Corrupted Nation.

Chapter 158 Blizzard Siege

Chapter 158 Blizzard Siege

Each person has a ski, and the three of them are tied with a rope.Lin Wu set off first, followed by Nightmare, and then Shana.At the beginning, the speed was not right, Lin Wu often tightened the rope, it was obviously that the nightmare was slow, but after the nightmare speeded up, he found that the rope was tightened, it was obviously that Shana was slow.In the end, Lin Wu moved forward at the speed of Shana, and the nightmare cooperated with controlling the speed, and the three of them reached the sewer smoothly.

First use medicine to solve the problem of frostbite. After waiting for a few minutes, after confirming that everyone will not be frostbitten in the sewer, Shanna began to concentrate on studying the sewer blueprint pasted at the entrance of the sewer.The blueprint does not specify the name of each export location, so it needs to be checked one by one.First go to the nearest sewer exit, Exit A, which is 3 kilometers away in a straight line.

If Lin Wu were to look at the blueprint, he would lose his way after walking 20 meters. With her excellent spatial memory ability, Shana successfully brought the two of them to Exit A.

Arriving at Exit A, Shana stopped and pointed upwards. Lin Wu looked up and saw the sewer cover. He couldn't believe it and then looked at Shana. He didn't make a wrong intersection all the way, and finally looked a bit like what 5% should be.Although Shana and Maya memorized the route after taking a trip to the Bounty Hunter Hall, in Lin Wu's view, the difficulty of the two was completely different.

Shana grinned: "I just like the way you stare blankly at me."

Lin Wu: "When I sleep at night, I use tape to roll up my eyelids, so you can see enough."

Enough!Nightmare: "Up?"

Lin Wu consciously took the lead, and he removed the cover with both hands, and immediately a cold wind poured into the sewer.Lin Wu probed to see that this was an underground parking lot.The sewer I am in should be the drain of the underground parking lot.The area of ​​the parking lot is small, only about a hundred square meters, with ten parking spaces and two semi-new cars drawn.The elevator is directly opposite and the stairs are on the side.

Lin Wu shot and killed the five zombies he could see with the Silencer, and then returned to the sewer to explain the situation.

Lin Wu waited in the sewer for a while before climbing up the straight ladder, and waited at the straight ladder, staring at the system time.As soon as the time came, Lin Wu got out of the sewer and ran towards the stairs.Along the way, except for one violent, no other mutated zombies were seen. Lin Wufeng stabbed the zombies that appeared suddenly, and the silent one eliminated the zombies visible to the naked eye, and came to the first floor smoothly.After entering the first floor, Lin Wu shot and killed many zombies, ran towards the underground garage decisively, and slid down the straight ladder into the sewer.

Lin Wu saw the two looking forward to seeing him: "I won the lottery, the first floor is a supermarket, and the second floor is a bank."

Lin Wu took the pen and paper handed over by Shana to draw the route map: "The zombies in this area have been cleared."

Nightmare nodded, took a deep breath, and climbed to the entrance of the straight ladder. Shanna reminded: "You only have 150 seconds." If you don't return to the sewer for more than 150 seconds, you will be frostbitten.Although there are many medicines, they should not be wasted like this.

Nightmare turned back: "Compared to one?"

Lin Wu: "How do you compare?"

Nightmare: "Get the first food package without frostbite."

Lin Wu asked, "What's the reward for the winner?"

Shanna: "The loser can only watch others eat soup tonight."

Lin Wu looked at Shana: "You are so confident."

Shana didn't realize it for a while, and it took a while to figure it out. Lin Wu was asking about rewards, but she was talking about punishment.

With confidence in mind, Shana replied with a mysterious smile: "Self-confident girls are the most beautiful."

Except for Lin Wu's agility star bonus, Nightmare's speed is about the same as Shana's.Shanna's idea will reduce stamina consumption. Although Nightmare's main attribute is agility, its secondary attribute is strength, and its strength is equal.The key lies in killing monsters and searching, the most important of which is naturally searching.

How could Nightmare and Lin Wu be frightened by a little girl, so they readily agreed to the gamble.

The nightmare saw the timing and got out of the sewer. In 135 seconds, the nightmare returned to the sewer with an empty backpack and brought back a box of biscuits.Nightmare respects the rules and draws circles on paper.One is to draw the scene he saw and expand it from Lin Wu's painting.The second is to circle the location that has been searched by yourself.

The third Shana still came back empty-handed. She didn't rummage through the food package, but went deep into drawing pictures of the supermarket.In addition to some scenes she saw, she also noted down the location of each shelf area.These include the bakery where food packages are most likely to be found, the fruit area, seafood area, raw area, and rice noodles.

Lin Wu saw the location of the nearest rice noodle area and was about to set off. Shana grabbed Lin Wu's pants and dragged him down the ladder: "Hammer scissors paper."

"Oh?" Lin Wushana had a little cunning in her eyes.

