Corrupted Nation.

Chapter 183 Attack

Chapter 183 Attack
Lin Wu turned and left the fork in the road, returned to Maya, and told Maya what he saw.

Maya said: "Do you remember a piece of information during the first expedition? The DNA of green zombies is very different from that of humans. Except for their appearance, they have almost nothing to do with humans. The zombies in the copy are not the zombies in the homeland. The zombies in the homeland are the mutations of humans infected with the virus The zombies here are closer to the aliens cultivated by humans."

"We have obtained a lot of information in the A5 laboratory. They think that the blood heart is a cell. Is there a possibility that the green zombie is actually a cell that divides the blood heart." Maya said: "Take a certain cell as an example, a certain cell theory There are immortal cells above, which can divide infinitely. Normal human cells divide about 50-60 times, and will stop dividing after that. I guess this thing may be a monster from medical research."

Lin Wu asked, "Where's the mutant spider?"

Maya said: "Everything is out of control, and even the mastermind behind the scenes can't know how the future will develop."

Lin Wu said: "By taking advantage of the convenience of building the subway, the bad guys installed countless green devices in the abandoned city, and continuously created green zombies. The long-term effects of green water and radiation caused the spiders to mutate."

"It seems to make sense."

Lin Wu said: "Sister, I always think it's just a game. Whether it's true or not, we should kill spiders to find tokens now." He disagreed with Maya's idea.There is indeed a blood heart in Blue Star's historical records, but it is limited to descriptions. Fortress agents said that they went deep into the epidemic area to obtain serum from the blood heart, and a few photos are also very blurry.What is certain is that the zombie virus does exist, with strong concealment and strong infectivity.

Maya asked: "Did you see the dead body of the scientist along the way?"

Lin Wu replied: "No, but after watching the working process of Lushui, I think some tokens can be found in the pool."

Maya agreed: "The corpse will not be refreshed. We didn't see the corpse. The most likely reason is that the corpse was sent to the pool to dissolve it. But here comes the problem. Since the pool can dissolve the corpse, how can we get the token in the pool?"

Lin Wu looked at Xiaowai: "Let Xiaowai drink up the water in the pool?" Anyway, I can't finish it.

Maya sighed: "It's only a minute of seriousness."

Lin Wu led the way, and Maya followed, and after a while, they met the spider, and the two surrounded the spider.At this time, the spider also found Maya, and thought it approached quietly, stretching out its front claws more than one meter long, as if trying to penetrate Maya's body from the wall.Maya knocks out a magazine at close range.The spider ran away desperately under the bullets, but met a ruthless man and shot his head. Five bullets knocked the spider down from the top. Seeing that the front and rear legs could still move, Maya fired all the bullets.

A dozen or so zombies came from the depths of the tunnel, and the local tyrant Lin Wu immediately wasted bullets and killed them all.The only fly in the ointment is that it uses two magazines.This Maya shook his head, can't you let them get closer before shooting?

Lin Wu looked at the spider's corpse, and a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind: "Chop off its legs."

Maya didn't want to ask, and it was useless to ask.Whenever Lin Wu's brain twitches, he can always come up with a solution, which usually sounds reasonable, but is actually useless.

So Lin Ma carried a 1.5-meter-long spider leg to the pool by herself, and fished it into the pool with the spider leg.

"Is there anything?" Lin Wu asked.

Maya moved the spider's legs and said, "I shouldn't have believed you." The depth of the pool is about 1.2 meters, and it can go to the bottom, but the touch is very poor, and it is impossible to know whether it has touched objects.

Lin Wu looked at Xiaowai: "Xiaowai, touch it."

The poor little Wai touched the green water with his paws, and Lin Wu said, "Hold it." Xiao Wai stood on three legs, holding his left front leg in front of Lin Wu.

After waiting for a while, Lin Wu said, "It seems to be fine."

"Only for corpses?" Maya was not sure. She took out the machete, touched the green water with her left middle finger, and held the machete in her right hand. If she disagreed with her, she would cut off her finger.Waiting for a while is really no problem.Then came the problem, even if there were no safety concerns, Maya didn't really want to dive in it.Because all of this is Lin Wu's idea, and Maya has a deep understanding of how unreliable Lin Wu's ideas are.But the damn thing is that sometimes Lin Wu's ideas at least sound very reliable, and occasionally he can have an inspiration.

Lin Wu looked at Maya: "You don't want me, a little prince, to do such a thing, do you? Being a woman requires responsibility. You are a big woman, what's so scary? You are still not a woman..."

"Shut up, I'll go." Maya took a deep breath and said, "If you can't find the token, I'll throw you in."

"It's disgusting, people don't want to wash your bath water."

