Corrupted Nation.

Chapter 218 Seven Star Siege

Chapter 218 Seven Star Siege
Entering the No. 99 sewer, Lin Wu first spent 20 seconds looking at the blueprint, and after confirming that he couldn't understand it, he walked forward quickly with his memory and Xiaowai.A few minutes later, he reached a marker. There were 8 zombies at the bright marker. Lin Wu killed four of them with Silencer, two of them were killed by Ji Ye, and finally the remaining two were killed with Wind Thorn.

Abandoning the group of corpses and moving on, the little crooked head exudes a little bit of starlight and blossoming bows, which looks only weird in the dark passage, not cute at all.However, a little bit of light made Lin Wu realize that Xiaowai had entered a state of vigilance, and his head was looking sideways, extremely hostile.

Lin Wu saw a fork in the road seven meters away, knew it well, reached out and turned off the headlights to enter the stealth state.Xiao Wai also followed Lin Wu's example and moved forward like a cat.Leaning at the corner, Lin Wu suddenly turned around and went out and turned on the headlights: "Oh!" He saw the night devil, but he didn't expect that there were 3 night devils in such a small place, and they were right in front of him, and the farthest one would not exceed two meters.

The three people suddenly met a wolf, and their subconscious reaction was to be startled, but the three night devils were not startled when they met a Lin Wu who violated the rules. After the 3 people startle, it is possible to attack the wolf, because there are three of them.But the night devils did not launch an attack. They did not have the powerful mentality of Mordor. When they were exposed to strong light and were discovered, they collectively executed the system's instinct order: escape.

As a result, two night devils were headshot and fell down, and the third night devil escaped.Lin Wu chased after two steps, and suddenly remembered his experience of being attacked last time, so he raised his gun and turned to look at the small passage on the left.Sure enough, a night devil has already jumped out, almost touching his face, and raised his paw-like hand.Lin Wu locked Ji Ye's head in his hand, and the bullet flew out of the gun and turned 180 degrees to kill him.The night demon who was headshot stopped for 0.1 seconds and then fell down, holding Lin Wu and falling down, pressing Lin Wu to the ground.

Ye Mo's body is full of muscles and weighs more than [-] kilograms. Lin Wu tried his best to get out: "Little crooked."

Xiao Wai ran forward, tore the Night Demon's body and pulled it aside to help his master get out of trouble.Lin Wu looked around, knelt down and touched the dog's head: "You know what happened today, and if a third person knows, you know what will happen, right?"

Xiaowai looked at Lin Wu, it couldn't understand such a long command.

Lin Wu: "Nod."

Little crooked nod.


Lin Wei was extremely brave. He defeated three groups of zombies and two groups of night devils along the way, and successfully reached Exit 1.After sticking out his head to confirm safety, Lin Wu asked Xiaowai to stay and wait for him, and he reached the side of the football field through the straight ladder.

3 Big Macs, 7 Furious, and dozens of zombies are on the football field, and 14 minutes have passed by the time.Lin Wu locked the location of the resource box, and near the goal about 20 meters away from him, two wild men walked around the green resource box.

The NPC was in danger, but Lin Wu was as steady as Mount Tai, and instead of rushing to kill it, he sneaked close to the resource box.Violent Armor seemed to sense danger and stepped aside.But Kuangmeng B stood on the resource box recklessly. In the next second, a hand grabbed its neck from behind, and pierced its head with a dagger.

The design drawing of the base fence, which can be learned by junior engineers.After learning, you can build system fences. Depending on the materials used, you can build bamboo fences, wooden fences, iron fences, etc.

Fence: An artificial obstacle recognized by the system, which belongs to the base building.This explanation states that the fence will not be refreshed.Fences have durability and can be broken and repaired.Fences can be placed at will.Theoretically speaking, the back door can be sealed with [-] layers of iron fences, even if the whole family of Big Macs are on stage, it is enough for them to dismantle for an hour.

If you don't care about yourself, you will be chaotic.If Lin Wu hadn't been steady and focused on saving people, he would have missed the design.

Lin Wu looked outside the resource box for a while, then reached out to open the resource box, which made him very strange, isn't there a combination lock?Then Lin Wu saw a lot of resources.

The resource box is divided into three layers. There are three boxes on the first layer. It can be seen from the outer packaging that the first box is Lin Wu's mission goal.The second box is the bullet.The third box is a small scout drone.The second tier is two assault rifles.The third layer is a sniper rifle.

The resource box has a stepped design, and when it is pulled outward, the three floors are exposed to Lin Wu's fiery eyes.But every material unit is locked, and it is a combination lock. The NPC only told Lin Wu the password of the medical box, and reminded Lin Wu that if he entered the wrong password, it would explode.

"Call Su Shi."

"I'm here."

"Take the whip, the soldering iron, and ask the NPC to reveal the passwords of other boxes."

"What password?"

