Corrupted Nation.

Chapter 134 Abandoned Capital

Chapter 134 Abandoned Capital ([-])

The security position was at the signal tower. After the five people climbed up the ladder, Lin Wu returned to the signal tower, took out sleeping bags and spread them on the ground by sitting on the ladder.It's not that Lin Wu has no face to meet them, it's just that he doesn't like the awkward atmosphere after meeting, and he doesn't like being the protagonist of the awkward atmosphere.The mentality of watching the excitement is completely different from being watched.

Maya looked around for a while: "Call the hunter."

Lin Wu: "Huh?"

Maya said: "Your location is not safe, there is a dead tree 20 meters east of you."

Lin Wu asked, "Aren't you afraid that I'll fall to your death?"

Maya said: "The sleeping bag has the function of a hammock, let's explore it by ourselves."

Lin Wu: "I will catch a cold."

Maya knew that Lin Wu was going to raise an argument again, so she ignored Lin Wu.Seeing that Maya didn't respond, Lin Wu was quite bored, so he took a sleeping bag to study for a while, sneaked to the edge of the dead tree and climbed up. After arranging it, a simple hammock was completed.Shuguang doesn't want to kill the players. Apart from dead trees and signal towers, there are many places where you can spend the night.For example, you can climb to the pole, tie yourself to sleep on it, etc.

Lin Wu lay down and called Maya: "Ask, how did the three of them get together."

Maya was also curious about this question, so she asked Xingguang.Starlight tells Maya that which city the player enters is not a random factor.The most critical point is that they returned to dawn at the same time at four o'clock in the morning.

When the game starts, Shuguang puts players into a certain game scene in units of hundreds of people, and the hundred people are arranged in the order of the room.Therefore, as long as the three of them reply to Shuguang at the same time, they can get connected room numbers and be in the same unit of [-] people.

In order for the three to live together and take care of each other, Xingguang and Rizhao got married after the nightmare completed the road of love and opened the marriage system.Huo Wu marries Huang Mao.Huang Mao is the younger brother Rizhao rescued from the zombies on the first day of the game. He is loyal to Rizhao and has a bright future.

Currently, there are 12 players in the Xinghuo base, which is the largest base in Youxian County, Nancheng.Their development situation is similar to that of the shadows. They occupy small and medium-sized bases in the fastest time, and start to develop after taking the initiative.Unlike the Shadow Base, they didn't collect pistols to collect supplies. The current base resources are relatively poor, and there are only four of them who can be regarded as masters.

Maya asked about Lili in Zuo County, Nancheng mentioned by Lin Wu. Several people were surprised, and then told Maya that their doomsday alliance had been disbanded.The reason is internal discord.At that time, there was an incident of jealousy and jealousy. Some people acted as a hindrance, supported and encouraged Party A to fight, resulting in the death of two people from Party B.The alliance is reconciling, and Party B is very dissatisfied with the alliance's decision, because according to the alliance's regulations, Party A who provoked the war must be eliminated.

Party A is reasonable in the whole matter, and eliminating Party A will cause dissatisfaction among other small bases.Then why didn't the alliance intervene in the fight to be jealous from the beginning?It was because it was made very clear when the alliance was formed that the alliance would not interfere in the private affairs of the minor alliances.

After careful consideration, the Alliance made the decision to expel Party A. This decision made Party A dissatisfied, and Party B was also dissatisfied.In the end, the alliance can only vote. The result of the vote requires Party B to leave the alliance and find its own way out. This result violates the principles of the alliance.Party B was naturally even more dissatisfied with this, and joined forces with the small league that sympathized with him to attract a wave of corpses.

Due to internal friction and other reasons, the combat effectiveness of the alliance has been greatly reduced, and Party C even took the opportunity to avenge themselves.In the end, more than half of the members of the Doomsday Alliance died in this incident, and the alliance was disbanded.Lin Wu's acquaintance Lili is the third in command of the alliance, but he has a girlfriend and has no interest in rebuilding the alliance. He took his fiancee and defected to the Spark Base in You County to become a fisherman who doesn't care about world affairs.

Maya then asked about Dong Hou's plans, and learned that the Starlight Base had not yet made preparations for entering the county.Maya didn't say too much. After all, people owed her favors. If she had questions, the other party needed to answer them, but she didn't necessarily need to answer the other party's questions.

Faced with the gratitude from Starlight Base, Maya was very calm. She didn't talk much, except for game information, she hardly said anything else.The Starlight Base was quite curious about Maya's younger brother Ma Long, and asked many times. In desperation, Maya could only contact Lin Wu: "Ma Long, shall we have breakfast together tomorrow morning?"

Lin Wu replied: "No, Ma Long has social phobia, and doesn't want to talk to anyone except you, sister."

Maya relayed: "My brother has social phobia, he refused to have breakfast, but thank you for the invitation."

Rizhao, who hadn't spoken much, took out a small book from his pocket with two fingers and handed it over. Maya opened it and read: "Code of conduct?"

