Corrupted Nation.

Chapter 226 Research Institute

Chapter 226 Research Institute
Manpower is a system that appeared after the alliance system was opened.Theoretically, each person in the base represents one manpower, and alliances will consume manpower, and each additional alliance will consume 5 manpower points.At present, the total number of Shadow and Weather Stations is 11, and there are 11 manpower, because there are only 6 manpower left in the alliance.

If there is no power outpost card, the electrician player can build a human power generation room, and consume manpower to provide a fixed amount of electricity for the base.The more manpower consumed, the more power provided.

The three options are all good things. For a while, even Lin Wu, who has super decisive power, was not sure which prize was better, so he greeted: "Xiao Wei, go and call that lazy woman."

Xiaowai opened his eyes wide and tilted his head to look at Lin Wu, expressing that he didn't know who the lazy lady was.Lin Wu said: "Your cousin."

Xiao Wai immediately ran to the base of the weather station.


The puppy Shana sat for a minute without saying a word, she wanted them all.

The stone can only throw bricks to attract jade: "Everyone knows how important the outpost card is. We also got the firepower map. If we can occupy two firepower points, we can call two rounds of artillery strikes every 12 hours. And it can be used in the wild. Do it again For the task of attacking the NPC, you can directly call the artillery to destroy the opponent's shelter."

Stone continued: "In addition to increasing the area of ​​the safe zone, the expansion card can add a large grid. We can move a sentry post to the east parking lot, and double sentry posts can form crossfire. With the extra large grid, we can build pastures and Garages, arsenals, etc."

Stone: "The last is this first kill reward card. It needs a large grid, but it should be worth the money." 8 large grids, two sentry posts, two farms, two barracks, and one beach.The four small grids are the production room, ward and kitchen.At present, there is only one large grid and one small grid left in the shadow base.

The stone waited for a while, but no one said a word, the brick had already been thrown over, but the jade was not thrown out, how could this be tolerated?So he looked at Lin Wu who was full of decisiveness: "You?"

Lin Wu, who was playing with little crooked, was startled: "What?"

"What to choose?" Stone was angry.

Lin Wu: "It must be the research institute."


Lin Wu said: "Because only we have it."

This explanation is simple and rude. Although it is still possible to get the research card, Stone believes that the difficulty is no different from Su Shi winning the wrestling match with Big Mac.Lin Wu does not start from the function, but starts from the unique point of view that people have nothing but self, which is really untrustworthy.

Maya said with difficulty: "I prefer the expansion card. Summer is coming, and we need to build a cold storage." Small grids can be used to build ice storage, and large grids can be used to build cold storage.Previously, everyone agreed to build an ice bank, and the small grid has been booked.If the research card is selected, it means that the base does not have any buildable land.On the contrary, if you choose the expansion card, Shadow has two large grids where you can choose buildings freely.

Maya has a headache: "I don't know."

Everyone looked at the other deputy commander, Lin Wu reminded: "Shana, it's just that you didn't fart."

Shana pinched Lin Wu, and after hearing the screams, she became more energetic and said: "At first I wanted outpost cards, not to mention the summer update, the game will definitely become more and more realistic. Electricity is not the most important thing in survival. Water is an indispensable material, and it can also increase food production. With our armed forces, we can survive and spend all the game time in the base."

Lin Wu asked, "What about now?"

Shanna: "Now I don't know, I want to research the card, but I don't know the area occupied by the research, I don't know the content of the technology tree, and I don't know the research time. I also want to expand the card, I want to build a ranch , you can raise horses and sheep.”

Horse Soul: "I can roast a whole lamb."

Lin Wu: "I like it."

Peanut also nodded: "Count me in."

It was a choice between pain and happiness. Everyone was leaning or lying on the damaged conference table, staring at the three cards.After a long silence, Da Shuang: "That..."

Everyone watched Da Shuang together, Da Shuang said: "It's okay."

Shito said weakly: "We are not Nazis. People are allowed to speak, and they are also allowed to make mistakes."

Da Shuang swallowed, cleared his throat, and said, "I think the research card is unique, compared to other cards, it is easier to obtain."

Lin Wu echoed: "That's what I meant just now."

It is undeniable that the core ideas of Dashuang and Lin Wu are the same, but the reason Lin Wu said is that it makes people feel unreliable.Everyone preconceived that such an important matter must not be decided rashly, so what a person with full decisiveness must have said without thinking.

Back to basics, no matter how complicated or difficult the choice is, it is just a simple choice.

Xiao Dao: "Then study the card?" She thinks it's okay, just draw a lot and get one. Seeing that everyone is so entangled, she doesn't say anything.