"In addition to the mission medicine, the resource box also has good things like sniper rifles, bullets, and drones. But I only know the password of the mission medicine. It is said that if you enter the wrong password, it will explode."


Xiaodao carried a backpack of oysters to make a dungeon, and then saw a scene that she would never forget.She was stunned for a few seconds and ran back to the dungeon, shouting to everyone while running: "Everyone, everyone, listen to me, everyone." She fell into the mud, but she didn't care so much, and used her hands and feet in the mud go ahead.

Seeing this, everyone put down their work and surrounded them, running in the mud with one foot deep and one foot shallow.He is so handsome that he runs like a mud dog.I ran too slowly and missed the intersection point, so I had to run a few more steps.

Maya was the calmest: "What's the matter?"

Xiao Dao swallowed, his eyes opened as big as copper bells: "Su Shi, Su Shi is whipping Lin Wu."

"Huh?" Everyone suspected that they had heard it wrong.

"Use a belt to whip, desperately, the sound of crackling is very loud." Xiaodao said: "Lin Wu hugged his head and pulled him into a ball, allowing Su Shi to kick and whip."

Everyone looked at each other for a while, and Shitou asked, "Are you crazy?"

Xiaodao jumped on the spot anxiously: "Really, you have to believe me, follow me to see."

Everyone looked at each other again, Ma Hun said weakly: "Isn't it appropriate for us to go out now?"

Peanut and others nodded together.

Xiaodao didn't understand: "Why isn't it suitable?"

Peanut explained: "Did Su Shida pass through Lin Wu?"

"Can't beat it."

Peanut asked, "Then why was Lin Wu beaten?"

"Because... because..." Xiaodao's eyes instantly became the size of two copper bells: "Because Lin Wu is willing?" After overturning his views, Xiaodao slapped himself to confirm that he was not dreaming.

Most people were at a loss, but Shitou said, "Go out and have a look."

Xiaodao hurriedly said, "Isn't it appropriate?"

Shitou said: "I like to see if it's good or not?" How could it be possible.

Everyone took out the dungeon and looked around, only to see Su Shi drinking tea in the production room, and casually said after seeing everyone: "Why did you all escape? Have you dug enough?"

Everyone looked at each other, and when they returned to the entrance of the dungeon, Xiaodao had just left the dungeon. After hearing the explanation, they didn't believe it, so they ran to the factory area to look around, but found nothing unusual.Xiaodao ran back and said in a low voice, "Really, really, you have to trust me."

When Su Shi came out of the production room, Shi Shi asked, "Old Su, has anyone been here?"

Su Shi shook his head: "No."

Maya pressed, "There was no one all along?"

Su Shi shook his head: "No."

Peanut, with sharp eyes, picked up a belt from under the lathe in the workshop and asked, "Why is there a belt?"

Seeing everyone looking at him, Su Shi asked, "How do I know?"

Shana asked, "Where is Lin Wu?"

Su Shi said: "Take Xiaowai out to play."

Maya: "Everyone send the oysters to the warehouse, and pay attention to the weighing, so that if the total weight is not enough, someone will find fault."

Several people walked to the item warehouse and discussed while pouring oysters.Xiaodao continued: "You really have to trust me."

Shitou, who had always thought Xiaodao was sick, changed his mind: "I believe it. Because Old Su is lying."

Xue Dan: "Think about it, who can Lao Su beat? As long as the other party has the heart to resist, Lao Su will definitely die."

Maya said: "Take a break, don't arouse Su Shi's suspicion. Besides, it's other people's privacy after all, I suggest not to meddle in other people's business."

Everyone boiled water to make tea and discussed quietly around the bonfire. After a while, Lin Wu and Xiaowai came back and saw a group of people chatting, furious: "I hate people who go to work and fish the most in my life. Have all the hundred catties of oysters been dug?"

Peanut opened his mouth wide for a long time, then whispered, "This is the most cheeky sentence I've ever heard."

Lin Wu approached, Xiaodao asked: "Lin Wu, where have you been?"

Lin Wu paused for half a second: "Go shopping."

Obviously, Lin Wu didn't expect anyone to care about his itinerary, so he paused for a moment, making everyone suspicious of him.Shana pointed at Xiaowai, who was wearing a bowknot and fairy wand.For a moment, everyone didn't know what to say, or even what to think, because once the association was made, the crime would be serious.

Lin Wu felt the strange atmosphere and asked, "What's the matter?"

Su Shi also came over: "If you have something to say, just say it."

Shi Shi tentatively said: "Old Su, don't do this kind of thing in the hall from now on."

Su Shi and Lin Wu glanced at each other, Su Shi asked in surprise, "Did you see it?"

Xiao Dao nodded and looked at Su Shi and said, "I saw you beat him with a belt." He didn't dare to look at Lin Wu, he didn't expect him to be such a person.

Lin Wu and Su Shi held their foreheads together, and Su Shi explained: "I don't want to do that, but Lin Wu has a request, and I can't help it."

