Corrupted Nation.

Chapter 208 Treasure Hunt

Chapter 208 Treasure Hunt
The first one to appear was the Peanuts Cinema. At the beginning, Peanuts explained the entertainment connotation of the movie theater in a serious manner, and soon began to introduce the movie classification system in the 21st century with a wretched expression.In principle, all movies can be played in countries with a rating system, but because of the different content, the audience is restricted.What is the subtext, except for the knife, everyone understands, otherwise no one would throw garbage at peanuts.

Of course the knife is also thrown, although I don't know why.

Xuedan appeared on behalf of Xiaodao, and first stated that this is a positive energy game and must not be discredited by some people. Even if the law allows it, even if the facts exist, it cannot exist here.Then Xuedan promoted the hot springs, mainly starting from the place to relax the body and mind, and by the way, coffee and black tea culture, trying to add points to the hot springs.

Su Shi shows the charm of beach leisure, where he can surf, swim, sunbathe, and lie on the sand without doing anything.This is clearly the ticket for Lalin Fog.Xuedan asked, are there any creatures in the sea?Can you catch the sea?Is the bay bigger than the pool?A series of questions caught Su Shi by surprise.

Maya takes knowledge as a link, which means that people need the influence of knowledge and the irrigation of culture.Due to the lack of Mayan words, Lin Wu temporarily helped with examples.A cultured person sees a waterfall: it flows down three thousand feet, an uneducated person sees a waterfall: wow, rags.Everyone recognized Lin Wu's example and applauded.

Shanna derived love from tennis, and frantically pulled tickets for Knife and Xuedan.The cultures in different districts of Blue Star are different. Some people think that eating, drinking and having fun is entertainment.Some people think sports are entertainment.Some people think that staying at home is entertainment.Some people think that love is the best entertainment.And stones like to wash their feet and sing.

Lin Wu thinks that eating is entertainment, but because there is no such proposition, he thinks everything else is good.

The horse soul who appeared last gave the most pale speech. What shooting range do you want?There are many zombies outside, and there is still a guard post that remains vacant.

After the speeches, everyone scored the six items.After sorting out the calculations, Shitou said: "Everyone strives to be good young people, so the lowest ranking is the movie theater, with 0 points."

Everyone applauded and expressed appreciation for the moral sentiments of others.

Shitou said: "The third place is the training room."

Maya sighed and shook her head, accepting the result.

Shitou said: "The second place is hot springs, with a total score of 2.5."

Lin Wu asked for credit: "Xiaodao, I voted 0.6 points for you."

Xiaodao pretended to be wronged and nodded.Something doesn't feel right.Um?Xiaodao looked at Xuedan beside him, Xuedan Lushan Waterfall Khan: "Who is No.1?"

"Yo!" Watching the excitement and not afraid of big things, the crowd booed, and Ma Hun made up his sword: "I gave 0.1 points to the hot spring."

Shana said: "I also gave 0.1."

Xuedan laughed loudly: "Everyone is really good at joking. Shitou, who is No.1?"

The little knife tilted to one side: "Hmph."

Stone said: "No.1 is a beach with rich fish and shellfish resources, with a score of 4.5."

Everyone applauds, relatively speaking, the beach dungeon is a relatively acceptable facility.

Shitou said: "It's up to you whether you can eat fish in the future."

There are several types of beaches. The resource beaches mentioned by the stone belong to pastures and farm-type output buildings.Occupying a large grid requires the most materials.The beach proposed by Su Shi is a leisure beach with a small lattice, which can be used for surfing, diving, sunbathing and swimming.

Su Shi immediately protested: "Little grid beach."

Shitou said, "You didn't say that." Resource Beach does not provide windsurfing, sailing boats, diving equipment, beach chairs, etc., and there are no free drinks.

Previously there was no beach in this building unit.It is now the third season of the game. Due to the characteristics of winter, many players have mental problems, and many players are forced to leave the game to recuperate.For this reason, Suguang specially launched the beach building, the small grid beach is a pure welfare leisure building.

Lin Wu said at the same time: "Su Shi, you are an engineer, you can make the equipment yourself."

Shitou said: "That's right, catching fish is also entertainment."

"Cut!" Everyone responded disdainfully.Going fishing in the sea and going fishing in the sea for survival are completely different things.

The scores of other projects are very low, which indirectly shows that everyone is against the construction of those projects. After the stone pointed out tactfully, everyone can accept the decision of Resource Beach.

In addition to a large amount of building materials, the resource beach also needs ten kinds of seafood, regardless of life, death, dryness or wetness.Seaweed is fine, pearl necklace is also fine, basically there is no problem.

Eat and drink, and when the hour arrives, Shitou is on duty, and everyone goes to bed.Tomorrow, Xuedan will stay on duty, and the other 7 people will leave for Zuoxian Hotel at 7:34 am to do the [-]th floor mission.


