Corrupted Nation.

Chapter 232 Rescue

Chapter 232 Rescue
Stone calls: "Shana, call Shana, please answer."

There was no response, and everyone looked at each other in blank dismay. Maya took the intercom and asked for details, and drew a sketch with a pen and paper: "This..."

"It looks good." Lin Wu answered quickly. He really admired people who could draw beautiful pictures with a pencil in a short time.

Maya paused for a second: "Thank you! This is where they are. I suspect that Shanna fell off the cliff. From this position, there is a forest below."

Lin Wu disagreed: "There is no scream."

Maya said: "Fall, coma, fall. The front is the road down the mountain, the side and rear are cliffs, and 20 meters below the cliff is a forest. Since Lin Wu said that Shana is not dead, then she should be caught by the canopy. Currently she May be in a coma." This is also a feature of medical reform, people will be in a coma.

Maya added: "That's the only plausible explanation I can think of."

Lin Wu greeted the drone and said, "I probably know the location."

One minute later, Lin Wu said, "I didn't see anyone on the canopy."

Maya patiently explained: "The canopy can't hold people, but it can remove the force of Shana's fall. Now Shana may be stuck on the tree or fall to the ground."

Shitou said: "The best way is to wait until Shana contacts us to activate telemedicine, then we will contact Peanut and Horse Soul and ask them to pick up Shana."

Lin Wu said: "I have some bad news here."

"What bad news?"

Lin Wu said: "Snowflakes will appear on the image of the canopy when the drone is close to the canopy. The closer it is, the more snowflakes. Warning: The control signal is interfered, and the drone may crash." After the drone crashes, although Lin Wu can directly recover the unmanned The wreckage of the aircraft, but it will require a lot of material to repair.

Lin Wu explained that there is signal interference in this area.As for interfering factors, there are many possibilities.There are long-term ground magnetic field disturbances, as well as temporary thunderstorms and static disturbances.

However, it has been 10 minutes since Shana's accident happened, and she should have already woken up. It is very likely that Shana's communication was restricted by a special place.

Stone and Maya went to the side to discuss the rescue work, whether to rely on Peanut and Horse Soul to search, or send personnel to find Shana.The difficulty of the former lies in their lack of sleep, which is also believed to be the reason for Shanna's slip.The difficulty with the latter is that it takes a lot of time.Maya estimated that it would take four hours to reach the suspicious location.

If Shana cannot be found, because there is food in the base, Shana will not be starved to death, she can only die from fatigue.It is estimated that Shanna will not die until 48 hours later.Of course, the possibility of death from blood loss cannot be ruled out.

Maya said: "Lin Wu, you and I will go together." If you receive a message before going deep into the mountains, you can turn back.If there is no latest news from Shana after going deep into the mountains, it means that Shana needs the help of her companions very much.

Lin Wu said cheerfully, "Okay."

Xuedan said, "I thought you would say: just let her die."

Lin Wu sighed: "It's possible, but she will come back after she dies. I might as well be a favor by the way, maybe she will fall in love with me."

Xuedan said that this sentence was inappropriate, but Lin Wu did not refute and explain, but just followed Xuedan's words.

"I'll go with you." Seeing that Maya was about to stop himself, Xiaodao said first, "There should be a lot of herbs in the forest."

Xue Dan said: "I will go too."

"No. Xuedan, you stay, you and Dashuang stay at the base as a group. In terms of threat value, although the base does not need protection, you may need to support the horse soul and peanut." Maya explained: "Considering the geomagnetic interference , so I need a knife. When necessary, we'll make a stretcher to lift Shanna out of the interference zone."

Maya added: "Cuiyu, don't leave the base. Mountain terrain is sometimes more terrifying than zombies. We need you to provide medical services at any time."

Cuiyu nodded obediently: "Yeah." Always being obedient is just obedient, and Xiaodao's occasional obedience makes her character full of tension, reflecting her personality and charm.


I don't like mountaineering, and I don't like traveling through dense and roadless forests, but that doesn't mean that Lin Wu has any complaints.This may be one of Lin Wu's strengths. His attitude towards not liking to do something is different from that of needing to do something.Just like his view of love, just because he doesn't like it doesn't mean he's irresponsible.

In fact, Lin Wu was born in a city surrounded by mountains. You can see mountains when you look up. There are many hills ranging from 200 meters above sea level to 2500 meters above sea level. The mountains are Lin Wu's closest childhood playmates.Therefore, compared with the soldier Maya, Lin Wu has a stronger ability to travel through the mountains and forests, and of course it may also be an agility bonus.

In order to get to the scene of the incident as soon as possible, Lin Wu acted as the vanguard and led the two of them across several mountains with Xiaowai.There are surprises from time to time. The blackberries everywhere let Ma Dao listen to many childhood stories of Lin Wu during his break.

