Corrupted Nation.

Chapter 228 Bloody Battle

Chapter 228 Bloody Battle

At the happy mahjong time, a car drove to the west parking lot.The driver of the car got out of the car quickly, and the zombies gave up the car and chased the driver.Lin Wu stretched out his head and took a look: "It's a nightmare, three things."

Maya rolled her eyes at Lin Wu, took out her weapon to pick up Nightmare, and then called Lin Wu, who invited Nightmare to join the weather station base.

Nightmare seems to be more of a workaholic than Maya. After completing the procedures for joining the base, he immediately took out a map and spread it out on the machine tool in the factory: "Ambush the alliance convoy."

Maya asked, "Is there a time limit?"

Nightmare nodded and introduced: "The mission time is from 0:4 am to [-]:[-] am tomorrow. This is the route of three military trucks. According to my mission information, there are about twelve to twenty armed personnel in the three trucks."

Lin Wu said: "Tomorrow's matter, why are you in such a hurry?"

Nightmare looked at Lin Wu like a fool: "Tomorrow is two hours away."

"Ha." The intelligence was exposed, and this woman had to be killed.

Nightmare said: "The clues I got are very complicated, and I need Shana to assist in the analysis."

Maya called, "Shanna, come here."

Stone stood up and asked with concern, "Do you need me to go there?"

Maya: "No."

Lin Wu: "Can I go?"

Maya: "Yes."

It's too direct, and it hurts.


Shanna carefully analyzed the mission details, studied the map, and said: "According to the information provided by the mission and the convoy schedule. The only chance is at 3:40 in the morning, the convoy will head to Route 99. During this time period, the convoy will pass near our base. "

Looking at the difficulty of the task from the details of the task, for the task of nightmare, you need to crack the code book of the team first.Then decipher the team's complete time route map according to the information.

The structure of matt characters, the weather station is on the upper left, the shadow is on the lower left, and the vertical line on the far left is the road the convoy passed by.However, the road is still about 30 meters away from the nearest safe zone of the base.

Shana said: "From the analysis of the marching manual, we can see that there are two ways to deal with the convoy after being attacked. One way is to turn left and go west, walk about 500 meters and then go north, and you can also reach Highway 99. Another way is to deal with it. Fight head-on. Even if we have a safe zone, even if we have unlimited bullets, if we want to fight the opponent head-on, it is likely to lose manpower."

Maya said: "The rockets destroyed the first vehicle and blocked them on this 50-meter-long bridge."

Shana said: "Maya, I mean there will be battle damage."

Maya said: "There are 12 people in the base. Except for Xuedan and the knife, each pair draws one." Xuedao hasn't received the certificate yet.

Shana said: "Who doesn't participate in the battle, you or Lin Wu?"

Maya said: "Lin Wu and I went up together, one died and the other retreated."

Shana said: "Okay, Lin Wu is here."

Nightmare dissatisfied: "Why call him?"

Shana said: "Use his leverage ability."

Lin Wu came over, Shana Balabala introduced the mission, Lin Wu asked: "What benefits do we have? It's all gunfights, and there is no chance to touch the corpse."

Nightmare sighed, so I didn't want him to come over.

Nightmare said: "Lin Wu, the fight hasn't started yet, and no one knows the specific situation. Maybe there are supplies in the car? Maybe there is a chance to touch the corpse?"

Lin Wu said: "When I first met the Bastion agents, Maya and I saw their fighting power."

Nightmare Correction: "It's the Alliance team, not the Fortress team."

Lin Wu said: "Same. Nightmare, how much do you have to give us a base salary?"

Nightmare said speechlessly: "This is not a part-time job, this is an investment. No one knows how much profit will be made, and it is not even clear whether they will be defeated by the other party."

Lin Wu thought for a while: "How about pulling a Big Mac onto the bridge?"

The nightmare said contemptuously: "In the face of heavy firepower, the Big Mac is scum."

Lin Wufan despised: "The purpose is not to use the Big Mac to destroy them, but to make them stop."

Maya said: "Okay, Lin Wu's proposal is very good. First of all, we need to detect the shooting area and use the guard post as much as possible."


The players in this battle are Maya, Lin Wu, Nightmare, Horse Soul and Peanut.Everyone else stays in the barracks, and if the fire spreads near the barracks, the combatants sacrifice themselves to get the NPCs out of the fight.

Lin Wu and Timberwolves and Silencer guard the weather station, and Ma Soul guards the shadow guard.The other three were in charge of the ambush.

On the sentry post, Lin Wu couldn't help thinking: Who gave us the courage? 5 individuals ambushed 20 armed men.

At 3:40 in the morning, three green trucks came from a distance with their lights on. The street lights in the city were still on, and it was clear that these were armored trucks.The truck ignored the zombies on the road at all, and didn't even pay attention to the explosion.

Can this be tolerated?Lin Wu complained immediately.

Little White Rabbit: They are wearing gas masks.

Lin Wu: Goodbye.

Little White Rabbit: Goodbye.

Lin Wu scanned through the drone and reported: "There are 6 people in each car, a total of 18 people, and there are two people in the front of the car."

