Corrupted Nation.

Chapter 185 Truce

Chapter 185 Truce
The shouts of killing in the library were deafening, gradually weakened, and finally there was no sound at all.The mist began to move, and they divided into three strands, one continued to move forward, the other turned back, and the third drifted towards the river bed westward.Standing on the edge of the rope, Lin Wu stretched out his hand to guide everyone to crawl over the eaves and send them to the rope.Everyone including Xiaowai returned safely to the third floor. Lin Wu grabbed the rope and was about to slide down. A sinister bullet flew from the darkness and hit Lin Wu.Lin Wu loosened his hands, and all the bullets that came after him missed.Lin Wu grabbed the rope again and fell to the ground on the first floor.

Before everyone went downstairs to check, Lin Wu had already completed the hospitalization procedures and was lying on the hospital bed, receiving treatment from the NPC.Maya breathed a sigh of relief: "Can't you buy a gold card with so many points?"

Lin Wu shook his head: "I kill a talent for 200, and a gold card costs 300."

Huo Wu said: "The gold card has been upgraded to 500 points." The big screen explained that because the gold card sales exceeded expectations, the value of the gold card was increased to 500 points.The resurrection card is still 200 points, which means that few people buy the resurrection card.You can guess with your ass, the hunters must be the bastards who buy gold cards in large quantities.

Additionally, the price of Assault Rifles, Assault Rifle Bullets, and Bombs are all doubled, the two most commonly used weapons by hunters.

Many players who went out to avoid the fog returned to the library one after another, and the library was bustling again, as if nothing had happened just now.Maya looked at the crowd and found that many people hadn't taken off their protective clothing, so it was impossible to know who the hunter was.The increase in the price of gold cards is beneficial to players, which means that hunters will not perish with a small number of players.As the number of players decreases, the difficulty for hunters to obtain points will rise linearly.

When Maya returned to the ward, the people from the Spark Base had already left. Maya said, "We have to stay for two days." She expressed her opinion.

Peanut agreed and made his own suggestion: "Stay at the library supply point during the day, at least you have to stay here tomorrow, maybe there are other surviving partners who will find here."

Maya nodded: "The library is not safe at night, and the excavation site will also be attacked by fog at night."

Lin Wu said: "It's better to retreat to the subway passage of the excavation site. We have night vision goggles, and the zombies and monsters inside are very low in strength. You can also earn some points by the way."

Maya said: "I believe that hunters will not hunt in subways and tunnels. But today, there are countless zombies pouring out of the tunnels. What if there are also hordes of corpses in the subway?"

Lin Wu thought for a long time: "It seems that there is no completely safe place."


Maya took out the map and looked at it for a while: "It only takes half an hour for us to enter Zone 3. In order to avoid the fog at night, we need to find a high point. Signal towers, high-rise rooftops are fine. We will start tomorrow evening." The sight was traded to Peanut, and I went downstairs to buy a new one. I had to do it quickly, lest the price would rise later.

Maya met Xinghuo at the commodity purchase place on the second floor, and Maya did not invite them to join the team during the conversation between the two.Xinghuo and the three of them were having some disputes about whether to go back to Rizhao.Maya didn't give Xinghuo any advice. She thought that no matter if Rizhao detonated the bomb and killed the hunter, or he didn't wait for the hunter at the excavation site, he would go back to the library by himself.Judging from the current situation, only people like Lin Wu are qualified to rescue others, and other people going out will only increase the risk of being killed.

It is conceivable that the resurrected hunters will definitely stare at the area from the supply point to the digging point.


On the morning of the third day of the dungeon, after a day and a half of slaughter, the number of players had dropped to 3.However, half of the deaths of the players had nothing to do with the hunters. The causes of death included starvation, zombies, or being injured outdoors, or the protective clothing was broken.

Due to the destruction of the excavation site in Area 7 and the presence of hunters, almost all players in this area gathered in the library.Many people choose to do protected brick-moving tasks to earn some points.But a place with many players is a favorite place for hunters.From 4:[-] am to [-]:[-] am, four explosions occurred outside the library, and dozens of people were taken away by each explosion.