"Raspberry, blackberry, strawberry, unknown wild fruit with a yellow shape resembling mango, wild lychee, acorn fruit, mint leaves, milk grass..." Lin Wu said as he walked: "Except for winter, every season is filled with wild flowers and plants. Eat." He also had a handful of blackberries in his hand.

Lin Wu said: "There are no ferocious beasts, and occasionally wild boars and pheasants can be seen. The biggest threat to us is poisonous snakes."

Xiaodao asked: "Then why don't you like mountain climbing?"

Lin Wu replied: "The joy of climbing is playing with friends, not the fatigue caused by climbing." The wine is not good, but it is good to have a drink with friends once in a while.

Maya calls Stone, Stone: "No response." An hour has passed.

Lin Wu said: "Guess what Shana is thinking? Do you want to kill yourself, or do you want to survive?"

Maya replied: "Survival."

Lin Wu asked: "Why?"

Maya said: "Shana is a very proud person. Clothing skills can be said to be the only contribution she can make to the base. She will not allow herself to become a useless person. In addition, she has a strong will, so she should work hard to find a way Save yourself."

Lin Wu nodded and greeted: "Xiaowai, do you smell like your cousin?"

Xiao Wai barked twice, indicating no, at this time Xiaodao caught the key point: "You said that to Xiao Wai, can Xiao Wai understand?"

Lin Wu said: "As long as the command is simple, it can understand it."

Xiaodao asked: "Then can you ask: Is there any smell of Shanna?"

Lin Wu said: "That won't work, it's an electronic dog after all. Just like you call it Xiaowai and it responds, you call it Xiaozheng and it won't respond."

Xiao Dao then asked the main question: "May I ask what name you set me as?" In Xiao Wai's knowledge, there is no Shana, only the cousin.Then the question arises, since Shana is called cousin, what is Xiaodao called?

"Ah..." It's hard to answer this question, Lin Wu stomped his feet and said, "It's very personal, okay? I hate it."

Seeing that Lin Wu wanted to protect the secret at the expense of his reputation, Maya also became curious: "Could it be called a baby?" When there was Xiaowai, Xiaodao and Xuedan were not boyfriend and girlfriend. Could it be that Lin Wu has always been secretly in love with Xiaodao?

"###!" Lin Wu replied in a nasal voice.


Lin Wu said helplessly: "The girl who stepped on the head."

After hearing this, Xiao Dao couldn't believe it, with his hands on his hips until his air hole was smoking: "Change the name, change it immediately."

Lin Wu was even more helpless: "The factory settings must be restored."

"Recover immediately."

Lin Wu handed over the pistol: "You do it."

Only then did Xiaodao realize that the only way to restore the factory settings was to kill Xiao Wai, and she stomped Lin Wu's toe hard in anger.Lin Wu was so painful that he immediately sat down and took painkillers, and contacted Cuiyu for remote fracture treatment. The three of them could only rest on the spot for 15 minutes.

Maya asked, "What's my name?"

"Maya." Lin Wu pretended to be stupid and tried to change the subject: "The stone is called the old man, the horse soul is called the cook, the snow egg is called the bamboo pole, and Su Shi is called Hu Zhu. Peanut, Cuiyu and Dashuang are all real names."

"What about me?" Maya said, "Of course you don't have to say it."

Xiao Dao resentfully said, "It should be a machine."

Lin Wu immediately diverted the conflict: "It turns out that Maya is such a person in your mind."

Xiaodao said anxiously: "No, it's not." Immediately, he put his hands around Maya's arms to show his friendliness.

This made Maya even more curious. Lin Wu would rather let himself be angry with Xiaodao than explain it. Obviously, the name was not as simple as a prank.It may be a title of a beast, a cold-blooded animal, or something like that.No, these names are less serious.

Maya asked, "Old woman?"

Lin Wu shook his head.

Maya: "Women?"

Lin Wu continued to shake his head.

Lin Wu knew that Xiaowai's name could be changed, so he thought that other people's names could also be changed, so at a party one day, Lin Wu took Xiaowai to the side, and the conversation generally introduced the people at the base: "Don't mess with me. That woman, she can crush your dog's head with one kick."

"That name is Puppy Shana, your cousin." Lin Wu pointed at Shana: "Cousin."

Xiao Wai barked lightly twice.

Lin Wu saw that it was so interesting, so he pointed to the knife: "The girl who stepped on the head."

Xiao Wai barked twice, Lin Wu took a wooden stick and asked Xiao Wai to hold it in his mouth and gave an order: "Give it to the girl who stepped on the head." Unexpectedly, Xiao Wai really brought the wooden stick to Xiao Dao.

