Corrupted Nation.

Chapter 139 Decision

Chapter 139 Decision
The first activity at the wine table is bragging.Bragging must be in order. Lin Wu always beats the shadow heroes, so Lin Wu has to brag first, but after Lin Wu blows, others will have no chance to brag.So Shanna threw a brick to attract jade: "I exchanged for 3-star agility, a set of exclusive non-consumable cosmetics, a nuclear walkman, which can play all music before 2044."

Everyone applauded, Lin Wu was covered in circles: "What?"

"What what?" Everyone asked back.

Lin Wu said: "Can the points be exchanged in this way? I will choose one of the three." I feel cheated.

Shana said: "There are hundreds of items, and the number of points for each item varies. I got 190 points."

Lin Wu was particularly curious: "Maya?"

Maya replied: "320 points, exchange for an outpost card. A land value-added card, which can combine two small grids into a large grid, and can split a large grid into two small grids." Did not take a private The items are all treasures from the development base.

Everyone applauded.Shi Shi asked, "Did you get something for yourself?"

Maya replied, "I don't need to."

Shana covered her face: "Being compared." They are all deputy commanders, why is their consciousness so low?

Lin Wu comforted: "You can't afford those points."

Shana hooked her fingers angrily to make Lin Wu come over, patted Lin Wu's head lightly, and the smile returned to her face.

Xiaodao said: "I have 210 points, plus 3 star strength, a pink dress with earrings and necklace..."

Lin Wu was startled, and Xiaodao pointed vigilantly at this: "Shut up." He knew what he was going to say.

Xiao Dao said: "I also took a Swiss Army Knife with a frontal backstab effect. The frontal stabbing effect is the same as the backstab effect. I gave it to a bad guy."

Xiaodao took out a dagger and handed it to Lin Wu. Lin Wu stood up and took it, and walked around a few places to hug Xiaodao: "I'm so touched."

Xiaodao: "It's good to know, and finally exchanged for a heavy-duty diamond shovel, 25 kilograms, with a 25% chance of positive execution." Glancing at Xuedan: "It's in the warehouse, take it yourself."

Xuedan beamed with joy: "Really?"

Xiaodao said with a cold face, "Really."

Lin Wu was surprised: "You..."

Xiao Dao hurriedly pointed at Lin Wu and said, "Shut up, shut up."

"Oh." Everyone looked at each other and shut up together.

Xuedan borrowed flowers to offer Buddha, he has M16, and the shadow team stationed at the second assembly point for five full days, and got a lot of points.Xue Dan said: "I took the girl's four seasons skins of spring, summer, autumn and winter, a set of cosmetics, four pairs of women's shoes..."

Su Shi jokingly asked, "How are the three women divided?"

Horse Soul raised his hand: "I can't tell the difference."

Xue Dan smiled without saying a word, gave Ma Hun the back of the head: "What about you?"

Horse Soul said: "5 sets of Bluetooth walkie-talkies, a book of blunt weapon specialization skills, which can increase the chance of stun and attack speed, 20 recipes, plus 3 stars for strength."

After Ma Hun finished speaking, Xuedan remembered one thing, and turned to apologize to Maya: "I died. Now my physical strength is six and a half stars, but I will come back soon." Occupying the fire station requires: physical strength 11 stars One player.

Maya said: "I'm dead too, everyone is dead, it's normal. It's impossible to stop it on the last day."

Shana looked at Lin Wu: "He doesn't seem to be dead." It can be seen from the expression.

Lin Wu snapped his fingers, and the entry for survivors in the abandoned city appeared.

Shitou: "Is it nested in a place where missiles can't hit it?"

Xiaodao asked: "What score do you have?"

Lin Wu despised the stone, and replied to Xiaodao: "590, No.1. I have completed 94 tasks."

"94?" Everyone was shocked, knowing that Lin Wu was great, but the gap was too great.

Lin Wu asked back: "Didn't you receive the task of locating the green device?"

Everyone shook their heads together.Shanna asked, "What reward did you choose?"

Lin Wu said: "Add a main attribute."

Shanna asked: "What main attribute."

Lin Wu reached out his hand like lightning, and when he retracted, two hairs appeared on his hand.The next second, Shana jumped up in pain, and slapped Lin Wu with a big kite with both hands.For a dead man, it’s fine to pull out the hair, but what you pull out is Ran Mao, that is, a little hair-like thing at the end of the hair around the ear.

Lin Wu held his head in one hand, stretched out the painkiller with the other and threw it into Shana's mouth. Shana was choked and took a sip of mineral water before swallowing it.

Seeing that Shana showed signs of attacking again, Lin Wu hurriedly changed the subject: "I don't think the reward is very good. Suguang asked me to choose one of three."

After Lin Wu's introduction, everyone didn't know whether this reward was good or not. It should be very good, otherwise I'm sorry for the 590 points.Stone changed the subject, and everyone continued to chat and exchange cups.Stone changed the subject because he discovered a problem.Lin Wu survived, Maya didn't know that Lin Wu survived to the end, and Maya didn't know that Lin Wu had completed 94 tasks.

