Chapter 198
This discovery replenished the Gasoline Pack and Medical Kit to the Shadow Base.But this is just the beginning. After all, people are called warehouses on the map, and the truly valuable items should be on the first floor.

The main entrance of the warehouse is a gate for heavy trucks to enter. The layout inside is very simple, with a 10-meter-wide road in the middle and cargo warehouses on both sides.On the 10-meter-wide road, there are many vehicles and machinery, mainly common trucks and forklifts.There are two large rolling doors on the left and right warehouses, through which you can enter the warehouse.

In the conference room on the second floor, Maya looked at the paper fire map on the table and the information provided by scout Lin Wu, and got a general understanding of the outline of the warehouse.

Shana stood on the side, pointed at the map and said: "At the end of the road is the car wash, there should be a small door here. Let's go down at the end of the corridor on the second floor to check the car wash and see if it can be used."

After a day of hard work, the number of zombies in the corridor on the second floor has been greatly reduced.Shadow players work in groups of two or three to clean up the zombies and supplies in each room.Seeing that the search work on the second floor was proceeding in an orderly manner, the two deputy commanders fixed their eyes on the first floor.

Maya said: "This is an open area. Because we are indoors, our sentries cannot provide fire support. I think there are a lot of zombies in the warehouse area. The best way to take down the warehouse area is to build sub-bases. I agree with you From the perspective, we can choose to occupy the car wash at the rear and the guard booth at the head."

While talking, Lin Wu, who was on the first floor for investigation, returned to the meeting room and reported to the two commanders: "There are a lot of road zombies in the warehouse, and no Big Mac was found."

Maya nodded: "As we guessed, under normal circumstances the Big Mac will not appear in the building."

Lin Wu: "I disagree."

Maya said, "Under normal circumstances."

Lin Wu: "Last time, a Big Mac was installed in the supermarket base."

Shana said on the side: "A place with you will not be a normal place."

Lin Wu was speechless.

Maya said, "Continue."

Lin Wu said: "There are large warehouses on both sides of the ten-meter road, and there are two gates on the left and right of the large warehouses. The four gates are either damaged or destroyed, and there are places where you can enter and exit."

Maya: "You reported last time."

Lin Wu pointed at the warehouse on the fire map: "There must be more than one night devil."

"Oh?" The two women looked down at the firefighting map.

The main entrance of the warehouse on the first floor is open. During the day, the 10-meter-wide road is very bright in the first half, while the second half is relatively dark.In the absence of lighting, the large warehouses on both sides must be dark.

Lin Wu added: "I walked half a circle around the outer walls of the two large warehouses and found that there are only a few holes for ventilation at the top. There are no windows or small doors."

"The warehouse is 15 meters high and covers an area of ​​tens of thousands of square meters. No matter it is day or night, it is in darkness." Shana looked at Lin Wu: "Are you sure there is a night demon?"

Lin Wu nodded.

Shana said: "There are night demons that can't fight."

Maya said: "Any place where there are night devils hides unique secrets and rich resources."

Lin Wu persuaded: "I can't beat it." Lin Wu knew the strength of Yemo very well.At present, there is a shortage of shadow bullets, and it is very dangerous for players to enter a dark place where they do not know how many night devils are hiding. "

Maya said: "It's definitely not possible to fight normally, but we can set up a safe zone by building sub-bases, and use the rule of infinite bullets to reduce the density of zombies."

Shana objected: "The sentry post is usually 15 meters high, and the first floor of the warehouse is 15 meters high. No matter occupying the car wash or the guard booth, it is impossible to set up a sentry." Reduce threat value.If a sentry cannot be built, there will be no sentry on duty.With a layer of zombie density and lack of strong sentinel firepower, it is difficult to quickly reduce the zombie density.

Maya didn't contradict Shanna because she knew she was right.Under normal circumstances, Maya would temporarily give up the first floor of the warehouse, but the existence of Night Demon made Maya interested in the warehouse.How to do it?Of course, Maya would not storm the warehouse. After all, in the dark, even Lin Wu might not be able to defeat Night Demon.

Lin Wu came up with a bad idea: "Put a bomb on the second floor and blow up the roof of the warehouse on the first floor."

It's a good idea, but requires bombs.Ammo packs are needed to make a bomb, and lots and lots and lots of ammo packs are needed to get the job done.

Shana remembered one thing: "Lin Wu and I went to the high mountain checkpoint once. We speculated that if we can occupy it as an outpost, it might provide firepower. The checkpoint has two large-caliber howitzers."

"is it?"

Shana said: "Not sure. But it wouldn't be meaningless to put two brand-new howitzers in the deep mountains and old forests, would it? There are also instructions in the outpost card, occupying certain key facilities, and the facilities can provide fire support."

Maya weighed in for a long time: "Lin Wu, go and see if there are any facilities, terrain or other things that can be used."