Groups collapse.

Lin Wu burst into tears: "Blame me, I'm sorry everyone."

Everyone said: "It's okay, it's okay."

Lin Wu took out two serum needles: "But at least I got two serum needles."

At this moment, the people who thought they understood everything fell into confusion in an instant.Shana was the smartest, and asked carefully: "Did you get any skill books or item design drawings?"

Lin Wu was shocked: "Fuck, how do you know?"

Shana covered her face with tears and ran: "I guess." Otherwise, how could two serums be whipped out.

At this time, Peanut stood up and took a deep breath: "I haven't made any contributions since I came to Shadow. I can't do technical work, but I can still do hard work."

Peanut handed the belt to Su Shi, put down the backpack, and said firmly, "Come on, whip me, I'm ready."

Except for Lin Wu and Su Shi, the others found themselves a little moved.And Lin Wu and Su Shi stared like iron bells: "What?"

"Whip me."

"You're crazy."

Maya saw the clue, pulled Lin Wu aside, and whispered something in Lin Wu's ear. Lin Wu blushed instantly, unable to understand the identity of the Maya girl, and burst into a rage: "You are the only one who likes it, and your whole family likes it."

Su Shi: "What?"

Lin Wu said: "She said we like to whip each other."

Su Shi was also angry: "Maya, are you sick?"

Maya was not angry, and said: "I think you should explain your affairs clearly first."

It's not a big deal, that is, Su Shi beat the NPC to death.He and Lin Wu didn't know that NPCs also had blood bars, and the lives of infected and injured NPCs were as thin as paper, and the NPC died after a dozen strokes.Su Shi quickly connected to Lin Wu, and Lin Wu knew that Maya would definitely educate herself on ideology and morality after she knew about this incident.

First, the base loses honor points.Second, the base lost follow-up missions.Again, each player has a different attitude towards NPCs. For example, there will definitely be many people who are dissatisfied with Lin Wu's killing of Amanda.Even if Maya was fine, what would other people think?

Biggest problem: This is a serial honor quest.

Su Shi took out a letter from the corpse, and according to Lin Wu's speculation, the NPC would issue a mission to deliver the letter after being healed.And that resource box is the prize for a series of honor quests.

Lin Wu thought that the disaster had already happened anyway, the person died, and the serum was in his hands.There is no need to tell them about this.Su Shi also thought it was a good job to do so, instead of explaining for a long time, it would be better to keep silent.

After everything was said, everyone kept silent and looked at each other.Stone looks at Maya: accuse him.Maya looks at Shanna: Change the subject.Xuedan looks at the knife: Little fool.Ma Hun looks at the knife: It's all your fault.Peanut: What a shame.Cuiyu: Still digging oysters?

"What?" Lin Su couldn't understand.

Maya was afraid that they would think of Peanut's words, think again, think again, and then Lin Su would explode together.So Maya stood up bravely and said, "Forget it this time, let's go, and continue digging oysters."

Shitou added: "In the future, the collective task will be explained to everyone."

"Yes, yes, I just feel that there is not enough time. I entered the dungeon instructions, and then I wasted a lot of time." Lin Wu apologized: "The headset signal can't enter the dungeon, you know."

Shitou nodded: "This is not an example. Let's go to work." Looking at the knife, he took me into the pit, entered the dungeon, and then dealt with you.

Seeing everyone's unkind eyes, Xuedan immediately said: "Xiaodao, you take a break and go to the sentry tower to be on duty, come back later."

Xiaodao shook his head: "No, I am willing to bet and admit defeat."

Xue Dan wanted to say something else, Shana took the knife and entered the dungeon.They all knew that with Lin Wu and Su Shi's cleverness, they would definitely connect everything after the two discussed it, and it would be too embarrassing to meet again at that time.

No one can see the stinky knife.


I never expected that there would be a follow-up after the death of the NPC.About half an hour later, a helicopter descended from the sky and landed in the west parking lot.The huge noise flying all the way at low altitude attracted the surrounding zombies, many of whom were giants.Su Shi ran wildly into the dungeon, continued to run wildly in the mud and turned somersaults non-stop: "7-star siege, 7-star siege." Don't explain anymore, it will be too late.

no?Everyone was stunned.Su Shi shouted: "Hurry up, Lin Wu is about to die." Everyone knew that Su Shi couldn't play pranks, so after realizing it, he immediately rolled and crawled towards the exit.

Maya shouted: "Have you brought weapons?" It is stipulated that at least one firearm must be carried even in the base.

Peanut and Cuiyu had the loudest voices: "Bring it."

Ma Hun and Xiao Dao trembled and did not dare to make a sound, Xuedan secretly stuffed a small pistol into Xiao Dao.

Maya didn't say anything: "The ones with weapons will follow me to the warehouse and protect those without weapons to get weapons."

(End of this chapter)

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