Corrupted Nation.

Chapter 230 Divided into 2 ways

Chapter 230
A stone next to Maya is a small camouflaged loudspeaker, and a voice came from: "Intruders, please identify yourself."

Can we still talk?Lin Wu touched Maya's side, and saw that the wound on Maya's thigh kept bleeding, even with a bandage, it could only slow down the bleeding.

Maya was alert, and Lin Wu helped put on the bandage, and answered the other party's question by the way: "We are Fortress agents."

The other party said: "Please explain the security code."

Your daddy's!Don't you know that the guy who knew the security code has been killed by you?Lin Wu helped Maya up, and retreated, saying, "My name is Nightmare, and I come from the Security Department of the Blue Star Fortress thousands of years later. As for the security code, wait a minute, let me take a look. Don't shoot, don't come out, lest you be caught by me." Injured by the Anzi Cannon."

There was no response from the other party, and the opened door began to close slowly after reaching the end.

Maya speculates that this mission is similar to the A6 laboratory.If it is two ordinary players, the situation to face is relatively easy.Nightmare, the bastion agent, has a worse situation to face.The most damning thing is that Lin Ma and two ordinary players teamed up with Nightmare to enter the area, and were judged by the system as teammates of Fortress Agents, which triggered a task of Fortress Agent level.

After the medical reform, the injuries were very real. Maya bled but did not lose her life. When she stepped on her injured left leg, the blood would spurt.Lin Wu could only hold his left arm and hug his waist, and retreat to the passage stairs with one leg.

It is impossible to go back alive in this state, but fortunately, Shadow has combat medicine.For the sake of safety, Lin Wu carried Maya on one shoulder to reach the platform at the fork.Carry or carry directly?That is absolutely impossible, Maya is much heavier than Seru, and with the backpack and weapons, Lin Wu has to pant after walking a few steps.

Panting is a small matter, but torturing Maya's self-esteem is a big matter.

At the fork in the road, Maya called through the headset: "Call the base, call the base."

Stone: "Received by the base." He was always serious when talking to Maya.

Maya said, "I need combat medicine."

Stone operates the transfer function of the command center and connects to Cuiyu's headset.According to the description of Combat Medicine, Cuiyu, as a doctor, will remotely teach and assist Maya in self-help, such as how to stop bleeding and how to use medicine.This link is naturally simplified in the game, after all, Cui Yu is not a serious doctor.

Combat medical treatment started, the progress bar was 1%, Maya stopped the bleeding instantly, and the two sides maintained communication.You must talk every 3 minutes, otherwise the progress bar will be interrupted.There is no limit to the content of the conversation.Have you got a meal yet?have eaten.That's it.

Lin Wu sat against the wall, watching the blood on his clothes slowly being refreshed: "Whose will it be in summer?"

Maya was puzzled: "Who belongs to what?"

Lin Wu: "Who does the laundry?" Your blood, I stained your clothes for you, theoretically it should be yours.

Maya couldn't laugh or cry: "There is something called a laundry room in the building."

Lin Wu: "It's all built. There are no grids in the two bases of the weather station and the sawmill."

Maya said: "It seems that another sub-base will be opened."

Lin Wu said: "Open another sub-base? Add 12 manpower for Nightmare, 5 manpower for the weather station alliance, and another 5 manpower for the sub-base. Use two manpower for research?" Maybe when the game is closed, the so-called The technology can't unlock a few.Thinking about it now, this institute is a real pit.

Maya avoided the topic and said, "One death and one injury on our side makes me a little worried about Shana."

Lin Wu tried to contact Shana to no avail, so he called Shitou: "Inform Shana that her husband is dead, and tell her not to die."

Stone asked, "Are you alright?"


"Let me just say, the scourge will last for a thousand years."

"What do you mean? Do you want to occupy Xiaowai?" Lin Wu said in horror: "No, you want to occupy Maya."

