Corrupted Nation.

Chapter 167 Going to the Market

Chapter 167 Going to the Market
As the system is updated again and again, ordinary players also begin to look for a way out in the future.For now, players with small bases can still survive, because they haven't touched their last bottom line: food.Even after the winter, the system still leaves a little way for fishing players to survive.However, people of insight have also seen that if they can't produce food like the real doomsday life, sooner or later they will not be able to survive.

It is currently recognized that the safest way to obtain food is farming, but farming requires large outdoor grids, and this is the shortcoming of small bases.In this fishing activity, some players seem to have found the version answer, which is the outpost card.Occupying restaurants with outpost cards consumes 1 manpower per day, and you can get 3 food per day.There are 3 people in a small base, a maximum of [-] outpost cards can be used, and [-] food items can be obtained every day.Everyone believes that even if the version is updated, the outpost card will not depreciate.

But the problem is that the outpost cards are too rare. In this fishing activity for the players in Beishang Town, only players from a small base got an outpost card.In the mission of the abandoned city, Maya also exchanged points for an outpost card.After hearing that the player had an outpost card, Stone immediately contacted him through the radio, expressing his willingness to trade the outpost card.The other party told Shi Shi that the invincible base also wanted this outpost card.If the Shadow Base wants it, bids will be held at the intersection next to the factory at ten o'clock tomorrow morning.

President Stone is caught in a decision. With Shadow's current wealth, he will definitely get the outpost card, but face-to-face competition will inevitably have a negative impact.Stone then contacted Wudi and asked Wudi if he wanted to bid. After receiving an affirmative reply, he explained that the other party invited him to bid. Since Wudi was sure to get the outpost card, he would not participate.

Maya is a little puzzled by this. From a tactical and strategic perspective, it is basically impossible for invincible to help the shadow.Cars are coming, people are coming, invincibility has no value.Stone thinks what Maya said makes sense, but being in a slum area requires behavior in a slum area, exposing money, and turning against allies are not advisable behaviors.

For example, Shitou, there are two ramen shops on one street, and the two ramen shops must be incompatible.One street and two office buildings are all engaged in the ramen export business, so their relationship will not be so bad, and they may even cooperate.The bigger the business, the more peaceful your attitude and behavior will be when facing competition from your peers.

Shadow began to develop from a ramen shop, and sooner or later it will develop into a ramen company. Maintaining a basic corporate image is good for future development.

However, Shi Shi himself said that he was not sure whether he needed to consider so much in the game, so it was difficult to make a decision.


Time passed day by day, and it was the last month of winter. Today is the first market in Zuo County after the snowstorm.There are Beishang Town and Nanxia Town in Zuo County.As the name suggests, Beishang Town is in the north of Zuo County, and Nanxia Town is in the south of Zuo County.In the previous market transactions, I learned from inquiries that Nanxia Town did not have a particularly strong base.Only one of the two small and medium-sized bases has an owner, and lost 80% of its key personnel in the first defense.

This is also the first time for Lin Wu to go to the market. After the market opened at [-]:[-] p.m., Lin Wu and Shana teleported from the base to the market.

The market as a whole consists of a square and four streets. Each player can rent a stall, and the rental fee is a unit of any one of the five resources.Then you can put the goods you want to sell on the booth and go shopping by yourself.When someone asks about the price of the goods, the exclusive headset for the market will be connected, and the stall owner can bargain with the other party.

Another feature of the market is the shops.There are many shops around the square, such as barber shops that can change hairstyles, tattoo shops, foot bath shops, nail shops and other service shops. You can receive a service by spending any unit of the five resources.

Shana heard that there was a hot spring, so she left Lin Wu on the spot and went to soak in the hot spring.Lin Wu didn't set up a stall either. His goal today was to find and buy dagger weapons with frontal execution.

The four streets are Weapons and Equipment Street, Materials Street, Sundries Street and Strange Objects Street.There is no mandatory requirement to place the corresponding goods, but most stall owners will still choose the corresponding street in order to sell their goods more easily.The length of the street is directly proportional to the number of stalls.

Lin Wu went to Material Street first, and found that most of the stalls were selling building materials, and a few stalls were selling gasoline packs, ammunition packs, and medical kits.Food packs are extremely scarce.Driven by curiosity, Lin Wu asked the stall owner, and the other party quoted the standard exchange rate, 1 food package for 3 building material packages or [-] gasoline packages and medical kits.

The prices of the four major material packages are stable, but the ammunition package is the most exotic, with prices ranging from high to low.One ammo pack requires 3 food packs, and two ammo packs are exchanged for one food pack.

These broken things are about rocks, Lin Wu just looked at them casually.

Then Lin Wu went to the sundries street, where he mainly sold materials, mainly grade 2 or 3 materials such as iron blocks.Lin Wu used two pistol bullets to exchange 30 electronic components at a booth, and was caught by Maya.