On the second day, there was a little incident on the way to Zuo County Hotel.In Sewer No. 99, Peanut and Horse Soul were criticized by Maya for ignoring discipline, which made both of them a little embarrassed.On the other hand, the naughty Lin Wu has always followed the rules set by Maya, trying not to speak as much as possible, and checking every fork in the road.Perhaps it was Lin Wu's accumulated experience from being attacked countless times.However, Lin Wu has never been a person who breaks the rules. If he has an opinion on the rules, he will definitely raise it, and if he has no opinion, he will definitely abide by it.

He is lazy, he is loose, but he is serious and serious.

Maya wasn't looking to make friends, she was doing her job.Although this matter could have been handled in a better way, she preferred to choose a more effective way of handling it.

On the rooftop of the Zuoxian Hotel, the broken helicopter was still there, and a dozen soldier zombies and two sun devils were refreshed.After searching by Lin Wu's drone, it was confirmed that the zombies were playing in groups. The group ignored them and pried open the refreshed elevator door again and went down to the 34th floor.

Team No. 1, Lin Wu, entered the 34th floor, and the system prompted the team: The treasure hunt mission started, and the time limit was 5 hours.Although I know that 5 hours is plenty of time, I still feel nervous when I see the countdown in the upper left corner.

There are only a few rooms on the 35th floor, and 34 rooms on the 17th floor, but the rooms are not small. Some luxury suites are over 34 square meters in size. The rooms on the 34th floor are opened on the left and right sides, with some entertainment facilities in the middle.Among them are gymnasium, video game room, children's amusement facilities, etc., which are provided free of charge to residents on the [-]th floor.There are no doors for entertainment facilities, and all facilities are fully open.

There are a lot of zombies, but the density is not high. The clothes, height, weight, etc. of all the zombies are not uniform, which means that they are individual people, not zombies produced in batches.This situation has brought a lot of impact to the players. Originally, everyone treated the zombies as robots. Seeing these zombies, the idea that they were once human came to mind.

Looking at the head waiter in her 40s, even a heartless person like Lin Wu can read some of her pre-life information.An ordinary job, neither rich nor poor, maybe a few kids.

This kind of thinking makes it difficult for players to make a move, but they still have to make a move.

Peanut knocked down a man in a blue suit and complained: "Why design independent and different people?" From the man in the suit, it can be inferred that he is an intermediary or manager, and he came here to discuss business with someone.Even his humility in the environment can be seen.

Lin Wu had killed NPCs that were different from zombies a long time ago, and he found a legitimate and comforting excuse for himself: NPCs are used to level up treasures and gain experience.Therefore, although there are some ideas, it is still very neat to start.

Seeing that everyone is almost the same, although they all feel something, zombies are zombies after all.After dealing with the zombies near the service desk, Maya asked: "Did you touch the room card?" What is special about the mission area: Zombies will not be refreshed during the mission time, and zombie corpses will not be refreshed.

"Get a mobile phone." Xiaodao unlocked it with the fingerprint of the dead female zombie, and then turned the phone to the zombie's face and unlocked the screen.Xiaodao said: "Technology in the 21st century is still possible, completely ignoring dark circles and hideous expressions."

"I'm mentally prepared. I know that many items on the mission have information related to jewelry." Maya took the phone, which only saved a social software chat record. It was a female zombie chatting with her boyfriend.The female zombie said that she saw a female star and took a photo with the female star.Others are the content of her chat with her boyfriend.During the period, he also uploaded a group photo of himself and the female star.

Lin Wu stretched out her head to see that she was a female celebrity in her 40s with short hair. She looked in her 40s, maybe she was in her 50s, right?Very temperamental, it looks like a capable type.Lin Wu said: "I didn't see the necklace."

Shana admired: "My idea of ​​looking at the photos is to determine the appearance of the female celebrity, find out the information of the female celebrity's room number, and collect information about the people around the female celebrity. But you can immediately find that she is not wearing a necklace. Please, she is wearing a turtleneck sweater, How can you tell that someone is not wearing a necklace?"

Lin Wu raised the bar: "I said I didn't see the necklace, and I didn't say I didn't wear the necklace."

Shana stretched her head to ignore him, pointed to the photo and said, "It should be in the second half, near the window at the end, next to the pool table."

Xiaodao looked at the fire evacuation map at the service desk: "There is a pool table at the end."

Maya looked at the left and right passages for a while, estimating the number of zombies: "Knife and I go, others touch the corpse, don't miss any items and information, touch the corpse and put it on the corpse for easy identification." Knife Archery and Maya The crossbow is a weapon that kills silently.Considering that this is the first system task for Shadow, Maya wants to be safe and would rather waste some more time.


"Blue Ocean Brokerage Company."

Maya took the business card, and the agent's zombie was located outside Room 17. Maya greeted: "Lin Wu, pick the lock."