Maya couldn't help but grabbed the pendant outside the backpack and smashed it.Lin Wu's thinking is very straightforward, you are not happy that I am alive?What is the reason?You want Xiaowai, but as the owner of Xiaowai, if you die, Xiaowai will naturally disappear.So only the benefit of the Maya remains.Although it was a joke, even after several steps, Lin Wu's mind was able to do it in one leap.

Therefore, it was difficult for Maya and the others to keep up with Lin Wu's train of thought.

"Little crooked? Hmph, I was caught by a knife to play with." What kind of temporary supervisor, he just touched the dog's head a few times.Stone asked, "How is the situation in Maya?"

Lin Wu asked: "How?"

Maya knew what Lin Wu asked: "1%, the estimated treatment time is 5 hours."

"I lost it!" Lin Wu was startled: "5 hours?"

Maya said helplessly: "The general practitioner's medical treatment time is doubled, and the telemedicine time is doubled."

Lin Wu saw that Maya showed emotions that dragged him down, so he said: "It's okay, it's a very happy thing to be able to stay with you in the dark for five hours."

Maya didn't believe it at all: "Ha."

Stone's voice came: "Horse Soul broke his leg and is receiving remote treatment. Other than that, their group is progressing normally."

Lin Wu was curious: "How did you break it?"

Stone: "I lifted my feet too low when walking. There was a tree root on the forest ranger's path. I tripped over the tree root and hit my knee on the stone."

Cuiyu asked Maya, "Maya, are you okay?"

Maya: "Thanks, I'm fine."

Cui Yu switched channels: "Horse Soul, are you okay?"

Horse Soul: "Not bad."

After finishing talking with the base, the two of them sat against the wall. In the darkness, only the flashlight that Lin Wu pinned to his chest gave off a little light.Lin Wu suddenly thought: "Hang a bottle on your lap, and the blood you save will be injected back into your body through the catheter. Will you still die like this?"

Maya: "If you want to chat, you can find a more meaningful topic."

Lin Wu thought for a while: "You are very heavy."

Maya: "..."

Lin Wu added: "But the waist is not thick."

Maya reminded: "You are harassing."

Lin Wu thought for a while, then smirked: "Hehe."

Maya didn't want to ask what Lin Wu was thinking.

Lin Wu realized that he had lost his composure and explained: "I suddenly thought that it would be difficult for the blood on your legs to return to your body. So I wondered if you could stand upside down and hang a bottle on your thigh or waist, and your blood would flow out into the bottle, the bottle The blood in it goes through the catheter into a vein in your arm."

Maya said, "You should still harass me."

Lin Wu: "..."


Lin Wu: "Nothing."

"It can be said."

Lin Wu said: "I think of my classmate, the aunt in the cafeteria made him a dish with a lot of meat in it."

Maya was puzzled, why did she think of this?After thinking about it for a while, Maya was furious. What this guy wanted to say was: he is an aunt, and he doesn't bother to disturb him.If it wasn't for the inconvenient legs and feet, now, immediately, immediately go over and kick him to death.

Lin Wu added: "That aunt is very beautiful, we are even a little jealous of him."

Maya asked, "How old is Auntie?"

Lin Wu replied: "23."

Maya didn't spit out a mouthful of blood: "Auntie at 23?"

Lin Wu said: "We call people in society Auntie and Uncle."

Maya asked, "Did you not get beaten?"

"No, but people often ask us to call you brother and sister." Lin Wu said: "I remember that time...we shared a bed with four people to eat hot pot, and I used the raised funds to pay the bill. I said auntie, and number 2 will pay the bill. Then auntie After looking at me for a while, he told me to ask my sister to give us a [-]% discount."

Maya asked curiously, "You called me sister?"

Lin Wu: "How is it possible."

Maya asked, "Then what did you say?"

Lin Wu said: "Thank you sister."

Maya couldn't help laughing, crawled over and hit Lin Wu.

Lin Wu said: "Just kidding."

Maya said, "I know."

After a long silence, Lin Wu lowered his head to the ground, turned his forehead without using his hands, and said, "It hurts." Painkillers were arranged.

Maya said, "Wait and eat."

Lin Wu was startled: "What's wrong?"

