Corrupted Nation.

Chapter 213 Temporary Base

Chapter 213 Temporary Base
Maya didn't agree right away.The span of the electric tower is about 200 meters, and the length of the rope is 50-60 meters.Each electric pagoda Linwu has to stop 4 to 5 times, pulling himself over step by step.The good news is that after the air corridor started, Su Shi made his own safety line, and it was recognized by the system as a usable safety line.This reduces the difficulty of Lin Wu's work, even if it is not easy.

A trip in the past, a trip back, I don't know how long it will take.There are only two backpacks for the two of them, which can only hold some necessities. Even if they see good things, they can't take more. They are all for serum.

After solving the problem of traveling back and forth, we have to bet on finding ingredients and finding a suitable base.The most difficult thing is of course to survive in the blood mist.The blood mist was too harassing. Although it would not pose a real threat to the two, they could not settle down at all.

The above are just operational difficulties, the real difficulty is injury.The fracture is fine, it only affects the function of the body, once it bleeds and cannot heal by itself, it will be in a near-death situation.Because pulling the rope or climbing requires stamina, it cannot be stretched with an endurance bandage, and it is difficult to gain time.It is estimated that the one-way trip will take more than an hour. You can't take all the bandages away, right?
According to Maya's experience, there should be no Big Macs in office buildings.But in the past few days at work, people have been injured repeatedly, even Lin Wu is no exception.This had to make her a little more worried.Since you have concerns, it means that you have already moved your heart.If you don't act, you will regret it.

Maya said: "You can gamble once with 24 bleeding bandages."

Lin Wu said: "Xiaodao, a pharmacist, is not doing his job all day long, and there are only more than 20 in the warehouse, right?"

Maya said: "37, Class A took away 10."

Lin Wu: "Then do it?"

Maya nodded: "We must win Combat Medicine." Before that, everyone was hesitant about which advanced skill book to buy. In the near future, it must be Combat Medicine.Combat medicine can complete treatment remotely, and it is a life-saving skill.Survival always comes first.To win Combat Medicine, you need at least 8 coins, a serum is 0.1 currency, and you need 80 serums.Of course, if they are worse, they can be exchanged for firearms. At present, the base is relatively rich in firearms.

Cuiyu has an easy-going personality. She doesn't think it's tiring to be on duty, but she doesn't think it's very happy to be on duty. Being at the base is also a good choice.She herself is also willing to stay at the base to save lives and heal the wounded.If Lin Wu was replaced as a doctor, it is estimated that some people would die of blood loss every three days because they could not find a doctor.

Doctors can be replaced, but the cost of replacing combat doctors is very high. After being together for nearly a month, everyone basically recognized Cuiyu and had a better understanding of Cuiyu's character.It is also because of this that we will invest in its cultivation.


Shi Shi became Xiao Wai's temporary guardian, and accompanied Lin Ma, who took Su Shi and made two sets of safety ropes, to the tower.Putting on the safety rope, saying goodbye to the stone, and petting the dog's head, Lin Ma climbed up to the electric tower.

Lin Wu hung the safety hook on the wire and started climbing with a rope.When your stamina is exhausted, let go and let the safety rope hang.Restore your stamina and move on.

After straightening the rope, Lin Wu hung his body on the safety rope, wrapped his arms around the wire to increase friction, and spent a lot of stamina to drag Maya to his side, resting twice during the period.Maya also considered climbing by herself, but lacked the help of agility, and stopped after walking a few meters.

It took them 200 minutes to separate the 15-meter electric tower.Passing through the first three electric towers was very smooth, and everything was proceeding in an orderly manner.But the fourth electric tower is in the blood mist area. Just after climbing more than ten meters, Maya sent a warning through the headset: "Frenzy, madness sent by Blood Heart." They haven't left the base yet, and the alliance relationship can be used wireless headset.

Frenzy is the only zombie with the ability to climb. It can't climb a ninety-degree straight ladder, but it can climb an electric tower with a certain slope.However, as a zombie, it doesn't have the ability to make tools or use tools. It climbs up the fifth electric tower, and can only pace back and forth at the top of the tower.

Blood madness is a good thing, but appearing here is not a good thing.The consequences of using the wind thorn while hanging the safety line are unimaginable.Of course, Xuekuangmeng could be killed with a gun, but what Lin Wu wanted was Xuekuangmeng's corpse. Once Xuekuangmeng died, the corpse would fall under the electric tower in all likelihood, and there was no chance to touch the corpse.

After seeing the situation clearly, Lin Wu dragged Maya to move on, and when he was about to reach the fifth electric tower, another blood madman came up.The two Xuekuangmeng turned around at the connecting line of the electric tower, looking at Lin Wu 8 meters away from time to time.

Lin Wu continued to move forward.The closer he got, the more excited and anxious Kuangmeng became.About 3 meters away from Kuangmeng, Lin Wu stopped and hooked his fingers at Kuangmeng: "Come here."