Lin Wu came over and carefully looked at the electronic lock for 5 seconds: "Are you serious?"

Maya asked, "Can't you pry?"


Maya looked around in doubt, the zombies outside were basically clear, why is there no key?Maya and Shana talked a few words, Shana went to the service desk to search for information, and Maya led people to look for zombies that might be hiding.

Lin Wu leaned against the wall, imitating the movie, took out a pistol and held it up, then turned around and showed a driver's license to the door: "Shadow Base! Open the door."

Maya guessed the beginning, but didn't guess the end. When she heard Lin Wu yelling about the Shadow Base, she couldn't hold back and squatted down to hold back her laughter.Not to mention, the shadow base is very corresponding to the NYPD that often appears in the movie.

Lin Wu looked at Maya bitterly, and said, "You are the main force, you kick."

Maya stood up, took a deep breath, adjusted her mentality, kicked out with all her stamina, and was knocked down on the carpet by the shock.A sprain can heal itself.

After the zombies were dealt with, Peanut leaned over: "Could it be that they need to be lowered from the rooftop?"

Lin Wu said: "Impossible, the roof area extends several meters."

Peanut: "Swing in?"

"This... won't work, right?" I don't know what's wrong, I just feel that it won't work.

Sure enough, it didn't work. All the windows of the rooms or balconies were equipped with fences similar to anti-theft nets, which could be opened from the inside and could not be broken through from the outside.

"I don't believe that none of the keys in the 17 rooms can be found. Everyone searched the carpet from beginning to end." Maya paused and turned to Lin Wu: "A carpet search is not a search for carpets, do you understand?"

Lin Wu raised his eyebrows angrily, and Maya nodded in satisfaction and left, avenging herself for almost making her laugh.

Everyone spent nearly an hour searching all corners of the outdoors. They rummaged through each corpse three times, but they did not find any keys.

Lin Wu only worked for 5 minutes before he started fishing.He sat against door No. 17, took out a thermos from his backpack, made a bag of black tea, sipped the tea and ate prunes slowly.After drinking half of it, he turned his head to look at the door lock, and thought for a while that something seemed wrong, then turned his head to look for a while, and got a point in his mind.

After eating half a bag of prunes and drinking black tea, Lin Wu put his finger on the door lock, and the door lock made a sound: "The fingerprints don't match."

Lin Wu said pleasantly: "Maya, this is a fingerprint lock." There are not many hotels that use fingerprint locks, but there are still some.Since the 35th floor uses an induction key card, players have preconceived ideas.

In the early years, the hotel room locks on Bluestar mostly used biometric locks.Later, in view of safety considerations, all of them were replaced with familiar object identification locks hundreds of years ago.

Biometric locks include fingerprint, retina, and more.But in this way, a determined thief may turn into a murderer in order to steal, cut off the owner's fingers, and goug out the owner's eyes.Therefore, for safety considerations, familiarity identification locks were born.As for how to prevent cooked objects from being stolen, this is a science and technology that has been developed for thousands of years, and you will not understand it.

Everyone who saw everything in their eyes paid attention to Lin Wu together.People who touch fish are always so popular that people can't ignore his existence.Translation: This product has long been suspected to be a fingerprint lock, but I insisted on testing it after drinking tea, and made a surprise sound.

But the problem is doubt.

If Lin Wu confirmed that it was a fingerprint lock, he would be guilty of not reporting it, but Lin Wu remained skeptical before confirming it for 20 minutes, and told everyone immediately that it seemed unreasonable not to thank others for their contributions.

This is revenge!Maya ignored Lin Wu's smug expression, as if she didn't see this person: "Drag all the corpses here."

Shana hurriedly added: "Remember the approximate location of each corpse, maybe there are clues we need."

Lin Wu asked, "Sister Maya, have you brought hot water?"

Maya took out her thermos cup and handed it to Lin Wu behind her without looking back. Lin Wu made tea again.Seeing that everyone was busy carrying the corpses, Lin Wu felt a little sorry, and he should do his part.So after drinking tea for a few minutes, Lin Wu asked, "Sister Maya, do you think it could be the toes?" Using the brain is also a contribution.

This man is really bad!Maya looked back at Lin Wu for 3 seconds, and put Lin Wu down with one knee.Lin Wu had been prepared for a long time, the thermos cup was tightened, and he curled up in a ball to let you go through the storm.

Shana grabbed Maya and asked, "Do you want to try your toes?"

Maya combed her hair: "Don't listen to his nonsense, it can't be the toes."

Lin Wu didn't get up, just lay on the ground, and said leisurely: "It's hard to say."

Shana said: "You also get up and help."

"I was injured and was beaten by Maya." The body squirmed like a shrimp, and moved himself aside, out of the way of the workers.

Xiaodao sighed: "The bad guys get their way."

Peanut, who carried the body with the knife, said, "I want to lie down too, but I don't think I'm qualified to do so."

(End of this chapter)

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