Maya, who couldn't stand it anymore, jumped directly into the green water, pinched her nose and got into the green water. After groping for a while, Maya straightened up, holding a gold necklace in her hand.It's annoying, there is really a token.Looking at Lin Wu again, sitting on a rock beside him, gnawing on the barbecue meat he brought into the dungeon from the home game, Lin Wu saw Maya looking at him, and said, "What are you looking at? I have a token on my face? Keep touching it."

Not angry, not angry, as long as he is not angry, he will be angry.

Rings, hip flasks, pipes...

It took Maya 10 minutes to touch the 6 tokens. Just as she was about to leave the pool, the hateful Lin Wu said, "It's all wet, why don't you touch it again? What if it leaks?"

It has to be said that Lin Wu's idea is still reasonable, and Maya is a reasonable person, so she has no choice but to drill down and explore.Do you know what is the most annoying thing?It's not that he didn't touch the token, but that he really found another token, which means that Lin Wu was right.I can't find a reason to get angry.

Maya thought in her heart, when he let herself touch it again, if she didn't touch it, then she could go crazy.

It never occurred to Lin Wu to play cards out of common sense, and said: "Let's go, it seems that there is no stock."

Maya: "Maybe there are more?"

"If you insist." Lin Wu signaled, you can do whatever you want.

Maya came out of the pool without saying a word. There was no difference between the green water and ordinary water, but Maya felt uncomfortable and felt uncomfortable all over. She wanted to take a shower with the waterfall immediately.

The system has a more convenient bathing method, which is to directly dry the green water.Not only green water, but also dandruff, stains, and grease can be brushed dry.

Going deeper, after killing a spider and a dozen zombies, the two decided to return the same way.Because the front is a collapsed subway station, there are seven or eight passages of different sizes.In order to avoid getting lost, we can only give up exploring.

Back to the side of the tunnel, Lin Wu, who put on protective clothing, shouted: "The beautiful woman appears, please don't shoot." It would be too tragic to be killed by mistake.

When the two walked out of the subway entrance, they found that there was no one outside the entrance.Immediately after the sound of gunshots and slashing came from the tunnel, the two turned to the tunnel, and saw countless zombies rushing out of the tunnel, and a large number of players fought with the zombies with melee weapons.Almost no one shot, after all, everyone is not rich.

The players blocked the zombies, but there were a lot of zombies, and the zombies later jumped out of the first row of zombies with a wall of corpses.Fortunately, there were quite a few players, and someone immediately attacked and controlled these zombies.In a one-on-one situation, the player does not suffer a disadvantage when facing zombies with a melee weapon, but has a great advantage because of the blessing of skills and attributes.

Of course, there must be benefits for players to be so conscientious. Every time a zombie is killed, there will be a point.A local tyrant like Lin Wu naturally wouldn't take 1 point in his eyes, but Maya wanted to go. With her swordsmanship, she could cut the two machetes brought into the dungeon here.

It's a pity that more than 2000 players were crowded outside a tunnel, and she couldn't squeeze in a large area.Reluctantly, Lin Wu and Lin Wu could only go to the tent area to prepare for check-in procedures, and then pick up the defense mission at night.

At this moment, two violent explosions came from the entrance of the tunnel. The two ran to a high place to look, and saw the originally crowded players running around and stepping on each other. Many players' protective clothing had been broken, and dozens of people were lying at the entrance of the tunnel. , a large number of zombies rushed out of the tunnel.

Lin Ma glanced at each other and knew that it was the fortress hunter who was causing trouble, but looking around, everyone was wearing protective clothing, so it was impossible to know who was the fortress hunter.Even if they knew, it would be impossible to find each other in such a chaotic scene.

Zombies appeared, and NPCs fled into the tent area one after another. Some players also wanted to enter the tent, but were told that it was full.Lin Wu held Maya's hips and lifted her up, allowing Maya to climb into the bucket raised by the excavator.He himself got into the bucket with agility.

The bucket was 3 meters above the ground, and the two sat in it, watching the zombies rushing away like a tide.Occasionally, some players who want to resist can't form a climate at all. Even if there is a small team to resist, they will soon be swallowed by the tide of corpses because they are surrounded.What's worse, the third explosion blew up among the collapsed players. It was not powerful, but it caused the players to completely lose their fighting spirit.The tunnel is in the south, the subway is in the west, and the players are fleeing in the northeast direction.

After driving away all the players, the zombies did not continue to chase, but instead began to destroy the excavation site, smashing trucks and excavators... Except for the tent area, the equipment in the excavation area was completely poisoned, and even the excavator where Lin Ma was located was also destroyed. Smashed into a scrapped state.Fortunately, the zombies did not intend to disassemble the machine into parts, so that Lin Ma escaped.

