Corrupted Nation.

Chapter 165 Ice Fishing Chapter

Chapter 165 Ice Fishing Festival

In addition to the mutton shop, there is also a furniture store and a cosmetics store near the fishing gear store.In the end, Lin Wu and Shana brought back two mirrors in addition to live baits such as red worms.As for the cosmetics, there was a little disturbance, and the system informed that the cosmetics could not be used directly.

Shana refused to accept it, and learned from Lin Wu to file a complaint.Little White Rabbit told Shanna that in the future, the point-exchanging luxury goods trading system will be opened, and all luxury goods including perfumes are currently unavailable.

Shana and Little White Rabbit then had a half-hour debate on whether cosmetics are luxury goods.This kind of debate was meaningless, but what surprised Lin Wu was that Shanna actually won 99% of the time when she lost 1%.The little white rabbit admits that the colorless lipstick in cosmetics is closer to practical items than cosmetics,
Facing the triumphant Shana, Lin Wu only has one question: what is the function of colorless lipstick in the game?In any case, Shana's success made Lin Wu see hope, and let Lin Wu know that he may not necessarily lose if he quarrels with the little white rabbit.

What made Lin Wu angry was Shana, a childish ghost, who kept showing off the process and results of defeating the little white rabbit in front of win?You lose and only diapers are left, okay?But I have to admit that at least there are diapers left, and there is not even a fig leaf left in the confrontation with the little white rabbit.


The ice fishing festival lasts 24 hours.Players participating in the ice fishing festival not only do not consume food, do not need sleep, the system also presents food and other daily necessities.In this regard, Shanna speculates that when they arrive on Earth, they may need to rely on ice fishing to find food.Lin Wu didn't believe it, Shana told Lin Wu that the survival significance of the origin of ice fishing is far greater than the entertainment significance.Thousands of years ago, during the winter in the northern part of the earth, people had very limited means of obtaining food, and ice fishing was their main source of food in winter.

Suguang has never held a horse racing festival, golf festival, or football festival, but it attaches great importance to the ice fishing festival.Therefore, Shanna has reason to suspect that ice fishing may be a skill that some people need to master.

Maya agrees with Shanna's statement.

Everyone chatted on the radio until eight o'clock in the morning, and they were sent into the copy one after another.The dungeon is an extremely huge ice surface that cannot be seen at a glance.A small tent and a fire are placed on the ice, and various raw materials for hot drinks that can be heated are also provided in the tent.Such as goat milk tea, such as black tea and coffee.

Lin Wu and Shana teamed up and were members of the same base, so they were teleported to the same location.The two didn't pick too much, and directly occupied the nearest tent.After the occupation, the [-] square meters centered on the tent became a private place, and others could pass by, but they could not fish here.

In order to take care of novices, the system thoughtfully sent an ice fishing festival manual. In addition to teaching players how to use a hole puncher to punch holes in the ice, the manual also told players that each tent area has rapids, slow currents and still water with different depths. .As for which waters are easy to fish for, it all depends on the bait the player uses.

The manual states that there is a small refrigerator in the tent, which contains meat and vegetables, and each person is provided with ten instant noodles. Players are asked to treat today as a camping trip and enjoy it to the fullest.

From this, Lin Wu thought that Shana and Maya's ideas were wrong.He believes that Dawn is an entertainment activity opened to take care of the high-pressure emotions accumulated by players in the doomsday survival.

Shana objected. From the abandoned capital to the blizzard, she had never seen the benevolent side of Dawn.Besides, this is a game after all, so there is no high-pressure emotion.At the same time, Shana expressed contempt for Lin Wu's attitude of opposing for the sake of opposing, and raising arguments for the sake of raising arguments.

Each tent is more than 200 meters apart, so some areas belong to the public ice area.When Lin Wu and Shana started drilling, some players began to study the public ice area. Lin Wu came forward to chat and learned that he wanted to use the water flow in the public ice area to infer the water flow in the tent area, so as to save drilling time.

Lin Wu benefited a lot. After thanking him, he returned to the tent area and wanted to share his experience with Shana, but he saw a group of people in the east who looked familiar.Picking up the silencer and looking at it, Lin Wu suddenly saw the yellow hair in the scope.Looking at it again, it turned out to be the group of Xinghuo Base, there were eight people in total.Sunshine, fire dance and starlight are all among them.

At this moment, Lin Wu believed that Shuguang had emotions, but it would not use normal channels to vent.Otherwise, how do you explain that two dungeons meet two sparks?
"Who is it?" Shana stepped on her feet and looked into the distance.

Lin Wu didn't answer, he pulled the trigger, but the bullet was not fired, and all weapons were sealed after entering the dungeon.If you think about it, it should be the same, otherwise you can take the rocket and shoot it under the ice, and catch a ghost, just catch the fish directly.

Lin Wu regretted putting down his gun, ignored Shana's question, and explained the ice fishing skills he had learned.Shana nodded frequently, took the punch machine like whack-a-mole, and drilled ten holes near the tent in one go.Fortunately, it was a game. If the reality changed, the two of them might have gone swimming in the glacier.