Players lack unified management and cannot fight against this situation. More people hide in the safe area of ​​the library and do not go out.The fact is also true, there are many snipers ambushing around the library, and players who leave the safe zone are easily killed by snipers.Once it's night, the hunters will mix into the library as players, and attack the people in the library indiscriminately when the fog is coming.

It has to be said that Lin Wu is still very envious of the mission of the fortress agent, not to mention earning points quickly, and the behavior of bullying less and more is very fulfilling.

As a supply point, the library certainly cannot accommodate ten thousand people.That's okay, the interior of the library can be expanded, adding rooms, adding space.But even so, the library is still very crowded.

After purchasing all the supplies and having a free dinner at [-] pm, Lin Wu, three of them and one dog left the library through the back door.There are many players who leave with them, and their purpose is to go out to avoid disaster.During the period, someone was shot, and Lin Wu, who was sneaking, fought back and hit Nightmare. Although he didn't get a headshot, Nightmare who was guarding the back door was afraid to show up for the time being.Three people and one dog took the opportunity to escape, and after a while, darkness enveloped the entire land, only the light from the library could be seen.

The fog in the distance is slowly approaching, the hunters are ready to move, and there will be another massacre in the library.


The foothold is a signal tower on the edge of the factory area in District 3. This signal tower is crumbling. When climbing up, it keeps making creaking sounds.Maya went first, carefully inspected the overall pillars, and thought that the main structure was complete, so Lin Wu carried Xiaowai and Peanut to the signal tower maintenance area.

Not long after they settled down, fog appeared in the southeast and southwest directions, and the two fogs gathered and spread out to the surrounding area.Peanut mentioned something that the two didn't want to mention: "They should be more evil than good."

Lin Wu objected: "Auspicious people have their own appearance. If they are really dead, I will tell them later that you cursed them to death."

Peanut chuckled, feeling relieved: "If the players can unite, they can resist the hunters."

Maya said: "Unity is easy, but it is very difficult. The player's wish is not to die. If someone unites the players, who will rush to the front when facing danger? For example, the nightmare is sniping from a book [-] meters away. People who come out of the pavilion, players can swarm up and force Nightmare to escape from the sniper point."

Maya: "But who rushes ahead? With a distance of [-] meters and obstacles on the road, Nightmare has time to kill three or five people. More situations are what we encountered at the excavation site. Facing the threat of death, the people in the front row went crazy Squeeze in the back. Only when they knew that they would die if they didn't resist, did they rush out together."

Maya: "Let's not talk about strangers. Even if you ask a member of the base to die, the other party will hesitate. We often encounter similar things in society. A thief is stealing things, and no one dares to speak up. But once someone stands up, it will be very big. There is a probability that other people will stand up. The difficulty is the first person. And the person who can unite the players will not be the first to rush out."

Peanut asked, "Is there any way?"

"Heavy rewards are an effective means." Maya said: "Giving material rewards for acts of righteousness, it is best to ask the other party not to donate, but to ask for it. In this way, people are given the conditions to fully act bravely. If we tell the players , everyone rush out, anyone who dies outside the dungeon can get an assault rifle, I believe many people will rush out fearlessly."

Of course it doesn't work in practice. First, there are not so many guns, and second, people don't believe it.At this time, a group with financial resources and credibility is needed to do this. This is not something that can be solved by raising one's arms alone.

Eating, taking turns to watch the night, one night passed.

On the fourth day of the dungeon, three people and one dog continued to nest on the signal tower. They didn't come down from the signal tower until the morning of the fifth day of the dungeon. They planned to go back to the library to check the number of surviving players before making further plans.Time waits for no one, only the last three days. It is dangerous to line up with hunters, but wealth is in danger.Without the interference of a huge number of players, it is still unknown who hunts who.


There are still players in the library, but the crowded scene like the previous vegetable market has long since disappeared.Look at the players here, either in a group of five or in a group of seven, they all act as a team, and they don't easily communicate with the outside world.Judging from the weapons they carried, at least half of them were equipped with automatic rifles.Lin Wu even found out that there was a girl who had the same scout drone as himself.Come forward to communicate and learn that the other party is a drone made from hacking skills.

This surprised Lin Wu very much. He knew that a lot of materials were needed to make a drone.