Shana said: "I and you guys will play a game separately. If I win all of them, I will go first. If I lose once, I will go last."

Lin Wu said: "Nightmare, you go first." This girl has a ghost, let Nightmare try the knife first.

"Childish." Nightmare: "Hammer and cut cloth..." Nightmare lost.

Lin Wu moved her body, and Shana said provocatively, "Come on."

Lin Wu: "Hammer and cut cloth..." He shook his fist with his right hand, and at the last second, he withdrew his right hand and punched with his left hand.It was obvious that Shana's hands shaking when she pulled out the scissors.

Shana said angrily: "You are stupid."

Lin Wu made a funny face at Shana, making Shana so angry that the top of her head was smoking.Lin Wu looked at Nightmare, and Nightmare signaled Lin Wu to go first. She was unwilling to play such a childish game of hammering and cutting cloth.So Lin Wu left, and before she left, she heard Shana hum on purpose.

In 145 seconds, Lin Wu slipped into the sewer, his backpack was full, and he obviously got a supply bag.Lin Wu took out the supply package for everyone to verify: "Food package."

Shanna turned her head to one side, indicating that she was still angry.

Setting off from the nightmare, Lin Wu picked up the drawing and pen, and said, "I hid a food package here, I wonder if anyone will take it later?"

Shana immediately came over: "Where, where?" Looking at the map, she realized that she had been fooled, so she gave Lin Wu a light punch.

Lin Wu explained: "I already cheated. I saw another food package, but I didn't tell Nightmare where it was."

Shana said, "I'm not angry."

Lin Wu: "I know. You just add a little fun to the ordinary search work."

Shanna: "Incentives."

After all, after Nightmare successfully brought back the food package, Shana was still a little depressed.If it wasn't for that dead man slandering him, No.1 should be him.Nightmare told Shanna where the next food package was, and Shanna brought a food package back with her.

After deliberation, the three people put the food packs in the trunk of one of the cars in the parking lot. After many efforts, they got a total of 9 food packs.

Each person took a food package and returned to the county mark along the original road.According to the order of arrival, the three returned to the supermarket base with frostbite all over their bodies.In order to save medicine, everyone went to the hospital bed in turn, and it was night when the frostbite was cured.

Shanna asked: "If zombies are as sparse as they are today in non-blizzard weather, we can obtain unlimited resources through the sewers."

Lin Wu: "Impossible, it's not like you haven't seen corpses before."

"You can call anyone." Stone's voice came from the radio.

Lin Wu frowned, taking a slow step on purpose, and the innocent Shana picked up the intercom: "I'm here."

Shi Shi said, "I heard that you have a library there?"

Shanna replied, "Yes."

Shitou: "Can I read a book to you?"

Shana looked at Lin Wu, who was gone, and looked back, this guy had already entered the dormitory and went to bed.

Shitou: "Shana? Is it okay?" The shadow members were so bored that they counted the hairs on their legs, but Xiaodao won, and Xiaodao was so angry that he went back to the dormitory to roll around and wait for someone to coax him.

Shana said helplessly: "Okay, read a paragraph."

Shana started to read the novel, while Lin Wu tossed the broth.After a while, as the broth boiled, the thick aroma of beef soup wafted through the base.Shana tried her best to look at Lin Wu with a pitiful look, but Lin Wu pretended not to see it and made a copy for Nightmare, and made a copy for herself, and sat in front of Shana to eat and drink.

Seeing Shana staring at him, Lin Wu explained, "It's delicious."


Nightmare thought that Lin Wu and Shana would get tired of it, such as feeling sorry for Shana, or secretly feeding Shana a mouthful or drinking a bowl to appease Shana.If Lin Wu was polite, he would ask for his own opinion.

To Nightmare's surprise, Lin Wu poured out the remaining beef soup after eating and drinking with her, not even leaving the scum to Shana.

The nightmare couldn't help but ask, Lin Wu was stunned for a while by her question, and asked: "Either you don't gamble, or you have to admit defeat if you gamble, isn't that normal?" Lin Wu was puzzled, his behavior conformed to the contract Spiritual, and honest and trustworthy, why does the tone of Nightmare feel that his actions are ridiculous?

Shana explained to Lin Wu: "He is very serious about contracts and bets." Either don't bet, or bet, you have to do it. Lin Wu's behavior is completely in line with Lin Wu's character.Either don't get married, and if he gets married, he will definitely take on the responsibility of a husband.

"Oh." The world is big, full of wonders, and the nightmare was not taken to heart.


Food is no longer a problem for them now.The question is how to pass the ten days.With the food, they hoped that the blizzard would end later so they could earn more points than many others.At the same time, the strength of players eliminated due to hunger has dropped significantly, and their competitiveness will also be greatly reduced.

After all, Homeland is not only a game for scoring points, but also a game for ranking through points competition.