After completing the destruction work, the zombies receded into the tunnel like a tide, leaving only a mess.The NPCs in the tent area started to work again. Some NPCs touched the truck and wept silently, while some NPCs sighed again and again, which perfectly conveyed the meaning of the word miserable.

At the same time, a new task will appear in the tent area to collect parts.After accepting the task, you will get a special crowbar for demolition. If you dismantle any detachable facilities, you can get a different number of parts. The parts can be exchanged for points in the tent area.When the collection of parts in the excavation site reaches 100%, each machine will start working again.Before then, the excavation site could not even provide electric lighting.

There is also a large screen in the tent area, which shows that the number of surviving players has suddenly decreased from about 7 to 6.

Lin Wu and Maya opened the room and entered the guest room of the tent: "Even if the two excavation sites are attacked together, it will not cause 1 deaths, right?"

Maya said: "That's right! The explosion caused the stampede, and the tearing caused the protective clothing to rupture. In the incident just now, at least more than 1000 people died at the excavation site where we were. About 3000 people were at the two excavation sites. Including the hunters who have been hunting for a few hours Even if we have 5000 people to kill, there is still a gap of 5000 people.”

Players are divided into two units, one unit for the supply point in area 1 and the excavation point in area 6, and one unit for the supply point in area 4 and the excavation point in area 7.About 20% of the people are at the excavation site, about 40% are doing coolies at the supply point, about 30% are receiving treatment and sleeping at the supply point, and 10% are on the road.

Maya said: "Unless the hunters start to slaughter."


Maya asked: "Do most players only have pistols? There are not many bullets, which are very precious to them. Soon after we entered the dungeon, we obtained a lot of materials from killing and looting, which shows that the points of hunters are very abundant."

At this time, outside the tent, the survivors returned to the excavation site, and everyone talked about the attack just now with lingering fears.It didn't take long for someone to discover a new mission at the excavation site.Just when everyone was bustling to pick up the task.Three players appeared in the open area in the northeast. They were wearing protective clothing, slowly approached the excavation site, and suddenly took out their automatic rifles and began to shoot.

When the gunshots sounded, people panicked. The other two players took out their assault rifles and fired wildly at the people around them. In an instant, the players around them were cut down piece by piece like rice.

After losing hundreds of people, the players are forced by the gunmen to the southwest, which is the tunnel and subway entrance. Five players occupy the middle of the excavation site, use the cover to replace the magazines, and shoot at the crowd 5 meters away.They didn't need to aim at all, and they almost never missed their shots. They only hated that the fire speed of their guns wasn't fast enough.After the bullets tore through the protective clothing, the players were exposed to radiation, and the blood loss from the radiation made the player's protection mechanism fail.Players with full blood are beaten to residual blood, and if they take medicine a little slower, they will ascend to heaven.

The five hunters drove the people to the southwest from the very beginning. They calculated that as long as there was a place to escape, the players would not immediately resist.And there are no bunkers in the southwest direction.

In the face of powerful firepower, the players who were raided were very weak to fight back.After the people crowded together, they couldn't even hold their guns steadily. The people in the front row desperately got into the crowd, making the scene even more chaotic.

There are also players who are brave enough to rush towards the hunter, but the distance of 30 meters makes him die instantly on the spot.

Fortunately, a leader soon appeared among the players, and under his shout, the people rushed towards the hunter together.The hunter immediately retreated while fighting, constantly killing the players who rushed in front of him.But there were too many players, and within a short while the crowd overwhelmed 5 hunters.

Unexpectedly, the hunters' backpacks were full of bombs. When they were thrown down, they pressed the detonation button. Five bombs exploded one after another, shaking the ground.After the huge shock wave swept through, the players either died on the spot, or their blood was seriously injured and their clothes were torn, and they could only wait to die in place, or their protective clothing was riddled with holes.

When it was crazy outside, the guest room tent that paid the points was very quiet.Lin Wu didn't know what was going on outside at all, and retorted Maya: "There are so many players, one person shoots one shot, and 30 hunters can't stand it together."

Maya said: "You forget that people will panic. The players are ordinary people and have never experienced an attack."

Lin Wu had never been attacked in a crowd, so he simulated in his mind, and found that even if he could fight the attacker with a gun, he would be scattered by the fleeing people, so the best way was to run away together.After thinking about it for a while, I always feel that I can fight back in this situation, but I can't think of a good way due to my limited imagination.

Since he couldn't think of it, he didn't want to, Lin Wu said: "Sleep, there is still a defense task at night."

(End of this chapter)

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