Corrupted Nation.

Chapter 181 The Excavation Site

Chapter 181 The Excavation Site

Idle is also idle, Maya went to work.Of course, the rich man Lin Wu didn't bother to work hard. He found a high point near the library and entered the stealth state, using binoculars to search for possible hunters.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, an hour and a half before the sun sets, Maya has finished a job.She came back and took a look at the flagpole before continuing to go out to work.Maya very much hopes that Shana can lead the team to the supply point in District 4, not because of who is right between herself and Lin Wu, but to strengthen the collective awareness of credit, which is extremely beneficial to collective life and collective work.

Lin Wu didn't think it was a matter of principle, after all, he was not the one who agreed.

At 7 o'clock in the evening, Lin Wu left the high point and returned to the library. The library screen showed that there were 5 players left, and 4000 people died in the past few hours.Lin Wu and Maya were somewhat puzzled by this. It was too difficult for 30 fortress hunters to kill 4000 people in such a short period of time.

So why did 1000 people die in the first few hours?First of all, I don't know how many people did not participate in this dungeon event, such as Shi Shi and Su Shi did not come, after all, the death penalty is relatively serious.Secondly, it is not sure how many people there are in the future city. On average, each big city is divided into 10 people, which is just an average.In the end, when leaving the starting point, everyone is together, and it is easy to be injured by a mass destruction trap.


Speaking of animal mutations, Maya talked about cockroaches.Cockroaches are the backbone of the animal kingdom against radiation. Since all spiders have mutated, Maya believes that cockroaches will mutate.When it comes to cockroaches, one thinks of sewers, and Maya thinks of a message from the first expedition that there are NPC survivors hiding in an underground shelter in the city.

"Excavation sites can be very dangerous," Maya said.

Lin Wu said: "Don't dig the green devices near the supply point, you have to dig across regions. Does this still insist that the waste is real?"

Maya said: "There is a certain artistic process, but there should be the fact that the green device is excavated."

Lin Wu asked, "Where's the mutant spider?"

Maya: "Artistic processing."

Lin Wu asked: "How about spending points to buy bullets?"

Maya: "Game processing."

"Why are you staring at me?"

"I just have bigger eyes."

"Mist, here comes the fog." Someone in the library shouted loudly.Thousands of people came in and out of the library, and some of them had no combat effectiveness after receiving the mission, but their lives were not in danger.But not many people seem to have bullets.

Lin Wu and Maya went out the side door and walked to the flagpole to look. There was no light, no moon, and they could only see a blurry area a hundred meters away. It was uncertain whether it was fog or not.

"As long as we don't leave the library?" He wasn't sure.

Maya said: "Looking at the direction of the fog is not for the supply point, but for the players who are active outside. Go back to the library to rest, eat dinner and sleep."

The free food provided by the library is not bad, but the choice is very poor.Of course, if you want, you can spend points to buy big lobsters in restaurants.The same is true for the dormitory. Lin Wu proudly spent 30 points to open a 20-square-meter double room.Those who are unwilling to spend money can only sleep on the box spring bed laid in the basement.There's nothing to complain about either, it's free after all.

Entering the room, Lin Wu took off the protective clothing.There is no radiation at the library supply point, so the reason why I have been wearing protective clothing is afraid of meeting acquaintances.

The double room provided two packs of instant noodles and two bottles of water for free. Maya rejected Lin Wu's proposal to eat on the spot and put the instant noodles and water in her backpack.

Silent all night.


At 7:5000 the next morning, Lin Wu and Maya went downstairs and saw [-] players left alive.Another [-] people died last night.There were still people coming and going in the library, and everyone didn't stay for a long time. Lin Wu and Maya walked around, but they didn't hear anyone talking about the situation outside.

Maya went to the flagpole to see that the ribbon was still there, and there was no additional ribbon, knowing that Shanna and the others had not arrived here yet.So Maya found a place nearby, put a blue ribbon on the ground, and pressed the blue ribbon with a stone, telling Shana and them that she should leave the supply point first.

There are 4 roads from the supply point in District 7 to the excavation point in District 4. The straight line is the main road, and the distance is 10 kilometers.The road is wide and straight, and the only obstacle is construction debris on the road.The other three roads have their own characteristics, either on dry riverbeds, or through former forest parks, or through residential areas.

"The main road."

Lin Wu had no objection, and the two of them and the dog went on the road.

After walking for two kilometers, Lin Ma found that the main road was not easy to walk, and there were tall buildings on the left and right sides.Some of these high-rise buildings have become hills of ruins, some have only half buildings left, and some buildings are completely rough.Players walking on the main road are like a target, and no one knows which building will hide a sniper.