Ten minutes later, Lin Wu's voice came from the headset: "I killed a night devil."

Before Maya asked about the situation, Lin Wu's voice came again: "Cuiyu, the patient is dying, hurry back to the base infirmary."

Maya asked, "Are you hurt?"

"I was bitten." Lin Wu added: "It's impossible to guard against, and I'll take revenge later." After one bite, there was heavy bleeding, and he had to fight back to the base with bandages and painkillers.Fortunately, the base is next door, otherwise it's hard to say whether they can survive.

Lin Wu: "I suggest you retreat quickly, the sun is about to set."

Maya walked to the window and took a look, guessing that there would be 10 minutes before sunset, and ordered: "Everyone stop working, gather in the meeting room, and prepare to evacuate."

Horse Soul: "The barbecue is waiting for you to come back."


In the two days since the establishment of the main base, everyone has not had much rest. They are all trying to find ways to broaden the means of resource acquisition, and have gone through many attempts.Tonight, good wine is poured, and everyone eats and drinks heartily around the grill.

Ma Hun found a flat long stone slab, and set fire to it under the slate. The marinated meat slices were placed on the slate, and there was a sizzling sound, which made people move their index fingers.

The oldest stone is only 37, barely considered a young man.After the atmosphere came up, Peanut first performed a talk show for everyone, which received everyone's applause.Su Shi performed magic tricks for everyone. Although Lin Wu discovered the flaw, he didn't tell the truth, and he also received applause and whistles.

A group of people started playing tavern games, guessing dice, guessing punches, and even played zombie killing invented by a knife.

This is a zombie tribe, in which two human beings hide in the tribe as zombies, and the elimination of the two human zombies wins.

Players who have obtained the status of blasting can die with a player at any time.The vote of the player who got the scream status is invalid, and he can revive an out player at night during the whole game.

The Big Mac player is the most violent, and any player who votes for him during the day will die at night.

There are two Kuang Meng cards, one positive and one pair, and the two can exchange identity cards at night. If the positive card is voted or killed, both of them will be out of the game.If the secondary card is killed, it will not die.

Human players also have many identities.

The stone card, after the flop, can guarantee that he will not die in two rounds. If he is the only human left, he will die immediately.

Lin Wuka can kill two zombies every night.

A small knife card, the holder is out or dies, and can take away a zombie.

The Emerald Feather card will not be cast after the flop, nor will it die.Unless it's the last human.

Horse soul card, which can resist one exile.

Mayaka, in addition to killing zombies with humans every night, can also check the identity of a zombie.

Shanaka, when voting for exile during the day, she will be exiled if she gets one vote, and will not be exiled if she gets more than one vote.

Su Shika can marry a zombie at night, forcing it to become a human, and the zombie gets a human card.

Peanut card, the only ordinary human card, the reason is that Xiaodao hasn't figured it out yet.

Gradually, everyone was a little tired, or looked up at the bright moon, or washed their stinky feet by the river, or fed Xiaowai with wine, or continued to eat barbecue.

The moon is like a jade plate, shining light on the earth and lighting up the sky.Looking at the bright moon, everyone can't help but think of their hometown.Lin Wu took a plate of barbecue and lay down on the big log in the west parking lot. While eating the barbecue and drinking black tea, he looked at the moon and a white cloud near the moon.

Xiaowai lay quietly on the log next to Lin Wu.Lin Wu looked at Xiaowai: "What do you think? You really want to hang out with me for a year and a half. After the game is over, you will be gone. I am happy to be gone. Where can I find one that won't shed hair? How about an obedient dog who doesn’t need to eat instead of you?”

Lin Wu turned his head and continued to look at the sky: "Isn't it true that people are like this, no matter how much you like, there will be a day of difference. We must cherish every day and live a happy life." After speaking, he stretched out his fist: "Fist."

Xiao Wai stretched out his foreleg and punched Lin Wu.Lin Wuxiao, with this ability, it is impossible for him to find a substitute for Xiaowai.In the game, if Xiaowai dies, you will respect him, if you respect him, you will respect him, and if you respect him, you will have Chongwai.But what about after the game?Why don't you die and say goodbye to Xiaowai before the game ends.

strangeness?Why am I a little melancholy and sentimental today?It seems that I still miss home, blue star, friends, and even the milk tea shop I frequent.I just don't want to admit it.

The stone ruined Lin Wu's sentimentality: "Then who, someone is looking for you."

Although no name was called, even though there were ten people in the base, the strange Lin Wu knew he was being called.When you have been in close contact with a person for a long time, you don't need to mention the name at all, just talk directly, and the other person will know that you are talking to him.

Lin Wu came to the command post in all doubts, picked up the walkie-talkie: "Who?"



Nightmare: "Someone here wants to kill you, I want half of it."

Lin Wu: "I can't even get out, and I don't believe anyone can come in."