With a common language, the two groups chatted.This group of 5 people came from a legion under the jurisdiction of Beicheng, 15 kilometers away from Future City.The Legion has 15 official members and is divided into 3 bases, namely the Red Legion, Orange Legion and Yellow Legion. The bases of the three legions are divided into triangles to form a large base. After 15 people went through the dungeon for a few days, only 5 survived, and they also killed 3 hunters during the firefight.

The deputy commander of the Yellow Legion is the current commander of the team. He sincerely invites Shadow Base to send people to inspect their base and consider their proposal to set up a new legion.After listening to the other party's explanation, Maya agreed with the legion model in her heart, and said that she would definitely consider the other party's proposal seriously.

Legion Mode Threshold: Have a certain strength.There are no specific requirements for morality, but there are courts within the Legion.You can be a pervert, but if you do perverted things and violate the laws of the Legion, you must be judged.Except for the Corps of Defendants and the Corps of Victims, the other members are jurors who decide whether the defendant is guilty or not.Its structure is not modern law, but closer to a management system combining modern law and tribes.

In addition, each legion commander takes turns to be the head of the legion on duty, responsible for handling cross-legion government affairs. At present, there are three professionals in the legion who are still further improving the rules of the legion. They hope to make the legion a human homeland in the home game.

From the mouth of the legion, I learned that the hunters have become more and more arrogant in the past two days, and the original assassination with tricks has changed to firepower.They not only ambush players, but also rely on advanced weapons and abundant bullets to match players in the wild.Although there are many capable players among the players, even if they can survive an attack, most of the bullets are used up, which leads to the rapid depletion of their resources.

The 5 members of the Legion each have an assault rifle, 3 of which were obtained from their dead comrades. The 5 members only have 40 rounds of ammunition left. They are discussing how to deal with the current situation.The Legion also explained that due to the sudden drop in the number of players, the strength of the remaining players is on the average line, and the record of the hunters is getting worse and worse.

There are currently 7500 surviving players, and only 10 died during the half an hour of communication between Shadow and Legion.Of course, this does not fully explain the problem. It is possible that the hunters did not make a move, and these 10 people just died from the zombie attack.

Separated from the legion, after purchasing supplies, Maya said her plan, so the three left through the back door.Under Lin Wu's investigation, the three of them made a big circle and arrived at a complex of buildings about [-] meters in front of the library.Never expected to bump into the player team here first.

The two groups shot each other a few times, and when Lin Wu walked around and was about to kill him, the other party asked, "Who are you?"

"Player." Maya also felt something was wrong: "Ordinary player."

"So are we, Nancheng Pistachio."

Maya said: "Go north to the town of shadows."

The other party corrected: "Nancheng Nanxia town pistachio."

After meeting and chatting, the two sides found out that there were 3 player teams nearby, and they joined together and mixed into this building complex, with the purpose of ambush hunters.There was an exchange of fire yesterday afternoon, and after the opponent retreated actively, no trace of the hunter was found.

As Maya predicted, after a few days of elimination, the remaining players not only had the ability to survive, but also began to group together to hunt down the hunters.Not to mention the sudden increase in the hunting difficulty of the hunters, the price they paid for their attacks was no longer proportional to the harvest.Assuming that every time a hunter kills 10 people, the loss of one death can be recovered, then the previous few days are of course a profit.But now, it is difficult for a hunter to replace 10 players with one life.

The disadvantage of fortress hunters is skills, and the advantage of surviving players is skills.The advantage of fortress hunters is weapons and equipment, but under the deduction of skills, they may not have much advantage.

Maya declined the other party's invitation, and went to the excavation site with Lin Wu and Peanut to carry out Plan B.

But Plan B quickly ran aground, as seven player teams crouched near the excavation site to guard the hunters.They had a shootout with the hunter two hours ago, and they killed two people. An NPC hunter and a player hunter were killed by them.They also provided their own findings that the player hunters were unrecognizable after wearing protective clothing, but their shoes were all leather boots of the same style.They can be identified as Fort Hunters by their shoes, which is why they were able to strike first in this morning's battle.

With their protection, the number of players doing quests in the excavation site began to increase, and everyone took a demolition crowbar to search for parts in nearby buildings.And they also become bait while working, attracting hunters to attack.The vicinity of the excavation site has become a cat and mouse game scene.

(End of this chapter)

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