The three commandos scattered the cat behind the pile of logs, and Peanut said, "I feel so nervous."

Maya said, "Don't leave the safe zone."

Horse Soul: "Get on the bridge in 20 seconds."

The truck drove onto the bridge, slowed down a bit, and they spotted the Big Mac on the other end of the bridge.When the truck came close, the Big Mac let out a roar. Four soldiers from the first car jumped out of the truck, two on the left and two on the left. They opened fire on the Big Mac with their assault rifles.The Big Mac was soon smashed into a sieve and fell to the ground dead.

During this period, the other two cars did not make any movement, just waiting quietly.After eliminating the Big Mac, the soldiers ignored the approaching zombies and got into the car one after another.

Lin Wu: "Now."

Maya stood up, held the rocket, and aimed to launch it. The rocket pulled out a cloud of smoke and hit the engine of the first car.The car did not roll over as Lin Wu expected, and the whole car was turned into pieces, but a big hole was blown out of the front of the car, and countless parts and fragments were scattered all over the place.

The soldiers from the three cars jumped out of the car, and Maya immediately retreated, attracting the soldiers from the first car to pursue.Nightmare standing on the flank opened fire, knocking a soldier to the ground.The soldiers on the bridge hit the nightmare.Nightmare immediately crouched down and hid in the bunker, took out a bandage and tied it.

For real injuries, whether the bleeding can be stopped depends on the damage caused by the bullet.

Fighting with an NPC who simulated a real person, Lin Wu discovered the difficulty of headshots. Almost no NPC would keep their head still for more than 1 second.After the first shot was empty, Lin Wu's second shot hit a soldier in the chest.Because the opponent was wearing a bulletproof vest, he just fell and was not injured.Lin Wu decisively replaced Timberwolves.

Five soldiers at the bridge head relied on obstacles to advance to the west parking lot, and more than a dozen soldiers on the bridge relied on the bridge guardrail to shoot at Peanut and others 5 meters away.For a while, there was loud gunfire and bullets flew across.

Lin Wu and Peanut had never experienced such a scene before, and they felt scared and excited.The fear is that you don't know whether a bullet will hit you in the next second, and the excitement is that there is almost no difference between this and a real battle.

Maya tried to suppress the firepower on the bridge, and heard a soldier shout: "10 o'clock, sniper."

A soldier ran to the truck and pulled a bazooka from the back of the truck.

Maya shouted: "Lin Wu, leave the guard post immediately."

"Why?" Lin Wu found the soldier holding the bazooka, and kept moving his quasi-focus. As long as the soldier stopped and shot at him, he was sure to kill him first.

Then Lin Wu saw a blue smoke flying towards him, and dodged subconsciously. The rocket flew past his ear and passed through the sentry post.Lin Wu's three souls lost his seven souls, and he hurriedly raised his gun to look at the target soldier, just in time to see the opponent firing a rocket.Lin Wu grabbed the rope on the sentry post and jumped out of the sentry post.In the next second, a sentry post was blown up, and countless pieces of wood flew across the sky.

Lin Wu fell to the ground, Xiao Wai came to check on his master's situation, Lin Wu immediately said: "Go back to the dormitory, don't come out."

Lin Wu fell to the roof of the weather station and felt that there was nothing wrong with his body, so he took a step towards the edge of the roof, and then felt a sharp pain in his right foot, so painful that Lin Wu couldn't help but screamed and fell to the ground.

Maya: "What?"

Lin Wu took painkillers first: "A broken foot, or a sprained ankle." After the medical reform, the system is very user-friendly and retains the effects of painkillers.After taking painkillers, the pain disappeared immediately. Lin Wu tried to stand up, but the pain spread all over his body in an instant, so he could only lie down and take the medicine.

Nightmare: "15 left."

Maya said: "They are divided into three teams, ready to outflank us."

Team A circled to the left, Team B circled to the right, and Team C relied on the guardrail on the bridge to cover the commando.

There are neat log piles at the upper and lower ends of the west parking lot, with peanuts on the upper log and nightmares on the lower log.Maya was in the middle, relying on scrapped Overlords to resist.The horse soul on the sentry post couldn't lift his head now, and was completely suppressed by the soldiers of the C team. Only when he was on the scene did he know what firepower suppression is.Being exposed is death, so Ma Hun could only lift the gun out of the bunker and shoot at the opponent's possible positions indiscriminately.

Peanut was the most flustered. He had never seen such a battle before. Facing the opponent approaching, he could only retreat step by step. Bullets hit the logs from time to time, which brought him tremendous psychological pressure.

The left team of soldiers approached while suppressing, and a soldier took the opportunity to detour to the three-point direction of Peanut.Seeing that the peanuts were about to be finished, Lin Wu, who climbed to the edge of the roof at the critical moment, shot down the soldier.What followed was a storm of bullets. Lin Wu had no cover in front of him, only a height difference, half rolling and half crawling away from the edge of the roof.