Lin Wu pulled Maya to the side and whispered, and Maya knew that Lin Wu had such an evil plan to ransack Nightmare's safe house, and she didn't tell herself at the worst.Maya asked Lin Wu to play by herself, and left this matter to her.

"Where's Shanna?"


"Tell her I'll wait for her at Pillar 4 in the square in half an hour."

Lin Wu asked: "Are you going to do manicure?"

Maya was speechless: "Shana is very good at bargaining. I need to buy a batch of medical supplies."


Lin Wu was about to walk away when Maya looked to the left side of the street and said, "Did you see that group of people 20 meters away? The group with a red ribbon tied around their left arms."

Lin Wu stepped on his feet and looked: "Two women and three men. Who are they?"

Maya said: "The members of Chibei, the only small and medium-sized base in Nanxia Town, it is said that this group of people is not a good guy, and they have a bad reputation in Nanxia Town."

Lin Wu said: "Recently, we have a bad reputation. People are smiling when they see us on the surface, but MMP is behind them."

Maya said: "Maybe it's just a prejudice. You'd better go to the Street of Odd Objects if you want a dagger."

Lin Wu couldn't understand: "Why not go to Weaponry Street?"

Maya said, "Because Peanut is over there." After speaking, she left.

"A very reasonable explanation." Lin Wu replied to Maya's back, and pressed the headset: "Call the puppy."

Shanna: "What's the matter, piggy?"

Lin Wu said: "Maya asked you to meet her at Pillar 4 of the square in half an hour."

Shanna: "Little Pig's teammate received it."

Childish ghost, this advantage has to be taken advantage of!

Stranger Things Street has all kinds of miscellaneous things. Because there are a lot of strange props in the Homeland game, this street has the largest number of people shopping.

The first booth attracted Lin Wu. It was a flashlight, but it was not an ordinary flashlight, but a solar-powered flashlight.It can be bright under the sun, but it cannot be bright without the sun.If you think this is rubbish, then you are wrong.Lin Wu, like everyone else, laughed when he saw the flashlight.Afterwards, Su Shi wanted to beat Lin Wu to death, because all solar equipment, no matter how big or small, could be broken into pieces of solar panels.Not only is it an essential item for crafting a solar panel, it's also very rare.

At the second booth, Lin Wu took a fancy to the mouse cage.Currently, except for the sewers, there are no rats in most places in the game.The reason why Lin Wu bought the mouse cage was because of his job as a hunter, he can get a food unit by killing a mammal every day.If you can't beat a bear, can't you bully a mouse?Lin Wu exchanged a round of pistol bullets for the mouse cage.

Bullets are the hard currency recognized by all players at present, among which pistol bullets are the basic currency, and the exchange rates of other bullets are different.The mainstream exchange rate in the market before the snowstorm is that one 5.56 rifle bullet is equal to two pistol bullets, and 7.62 is equal to three pistol bullets. The .50 bullet is theoretically 5 pistol bullets, but there is no market for it, and no one sells it.

The exchange rate of pistol bullets has risen today, because the doctor's reform has caused players to be more cautious when dealing with zombies and use more long-range attacks.Pistols are currently the mainstream firearms and will occupy the mainstream position for a long time, so the current exchange rate between pistol bullets and 5.56 bullets is 1:1.

Because of this, Peanut was arranged by Maya to go to Weapon Street to buy .22 and 5.56 bullets with pistol bullets.

The third stall sold Kade knives. Since the owner of the stall only sold this weapon, he did not go to the Weapon Street to set up a stall.This is a very beautiful and unique dagger, and the statistics are also very impressive, but only the entry of stamina is added.

Lin Wu bought a display mirror at the fourth booth. This thing is rare, but it is not rare.Lin Wu casually gave a pistol bullet and got it.

The fifth stall sells skill books, which should be sold on behalf of friends or bases. There is a hunter skill book among them.Lin Wu was too lazy to bargain, so he exchanged ten bullets.Lin Wu asked the stall owner if he still had hunter skill books?The other party asked Lin Wu to come to the booth in an hour.

The seller knew that someone had a hunter skill book, so he found this person's booth and contacted him, exchanged five bullets for the hunter skill book, and hung it on his booth, earning five bullets for nothing.After all, Lin Wu had already obtained 3 hunter skill books.

The sixth booth sold books, all of which were reference books, such as getting started with lathes. Lin Wu didn't understand why he needed to get started with lathes.In addition, there are 25 books in total, such as car repair and maintenance, Compendium of Materia Medica, Encyclopedia of Chemical Engineering, Yearbook of World Knowledge, etc. I don’t know which bookstore the owner stole from.

Lin Wu contacted the stall owner: "Pack up 25 copies and ask for a price."

Stall owner: "I sell whatever I want, you want to give it to you."

Lin Wu questioned: "Give it to me?" He subconsciously dislikes this person, and when a stranger shows affection to you for no reason, he must be vigilant.