Previously, Lin Ma raided and wiped out several hunters, but they were all buildings with only a few stories high, and these buildings were hundreds of stories high.Not to mention that Xiao Wai couldn't smell it, even if he chased him in, he might not be able to find the shooter.In addition, the rules remind you to be very careful about traps when entering buildings.

Maya squatted down, Lin Wu squatted beside Maya, Maya looked straight at the endless tall buildings on both sides of the road and said, "I'm a little uneasy."

Not only Maya was disturbed, but the people in a building a hundred meters away were also disturbed.Through Xiao Wai, the hunter already knew the identities of these two people.Seeing them staying in the bunker a hundred meters away, I couldn't help feeling nervous.

Xuemeng put down the binoculars and asked, "Who is the person with the dog?"

Nightmare: "Lin Wu." He is the golden retriever. After being resurrected, he met Nightmare and learned that Nightmare was also hanged. He killed them all with a dog.The nightmare told the nightmare of Lin Wu's identity.When the enemy who killed him many times appeared in the binoculars, Nightmare felt guilty for no reason.

Xuemeng was also the person who had been killed by Lin Wu twice, so he had some psychological shadows.Strictly speaking, she still owes Lin Wu a favor. The last time Lin Wu killed her, she didn't lick her bag.Xuemeng said: "I owe him favors, for my sake, let him go."

Nightmare: "Okay."

Xuemeng was puzzled, why did he agree so readily?

At this time, Lin Wu and Maya had already walked to the office building where they were by the side of the street. Maya raised her fist and knelt down: "There is someone."

Lin Wu looked forward. This is the entrance and exit for cars and people in this building. There are 4 passages in total.Two cars and a pedestrian entrance and exit channel have accumulated some construction waste, and only one pedestrian channel has a clean ground.If someone wants to enter the building, they will subconsciously use the clear pedestrian passage.

The two approached the guard booth, and Maya said, "Trip wire."

Lin Wu saw a trip wire at a height of 20 centimeters from the clean pedestrian entrance, Lin Wu said: "If there is someone inside, he has already spotted us."

Maya said: "Not necessarily, maybe it's an alarm setting. They shouldn't be staring at the road all the time, and there is a road behind the building."


Maya looked sideways at the high-rise building: "27 floors, maybe 29 floors with the underground parking lot." It takes a lot of time to run around.

Lin Wu pressed his body against the guard booth, took down the drone and put it on the ground.Although you can't control the drone to fly, you can control the camera of the drone and find the target through the image.

Blood Dream and Nightmare dodged around first, cursing inwardly: Who is the hunter?
Lin Wu searched to no avail, put away the drone and said, "Let's go."

The two walked past the gate, and the two hunters on the 8th floor watched them walk away.Suddenly a red light shone down from the 7th floor of the side building, but Lin Wu was seen sprinting in phantom continuously, and the bullets shot neat and beautiful sparks on the ground behind him.Blood Dream and Nightmare watched the two rush into the building where the hunter was.

The two watched for a long time without any movement, and after a few minutes of waiting, an NPC fell from the 21st floor, and the next second Lin Wu and Xiao Wai appeared at the side of the building and looked down together.After a few minutes, the two of them left the building and continued on the road.

Looking at Lin Wu's back, Nightmare said, "You must kill him. Kill him once outside the dungeon. The skill is too buggy." As a combatant in reality, he cannot accept the anti-physical behavior brought about by the skill.To wash off Lin Wu's skills, he had to kill Lin Wu once.

Xuemeng said: "He has many skills."

"I know." Nightmare put the gun on his shoulder with one hand and asked, "What skills does he have?"

Xuemeng replied: "It's about Nightmare."

"Her? Hehe, it took me 50 points to get her to tell me Lin Wu's identity."

Xuemeng said: "Then spend 500 points."


The excavation site is located on the road outside the urban tunnel. The central area is about 50 meters away from the tunnel to the south. 50 meters to the west was a subway entrance, which has now collapsed. A slope full of sand, stone, bricks and other construction waste leads to the dark deep in the subway.

There are many large tents in the northeast, and many NPCs and scientists wearing hard hats come and go.At the excavation site, a large drilling machine was thrown aside with black smoke, and three groups of two workers used hand drills to break up the road and rocks, and then the excavator put the soil and rocks on the truck to pull away.

Wires extend from the tent rest area in the northeast, and the wires are connected to five ten-meter-high lampstands in the excavation site.The players on the scene held weapons or were on guard near the subway slope, or not far from the entrance of the tunnel. There were as many as four to five hundred people in each regiment.