There were many people who supported the research card, and Shana also nodded: "Yes, I think the research card is fine. If we don't take the research card, we will definitely struggle with what the research has."

Stone: "After building the research institute, we may regret why we built the research institute."

Maya said: "If you don't enter the besieged city, you will spend your whole life thinking about the scenery inside the besieged city. If you enter the besieged city and regret it, at least you will know that your choice is wrong." Among the three rewards, only the research card makes everyone unable to understand.

Shitou: "Then study it?" If you are not in charge, you don't know how much money you have, and the building materials are okay. 10 ammunition packs and gasoline packs are barely enough.Especially the gasoline pack, after the research institute is built, the car just lays down.



Everyone expressed their opinions one after another, and the stone was not crooked, and construction started immediately after taking the card.There was a bit of a problem with this build.The backyard is huge, but after all 8 large grids are built, it becomes very crowded.The field of vision and shooting range have also been greatly disturbed.If there is another six-star siege, the siege zombies are likely to be missed.

In addition, it also allows players to cast rats.The background of the zombie is a building, do you shoot or not?If you don't shoot, people will happily dismantle it.Although the shooting killed the zombies, it also indirectly helped the zombies demolish the buildings.

The layout of the backyard is like this, the guard post is at the edge of the east and west.There is a barracks on the south side of the two guard posts.Two farms are to the east.The beach is on the west side near the back door, and the research institute is on the west side near the factory building.There is only a [-]-meter passage in the narrow place between each unit.

In the middle is a seven-meter-wide passage leading directly to the back door, which is also where the bonfire is located.In order to take care of the players, after occupying the base, a poncho will be generated in the backyard, extending to the campfire.

Maya said: "In the future to defend the city, the back door must be guarded to death." Zombies cannot be allowed to run around.

Su Shi said: "Lin Wu gave me a design drawing, and I can make the system fence."

Maya asked, "What material?"

Su Shi said: "It depends on what kind of fence is needed. At present, cloth strips and wood are the most, but I don't think you guys will like it. The amount of iron is too little, so we can barely build two fences."

Lin Wu asked: "Didn't you come back today after dismantling a lot of electronic components?"

Su Shi rolled his eyes: "Old Lin, have you seen the electronic component fence?"

Lin Wu chuckled, it's because your skills are not good enough, if I were a junior engineer, I could make air fences, not to mention electronic components fences.

Su Shi said, "Stones are fine too. There are many stones by the river."

Xiaodao laughed and said, "I have one at home too."

Shitou looked at the knife with eyebrows crossed, and the knife stuck out his tongue.

Maya said: "There are a lot of scrapped cars nearby. How about this, we will divide into two groups tomorrow..."

Peanut said: "The bridesmaids group went shopping at the mall, and the best man group smashed cars nearby."

Maya was startled, and said for a while: "Yes."

Lin Wu approached Peanut and asked softly, "Is it so scary?" He even dared to interrupt Maya's assignment.

Peanut replied: "When it comes to bridesmaid dresses, we haven't reached a consensus after five hours of discussion. So far, we haven't mentioned the bride's wedding dress. I think Xuedan's wedding is a bit dangling."

The research institute was built very quickly, and the research institute was completed in 10 minutes.Given that the beach had been built for two days, this led to a feeling of being cheated.

The research institute is a circle with two front and back doors.It doesn't look big, but it's actually not that big when you open the door.Unlike the dungeon on the beach, the research institute does not belong to the dungeon category.

In fact, the institute consists of a computer and a large screen.On the computer, you can operate and adjust the research manpower invested, and you can click on the research target at the same time.The big screen is to display the computer screen.

Everyone gasped when they saw the big screen, full of skills.On the whole, there are three technology trees, namely survival, combat and life.Only the first three items are displayed, and the following items are all black.But it's really a tree, skills are connected to each other.

Some skills must have other skills before they can be researched, and some skills can be combined with other skills to obtain individual gain skills.

If there is a master who clears the technology tree and wants to make a strategy, he needs to write at least [-] words.

The three skills awaiting research are:

Diet for survival, reduces base 3% food consumption. (It will be changed to increase food satiety effect by 3% after summer.)
Gain experience from combat, increase attribute experience gain by 3%.

Living Brightness doubles the number of base candles.

The third is rubbish?Of course it is, but if you don't click it, you won't be able to unlock the next skill in life.

So the three commanders had another meeting, and they wanted to discuss the direction of the base's development.The three major technology trees can intuitively see what they mean.Survival is related to food, temperature, water and other necessities for survival.Combat should be to improve the combat capabilities of base members.Life is of course improving living conditions.