After drinking for three rounds, Shitou stood up and said: "The two lovers accompanied the widow to inspect the farmland, and we will have a small meeting by the way. Let's eat and drink well."


Sitting on the throne of the farmland, Shi Shi went straight to the point: "What happened to you and Lin Wu?"

Maya didn't hide anything, and told what happened.

Shitou got a headache after hearing this: "You met Nilin. He is willing to contribute to the collective because he has a sense of accomplishment, not because he loves the collective. He will think that you have betrayed the friendship between you."

Shana disagreed: "Lin Wu is not so narrow and extreme."

Shitou said: "I'm talking about friendship. We will still be friends in the future, but it will be difficult for you to become good friends again. Do you understand what I mean?"

Maya said: "According to the situation at the time, even if I choose again, I will make the same choice."

Stone nodded: "I can understand your decision." He looked at Shana and asked Shana's opinion.

Shana said: "I don't think it's a big problem. Lin Wu can understand, it just takes some time."

Shitou said: "I know that Lin Wu can understand, and his relationship with Maya will not become bad because of this, but he will no longer trust Maya. In my opinion, there are two solutions. One is for Maya to communicate with him. Explain the matter clearly, the more troublesome thing is that Lin Wu will understand your decision, he knows that you have your reasons, and his ideas cannot be put on the table, so he will be perfunctory and unwilling to communicate with you."

Shana asked curiously: "Stone, why are you so clear?"

Shitou laughed: "Who hasn't been young? Who hasn't got a bad bone? The second way is to maintain a certain amount of friendly relationship and not seek to develop a better relationship. Let Shana go to the supermarket, and you return to the shadow."

Maya asked: "Lin Wu doesn't seem to like Shana and her attendance."

Shitou said: "That's because Brother Soul Egg likes Shana, and expressed his opinion intuitively and angrily after Shana's death. The situation is different now. Shana has publicly stated that she will not fall in love in the game. It’s just for Brother Soul Egg. As you saw just now, the fight between Shana and Lin Wu didn’t cause them any discomfort.”

Shana hurriedly corrected: "It's not fighting, it's fighting."

"Oh." Shito replied perfunctorily, and said, "Lin Wu knows that Shana is married to Nightmare. Shana's strength is relatively weak, and the loss of death is very small. If there is no Hundan brother who will stand up for Shana, even if Shana is better, he is also acceptable. He cares more about the atmosphere of the game than the results of the game."

Stone added: "The game time has only passed four months, and the shadow has great potential. Maya, you don't have to sacrifice your principles in order to have a good relationship with Lin Wu, unless you really care about this friendship."



The three bosses returned to the wine table and drank lively for a while. Shitou said: "Winter is coming. In preparation for entering the county after winter, Maya will return to the Shadow Base to conduct systematic offensive and defensive training for everyone. Shanna leads the supermarket base."

Everyone looked at each other, and no one thought it was right or wrong.No one applauded, no one asked questions, and there was a moment of silence.

Shitou said: "So we have two things to deal with today. The first thing: to upgrade the clothes. The second thing: to determine the target base and conduct tactical drills for the target base. I will also participate in this battle. By the way, let me know, I have officially married Su Shi."

"Wow." Everyone exclaimed in disbelief, Xiaodao's eyes widened even more: "You guys got married while we were not at home? No, do it again, I want to attend the wedding."

Lin Wu immediately agreed: "Agreed."

Everyone agreed.

Shitou said: "We'll talk about this later. Start upgrading the clothes, whoever will be the first."

"Me." Lin Wu was always the first to raise his hand, and Lin Wu added: "I won't be promoted anymore."

Everyone was very surprised. This was not the Lin Wu they knew. Lin Wu explained: "I think he is handsome enough."

If the forest fog does not rise, who will come first?When he arrived at the production room, Stone bravely took out the basic clothes and handed them to Shana: "Suit." He has failed twice.

After 30 seconds, Shanna regrettably returned the clothes to Stone and failed again.Holding the clothes in his hands, Shito was extremely disappointed, and said to Shana, "Give me Lin Wu's chance to be promoted again."

"Let's go." Lin Wu pulled the stone behind him.

Shitou fought hard and said, "I was the one who used Lin Wu's opportunity just now." Everyone pushed him aside unceremoniously.

The second little knife, she is the basic clothing, if you don't upgrade, you can't go out in winter.Seeing that Xiaodao was trembling and uneasy while waiting, Lin Wu gave Xiaodao the back of the head and said: "Inject luck and guarantee success."

Before Xiaodao had time to get mad, Shana had already taken out a new set of clothes from the warehouse of the production room: "Congratulations on the successful upgrade."

Xiaodao grabbed Lin Wu's arm with both hands and said happily: "Thank you, thank you, thank you Lin Wu."

Xuedan couldn't stand it: "He's bullying you."

Xiao Dao turned his head and glared: "Get lost."

Xuedan bowed her head and remained silent.

After that, both Xuedan and Su Shi successfully upgraded their clothes to level 1.