This is a soldier's code, which requires soldiers to protect scientists as much as possible during missions.In addition, there are 3 assembly points written on the small book, and after the team is dispersed, soldiers are required to protect the scientists to go to these 3 assembly points.

The nearest straight-line distance is five kilometers, bypassing the lake in the park, passing through the woods, passing through the slums, and reaching the top of the mountain in the slums. The estimated distance is 8 kilometers, of which the slum section is 4 kilometers.

The second assembly point is 8 kilometers away from the first assembly point. From the first assembly point, go through the slums for 3 kilometers, enter the commercial area, find the No. 17 office building, and reach the roof of the office building.

The last assembly point is at City Hall, 12 kilometers from the second assembly point.

After Rizhao finished reading in Maya, he asked, "Cooperate?"

Lin Wu: "Cooperate with a chicken leg."

Maya: "I want command."

Huang Mao was not happy at the time, so I listened to my boss, my sister-in-law, and my sister-in-law, why should I listen to you?Rizhao agreed straight away: "Okay."

Maya asked, "What are your weapons and skills?"

On one side, Xingguang explained that they had two MP40 submachine guns, but lacked shooting experience.Huang Mao and Huo Wu used small pistols. Huo Wu had joined the university shooting club and had some pistol shooting experience.

"What about you?" Huangmao asked.

Maya replied, "Repeaters and bolt-action rifles."

Huang Mao asked with a smile: "Can your firepower lead us?"

Maya said, "Just follow us quietly."

Rizhao stopped Huang Mao from speaking, and said, "Rest, let's go at dawn."


The people at Spark Base finally saw Lin Wu.Lin Wu was wearing a gray and white camouflage uniform, a boonie hat, a mask, and a pair of sunglasses.Although he couldn't see his face, but he looked so cool, Rizhao couldn't help asking a few more questions, where did he get the clothes?Where did the sunglasses come from?

Maya answered them one by one, and the people at the Starfire base knew that there was a tailoring skill.Xingguang stretched out his hand: "Little brother, thank you yesterday."

Lin Wu nodded and shook hands with Xingguang, while Maya explained: "Social phobia, not talkative, and very childish."

Several people had already had breakfast, and Lin Wu also came over after eating breakfast. After exchanging pleasantries, Rizhao said, "Let's go."

Maya said, "Ma Long."

Lin Wu nodded, and with a wave of his finger, the drone flew into the air from behind the backpack, attracting envious eyes.

Lin Wu told everyone to stay put, and he took the lead.After walking more than ten meters, Lin Wu went into a dormant state: "The depth of the lake is unknown, but there are no zombies in the lake."

Maya asked, "Can you swim?"

The four nodded.

Maya said: "There are no zombies in the lake. The straight-line distance is 100 meters, and the detour is 1.2 roads. I suggest passing through the lake."

Hearing that Maya had no objection, Lin Wu took the drone and went into the water. The water was colder than he thought.So Lin Wu released the drone again and circled along the left bank, then resolutely left the water, and Maoyao quickly detoured towards the left bank with the help of bushes.

Maya thought that Lin Wu had already entered the water, so she took the four of them into the water together. When they entered the water, everyone shuddered.Maya naturally wouldn't complain, and the four people behind didn't want to be looked down upon, so they didn't make a sound, and gritted their teeth and walked into the lake.The depth of the lake is only 1.6 meters, and it is not difficult to swim, but after less than half of the journey, several people couldn't help trembling their teeth, even Maya was no exception.After all, it is the air, not the water, that protects the clothes from the cold.

On the other side, relying on the drone's detection, Lin Wu ran and killed, and quickly detoured to the other side of the lake.At this time, the five people were still 30 meters away from the shore.The reason why they are so slow is not all because of walking in the water, but because the bottom of the lake is full of smooth stones, and occasionally there will be an undercurrent that rushes them back and forth.

Xingguang said in admiration, "Maya, your younger brother is really amazing. He passed by without a sound on the way without seeing any splashes."

Maya also wondered how this guy got there, and asked, "Brother, where are you?"

Lin Wu stood up, lifted his ambush, and appeared on the other side of the river with a gun.Maya was very surprised when she saw it. Only the shoes of this guy were wet. Could it be that he stepped on the water?It's not easy to ask at this time, she has been supporting Xingguang.Xingguang's husband Rizhao protects his younger sister Huowu.What about the yellow hair?Because Huo Wu refused Huang Mao's help, he had no one to help.

This is decisiveness. If there are no zombies in the lake, it is recommended to swim across.After discovering that the lake was icy cold, Lin Wu quickly changed his strategy.But for the sake of face, for the face of the supermarket, and for the face of Yingying, he chose to run 1.2 kilometers alone.

It took time for the soaked clothes to dry slowly. Seeing that everyone was too cold, Lin Wu found dead branches by the woods and lit a fire.Everyone sat around the fire and immediately warmed up.Xingguang looked at Lin Wu who was standing on the side: "Ma Long, how did you get here?"

