the Headquarters, Blue Star launched the first detection robot to Earth.

Lin Wu asked: "Can zombies live for hundreds of years?"

Maya said: "Maybe not, maybe it can. The blood plague in the homeland can absorb the energy of soil, plants, and animals, and continuously supply it to the zombies. Can the zombies here continue to absorb the energy of the green device to maintain their own vitality? You see , the green light inside the device is very active."

Lin Wu said: "When we immigrate to the earth, we may have to face these creatures." The super city is only the starting point of human development, not the end of human discovery.

Maya said: "With the current technology, zombies are not worth mentioning at all. Take a break for 5 minutes to drink water and eat. I will observe the nearby terrain. We will cross this street and enter the opposite building in a while."

"This way."

Lin Wu called Maya to come over. There were two motionless zombies on the street below them. One zombie hung 5 green grapes. One of the grapes was faintly glowing. Then it fell to the ground and bounced towards the ground. The device 80 meters away rolled over.

The two stared at the green grape pustule, or it wasn't a pustule.As if being pulled by an invisible force, the grape quickly came to the green device, and touched the green device, and then it slowly shrank until it disappeared without a trace.

Maya frowned and said, "Planting? The green device planted zombies, and the zombies grew and produced grape fruits. After the fruits matured, they replenished energy to the device. The device also provided energy to maintain the vitality of the zombies."

Lin Wu said: "If you want to know the secrets of the game, you should find all 10 secret places."

Maya nodded: "I will."


The two leaned against the abandoned car, and Lin Wu could see a zombie in the shop, which was standing at the entrance of the gate, motionless.Its field of vision is very wide, as long as it is close, it will be discovered by it.Maya signaled that Lin Wu aimed and killed the zombies with the Silencer.After the zombie fell to the ground, the two waited for a while, but there was no movement inside.

Lin Wu and Maya sneaked to the door of the store and squatted down. Lin Wu kept sneaking to look, lowered his head and whispered in Maya's ear: "5 meters, 10 o'clock direction, face us." The reason why there is no movement is not Because there were no zombies inside, and it wasn't because the zombies didn't check the sound, but because the zombies inside could see the situation directly. They stood still and didn't check the corpses of the dead zombies.

If you think that there are no zombies in the store and enter the store, it is very likely to trigger a wave of attacks.

Maya said something in Lin Wu's ear, and Lin Wu retreated to the car in the middle of the street.Maya stood up, aimed, shot, and immediately returned to stealth after killing the zombie.Lin Wu watched the movement in the store with a scope, confirmed that no zombies were close to the fallen zombies, and made a safe gesture to Maya.

Cautiously advancing all the way, it took a lot of time for the two of them to finally reach the location of the white spot. During this period, they were almost exposed twice. Fortunately, Maya replenished the gun in time and did not trigger a wave of corpses.

There are zombies in almost every building unit, but no zombies are found within a radius of 20 meters from where the white dot is.After searching, Lin Wu and Maya went upstairs and found a female scientist in white in a room on the second floor.Why can she be sure that she is a scientist?Because it says on her clothes: Scientist.

The scientist's name is Lucy. After seeing the two, she was very happy and immediately yelled: "Oh, Maika, my prayer..." Maya covered her mouth and held her down.

Damn NPC, Lin Wu heard movement nearby, and immediately said: "Get out."

Maya asked, "Can you keep up?"

Lucy nodded: "Yes."

Maya took the lead, and after the forest fog was broken, she retreated to the small balcony, where there was a long straight ladder leading directly to the first floor.Maya did not go down hastily, but squatted in front of the long ladder and waited.On the other side, zombies had already entered the room where the scientist was originally, and one zombie saw Lin Wu crouching outside the window, and Lin Wu decisively shot it dead.

Maya acted immediately, and Lucy followed Maya down the straight ladder.The reason Maya crouched was to observe the movements of the zombies in this direction.Until Lin Wu killed a zombie, Maya was sure that the zombies facing the direction of the ladder were not disturbed.

Lin Wu threw down three traps and retreated to the straight ladder. The zombies who entered the room had already spotted Lin Wu, and ran towards Lin Wu with a low growl.The noise they made involved more zombies.Players must move away from the sound source to get rid of zombies.

Lin Wu slid down the ladder, and Maya took Lucy back to the middle of the street, leaning against a car and Lucy squatted down, aiming at the entrance of the ladder with a crossbow, the distance was far, but Maya still took the first place firmly. Headshots of zombies that only reach the ladder.

Lin Wu quickly ran to Maya to take aim, and then dealt with the two zombies.After disposing of them, the following zombies remained on the ladder, and they lost track of their prey.

(End of this chapter)

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