Light the bonfire, cook the food, and add the hot pot ingredients brought from the base.The two sat by the bonfire with Maza, and each fished in an ice hole.At this time, Shana felt that Lin Wu's argument was somewhat reasonable. She ate delicious food, drank goat milk tea, basked in the sun, fished, grilled by the fire, and chatted.If you want, you can also lie on the beach chairs for a sunbath.On the whole, this ice fishing festival is closer to life entertainment than teaching survival skills.

Lin Wu and Shana each brought two fishing rods, and they were small fishing rods specially used for ice fishing.In addition, I also brought a few packs of bait powder for making nests, which can be mixed with water and sprinkled into the ice cave.Because of this, the fishing point they choose is the still water area.The bait they use is red worms plus mealworms.The ghost knows what the fish that are frozen into popsicles like to eat, and they are all good, anyway, they use Taiwan fishing double hooks.If it didn't work, Lin Wu also brought 1000 yuan, and hung up the money to let them buy what they wanted to eat.

Shana is quite familiar with Taiwan fishing, so she helped herself and Lin Wu adjust the drift, and officially started fishing.

Lin Wu was the first to win the lottery, and he got a fish first. After the small silver fish was put into the big basin on one side, a treasure box symbol appeared on the head of the small fish. Lin Wu reached out to touch the treasure box, and turned the symbol into a real treasure box and placed it in front of him. .Shana shouted excitedly, "Baby, baby, baby."

Lin Wu turned to look at Shana: "You will make me misunderstood as a casual person."

Shana put her hands on the ground and kicked up.Rather than spending saliva arguing with Lin Wu, it's better to do it directly, at least I won't be mad at myself.

After dodging the flying kick, Lin Wu opened the treasure chest, and his face changed suddenly in the next second: "Grass."

"What's wrong?" Lin Wu rarely said this word.

"I still need to fish for another key." Lin Wu said bitterly: "It's no loss that it is Shuguang, who can be so cheap." To be reasonable, of course a key is needed to open the treasure chest.But Lin Wu didn't want to talk about this truth.Did you make sense when the treasure chest was transformed from a fish head?
"I'm here to fish." Shana turned the wheel, and a black fish was pulled out of the ice hole. After being put into the basin, the black fish was automatically unhooked, but unfortunately there was no sign on its head.Shana puffed her cheeks, and said: "I agree with your point of view, Shuguang is a bad person, he is so beautiful, but he doesn't give anything."

"Hello." A voice came from behind.

Shana turned her head and saw a beautiful girl in a green suit, so she stood up and said, "Hello." Looking at Lin Wu, she didn't know when Lin Wu put down her hood and put on the snow mask, it seemed very cold look.It's not just that he feels cold.He is also said to be cold.

Shanna asked, "Hello, what's the matter?"

This person is Huo Wu, Huo Wu said: "It's like this, we have eight people, but only four self-made fishing rods, I see that you have extra fishing rods, can you sell them to me?"

"Do you want to buy a fishing rod?" Shana looked at Lin Wu's back from the corner of her eyes: "To sell or not to sell, that is a question." From Shakespeare Shrimp.

Lin Wu nodded slightly, Shana: "No problem, just take one, we have to keep one as a spare."

Huo Wu was very happy: "Thank you. By the way, I'm from the Spark Base in Youxian County, Nancheng in the future, so I didn't ask for advice..."

"Spark Base?" Shana was surprised and interrupted Huo Wu's self-introduction, asking, "Do you know Maya?"

"Yeah, I know Feidu, and you know Maya too?" Having said that, Huo Wu looked at Lin Wu thoughtfully.After watching for three seconds, Huo Wu walked over and knelt down in front of Lin Wu, reached out to take off Lin Wu's hood, and pulled down Lin Wu's mask.

Lin Wu was pleasantly surprised: "Huo Wu, what a coincidence? It's really hard to find nowhere to find it. It's not that enemies don't get together, hahahahahaha."

Huo Wu smiled skinny, with helplessness and self-deprecation in her smile.Without saying anything, she reached out to put Lin Wu's hood on, pulled up Lin Wu's mask, stood up without saying a word, walked in front of Shana, and asked, "Can you give me a little more bait?"

In the first version, Shanna has a fishing rod in her left hand and a bait in her right: "It's absolutely fine, but I have a few questions for you. Let's talk about it."

In the second version, Shana looked at Lin Wu and said, "How much will you give?"

In the real version, Shanna said: "Of course." She brought a disposable paper cup, caught some red worms and mealworms and put them in the paper cup.

"Thank you." Huo Wu took the cup, and because she was a little afraid of bugs, she stayed far away and asked, "Didn't I ask you what kind of base it is?"

Shanna replied: "Supermarket base, my name is Shanna."

"My name is Huo Wu. Thank you, you are so kind." After glancing at Lin Wu, she nodded to Shana and turned to leave.