Lin Wu pretended to be busy and told Xingguang to wait a while, as if following the drone into the woods.Maya couldn't help laughing, your drone is still hanging on the back of the backpack.

Lin Wu didn't come back. There were only a few scattered zombies in the woods. He walked all the way through the woods to the slums: "Go straight through the woods."

Maya asked, "See the slums?"

"Yeah." Lin Wu had a toothache: "This is a road to hell."

There are three types of roads in the slums, one is the main road that only allows passing vehicles, the other is the small road that can only ride motorcycles and bicycles, and the third is a narrow step road that can only be walked.The densely packed low and dilapidated buildings are as messy as a garbage dump.

The number of zombies can be described as massive, not to mention whether there are zombies in the building or not, the road is full of zombies.Lin Wu could see the first assembly point when he looked up. The first assembly point was at the highest point of the slum, where was a set of white high-end villas.According to the manual, there is a road on the right side of the villa to the 11th district of the city, and the second assembly point is in the 11th district.

Lin Wu and Maya are placed in the 4th district, and are active in the 4th and 3rd districts.If you don't want to go through the assembly point to reach area 11, you must traverse several areas.Even so, Lin Wu still felt that going through several districts was more reliable than going directly to the first assembly point.

Lin Wu observed carefully with a scope, and found that there was at least one scientist in the white villa, and two soldiers were standing on the roof of the villa, pointing their guns at a path leading to the villa.Is the first assembly point the main assembly point?

After a while, everyone arrived at the head of the bridge where Lin Wu was, and after seeing everything in front of them, they felt like retreating.Maya approached Lin Wu: "You can pass."

Lin Wu: "I will die."

Maya said: "This environment curbs the zombie's vision, and the main danger comes from the sound. We can advance step by step."

Lin Wu said: "Once we go deep into it and make some noise, we will be in big trouble."

Huo Wu's voice came from the side: "What are you whispering?"

Lin Wu looked back at Huo Wu, seeing nothing changed for more than a year. The etiquette and dignity cultivated by the family mixed with a lively nature. The fusion of the two elements was like a split personality.There is some dignity in the liveliness, and some mischievousness in the gentleness.Lin Wu's evaluation of this is completely different, and Huo Wu especially hates this word.

Maya shook her head in response, and continued: "There is another route, which is to pass through the building."

Lin Wu looked around for a while: "Let's go home and scream."

"Huh?" After Lin Wu finished speaking, Huo Wu's eyes widened and he immediately tore off Lin Wu's mask: "It really is you."

Lin Wu was frightened: "It's not me."

Huo Wu: "You..."

Lin Wu said cautiously: "It turns out that you said that I know everything about turning into ashes is not a joke."

"..." The swear words came from behind, Lin Wu turned his head and saw Rizhao.

Lin Wu laughed: "It's really fate, I didn't expect the universe to be so small."

Rizhao smiled and asked, "Where's Ma Long?"

Lin Wu said: "Because I admired Sister Maya's gentleness, I killed Ma Long and replaced her with my own body. Hey, Xingguang, you are getting more and more beautiful."

Xingguang: "Hey, when did your mouth become so skinny?"

Lin Wu pulled on the mask: "So it has to be blocked."

Huang Mao asked: "Do you know each other?"

Lin Wu stretched out his hand: "Could it be that you are Huo Wu's husband?"

Huang Mao was startled, and shook hands with Lin Wu: "Yes, yes, yes."

Lin Wu nodded: "The young man is very handsome, follow them to work hard, and he has a bright future. Okay, the chat is over, let's do it, brothers, my spear is already hungry and thirsty."

"Why haven't you called me for more than a year?" Huo Wu asked.

Lin Wu was ashamed and said: "Isn't this poor? I sold the phone just to have a bite of breakfast."

Huo Wu couldn't believe it: "Why do you change your tone now?"

Lin Wu said: "I just said that I have occupied Ma Long's body, and now my body has two consciousnesses."

Maya couldn't listen anymore, so she stretched out her hand and turned Lin Wu's head to the front: "Lin Wu and I came forward, you are seven to ten meters behind the formation, don't use submachine guns, use pistols. We try to control the sound within ten meters. "

Huo Wu: "Wait."

Lin Wu turned his head, pulled off his veil and said seriously: "Now the last hope of mankind, scientists are facing danger, but we are standing here discussing old grievances from the past. Do you know? Human beings may become extinct because of this."

Rizhao sighed and walked towards Lin Wu, who took a step back: "You can't beat me in the game."

Maya Circus: "Okay, if everyone has no objections, shall we go?"

Huang Mao asked: "Who can tell me what happened?"

Lin Wu explained: "I had an extremely perverted crush on Sister Huowu back then, and I was beaten up by Rizhao, and then I went to a mental hospital for two years. Don't worry, my illness is cured, and now I only like Sister Maya .”

Maya had goosebumps all over her body: "Let's start working while I can hold back from killing you."

(End of this chapter)

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