One frenziedly tried to climb, and just after taking a step, its hand slipped on the wire, but luckily hooked its foot to the tower in time and climbed back.

Lin Wu pulled Maya over, and Maya asked, "Can't bear to do it?"

Lin Wu said: "Two fat sheep. It is said that if we knew that it would be updated like this, we should cut down the cement plant for a few more days." When the money is used up, we will hate less, and relax ourselves after we have some food reserves.If I could cut it for another month, I would have changed to the skill book a few days ago.

Maya: "I'm tired of cutting it, I didn't expect you to have more fighting spirit than me."

Lin Wu looked at Maya: "When did you learn to speak up?"

Maya smiled and took down the crossbow: "Huh?"

Lin Wu had a frightened expression: "You laughed."

Stretching out her hand to Lin Wu's head, Maya said, "Kill it."

Dare to hit me?To the ground torture you to death.

Lin Wu took out the silent night revolver, shot at the lock, shot at the lock, and the two were shot violently and stupidly.After eating two more bullets, the Frenzied Armor fell to dodge and didn't step on the right position. It grabbed the air with one hand and fell directly.

The madness of the 50-meter fall turned into a deadly madness in an instant.Kuangmeng B was very ambitious, he just ate enough bullets and was killed before falling.Although Lin Wu climbed desperately a few times, he had no chance to catch the corpse, and could only watch it fall into a pulp.

Lin Wu looked down: "Look, the serum has all fallen out."

Maya took a look through the binoculars: "It's blood."

Lin Wu: "I know, I just want to know if any fools believe it." Couldn't bear to land.

Maya was speechless, and pushed Lin Wu: "Go." The angrier I am, the more proud you are.I'm not angry, that embarrassment is yourself.


After an unknown amount of time, the two finally arrived at their destination, the rooftop of a 27-story office building.Unlike Zuoxian Hotel, this is a cut-off closed roof.The wires were connected to a large transformer, surrounded by a three-meter-high fence, and a high-voltage danger sign was pasted outside the fence.

Overlooking the roof from above, a part of the floor is made of special glass material, which can be opened by electricity, so that the 27th floor can enjoy natural sunlight.In addition, open-air concrete buildings like substation rooms have been built everywhere.There is also a part that is relatively empty, but there are a lot of broken furniture piled up on it.

Broken furniture comes about because of the urban problem of replacing furniture.You have to subsidize money to let scrap buyers take away bulky old furniture and home appliances, and they may not be willing to do it.As a result, some people threw unwanted furniture onto the unmonitored rooftop, and over time, a beautiful landscape was formed on the rooftop.

The substation was 3 meters above the ground, and neither of them wanted to take unnecessary risks when they were away from home.After retracting the rope, use the rope to slide down.Lin Wu leaned against the door where the staff entered and exited and began to pick the lock.Because it is outdoors, the keyhole on the door is blocked by sand and stones due to no staff maintenance for a long time.

Giving up on picking the lock, Lin Wu took advantage of the right angle of the corner to jump left and right, climbing up the three-meter-high wall.Let go of the rope, and after Maya grasped it firmly, she pulled it, but Maya couldn't be pulled.

Maya hurriedly warned: "Don't talk nonsense." If you can't pull it, you have no strength, but you will definitely say that I am too fat.I'm a reasonable person, but I can't reason with you because you know I have reason.As the saying goes, the person who wronged you knows you wronged better than you.

Wow, I can read minds.Lin Wu grinned and let Maya grab hold of it. Using Maya as a heavy object, he grabbed the rope and went down outside. Then he found a suitable anchor and tied the rope. Maya climbed to the top of the wall with her own strength.But down came a little trouble.

3 meters is not tall, short is not short, you may break a bone when you jump down, or you may not break a bone.The clever Lin Wu came up with a way, he asked Maya to go back.Relying on the fixtures and Maya, Lin Wu returned to the top of the wall, and then returned to the inside of the wall.Tie the rope to the pole on which the transformer is erected, and pull the rope into a triangle.The three points are the fixture at the low point, the pillar at the low point, and the top of the wall at the high point.

When the two used the triangular rope layout to successfully climb out of the wall and land on the ground, Lin Wu couldn't help showing off and asking, "Am I smart?"

Maya nodded sincerely.

Lin Wu frowned: "Your attitude makes me uncomfortable."

Maya went crazy: "Do you want me to question you?"

Lin Wu nodded: "Yes, you are a fighter, you need to have the spirit of resistance."

Maya put one hand on Lin Wu's shoulder, and said after a long time, "I'm too lazy to resist." I thought that following you, a childish ghost, would save some trouble.I didn't expect you to get worse now. It doesn't matter whether you are happy or not, you must argue with others to make others unhappy.

Lin Wu said: "I just want to know what means you have to resist."