Before Lin Wu and Maya understood it, they heard a gunshot from the tunnel, and then a female player jumped up excitedly: "I killed it, I killed it."

The inexplicable two first went to see the rules of the excavation site, which stated that there were zombies and mutated creatures hidden in the subway and tunnels. After accepting the task of clearing them, they could earn points by killing zombies and mutated creatures.Points vary depending on the creature destroyed.

In addition, there are exploration missions. In the early stage of excavation, many scientists disappeared. It is said that they either went to the tunnel or the subway.Rescue them, or take back their tokens for great rewards.Special reminder, the human corpses in the tunnels and subways are refreshed 24 hours a day, and they will not rot during this period, so don't enter if you are timid.

Defensive mission: Only at night from 7pm to 5am, the fog will come continuously, and the zombies in the fog will attack and destroy engineering equipment, such as night searchlights, trucks, excavators, etc.Every time you kill a zombie, you will be rewarded with points.

Repair task: There is a mechanical cemetery 300 meters away, which is a mechanical facility destroyed by zombies since the excavation.It takes a long time for ordinary people to repair, and the repair time for players with professional corresponding skills is relatively short.Points are rewarded upon completion of repairs.Reminder: There are occasional zombies in the mechanical cemetery.

Brick-moving tasks: drilling, picking sand and stones, lifting rods, etc.

Players can spend points to rest in the guest room in the tent area, which is an absolutely safe area.The tent area also provides food for a fee.In addition, the tent area also sells some items, such as miner's lights, search sticks, old subway maps, old tunnel maps and so on.

In particular, subways and tunnels have no radiation damage.This is a reminder to avoid worrying that the miner's lamp and the protective clothing cannot be equipped due to overlapping, so that everyone can boldly buy the miner's lamp and enter the dark world for adventure.

Maya went to work first, looked around and went to the tallest dead tree within [-] meters, took out a ribbon from her backpack and tied it on the trunk, Lin Wu asked aside: "What if someone takes the ribbon away?"

"It's unlucky for us." Maya said: "I now hope that they didn't follow the agreement and went to the supply point in area 1 and the excavation point in area 6."

Lin Wu agreed: "Otherwise it means they may be dead."

Maya sighed softly: "Resetting attributes is a trivial matter, after all, it is already the era of firearms. Resetting equipment means that the plan to attack the sawmill in a week may be delayed."

Lin Wu said: "At least to prove that you are right, you once advised them not to carry assault rifles."

Maya stood up and walked back with Lin Wu: "On the contrary, I was wrong and it would be more beneficial to the base. For example, I told you not to eat bracken and pickled vegetables, which will increase the risk of terminal illness. You refute me and say I understand Shit, it's been a diet for thousands of years. After a while you're diagnosed with a terminal illness. Am I right, would you appreciate me for that? No, you'd hate to see me. On the contrary, if you'd been It's okay, there will be no problems between us, maybe you will still miss and thank me for reminding you, although you didn't follow through."

Lin Wu asked: "Aren't you a soldier? You just practice every day. Why do you learn so many messy things?"

"How to practice?" Maya asked back.

Lin Wu spread his hands: "Push-ups, pull-ups, running, carrying logs, rolling in mud, and occasionally shooting."

Maya said: "From the perspective of ancient war history, there are many external factors in the victory or defeat of wars, but the combat effectiveness of soldiers is greatly different because of knowledge. When Qi Jiguang fought against the Japanese in the cold weapon era, his soldiers had very low literacy. There is only one requirement. When the enemy comes with a knife, you should cut back and not run away. Because he knows that soldiers cannot carry out too complicated instructions. In the era of firearms, the use and maintenance of weapons, the coordination of tactics, and the command of the team are all right. Knowledge is required. If you still think of soldiers as muscles, then you are making a big mistake.”

Lin Wu subconsciously glanced at Maya's chest, not knowing what he was thinking that made Maya blush immediately and kicked her.Lin Wu admitted that he had eaten this leg, and his attitude showed that his mind was indeed unhealthy at that moment just now.

Back near the excavation site, Lin Wu asked, "What mission do you take?"

Maya said: "You must want to accept the exploration mission."

"I do not have."

"You have."

Lin Wu looked at Maya, and Maya couldn't help but smile: "I have."

Lin Wu: "You can look ten years younger when you smile."

Maya resumed her expressionless expression, ignoring Lin Wu's words, and said, "It's ten o'clock in the morning. Let's do the exploration mission first. If it goes well, go back to the excavation site and then do the defense mission."

Lin Wu: "Aren't you going to sleep?"

Maya thought for a while: "Explore first, then sleep when you have time."

(End of this chapter)

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