The remaining people who have the right to upgrade are all level 1 clothes, including Horse Soul, Shana, Maya and Lin Wu.Although Lin Wu said he would not upgrade, the opportunity was still in his hands.When the clothes are upgraded to level 2, the chances of success, failure and broken are equal. Level 2 can be said to be the ultimate clothes, which can withstand the low temperature of minus 20 degrees. Level 1 clothing can only withstand temperatures as low as minus 5 degrees.

Of course, there are two military coats with 80% cold resistance in the warehouse, but they are not only ugly, but also very bulky.Seeing that no one raised their hands, Shana began to upgrade her clothes.

Shana turned to look at Lin Wu, and warned: "If you dare to give me luck, I will fight you."

Lin Wu withdrew his hand embarrassingly, being seen through, so embarrassed, he became angry and cursed: "If you don't hit it, it will break, if you hit it, you will succeed."

As soon as these words came out, Shana was stunned, why is this person so bad?She didn't know that Lin Wu was interacting with her on purpose to observe the horse soul's reaction.Lin Wu doesn't care what Ma Hun thinks, but he needs to have a clear and clear position for his new companion, so he deliberately fights with Shana.From the current point of view, it is basically certain that no one is still in Aishana.Maybe it's the fact that she's married to Nightmare, or maybe it's the fact that she's been leading the day shift lately.

Shanna asked: "If you don't hit it, it will break?"

Lin Wu nodded seriously.

Shana stood up, smashed Lin Wu's head with her fist, and said, "It's done! If it doesn't work, let's see how I deal with you."

Lin Wu was speechless, this girl was getting more and more clumsy.

After 30 seconds, the first level 2 clothes in the Shadow Base were born, and everyone surrounded Shana and applauded together.

Horse Soul and Maya are left.

Maya said, "I'm not going to level up anymore." She thought very clearly that she would always act with most people in the Shadow Base, and it didn't make much sense to upgrade clothes to level 2 alone.

Shana succeeded, Maya gave up, and Ma Hun also gave up: "Give up."

Shitou snapped his fingers: "Okay, everyone, go back to the table, we need to determine the target base."

Because of Xuedan's death, the hard conditions for capturing the fire station were insufficient.Can Xuedan get back to 11 stars in these two months?Maya is not optimistic about this, because there are not many days when she can go outside in winter.

In the big base, the baseball field requires one member to have an athlete entry, and Lin Wu's marathon runner meets this requirement.The requirement of the sawmill is to have a junior engineer, and Su Shi meets this requirement.

In a medium-sized base, any attribute of a certain player needs to be 10 stars. Lin Wu's 11-star agility meets this requirement.The small and medium-sized basic corner office is Lin Wu's favorite, but only Maya supports it, so it is invalid.The Gushan Hospital and the railway overpass are very remote, and they were also excluded by everyone.In the end, only two medium and large bases and one medium base police station are available to choose from.

After the second round of meetings, everyone ruled out baseball fields, which are almost all outdoor buildings, because the life of living in the wind and sleeping in the open is too hard.So only the sawmill and the police station remained.

In the third round of the meeting, Shana supported the police station, Su Shiqiang pushed the sawmill, and the supporters were divided into half.At this time, Ma Hun said: "The police station is a medium-sized base, and the sawmill is a medium-to-large base. The choice of which base should be decided by the three commanders. I believe that the commanders already have clear development plans and goals for the base."

Development or Conservation?Stone's answer is to develop on the basis of conservation.All of a sudden, everyone rolled their eyes.So the three commanders went to the farm for a small meeting.

This small meeting was called the Farm Meeting in history, and its far-reaching influence is beyond the imagination of the world, because it has no influence at all.It can be recorded in history only because it happened to him.Just like an ordinary person, since his birth, history has left his imprint, and he has also become an existence that history cannot deny.

The three commanders had a little disagreement in this small meeting. The focus of the disagreement was on Shishi, who was a little hesitant.He thinks that both development and defense are fine.As the scale of the base grows, the troubles will increase, and the game is difficult to manage in a commercial company model, because there are no rules, no laws, and everyone has a gun.

Maya believes that the shadow can be further developed, and it is best to control the base members to about 15 people.Shanna agrees with Stone and supports Maya's decision.She added that she could not lead a class with her ability, and the members of the day shift did not recognize her leadership ability very much.Now that she has decided to go to the supermarket base, she is willing to give up the place of deputy commander.

Stone hates iron but not steel: "You are the most unambitious 5% I have ever seen."

Shana didn't care about the aggressive method.She grew up in a relaxed environment. Her parents never put any pressure on her and supported her to do what she wanted to do as much as possible.Shana, who has graduated for four years, holds an indispensable idle position in Fortress Company. She has no hope of promotion and no risk of being dismissed. Although the edges and corners have been worn down by society, and although her words and deeds are more mature, she always insists on living happily every day A day in life concept.

The farm meeting ended after only 4 minutes, and Shadow officially decided to occupy the sawmill after winter.

(End of this chapter)

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