Nightmare: "We already know you are at the sawmill. There is a signal tower 300 meters west of the sawmill. There is a bicycle rental shop by the river near the signal tower. That is our temporary base. [-] am to [-] pm At midnight, two gunmen are working on the signal tower. There is only one chance in three days, and I will not be at work tomorrow."

Lin Wu: "You don't cheat me, do you?"

Nightmare: "Think for yourself, I want half."

Lin Wu: "Why should I share half with you?"

Nightmare: "That's it, goodbye."

Lin Wu walked out of the factory area, leaned against the wall and looked at the signal tower, and strolled to the sentry tower, where Maya was taking over.Lin Wu sat on a chair and explained the situation.Maya took her eyes off the scope, closed her gun and sat down beside Lin Wu, thinking for a long time: "Eight o'clock in the morning is the opportunity to assassinate. It is very difficult for you to sneak near the signal tower at eight o'clock in the evening without being detected."

Maya said: "You squat to guard the top of the signal tower, and I guard the bottom of the signal tower."

Lin Wu asked: "Are you going too?"

"Of course." Maya glanced at Lin Wu and explained, "Big deal."

Lin Wu asked: "Do you believe in nightmares?"

Maya said: "Nightmare doesn't like you, but she doesn't hate you that much. It has been proved in many cooperations that she is a trustworthy person."

Lin Wu said: "But she betrayed her companion."

"The system is different." Maya explained: "Unless there is a whole group of Bastion agents, there is no trust at all. If her companion kills her in the name of cooperation, neither she nor I will feel strange. In addition, even if There's some truth in your suspicions, and you'll go anyway."

Lin Wu understood: "You are not sure, so you have to go with me."

Maya did not retort: ​​"If you want to go, you must believe in the nightmare. You don't need to be suspicious, but you don't need to be suspicious. If you doubt the nightmare, then you don't go, otherwise you will not be happy at both ends, and you may make mistakes in the assassination due to trust issues. I Situations where nightmares are not to be trusted will be addressed and resolved as best they can."

Maya said: "In my personal opinion, Nightmare can only win if we cooperate with us. Her accomplice should be Nightmare. In addition to fearing your attributes and skills, Nightmare should also be worried about Nightmare working with our shadows on missions. Nightmare will kill you. Doesn't make sense because you didn't list her as an enemy."

Lin Wu nodded: "My death won't do Nightmare much good. On the contrary, when she encounters difficult tasks in the future, she won't be able to find anyone she can trust to help her."

Maya said: "Go to sleep, wake up and go."


At 3 o'clock in the morning, after the preparations were completed, the two raised their hands to greet Peanut on the sentry post, left through the back door, and headed west along the river.The river channel is a relatively special road. There is no corpse tide, and the number of zombies is small, but the traveling speed is slower and it is easy to make water noise.

Maya taught Lin Wu how to walk in the water, such as not being able to pick up the feet, and when stepping on the heel first, and stepping on the other foot after the step is firm.If they meet a Big Mac, the two will find a way to avoid it, and have experienced some episodes during the period.In just 400 meters, the two walked for an hour.

When he arrived nearby, Lin Wu made an investigation and confirmed that the situation of the signal tower and the temporary base mentioned by Nightmare was true.Maya and Lin Wu made another plan. She will stay by the bridge 50 meters away from the signal tower, which is 20 meters away from the safety zone on the left side of the temporary base.If there is a fish that slips through the net, it will inevitably flee to the temporary base.There is no technical content in Lin Wu's work, just squat on the signal tower.

If the nightmare deceives Lin Wu, Maya will be in danger.But Maya doesn't care about this, she is willing to pay for her wrong judgment.

Even if Maya said so, Lin Wu was still very careful in sneaking.He had already searched the surrounding area with drones, but found no ambushes.The temporary base is protected by the system, and the information in it cannot be obtained.Lin Wu is still very confident, as long as he doesn't step into the trap, it will not be easy for others to plot against him.

Arriving safely under the signal tower, Lin Wu climbed up the ladder and soon arrived at the maintenance area.The signal tower is a special building provided by the system to the player, and its purpose is to allow the player to overlook the overall situation.Lin Wu checked the surrounding buildings with a binoculars, then lay down on the ground and stared at the temporary base.

The temporary base is a bicycle rental shop. There are two building units. One building unit has its shutter door closed, and the other building unit has its shutter door open. There is a system bonfire. Obviously, this is the living room of the base.

After waiting quietly for an hour, Maya encountered some minor problems. Fortunately, she was alert enough and held a silent crossbow to deal with the minor crisis.She also moved her position according to the movement of nearby zombies to make herself safer, and she also disguised herself.

Looking down from above, Lin Wu could only see a patch of uneven grass, which could only be discovered when Maya moved.Maya picked up a piece of turf with her hands and lay down on the ground, covering her whole body with vegetation, leaving only a slit for her eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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