Corrupted Nation.

Chapter 247 The old man

Chapter 247 The old man
The dormitory is located at the bottom of the rice.This location is very close to the south gate. In case of emergency, players can leave the dormitory and climb the ladder to the third floor to face the seawall road.You can also slide down to the first floor via a straight ladder to block the road on the first floor.

Because of this defensive advantage, Maya issued only one basic rule: everyone must carry a gun with a full magazine.Pistols, shotguns, rifles or sniper rifles.

Maya has been thinking about the Timberwolves in Shadow Base and the 60 rounds of .50 bullets in stock.The Timber Wolf and Lin Wu's quick shooters are a perfect match, and they are the perfect weapon to attack the Big Mac head-on.But the Timberwolves only have one, and Shadow Base also needs it.

Compared to the crowded barracks, the two-person dormitory seemed very comfortable.There are two models of two-story small grid containers. One is a 2.5-meter small door with a space of 2.6 meters high and 13 meters deep.One is a door that opens 13 meters horizontally. 2.5 meters deep and 2.6 meters high.Dormitories belong to the second type.

Each person has an independent space of 3 meters by 2.5 meters. Although the space of 7.5 square meters is not large, after putting down a single bed that is two meters long and 1.5 meters wide, there is still a lot of room for movement.On the other hand, the barracks in the sawmill has an area of ​​1.8X1.8. Even if the bed area is only 1.8X0.9 in length, the space is still very small.Personal items such as dolls, pillows, etc. can only be placed on the bed.Coupled with the independent upper and lower structure, it can't stand up at all.

Previously, Xiao Wai could only lie down on the lower floor, but now he can roll on the bed, and the vicious master kicked him to the ground.Xiao Wai lay motionless on the carpet under the bed, feeling extremely aggrieved. After Lin Wu took out his special blanket from his backpack and threw it to him, he immediately happily wrapped himself in the blanket and thought sleeping on the ground would be a good idea.

There are also bedside lamps, sleeping lamps and fluorescent lamps in the dormitory.Close the dormitory door and turn on the lights, and you will be in a complete independent world.Lin Wu rolled around on the bed, feeling full of comfort.At this time, a message came from the system: Daiyu wants to talk to you.

This name is so familiar!Lin Wu refused the video call, answered the phone, and turned on the speakerphone: "Hello." He rolled under the bed and wrestled with Xiao Wai.

"Lin Wu, I am Daiyu."

Lin Wu: "Hello." I remembered that it was a female player I met in the early stages of the game.

Daiyu said: "Are you still with Shitou now?"

Lin Wu: "Yes."

Daiyu: "Believe me, stones are not good people."


Daiyu: "He killed me."

Lin Wu: "Oh."


Lin Wu ended the call, blocked Daiyu, and continued wrestling with Xiaowai.Xiao Wai, who was forced to do business, was weak and helpless, allowing Lin Wu to turn it over and throw it over.

Lin Wu didn't take it seriously, but the matter didn't end there.Sawmill Knife slapped the screen of Shitou's dormitory, invited Shitou outside to chat, and asked about Daiyu.Faced with Xiaodao's inquiry, Shitou answered honestly: "She is right, I killed her."

Xiaodao couldn't believe it: "You said she was killed by zombies."

Shitou: "I lied to you."

Xiaodao: "You, how can you kill your own companion? And I don't understand why you can answer so calmly?"

"Her personality is not suitable for our team," Shi Shi explained.

Xiaodao has his own opinion: "She comes first, then the team. Besides, even if you are not satisfied with her, you can let her leave, so why kill her?"

This problem is very complicated to explain.Shi Shi knew that he could not convince Xiaodao, because he killed Daiyu based on his own subjective judgment without any actual objective evidence and facts.

Xiaodao is different from Lin Wu. Daiyu almost killed Lin Wu, and Lin Wu was quite annoyed by her behavior.Daiyu has been with Xiaodao since the beginning of the game. The two helped each other evacuate from the city. She was the first friend Xiaodao met.

For many people, the behavior of rocks is difficult to accept.My friend has shortcomings. You can clearly say that my friend is not suitable for the team, and you can ask her to leave.I could also choose to leave with her, or be left alone.And not only did you kill my friend, you also lied to me.

In Xiao Dao's understanding, everyone has shortcomings. If your friend does something wrong, you can explain it to her and ask her to correct it.

But in Shitou's understanding, he has no interest and believes that he has no power to change a person's character or correct a person's shortcomings. He will not even judge this person.What the stone does is choose, choose you, or not choose you.Daiyu's situation is quite special. From Shi Shi's selfish point of view, the only way for him to keep the knife in the team is to kill Daiyu.