At 7000 o'clock on the tenth day of the blizzard, the fourth round of voting started, and only 23 players were left alive.The maximum number of votes this time is 30 days, and all of them are odd numbers.It seems that in order to take care of the players, this time the number can exceed [-]%.

Voting results 3 and 7 both exceed 30%, and a second vote must be conducted.This result is very unfavorable to the Shadow Base. Their food can only last for 14 days. If the final result is 7, it means they will last for 7 more days, and the total number of days will need 17 days.When the blizzard ended at eight o'clock in the morning on No. 17, that was the time they died.Therefore, Lin Wu and others voted for 3 days.

Unfortunately, 7 days was elected with more than 50% of the votes.

There are currently 8 food left in the main base. Since the farm increases 5 food every day, the main base consumes 7 food. Therefore, everyone in the main base will enter a hungry state from [-] am on the fifth day, and a very hungry state on the sixth day. Died on the seventh day.

There are 33 food left in the supermarket base, which can last for 11 days.After the discussion, Shana contacted Maya and delivered the 12 extra food from the sub-base through takeaway.

The blizzard couldn't stop the delivery boy's footsteps. After collecting 12 food, the Erha Tuan pulled the sled and took the delivery boy to the shadow base. After arriving at the shadow base, the delivery boy charged 30% of the fee. 4 food, the main base actually got only 8 food.

In other words, after the blizzard ended, the main base had only one day's rations, and the sub-bases had zero rations.The plan to go to the supermarket again during the blizzard didn't work because the leftovers section of the supermarket was too far away to reach the food pack without getting frostbite.Moreover, only 3 food packages can be transported back and forth at a time, and there are two snowstorms in the middle, and no amount of medicine can bear the consumption.The actual situation is that after the three blizzard shipments, there is not much medicine left at the base, which cannot support them to go to the supermarket again.

At 7 am on the tenth day of the blizzard, the system broadcast: Considering that many players are bored staying at the base during the blizzard, the storm zombie operation is specially launched.Due to the blizzard, the zombies are already starving. In the next [-] days, the zombies will attack all base personnel.

System Announcement: During a blizzard, player bases will not increase noise, and system sieges will not occur.Due to the impact of the snowstorm, the base radar and warning system were damaged, and there will be no early warning of the invasion.Finally, I wish everyone good luck.

Lin Wu finished listening, and said, "Does Shuguang have to kill everyone?"

"No no." Shanna shook her head: "Dawn is punishing opportunists."

Lin Wu asked: "How to say?"

Shanna explained: "Taking the Shadow Base as an example, if only Stone is left alone, he can live until the game is closed. I think the largest player base is only a small and medium-sized base. Small and medium-sized bases plus warehouses, the upper limit of food reserves There are 40+."

Shana said: "Why can someone live so long? The first possibility is that the Shadow Base has two farmlands. The second possibility is that we have enough medicines and are close enough to a large number of food supply points. The third possibility is that everyone Most members of the base go to the shelter, leaving one or two people to eat points. The upper limit of the small base is 20 food reserves. If there are two people, it will be over in 10 days, but if one person can survive for 1 days. The blizzard only lasts for 20 days , this one person can survive.”

Shana said: "In order to combat the third situation of opportunism, so..."

As soon as the words were said, zombies broke into the front door.They stumbled as if they were blown in by the wind, and it took a while to stabilize their bodies. At the same time, they found three players who were seven meters away from them.The three picked up their assault rifles and wiped out the zombies in a burst.

Then there was a sound from the back door, and four zombies rushed into the base, and were wiped out by three people again.

Revisit the supermarket base terrain.A supermarket is a hall, a very large hall.The supermarket base is in the northwest corner of the supermarket, L-shaped. The vertical line of L is connected to the supermarket lobby, and the horizontal line of L is the main entrance of the supermarket base and also the staff passage of the supermarket.One vertical is 14 meters, one horizontal is 7 meters. The radio station is at the corner of L. On one side of the radio station is a warehouse unique to supermarkets. On the opposite side of the radio station are three small rooms, which are dormitory, ward and library.

System broadcast: After the first attack, everyone should already know what they are facing.Please rest assured that there will be no mutated zombies within these seven days, but if there is a blood plague heart nearby, blood zombies may appear.Kind reminder: Zombies will attack players 24 hours a day.

Shana clapped her hands: "I was right, if there is only one person in the base, there is no time to sleep at all."

Lin Wu said: "We also divide classes." Under his influence, this girl became smarter and smarter.No wonder the ancients said that those who are close to vermilion are red, and those who are close to fog are wise.

Shana nodded: "Three shifts are in double operation. There are 3 hours of work and 16 hours of rest. Given the terrain of our supermarket, there must be two people on each shift. One person guards the corner of the radio station, and one person is in charge of an aisle."

 Many people on May [-]st did not take their children out to play, and they made up for it on the weekend, so they will ask for a day off tomorrow.Love you all, okay.

(End of this chapter)

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