The stall owner asked, "Do you want to give it to you?"

Lin Wu: "Go ahead." It depends on what tricks you play.

The stall owner teleported back to the stall, male, in his 30s, with pomade, a back cut, and a suit, looking a bit like an executive.Lin Wu noticed that the stall owner was tied with a red ribbon on his left arm. Obviously, the stall owner was the person Maya mentioned Chibei earlier.

The stall owner looked at Lin Wu for a while: "Master Wisdom? Dual Wisdom?"

Lin Wu asked back: "Do you still look at attributes when buying books?"

The stall owner cut to the chase and said, "I am the commander of Chibei Base in Nanxia Town, and my name is Soy Sauce."

Lin Wu said: "I am the commander of the invincible base, and my name is invincible."

Soy sauce was a little surprised: "Are you invincible?"

"No, just kidding. My name is Liangren, and I am a happy base in Beishang Town."

Soy Sauce said a word, and continued: "Our base is recruiting engineers in charge of the production room. Master intelligence is fine, and dual intelligence is the best. The only condition is to be able to endure loneliness."

Lin Wu said: "But I'm in Beishang Town."

Soy Sauce said: "It's not a big problem, we will be stationed in Zuo County soon. These books are considered as a deposit, a meeting gift. We will give you the books first, but if you break your promise, we will definitely settle the score with you."

Lin Wu thought for a while: "You'd better sell it." This little thing is not worth being a liar.

Soy Sauce looked at Lin Wu. Lin Wu didn't carry a weapon, but only a backpack.So the soy sauce stretched out a slap: "25 bullets, one for each book."

Lin Wu looked down at Soy Sauce's slap: "25?"

Soy Sauce misunderstood Lin Wu's meaning and nodded: "Well, I won't sell any less." He simply marked the price, and then looked at Lin Wu provocatively.Just say, fuck off, stop wasting my time.

After seeing the transaction information clearly, Lin Wu stretched out his hand to remove the list. The transaction was completed, and 25 reference books were put into the backpack.

"Hello." Soy Sauce called Lin Wu: "Are you an idiot? Spending so many bullets on books?"

Lin Wu thought for a while, and applied for a transaction. After opening the transaction, Lin Wu put in 200 rounds of rifle bullets and 200 rounds of pistol bullets, and then canceled the transaction.Seeing that Soy Sauce was frightened, Lin Wu leaned closer and said in a low voice, "A reference book can be exchanged for 30 rounds of ammunition. Who do you think is stupid? Ha ha."

The soy sauce was dubious: "Where can I change it?"

Lin Wu said nothing, shook his head and left.Soy sauce hurriedly followed: "Brother, tell me." Although he didn't quite believe it, he still didn't believe that someone could have so many bullets.

Lin Wu was a little embarrassed, hesitated for a moment and said: "I can only tell you that it is near the corner office."

Soy sauce asked: "That corner office near the city hall?"

Lin Wu was really surprised this time: "How do you know?" The corner office is one of the bases recommended by the system, and it took Yingying a lot of effort to get a system map in Nightmare's hands.

In order to express his sincerity, Soy Sauce said, "Someone sold us one-eighth of a map of Zuo County. No, how did you get there?"

Lin Wu replied: "The sewer."

Through these few questions, Soy Sauce saw that Lin Wu was not lying, so he became more enthusiastic: "Brother, tell me, how do you exchange bullets with reference books?"

Lin Wu shook his head: "It can't be said, I was brought by an expert."


"Fortress agent."


"No." Lin Wu said, "I have to go."

"Wait, brother." Soy sauce traded 25 rounds of ammunition: "These books are my gifts for brothers."

Lin Wu could not afford 25 bullets, so he refused the soy sauce deal, but he seemed moved by the soy sauce, and approached him and said, "Nightmare."


Lin Wu didn't know which city the Nightmare was in, so he said casually: "The Nightmare is the Fortress agent. He has a tablet computer with an electronic map of the sewers. I bought books for him, and he was responsible for exchanging the books for bullets. We opened them at 55."

It doesn't sound very believable, but the less believable the more believable.This can't be blamed on Lin Wu, Lin Wu is good at bragging, but not good at lying.Soy sauce asked Lin Wu a very strange question: "Is his computer an exclusive item?"



Lin Wu was curious: "Do you know Nightmare?"

Soy Sauce said: "I know there is this person, someone has seen him several times in the southern suburbs of Zuo County."

Damn, it's so close!


"Thank you, brother, for having the opportunity to drink tea at Chibei."

"Okay." Lin Wu raised his hand: "Goodbye." He turned around and mixed into the crowd.

Lin Wu didn't like or dislike soy sauce, basically he didn't.The same is true of Lin Wu for Mengmai, he doesn't hate Mengmai, at least for now.He is only responsible for fanning the flames and passing the knife. If you insist on pinching, then it is none of my business.

(End of this chapter)

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