The choice Shitou faced at that time was: drive away Daiyu. Xiaodao would most likely leave with Daiyu.Leaving Daiyu behind and destroying the harmony of the team may be a time bomb.When both he and Lin Wu were dissatisfied with Daiyu, the only reason to keep Daiyu was because her friend Xiaodao was a suitable team member.There may be better solutions in the future, but in the early days of starting a business, Shitou chose the simplest and crudest approach.

So Shitou made the last choice: get rid of Daiyu and blame the zombies.

Shitou apologized to Xiaodao: "This is my fault. I shouldn't have deceived you. I hope you can forgive me."

Xiaodao said: "You should apologize to her in person."

Shitou said: "No, I think it was wrong to deceive you. I don't feel any guilt for killing her. I will not meet her, nor will I let her return to the shadows. Xiaodao, I am not a good person in the traditional sense. , but please believe me, I am not a heinous bad person."

Xiaodao said: "But the person you killed was your companion."

Shitou said: "It's hard for me to explain this, but I have the need to get rid of her. It's too late now, let's talk about it tomorrow."

Xiao Dao turned around and left without saying a word.

Shitou sat on the log and connected to Shanna's channel: "Shana, I'm in the west parking lot."

After a while Shana arrived, Stone told her about it, Shana said: "The problem is that Xiaodao always thinks you are a good uncle, she never thinks that you will do bad things like a sinister villain."

Shitou said helplessly: "I didn't have any thugs at the time, so I had to do it myself." Otherwise, if I killed 1 people, I would still be a good uncle.Even if I personally signed the massacre order, I can still argue that I didn't know anything about it and it was all the second master's fault.

"It's not easy to convince Xiaodao. It's better to let Xiaodao accept that you are the bad guy."

Shitou nodded: "Okay, how to deal with it?"

Shana said: "Two members of Shadow died before."

"Cotton and sugar candies."

Shana asked: "Contact one of them and ask him to return to the shadows. This shows that you consider the problem for the benefit of the team, that you also have nostalgia, and that you also have feelings for the former members. Use this to distinguish Daiyu from others. I I had a conversation with Maya before and mentioned recruiting someone to join the Doomsday Fortress. Firstly, the Doomsday Fortress manpower can be used to form an alliance, and the Shadow Base manpower can fully develop technology. Secondly, the Doomsday Fortress is short of personnel, and recruiting people can give Maya more room to allocate work. and manpower.”

Shana asked: "What's going on with Cotton and Candy?"

Shitou nodded: "That's right. Tangtang doesn't like to talk, and can go without saying a word all day long, but his personality is relatively easy-going, he doesn't refuse any work, and he is very dedicated and serious in the process of completing his work. Tangtang has a cheerful personality and likes to chat. , full of fantasy.”

Shana said: "If they are willing to return to Shadow, they can find a building to build their own base and switch it to the base in Beishang Town during the event. We will drive to pick them up."

Shitou nodded: "I'll contact you now." Just do it.When recruiting doctors before, Shi Shi thought of Cotton and Tangtang.He has been in contact with and worked with them for a period of time and has a relatively comprehensive understanding of them.

Tangtang was very happy to receive Shitou's call. She originally planned to contact Shadow's friends, but she was worried that Shadow's people had forgotten her existence, so she was hesitant to contact her.However, Tangtang declined Shitou's proposal because she had found the love of her life and the two had decided to leave the hardcore mode.Shitou didn't ask about the love of his life named Feng. He would not rashly recruit someone who didn't know the details, and he didn't want to change other people's life plans because of himself.Shitou expressed regret for this.Tangtang was really good at chatting and asked about everyone's situation. After 10 minutes of chatter, Shitou hung up with difficulty.

Stone connects Cotton: "Cotton, I am the Shadow Stone."

Cotton: "Hello, boss."

Shitou asked: "Where are you now?"

Cotton: "On the bed."

Shitou asked: "Where is it?"

Cotton: "The day after tomorrow."

Stone: "Shadow needs people, are you interested in coming back?"

Cotton: "Yes." He didn't ask about Shadow's current situation, who he needed, or explain his current situation.

Shitou: "When the event starts tomorrow, you will leave your current base, occupy an independent base, and then go to Beishang Town to find a similar base, and then switch to Beishang Town. Then you can contact me again, and I will send someone to pick you up."

Cotton: "Okay."

Shitou thought for a while: "That's it?"

Cotton: "Goodbye, boss." Hang up.

Shitou thought for five seconds and said, "Why do I feel like she is perfunctory with me?"

Shana didn't know Mian Mian and couldn't hear the content of their communications. She was not sure: "Really?"

Shitou said: "The tone is perfunctory, but the wording is not perfunctory."

Shana: "How to deal with it?"

Shitou said: "She didn't tell me about her situation. She didn't seem to want me to know too much. She didn't ask about Shadow's situation either. She didn't seem to want to know too much."