Maya said: "Bump your head against the wall a few more times, won't it be equivalent to earning a few painkillers?"

"Beauty Qingben, how can you treat me as a fool?" Lin Wu said: "After hitting the wall, my head in front of me will not hurt anymore. How can I make any money?"

Maya said with a smile: "As long as you hit fast, the pain in front can be preserved."

The two just enjoyed the joy of talking nonsense, wasting time.Lin Wu made a complaint to Shuguang by the way.Complaint content: Dawn designed a dwarf NPC, suspected of discrimination.

Five hours later, Maya recovered, and Lin Wu proposed: "Let's go there as an ordinary player."

Maya vetoed: "Since we agreed to Nightmare, we can't change the content of cooperation without authorization. We can persuade Nightmare after Nightmare is resurrected, and even break the face with her to end the cooperation. Before that, we can't complete the task alone."

Maya stood up, but she didn't expect her body to be realistic after the medical reform. Her feet went limp and she rushed forward, about to hit the wall.In a hurry, Lin Wu stretched his legs and hooked backwards. Maya rose into the air and slapped her whole body on the ground.The sound was so loud that Lin Wu gasped.

Maya turned her head with difficulty and looked at Lin Wu: "What do you think?"

Lin Wu appeared helpless and weak, and said softly, "You need to be treated if you hit your head."

Maya spit out a mouthful of blood and added a tooth, and sat up to take painkillers. Lin Wu comforted: "It's okay, it can be cured."

Maya couldn't laugh or cry: "Let's go, let's go."


It was already afternoon when we returned to the base, and the communication between the command post and Shanna's team was sporadic, but we can know that they are progressing relatively smoothly.Before it gets dark tonight, they can reach the foot of Wangfu Cliff, and they plan to rest for one night before climbing.

The sawmill base is less than five kilometers away from Wangfu Cliff in a straight line. Lin Wu flew the drone to search for the location Shana said, and quickly found their location.

This area is either a dense forest or a cliff. Shana's team followed the forest trail at the foot of the mountain.In fact, they have not really climbed a mountain so far.According to Lin Wu's judgment, they are currently at an altitude of 600 meters, while Wangfuya is at an altitude of 1500 meters.

They have to climb a 400-meter-high mountain, then pass through the ridge to another 300-meter-high mountain, and finally find a way to reach the top of Wangfu Cliff. The 400-meter mountain is a forest, but the 300-meter mountain is a stone mountain. Lin Wu thinks that their test has just begun.

However, the morale of the team was good. Peanut beat two rabbits, Shana found firewood, and the horse soul took charge of the cooking. The three held a wild barbecue on the platform at the foot of the mountain.

Wangfu Cliff is on Shitou Mountain. The landform is similar to Shitou Mountain, with a steep slope. Lin Wu was surprised and said: "Sheep, there are sheep on Shitou Mountain."

"Where, where?" Everyone came to watch the fun.

"You can't see it. Can you believe it? Sheep can stand on a cliff close to 90 degrees, and even jump around." Backhanded a complaint.

The little white rabbit explained: "They are goats."

Lin Wu: "Can goats be pulled? Can they ignore the laws of physics?"

The little white rabbit released a video to prove that goats are pulled like this. They can use the surface of the pitted dam to move on the vertical dam.

Lin Wu: "You use individual goats instead of all goats."

Little White Rabbit: "I don't."

I still have something to do, so I won’t quarrel with you. Lin Wu waved goodbye. Shitou said after Lin Wu finished his childish behavior: "You can consider raising goats, with milk to drink and meat to eat."

Maya: "There is no grid."

Shitou said: "We can graze on our own. We will increase the number of animals in the summer, and we can also raise cattle and pigs by then."

Xiaodao suggested: "Raise horses."

Xuedan supported: "The horse is good, you can ride it."

Lin Wu said: "Let's raise mice, they are delicious." By the way, he brushed up his hunter skills.Yes, you can keep mice.

Lin Wu trotted to the production room: "Old Su, I want to raise mice, do you have any suitable fence recommendations?"