Shana watched Huo Wu leave, and sat back to her seat. She was not afraid of bugs, and said while hanging the bait, "Nancheng? We are Beishang Town, Zuo County, Beicheng, and they are in You County, Nancheng. Maybe we can meet in Future City in the future. "

Lin Wu took off his hood, pulled down his mask, and said leisurely: "There is no future in the future, and we will never meet again."

Shana said: "No, Maya said that the Starfire base is the boss of the fortress."

Lin Wu said: "They are not expected to snatch the Fortress Ring."

Shana smiled wryly: "You talked about my pain point."

Lin Wu: "Oh?"

Shana gritted her teeth: "You must be thinking: You useless guy also wants to grab the Ring of Fortress."

Lin Wu was shocked: "You used an affirmative tone, not a questioning tone."

"Hmph. Feed the fish." Shanna spun the spinning wheel, and not only got a small fish, but also a treasure chest.This is the second treasure chest they caught.Then came the third, followed by the fourth.

In half an hour, the two fished ten treasure chests.During this period, Shana did not ask, nor did she communicate with Lin Wu on the topic of the Spark Base.At first, I didn't want to embarrass Lin Wu, after all, this is Lin Wu's private matter.But in the end, Shana was busy jumping and cursing with Lin Wu, how could it be like this?Ten treasure chests do not give a key.

This treasure chest can't be opened not only with a lock pick, but also with a crowbar. You must use a key.

Lin Wu added something that made Shana's heart sink: "You don't need the corresponding key to open the treasure chest, do you?"

"Concentrate on fishing, don't curse." Shanna, who was furious, seemed to be gently sapouring.

"Key." Lin Wu looked at the key symbol on the fish's head in surprise.

Shana got the key first, smiled triumphantly at Lin Wu, and then started to have a headache.There are ten treasure chests on the ground, which one should I open first?When Shana was still remembering the fish corresponding to each treasure box, Lin Wu took the key away and directly poked it into the keyhole of the nearest treasure box. Shana shouted anxiously: "Let me think about it."

The box has been opened.The good news is that no matching key is required, and the even better news is that inside the treasure chest is a green point card.After using the green card, the total points of oneself will be permanently increased by 0.5%, valid for 10 minutes. 10 minutes does not refer to the duration, it means that the card will expire if it is not used within 10 minutes.

Shana turned her face and sniffled: "Take it, don't talk." Of course, she knew that there was a huge gap between herself and Lin Wu's points.That being the case, the point card must be handed over to Lin Wu for use.

Lin Wu bluntly used the points card, and continued to fish: "Why can't I check the points?"

Shanna replied, "Maybe it's a good thing." Such a big contrast shows that she was not really disappointed.

"Oh?" Lin Wu was puzzled, is this a good thing?
Shana explained: "Last time, Little White Rabbit said that in the future, the system of points exchange for props will be opened, and Shuguang wants to consume players' points through the props system. Without temptation, there is no need to choose. For example, you and Maya are not married, yes The only member of the supermarket base. At this time Maya dies, you can sacrifice half of your points to buy an item to revive her, so that she has no loss, would you like to buy it or not?"

Lin Wu asked: "If I spend half of the points to revive Maya, Maya will not lose anything?"


Lin Wu said: "I choose to die by myself and let Maya revive me." The dead are fine, and the living lose half of the points. Is there any reason?Is there any geography?
God!I shouldn't have known him.Shana sighed helplessly, and decided to avoid the topic, saying: "If your guess is correct, the Fishing Festival is a chance specially provided by the system for players to relax, which means that Suguang is about to update more stringent rules."

Lin Wu asked: "Doctor?" This is the conclusion that everyone came to after discussing when they were bored in the blizzard. The next one to be cut must be the hospital bed.First, the function of the hospital bed is too perverted, and second, the role of the doctor who was originally very important in the end of the game is insignificant in the game.

Including hunters, farmers who can obtain food including fishing, and doctors who can treat diseases, these two professions should be the most important roles in doomsday survival.At present, the food has been cut. Although the function of not going bad is still retained, everyone thinks that the food will not be cut for the time being.

Lin Wu said: "Medical books are not uncommon."

Shana nodded: "So now I can't guess how the doctor's profession will be updated, but most people think that the hospital bed will definitely be the next target of Suguang's attack."

Huo Wu didn't come again, and Lin Wu also forgot about Huo Wu's existence, and immersed himself in the joy of fishing. With the opening of treasure chests one after another, there was happiness, cursing, and the joy of cursing.If you are tired, put down your fishing rod and lie down on the beach chair. If you are thirsty, drink a can of iced Pepsi cans (please contact us if you are interested in cooperation. The designated product is canned, not sugar-free, not lime, not blue cans, Give the sample and dry it.), If you are hungry, there are barbecues and grilled fish.

After the sun sets, the bright moon rises, and the torches around the tent light up the entire tent area.Bring a blanket to cover your body, and you can comfortably take a nap on the beach chair.

This is life.

(End of this chapter)

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