It takes 6 hours for 4 manpower to research any one of these three skills, divide 24 hours by 6.

As for which skill to study first, it is up to the commanders to consider, and the others go back to sleep.This is not an easy task, and the future development direction of the base must be considered.

Survive, fight or live?Or all three, or both?

As the second month of spring enters, players who could barely survive are full of worries about the summer update.The system will be explained uniformly through the broadcast, and the hardcore mode will be strengthened step by step.In the fall, except for corpses, other garbage, stains, etc. are no longer refreshed.In order to enrich the species, animals should be added at the request of the majority of players, such as flies, mosquitoes, and cockroaches.The sanitation of the base directly determines the player's quality of life.

Suguang made suggestions to the players. The first suggestion is alliance, expand the base scale, and exercise their ability to survive with non-system skills such as fishing and hunting.Even without a farm, players can still grow crops and raise poultry and livestock.

The second suggestion is to move the base to areas rich in resources, such as rivers, seaside, mountains and forests.How to choose specifically needs to be chosen according to the characteristics of its own members.

The third suggestion is to develop industries. At present, at least 10 bases have not only achieved food self-sufficiency, but also have surplus food for trading.Sugon will cooperate with the opening of the full-service trading system to reduce the express fee to [-]%, which is only collected from the seller.

The fourth suggestion is to find a suitable base, improve base construction, build defenses, produce food, and secure water sources.

There will be a three-day full-server tour in late spring.During the event, players can float at an altitude of 5 meters and enjoy the entire server.After the event, players can perform base replacement.For example, the base value of the church on the top of the mountain is 7, and the base value of the sawmill is [-]. Assuming that the church on the top of the mountain is not occupied, the sawmill can replace its base with the church on the top of the mountain.However, the church on the top of the mountain cannot be replaced by the sawmill because of its low value.

Players can choose bases in any area to replace, and each base can only be replaced once, and the competition will be carried out on a first-come, first-served basis.

Finally, Dawn revealed a game mechanism. The main content of the next stage is the war between the two major forces in the background of the game, the fortress and the alliance.Whether players help the alliance complete tasks or assist the fortress to complete tasks, they can get honor rewards.In addition to the previous locating resource packs, honor points also unlock new functions, which allow you to purchase various materials from fortresses or alliances.This part of the transaction does not require a handling fee. After the purchase, the materials will be air-dropped to the base within 24 hours.

The news had little effect on the Shadows, who were happy with the sawmill and had no plans to move.Secondly, there is no system-recommended base near the sawmill, so don't worry about bad neighbors.Furthermore, the two farms they own have achieved food self-sufficiency.Everything in the base is going in a good direction. The only possible mistakes are the knife and the snow egg. It has been 3 days, and the wedding preparation progress is infinitely close to 0.


The chief best man, Peanut, resigned, and finally decided on the bridesmaid's clothes. When choosing the bride's wedding dress, the girls thought the bridesmaid's clothes were too bright, so they returned to the bridesmaid's clothes.

"Labor and management are quitting, quitting, quitting." Peanut wailed, "It's been three days, and I've memorized their 1 requests in three days. I thought it could be compiled into a book, but I didn't expect that none of them were confirmed. thing."

Lin Wu and Ma Hun didn't know how to comfort Peanut, so they could only give him a thumbs up: "You can do it, you can do it."

The stone threw a piece of wood into the bonfire, and said: "They have never been beaten by society, but anyone who has ever been married will know that wedding is the most insignificant thing in the life of a couple. The wedding, this wedding will be one of the things that the girls will be sad for the rest of their lives. Although it is not worth mentioning, it still has to be done, and it must be done well.”

Xuedan: "Boss, what's your opinion?"

Shi Shi said: "Draft a wedding preparation plan and submit it to them for approval, and they will definitely give opinions one by one. You just modify it accordingly, keep the draft, and always be ready to tell them that this proposal has been rejected by them before. Pass it on to them, and finally they will complete the preparation plan."

Su Shi said: "According to me, there should be fees for weddings, and they will pursue perfection just because they don't need money."

Shitou: "There is nothing wrong with being perfect, but men and women have different views on weddings. Men regard weddings as a ceremony, and many men even think that weddings are meaningless, so they can do it or not. On the contrary, women regard the only wedding in this life as very important. .”

Shi Shi said: "Be careful, don't quarrel, especially you guys don't add oil and vinegar, otherwise their affairs will be so dirty. Believe it or not, feelings are sometimes very fragile. When men and women in love say cruel words when they are angry, it is they The most hurtful thing you can say."

(End of this chapter)

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