On the other hand, Nightmare was not at all afraid of the five soldiers on the right team. She occupied one end of the log, and the soldiers occupied the other end of the log. The two sides fought back and forth.A soldier ventured in, left the bunker, and was killed by two consecutive three-shot bursts from Nightmare.

Maya yelled, "Nightmare, grenade."

Nightmare immediately squatted down with her head in her arms, and the grenade exploded on the log in front of her. Although the fragments were blocked by the log, the shock wave brought Nightmare a feeling of tightness in her chest.The right team took the opportunity to drive in, and Lin Wu fired again. The .50 bullet directly broke a soldier's left leg.Amidst the howling of the soldiers, Lin Wu rolled away from the edge and continued to change places.

The number of soldiers was reduced to 13. Since both sides lacked heavy weapons, they did not advance rashly.Although the players were not damaged in battle, many people were injured.First, Lin Wu broke his leg, then Peanut was hit in the left arm of his abdomen by a grenade fragment, and Ma Hun was injured by a wooden spike shot by a bullet on the sentry post, and his face was covered in blood.

Persistence is victory. After fighting for 3 minutes, the reinforcements finally arrived.A large number of zombies came upon hearing the sound, and the players immediately put on silent weapons, while the NPC still chugs, attracting all the zombies.The firepower C team sent out manpower to eliminate the approaching zombies, and the pressure on the players was relieved.

The most important thing is to liberate Ma Hun and Lin Wu.

Under Maya's deployment, Lin Wu assisted Peanut, and Horse Soul covered Nightmare. Nightmare rushed all the way along the log, took off a grenade with one hand, pulled the safety latch, released the fuze and counted down, and threw the grenade onto the end of the log Behind the cover.

Four NPC soldiers were blown up and down, but they did not die on the spot.Nightmare was about to run forward to repair the gun, but a bullet flew head-on and hit her on the forehead, and she was hit by a huge impact and fell back.Although the forehead protector protected her from death, it also made her fall into a coma.

Horse Soul: "The nightmare is dead."

Lin Wu: "Not dead." The same base can see the status.

Horse Soul: "I won't move anymore."

Maya: "It should be in a coma, cover me." After saying that, she ran to the side.

"Cover? How to cover?" Lin Wu and Ma Hun often heard this word in movies, but they never really understood how to cover.I have been firing at the enemy. Covering means standing up and attracting the enemy to fire at me?
When the two of them confusedly understood the meaning of cover, Maya stepped on the hail of bullets and slid to the original bunker of the nightmare, walked two steps along the log, and immediately returned to the bunker: "There are snipers in the river under the bridge." It seems that the nightmare It was plotted by this person.

A grenade fell on the bridge, and Stone came out with a grenade gun, walking out of Schwarzenegger's pace with a shotgun.In the next second, a bullet hit the grenade gun, the gun was sent flying, and then Stone was shot in the shoulder.Shiwa stone immediately got down on the ground and cursed: "XXX, is it so accurate?"

Lin Wu said: "If you are sure, you are already dead."

In a battlefield where bullets are flying randomly, survival is mainly based on luck, not skill.

Shitou groaned, and said: "I didn't bring painkillers, the dawn of the cat's moon." The pain came long after.It is not a good thing to feel that the bone in my left shoulder has been shattered after some medical reform.

Lin Wu knocked down the river sniper with one shot: "Maya, it's done."

Maya threw a smoke bomb, and Mao Yao hurried to save Nightmare.

Shitou, who screamed a few times, saw that everyone really couldn't draw his hands, so he could only climb back to the west gate by himself, picked up the grenade gun on the road, and then climbed to the warehouse.After taking the painkiller, Shi Shi had the strength to curse people: "You are making wool, do you dare to fight?"

Lin Wu said: "Old man, the one you proposed to hit is already close to hitting the street." He spent most of his time crawling, from left to right, from right to side, changing places with one shot.

After talking to Shitou, Lin Wu completed the process of shooting and crawling.Sharpshooter plus .50, one shot kills one.

Although there are many soldiers, they have to assign people to deal with the zombies, and they also have to deal with the attacks of Peanut and others, so there is no way to send special personnel to stare at the rooftop.However, Lin Wu's troubles also came. The .50 gunshots were too loud, and more than a dozen zombies had already entered the safe area of ​​the weather station and rushed straight to the roof.

Lin Wu turned over and pulled out the Jiye lock to kill 6 zombies in a row.Going to the backpack to find a spare pistol, the zombies rushed towards Lin Wu, the two sides wrestled together, and then more zombies joined.Lin Wu, who had been bitten a few times, pulled out his spare pistol reluctantly, and shot at the lock. The bullets within three meters turned randomly, and headshot anyone who was locked.

Pushing away the zombies, Lin Wu put his arms on the ground, and then screamed again in pain.He took a painkiller first, and then turned his head to see that a large piece of his left arm had been eaten, and the bones could already be seen, and the blood kept gushing out.Lin Wu took out a bundle of bandages with one hand, regardless of whether it could stop the bleeding, dragged the Timberwolves to the edge of the roof with his broken body, and took another kill.

(End of this chapter)

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