Su Shi said: "Raising mice requires a large site. If there is not enough food in the site, it needs to be fed."

Lin Wu asked, "Any suggestions?"

Su Shi thought for a while, and said, "If the corpses of the zombies don't regenerate, you can dig a hole and throw the zombies in as food for the mice. Otherwise, you can only build a big iron cage. I only have one question, if there is food for the mice, why? Are we going to raise mice?"

This is a good question, Lin Wu: "Goodbye." Leave.

Back to the bonfire in the backyard, Lin Wu continued to broadcast live: "They are climbing over the forest mountain, and the speed is very slow. The horse soul rolled down and hit the tree. It should be fine. Peanut goes first, put down the rope... the treetops are too dense, look Gone."

Shitou greeted: "Everyone is busy, so let's have a meeting... Fuck it, come back to me."

Everyone reluctantly sat at the dilapidated conference table.Shitou said: "We have two outpost cards, one must occupy the firepower point, what about the other? I let Shana decide, and Shana let everyone decide..."

Lin Wu: "Everyone let the stone decide."


Shi Shi flew a card to sneak attack, Min Wang Lin Wu reached out and grabbed it.

Stone rolled his eyes and continued: "There is only one issue. Should we occupy the water conservancy facilities, or use the river water at the back door to maintain the water supply demand of the base after summer?"

Listening to this topic makes people drowsy, Shitou stared at Lin Wu, Lin Wu said helplessly: "If you don't occupy the water conservancy facilities, what facilities will you occupy?"

"a lot of."

"for example."

"For example..." I couldn't think of it for a while.

Lin Wu said: "Several bosses, you should study it carefully before holding a meeting, okay? Meeting every day, meeting every day, now I feel like throwing up when I hear the word meeting."

Cui Yu agreed, saying: "The three commanders can just decide directly."

Stone: "You must cherish your rights of representation and supervision."

Lin Wu said: "Just supervise you not to do bad things."

Xiaodao: "Adjourn the meeting, let's break up."

Xue Dan looked up at the sky: "It's only four o'clock in the afternoon."

Maya said: "You two go to the edge of the safe area to discuss the wedding, pick some herbs along the way with the knife. Big Shuang goes to rest, I will take over your shift. Cuiyu sorts out the medical supplies, the painkillers are running out a bit lately. At the command post, don't miss the Shanna team call for help."

Shitou pointed at Lin Wu: "What about him?"

Maya was stopped and asked Lin Wu: "What can you do?"

Lin Wu replied: "Eating and dying."

Maya looked at the stone, and the stone waved helplessly. She really didn't know what work should be arranged for Lin Wu.

 After I got home, I checked it. If you don’t go on a summer trip, you can save 50% of the cost, especially the hotel and air tickets. After the summer vacation is over, it’s like cabbage.

  Therefore, I feel that one must either go out to play before getting married and having a baby, or drag the old legs out after the child goes to college.

  The process of returning home was very embarrassing. First, the flight from Dunhuang to Xi (An) was delayed by an hour and a half, and then the flight from West to South (Chang) was delayed by nearly 3 hours.The time leading to South was 3:30 am.Let’s stay in a hotel. It’s already 4 o’clock by taxi to the hotel, and the train ticket is 8 o’clock in the morning.

  Don't live in a hotel, I don't know the place, and it's midnight...

  In the end, considering that Ben Xia is handsome and easily arouses jealousy, in order to avoid unnecessary disputes, he compromised and opened two hourly rooms.

  Lying on the bed always feels wrong, 4 hour B & B room 138.A standard room in the hotel is 150, and a free car picks up the airport.The cost of taking a taxi to the hotel is 140 yuan...

  There is one thing to say, it is 80 yuan from Didi near Nandong Station to the airport, and 140 yuan from the airport to the vicinity of Nandong Station.What the taxi driver said is that there is an extra [-] cents per kilometer at night, and there may be discounts on the platform.

  Maybe the driver doesn't know, I'm just bad at math, not stupid.

(End of this chapter)

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