Shana said: "Let's talk about it tomorrow."

Shitou nodded: "Let's talk about it tomorrow. Where is the knife?"

Shana smiled knowingly and said, "I'll handle it." How could a green little girl outsmart herself who had a master's degree in workplace psychology and had been working in society for many years.

Shitou sighed and said, "Speaking of which, this person really can't do bad things."

Shana said: "That's because you have subjectively decided that killing Daiyu is a bad act. You can learn from Lin Wu in this regard. He doesn't feel any guilt for killing an NPC."

Shitou said: "NPC is just 1 and 0 after all, Daiyu is a real person."

Shana corrected: "To be precise, it's called a player. You killed her, but you didn't take away her life. Being able to kill her without being punished by the system means that the system recognizes your behavior. In real life, don't say you kill someone." , if you hit someone, you will be punished by the system's laws. What will be punished in the game system is abuse and other behaviors, and the provisions have made it clear."

Shana asked: "As a boss who is based on rules, why do you suddenly have an emotional side?"

As a big boss, Shitou doesn't care whether what he does is unscrupulous. He only cares about whether his actions comply with legal requirements.Doing bad things with impunity when permitted by law means that the law is not strict and it is the fault of the legislators.

Shitou corrected Shana: "In Shadow, I am not the boss, I am just one of them."

Shana asked: "Is it because you can't distribute the shadow income?"

Shitou laughed loudly: "Isn't it? You can't start early without profit. Who wants to be a boss without profit? Do workers work because they like working? In Shadow, everyone has a job they are good at, and I am also doing it. It’s a job I’m good at. I also became a part-time farmer because I had too little work.”


At 05:30 in the morning, there was a knock on the door, followed by Da Shuang’s timid voice: “That one.”

"Which one?" Lin Wu directed Xiao Xian to open the door and looked at Du Shuang sleepily.

The big hands pointed upward: "Sunrise."

Lin Wu was not interested in the sunrise, but seeing Da Shuang's appearance, he obviously mustered up the courage to knock on the door, hoping to share the joy with everyone, so Lin Wu turned the headset to the public channel and shouted: "Watch the sunrise." If the poor Taoist is going to die, he must lead the group of Taoists to die together.

A shout of curses from the Shadow members came from the headset.

Peanut replied: "I'm here, hurry up, the East is red."

Maya replied: "Okay."

The sun rises in the east and rises above the horizon. The scenery is so magnificent that it is barely worth getting up early every once in a while.However, Lin Wu praised the scenery profusely, naturally to repay Da Shuang's kindness.

The sunrise didn't last long, and after a while I couldn't look directly at the sun. Da Shuang went to make tea, and Lin Wu went to get refreshments.The location of the bonfire in the Fortress of Doom is very disgusting. It is actually placed in a container in the upper right corner of the rice.Lin Wu complained about this matter, and the little white rabbit told Lin Wu that it could be rebuilt.

Renovation is a characteristic of large bases and can be divided into major renovations and minor renovations.It has been greatly renovated into expansion mode, which can be opened by depositing 50 of each of the five major materials.Small renovations do not consume the five major materials, but items.For example, to move the campfire point to the third floor, you need a poncho and a bracket made in the production room. In addition, you need ten kilograms of wood and ten kilograms of stone.For example, if you want to add a poncho to the second-story covered bridge, you need to make a poncho first.A poncho is 1.2 meters wide and three meters long, requiring 10 iron blocks.To complete the entire circle, at least 500 iron blocks are needed.

Of course, there is another way to disassemble the complete poncho.As long as the item is called a poncho, it can be used, but most of them are damaged ponchos.In addition, there are unsystematic ways to buy plastic sheets, wood, iron sheets, etc. to build your own poncho.

At the tea party, everyone chatted about the base renovation and waited for the event to start at eight o'clock.

Just after seven o'clock, Xiaodao and Shana drove over.Xiaodao didn't go upstairs either. He contacted Lin Wu through Lin Wu's exclusive channel communication outside the south gate: "I'm at the south gate." Lin Wu's channel is No. 5. If you switch to channel No. 5, you can talk to Lin Wu directly.In addition, all-ally communication can be achieved through public channel 20.After forming a team, you can temporarily set up a team channel.

"You need me to come down?" Can't you just come up?

Lin Wu reluctantly went downstairs to the south door and saw Shana standing next to Xiao Dao with a look of helplessness on her face.The knife is drawing pictures on the ground with its toes.Lin Wu laughed: "What kind of wind brings you two to a place where beautiful women don't even poop?"

Xiaodao ignored Lin Wu's joke, looked into Lin Wu's eyes, and said seriously: "Lin Wu, do you know? It was the stone that killed Daiyu."

(End of this chapter)

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