Maya pushed Lin Wu away, and after a run-up, stepped on the wall with both feet and jumped, with both hands firmly on the top of the wall, and then climbed to the top of the wall with the strength of her eight fingers.Then Maya let herself drop, her feet against the wall, her hands free, and she pushed herself out.At the moment of landing, Maya rolled backwards to relieve the force of her fall.

Maya stood up, flicked the sand off her shoulders with her fingers, and walked in front of Lin Wu: "OK?"

"Climb up and down, you're so boring."

Overthrow, beat!Everyone has a limit to patience.Lin Wu held his head and said, "But it's really cool."

As soon as these words are uttered, it is meaningless. Should we fight or not?Maya couldn't laugh or cry: "Please be more serious." She stretched out her hand and pulled Lin Wu up.In case he said to help me up later, I would want to beat him up again.

Even the hottest water can do nothing to a dead pig.If you want to fight, let you fight, anyway, you dare not hurt me.I'm going to say, I'm going to say, the purpose of my saying... isn't it?Lin Wu reflected, it seems that the purpose of my mouth is to beat myself for Maya.This cannot be explained logically.Maybe I have a mental illness, and I like the feeling that others hate me, but I can't get rid of myself?
That's right, I am indeed a childish ghost.If there is a mistake, it needs to be corrected, reflected, and corrected.


The entrance door to the rooftop is locked without a keyhole, so it is speculated that a chain or U-shaped lock is used inside.

In turn, the two began to smash the glass skylight.Although the thickness and hardness of the glass is undeniable, it is not bulletproof glass and cannot stand the toss of the two of them. After a while, a piece of glass shattered and fell down, hitting the heads of the zombies gathered below.

Lin Ma walked aside and waited sneakily. After 10 minutes, the zombies attracted by the sound had basically dispersed.Lin Wu used the cut rope and Maya to descend to the 27th floor.

The 27th floor is a high-rise, and the landing place is an exhibition hall, with many people's oil painting photos hanging on the wall.There is also a gold plaque below telling the story of the man.Judging from the introduction, this is the history of a family called Shuaixia Hardware Industry Group, and the characters above are the helm of the group for 200 years.

The exhibition hall is located in the southwest of the 27th floor. The two walked along the road while killing zombies. Maya reminded: "Bloodheart will send a raid team at any time. We need to find a foothold as soon as possible."

"Hmm." There is a vertical fork outside the exhibition hall. There are two elevators here. To the left of the fork is the administrative office area, and to the right is the director's area.Judging from the fire evacuation diagram by the elevator, the main passage is a word structure, Lin Ma is in the lower left corner, the first vertical is the administrative area, and the lower horizontal is the director area.The upper horizontal and the right vertical are two conference rooms, executive lounge, etc.There are two elevators on the lower left and upper right of the mouth, and each has a fire stairway.

Maya pointed to the administrative area, Lin Wu nodded, and the two touched outside an office, which said Security Manager's Office, which was a small single room.Moving on is the finance department, an open plan office plus several offices.Next, there are public relations department, secretarial department and other administrative departments.

The two sneaked all the way, using the continuous crossbow to shoot, Lin Wu's way of investigation, from the lower left corner to the upper right corner.Opposite to the corner helm showroom is the product showroom.It is the product sample and introduction of the group for the past 200 years.Some are small samples, some are pictures.

Lin Ma and the two were looking for a place with a small area and two separate spaces.The pattern of two bedrooms and one living room similar to an apartment building is the best.Not only is there a place to rest, but it is also easy to defend and difficult to attack.Based on the minimum safety zone of 8 meters, they need a space that cannot exceed [-] square meters, and it can only be small, not large.It is best to have multi-layer obstacles and narrow roads.

Walking down most of the circle, no similar terrain was found.Thinking about it, how could the executive directors create a narrow path.Just as Lin Wu was about to propose going downstairs, a narrow passage appeared.Lin Wu and Maya glanced at each other in disbelief. This is a narrow road with a width of only 1 meter and a length of 5 meters.

The two walked back and forth along the narrow path, which turned into a corner, and then walked 5 meters through the narrow path and then turned into a small hall.There are several tables and chairs and two vending machines on the left and right of the small hall.On the opposite side of the narrow passage is a balcony, which is small and sealed with a stainless steel fence. A table and chairs are placed on the left and right sides of the balcony.

The two studied for a while before they figured out that this was the smoking area on the 27th floor.The two withdrew from the base, and Captain Maya issued an occupation order. Base No. 35 with an area of ​​1 square meters was established, and Lin Wu became a new member of Base No. 1.

Base No. 1 has two small grids in total. The warehouse and the radio station are located on the balcony.The two put the building materials they carried into the warehouse and built the dormitory first.Lin Wu searched for the supplies left in the smoking area, and was pleasantly surprised to find a pack of ingredients in each of the two vending machines.In this way, the requirements and security issues have been completely addressed.

(End of this chapter)

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