Then Lin Wu played more vigorously and gave everyone a prank name.Later, when he gave orders in public, Lin Wu only dared to speak into Xiaowai's ear. At this time, he wanted to change his name again and found that it would not work. Xiaowai was very serious about death.So Lin Wu complained, and the little white rabbit explained that he could only use death to format the little crooked memory.

Maya didn't ask any more, she knew that it would be embarrassing for everyone to ask the truth, so she contacted Shitou to downplay her curiosity.Lin Wu took the opportunity to dispatch a drone to investigate, and found that the place where Shana might have fallen was about 1.8 kilometers away from him. According to the situation of the mountain, Lin Wu estimated that it would take about two hours to arrive.

The three of them continued on the road. As soon as they reached the top of the mountain, Xiao Wai became alert immediately, and Lin Wu immediately drew out his weapon and entered the stealth state.Maya and Xiaodao also entered into a fighting state.After waiting for a while, only the sound of "washing, washing, searching" came from the side. Nightmare got out of the bushes and stood on the top of the mountain, and walked to a height more than ten meters away from them to look around.

This mountain is relatively low, and the front is blocked by the peaks, and the city cannot be seen at all. After watching the nightmare for a long time, I couldn't help but swear.After scolding, Nightmare kicked the small tree next to her in a very feminine way, then squatted down and rested her chin with her hands, with an unhappy expression on her face.By the way, exhale outward, blow your lips, and make the sound of a small motorcycle.

Lin Wu said: "She is a woman." There was sudden realization and surprise in the words.

Nightmare immediately turned around and saw Lin Wu standing up. Although he looked embarrassed, he asked in a cold tone: "Why are you here?"

The knife bumped into Lin Wu, and asked in a low voice, "What's her name?"

"Stupid bird." This word comes from Water Margin, and the bird does not read.It's a term either used among close friends or as a pejorative term for haters.Obviously Nightmare and Lin Wu are not close friends.

Even Maya was a little surprised, whether it was a knife or someone else's dog name, it was more or less a prank and a joke.The word silly bird obviously has a certain amount of hostility.Lin Wu had explained that Nightmare was a credible person before, but Maya didn't know that Lin Wu hated Nightmare.It is not contradictory to think about it carefully, Lin Wu recognizes the reputation of Nightmare, but he doesn't like this person.

Why don't you like it?Don't like need a reason?

Maya stepped forward to communicate, and Nightmare had to accompany the three to find Shana.After Nightmare joined the team, Lin Wu's mood did not change, and he still took Xiaowai as the vanguard.Nightmare trails right behind the line, barely speaking, which is also in keeping with her character.Going down the mountain and then going up the mountain, everyone entered a forest, and Shana was probably 500 meters east of the forest.

Once in the forest, Maya found that she had lost contact with the base.Because the signal was interfered, she couldn't help worrying about getting lost.Lin Wu made her calm. He would get lost in the wilderness, while climbing mountains, and in the city, but not in the forest.Lin Wu can easily determine the north-south direction by observing the lushness of the branches and leaves of the trees.Coupled with the small ditch formed by the spring water, Lin Wu was full of confidence.

Led by Lin Wu, the group finally found Shana.Poor Shanna suffered comminuted fractures in her legs. She was climbing with her intact hands. Depending on the situation, she had climbed at least 30 meters.Lin Wu squatted beside Shana and asked with a smile, "At this speed, you can return to the base in less than a week."

Shana squinted her eyes and smiled, "I feel so happy."

Lin Wu responded: "Then how should you thank me?"

"Thank you? No, I thank Xiaodao and Maya. If it was only you, you would definitely drag me out of the forest." Shanna looked back at Madao: "They will make a stretcher to carry me out of the forest." Smiled at the two .

Maya nodded slightly and continued to tie the rope. The knife responded with a smile: "Shana, do you know that you are Xiaowai's cousin."


Xiao Dao explained: "Speaking of cousin, Xiao Wai knew it was you. Speaking of Shana, Xiao Wai didn't know you."

Shana looked at Lin Wu, and Lin Wu explained: "Puppy Shana, you lost the bet last time."

Shana said angrily: "I should be my cousin." Maya and Xiaodao finally understood why Shito said that the one who is close to Shana is black.

Lin Wu nodded after thinking for a while: "It makes sense, I apologize."

The stretcher was ready, and the three girls put Shana on the stretcher. It was about two o'clock in the afternoon.The team is faced with the question of whether to send Shanna out of the forest for combat medical treatment, or to bring Shanna back straight away.If it was the former, Shanna would definitely have to spend the night in the forest tonight, given the injuries to Shana's legs.Lin Wu and the other three will get fatigue buffs due to lack of sleep, which may greatly increase their chances of accidental injuries tomorrow.

If it is the latter, it is not easy to carry a person over mountains and mountains, and it is also easy to get injured.

(End of this chapter)

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